#//and nasir and kurthnaga are directly related to each other in a way too so <3
yukyunotabibito · 6 months
End of Month Report (March): Beorc Students Are the Excitable Sort Aren't They?
Drabble Series Between Nasir and Kurthnaga, Getting Together Once a Month to Share Information
"Oh, you're already here. Early, I see; aren't we, Your Majesty?" Nasir says with a smidge of laughter directed in the young king's direction. Kurthnaga, with a sigh, sets down the book he had been holding upon the coffee table.
"Yes, well..." Kurthnaga taps the book on the table, "I thought I'd get here early to give you that. I found it while browsing through the library and figure it might amuse you."
Nasir hums softly as he picks up the book and flips through it, examining the worn out pages. The just still barely legible ink, the corners of pages torn away by being folded over again and again. It told a story for certain, but that was probably not what Kurthnaga had meant, "Remember Kurthnaga, we are not here to exchange plesantries, we are here to exchange information. We both only have so much time in the day, and it would not do any good to waste it chatting over trivial topics."
"I know," Kurthnaga laughs out gently, the shimmer of youthful innocence still lingering in his ruby eyes, "Allow me to at least ask you if your trip here was pleasant though."
"It was," Other than the excitable child aboard his ship, but she was far easier to deal with than any raging storm. She could be entertained by simple things like dice and cards, a storm could not be, "I had not had a chance to sail in quite some time, I found the journey enjoyable in that aspect at least."
"Oh, Nasir! You didn't have to stay for so long if you craved an adventure! Goldoa would have been fine, things were settling. I would have been fine," Kurthnaga says as he looks up at him, those same innocent eyes trained solely on a man who was nothing but a dirty traitor at his heart.
"We both know why I did not leave sooner," Nasir sits at the couch across from Kurthnaga with a 'polite' smile directed at his young king, "But back to the topic at hand. I know I have just arrived here, and you have just made the journey back, so it may unwise to meet so soon. Still, do tell me: what have you learned this month Kurthnaga?"
The younger dragon perks up excitedly, "Beorc students get oddly competitive and excited over the idea of fighting each other in a field! For a mock battle though... it was still rather..." Kurthnaga retches quietly to himself, though he is not able to hide his digust at the very idea of the blood of others splattered across the green grass from Nasir's prying eyes.
Nasir does not say anything though, out of respect for the boy.
"And... I am not very good at cooking. I fear I may have made something that counted as a biological weapon. It was very poisonious at the very least." Kurthnaga laughs, but Nasir only stares at him in horror, trying not to choke out of shock. No, that should have been expected. Kurthnaga had been raised in the coddled bosom of Goldoa, had not even set foot outside of it until a mere few years ago. Of course he wouldn't have any common sense when it came to things that royalty weren't expected to have to do. Nasir could only hope that no one at died, at the very least. He would have to ask around. Cover up the evidence if that somehow did happen to be the case.
The older dragon clears his throat, "Well... I have not been here long enough to gather any sufficient information. It will have to wait until next month. But until then... please just focus on your studies, Your Majesty. Don't get into trouble. Do not make me have to write back home to Gareth with bad news."
Cooking lessons. Cooking lessons seemed like a good course of action. Nasir makes a mental note to never let Kurthnaga in a kitchen again, not until he's recieved at least two lessons. Goddess help him if he was going to let Kurthnaga get into trouble so soon after returning.
"It's a start though. I'll see you next month, boy. Behave yourself."
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