#//and baby ben with still sort of evil missy too hehe.
oneandahalfwolf · 2 years
starter for @ineedmyfriendback
It was midday on a chilly Saturday and the mall was packed. People bustled back and forth as they entered to do their shopping, and not a single rushing person seemed to take notice of the lone four year old sitting off to the side.
Benkai’l sighed and pouted as they sagged against the brick, shivering a little as the cold stone soaked into their skin. They rubbed their tired eyes with one pale hand, the other clutching the arm of a worn and singed teddy bear. Grey gaze flicked to the entrance again, tiny legs swinging back and forth as they waited on their perch.
The same place they’d been sat for the past four hours.
When they had all arrived their uncle had dragged them over to this spot told them to stay there until the rest of the family came back. They hadn’t argued, even if they would have loved to go to Build a Bear and McDonald’s. As the man said, they were lucky the family had even taken them in after their parents died in the house fire two years ago and gave them a roof over their head, lucky enough to be allowed their bear and given their cousins hand me down clothes. They should be grateful enough for all that and like it.
And they were, hence, why they stayed put.
They did hope the family came back soon. They were tired and cold and hungry.
The child pulled at the black beanie on their head, hissing and whimpering slightly as the material pulled at the wound on the side of their head they had gotten last night. Their aunt had shoved the hat on their head to hide it - though given the crowd didn’t give their scruffy appearance or their inadequate clothing for the weather or the bruises in amongst their freckles a second look, that may not have mattered much – and whilst they were fine with that this morning, now it was just annoying. The material around their injury was wet and sticking to their head whilst the skin underneath was super itchy, but it hurt to try and scratching.
To try and take their mind off their sore head, off their rumbly and nauseous tummy, off their tired and cold body, they went back to people watching. There wasn’t much else they could do after all.
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