#//We heart clingy carl
ruewrote · 2 years
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PAIRING: carl grimes x fem!reader WARNINGS: strong language GENRE: angst SONG INSPIRATION: selfish by madison beer WORD COUNT: 556 PARTS: one two
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ever since the group had gotten settled into alexandria you and carl had definitely drifted from each other. he’d deliberately go off with the other kids. even when you had tried to make plans with him, he blew them off.
once he had changed schedules for his supply runs, that’s when you really had stopped trying. 
that didn’t stop you from still watching over him and his family, you often went over and helped rick with judith and he was incredibly appreciative and for sure had brought up that he noticed the drastic change to yours and his son’s friendship.
three months ago today you had finally found this wonderful place. you should be over the moon, filled with joy even. it never came.
you sat with your knees pressed to your chest, tears running down your cheeks - playing with the friendship bracelet that was still attached to your wrist which was a gift from him back when you guys were at the prison, it was now worn out but of course you kept it.
footsteps were heard walking toward you, so you quickly wiped your eyes and covered up the band. looking up and were met with the last person you wanted to see.
your eyes were back to being glued to the ground, sat in the same way as you were before as he sat beside you. a what was once comforting silence now awkward surrounding the two of you.
tears stung in your eyes as you glanced over at him, “i hate you.” your voice shook as the tears started to fall. his own filling with regret.
“i hate that you think you can just walk over here and act like everything’s perfectly fine between us when it’s clearly not!” carl sat and listened to what you had to say - what was well overdue.
“you’re selfish. y-you abandoned me when i needed you the most,” the lump in your throat only getting worse as you spoke.
his eyes locked onto your own, “i never left. i’ve been right here.”
his empty words made you scoff and roll your eyes, making it seem like he hadn’t made such an effort to be as far away from you as possible.
you stood up abruptly - looking down at him. “i can’t believe you, you will sit there and lie to me after you know you did literally everything to not see or be near me. god even your dad thought it was weird that we weren’t around each other.”
“so don’t you fucking dare try and tell me you were there for me when you clearly weren’t.” he only got angrier.
“you were too goddamn clingy y/n, you were never not latched to my side, you needed to grow the fuck up.”
the pain flooded throughout your body, his words dug deep into your heart. he tried to reach out and hold you and apologise, but it was too late. you pulled away from his touch, the words coming out of his mouth sounded distant and muffled. that’s all he thought of you? all that time?
your steps staggered backwards, carl walked closer to you still trying to explain himself, you started to walk away from him but not before you ripped the bracelet off your arm and threw it at him.
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© ruewrote.
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lyssak09 · 2 years
hello again :) i know we spoke about this before but i was wondering if i could request something related to the idea you proposed, about yandere daryl taking both reader and judith? and maybe him and reader raising her as their own? and daryl wants to give judith a sibling. you can write whatever you’d like or change any details! thank you so much! 💖
Anything for my favorite mutual!
A/N: please don't be afraid to request anything! I have a list of things I write for pinned. Also I kept switching from short haired Daryl to long haired Daryl.
Yandere Daryl
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As talked about before, Daryl would plan this out. Volunteer for more runs to secretly plan for you and your little family.
He has a home set up for you! A three bedroom cabin which he has decked out. There's a nursery, another child bedroom, and of course things to make where you can't escape
So Daryl is probably going to kidnap Judith as well. I mean you've been taking care of her since she was born. It would be pretty cruel to separate you two. And she is also a great way to punish you, keep you trapped, and his obedient little wife :)
He may also take Carl because of the relationship you have with him but not very likely since Carl will 95% fight back. I say 95% because Daryl might threaten him with you and Judith's safety. Not that he would actually ever hurt you two.
When Daryl is finally ready to take you 'home' he casually asks you to go on a walk with him with Judith. He wants to show you this really sweet secluded spot he found. You were a little nervous to be alone with him lately. He has been really weird since he found out about your relationship with Rick. Daryl has been stalkerish, clingy, and really possessive more than usual. But you've known him since before the beginning. You can't say no to him. 
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"So? It's pretty right?" Daryl says to you as he takes Judith from your arms to let her play with the flowers. "It's certainly a beautiful meadow. But it's almost time for Judith's nap so I'll see yo-" he cuts you off with a tight hug. "I love you" he says into the crook of your neck. "I-uh- love you too Daryl. But I need to start heading back" you say and start to wiggle. Daryl tightens his embrace. Making you feel like you're gonna pop. "You don't love me the way I want you to. Not yet. But you will." He pulls his head away and stares into your e/c eyes. Daryl can feel your heart start to pound faster, like scared prey being hunted. Which you certainly feel like is happening right now. "Daryl Dixon! This isn't funny! Now let me go. You know I love you as my best friend. Rick is my boyfriend, Daryl. Get that through your head!" Your voice is starting to quiver. You try to squirm out of his grip again, but to no avail. "member, I love you" is the last thing you heard before everything went black. Next thing you know, you're tied up and gagged laying on the floorboards in the back seat. "Mornin sunshine, don't bother screaming. All ya gonna do is wake up the baby." Your eyes nearly popped out of your head when he mentioned Judith. "Hope you're excited to see our new home. Cause there's no leavin it."
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When you're finally at the cabin and he chains you to the bed you'll notice the gold ring on his left ring finger. Then slowly look at your own hand and see a matching one. "My beautiful bride" he'll mumble and kiss your forehead.
For weeks you're chained up to the bed. The chain being long enough to reach the 'bathroom', Judith's crib, and a counter where you can make her formula.
But Daryl will slowly give you more privileges. Just don't test him. He will take them away.
One of his favorite sights to see (he has so many, its ridiculous) is to walk in the bedroom with you, asleep on your shared bed, cuddling a sleeping Judith. He smiles so damn wide when he gets to see that.
If you wanna butter him up, call him babe, hubby, hunny, etc. Or just love up on him. Like hugging, kissing (you'll probably only smooch his mouth), etc. Just act like a sweet and loving wife towards him and he'll melt. Daryl will give you this huge smile, maybe fidget, or just full on kiss your lips against your will.
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Daryl will refer to Judith as "our baby", "our daughter", "our little girl", "baby", "ass kicker". And you as wife our other sickening sweet nicknames. You only get called by your first name if you f*cked up. 
Speaking of f*cking up, wanna hear how Daryl will punish you? I bet you do. So depending on how severe your misbehavior was will decide your punishment. If you tried to escape with Judith then you will be isolated from him and Judith. You might even get slapped in his fit of fury. If that happens then he will shower you with gifts he found and hug you so hard you struggle to breathe as he quietly cries and apologizes. "I'm not like my dad. I love you. It was an accident. It won't happen again." But that's not a definite promise if you catch my drift. 
Try to not piss him off or rile him up. You've seen how he can be when it happens. He gets aggressive and violent. You lost count on how many times Rick has had to hold him back or you calm him down.
Now since you are the love of his life, his outburst will be more gentle.
But still violent.
Daryl cusses like a sailor. And its 100xs worse when he is pissed. So if you mess up then you're gonna hear some swears while he berates you by calling you stupid. But he rarely lets that happen. He loves you so much. Of course he is gonna be mad when you disobey the rules your husband, has set for you.
Remember, Daryl crew up in the country with sh*ty parental figures to look up to and learn about a health relationship from. So in his way of thinking. You're his property. The wife listens and does as the husband says because the husband is just trying to take care of his sweet little wife.
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Back to the swearing part though, it gets so bad you're scared Judith's first word is gonna be "b*tch" or ""sh*t". So you came up with an idea. Make a swear jar! Everytime anyone (mainly Daryl) swears, they have to drop a sweet treat in the jar. And once a holiday comes around, you can take one of the treats in the jar to celebrate! At first when you told Daryl this idea, he thought it was the dumbest thing on the planet. Untill you convinced him a lot of families have it (good job using his delusions) and you're concerned about Judith taking this habit. He immediately agreed once you brought up the family thing. You didn't even have to list your other reasons.
He knows you hate being cooped up when he is gone during his once a week runs. So one day he'll come home with a ridiculous amount of building supplies. Then Daryl gets to work. It takes a couple of months but he has completely fenced off the back yard with 3 sets of fences and 2 of them electrified from solar panels (it took him a stupid amount of time to get that set up) so now you're safe to go in the backyard with Judith! Safely away from walkers. Even though Daryl specifically chose that house after months of staking it out because of the very rare appearance of walkers. 
So if you couldn't tell, Daryl's love language is acts of kindness/gift giving and physical touch. For example when he brought kidnapped you home he wanted to make the cabin feel more like your home so he went to any furniture store around and bought things he knew you liked from pre walkers. He also interrogated you on how you wish Judith's room could be set up when you were at the prison. So now you get to have couple time by decorating your house! Who cares if its the zombie apocalypse? Daryl wants to make it seem like there isn't one. Not to say he won't prep your children to protect themselves. 
One of Daryl's favorite things is to come home to see you playing with Judith or trying to make something for you guys to eat. You really are his little housewife! It takes everything in him to not take you to the bedroom and make a baby when he comes home to those scenes. But he wants to wait a bit so you're not taking care of two babies at once. Isn't he so sweet! 
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Refers to you as mommy in front of Judith, which you don't mind, Rick had started to do it as well a few days before you got kidnapped taken to your rightful home.  100% refers to himself as daddy, even if he is talking just to you. It's just a habit now. Daryl will get pissed if you tell him to stop calling himself that or if he catches you whispering to Judith that Rick is her daddy. Not him. so expect to be seriously scolded and yelled at. Or even be chained up again. Depends on how much it upset him. 
Buuuuuut, don't worry! Rick and the rest of the group are searching for you! They don't leave family behind. Especially the girl Rick is starting to become obsessed with, and his baby of course. But that's a story for another day.
As a few months start to go on you notice Daryl is being home more baby furnishings and decor. You also notice a once empty bedroom is now another nursery. And your birth control pills he was oh so nice enough to bring home when he came back from runs are now gone (who gives a what if their mega old.)  Now it's time to panic. (Even more than you already are….or at least should be) 
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"Daryl? You call out to him. He ignores you at first. He's been really adamant about you calling him nicknames (not those kind of nicknames)  You sigh, "Babe?". He turns his head away from the crib instructions to you. "Mhm?" He grumbles. "What is all this?" You say trying not to let your fear show. "Prepin for our baby. What else?" Daryl says with obvious sarcasm at the end. "What if I-I'm not ready?" Your fear is starting to show. "But you are. That's why them sh*ty pills are gone." He turns back to building the crib. Now you're angry. "You had no right to do that! You don't have control over what I put in my body. It's my body! And did you even think about how I don't want to have my captor's baby!" You're yelling now, shaking with anger. Daryl drops the screwdriver. He slowly stands up and walks over to you. You try to back up but every step you take, he takes two more. He finally reaches you and shoves you to the wall pinning you there. "Don't you call me that again. I'm your husband , not your captor. You're mine. Every single goddamn thing about you belongs to me. So, I do have a right to control what goes in what's mine, and I have every damn right to do what I please with my wife!" Daryl's voice getting louder with each word. "I've been too damn nice. You need to learn your place as my wife." He grabs you by the throat and starts to drag you to your shared bedroom when Judith starts to cry. You stare Daryl in the eyes, the eyes you've known since before the world was sh*t and you start to realize, the look of obsession, possessive, and crazed love has been there all along. The apocalypse just seems to have let him achieve his darkest desires. You plead to him to let you check on her. Daryl lets you. "Enjoy it. You won't be seeing her for a long time after." He almost growls out. God, you miss Rick. 
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You're cute if you think you can escape without him catching you. Or just escaping in general. This man is a hunter. He knows how to track. You're gonna need the group and whole a** army to be freed from Daryl. You make it too easy to find you. But he loves that as well. You're so naive and fragile. He has to protect you and the baby! 
Everytime you're done with a punishment its right back to the housewife appearances and baby makin schedule. When its time for aftercare all you hear is Daryl tell you how much he loves you and will set the whole "f*ckin world on fire". And baby names. When he isn't gushing about you he is gushing about your future baby and what to name it, is the nursery theme nice, who it'll look like, etcetera. 
If you never get saved by the group (in that scenario our lovely Daryl killed all of them once they came to save you) then I hope you're ready to be stuck with Daryl forever. You'll get pregnant and live your lovely 'average' American life. Maybe Daryl was nice enough to spare Carl. And if you begged, pleaded, and gave yourself up to Daryl then he might let you keep Carl. It wouldn't hurt to have a boy to pass on the surname. And he wouldn't have to wait to have a boy and let him grow enough to teach him to hunt. So technically it's a win win for everyone!
But in another scenario, if you managed to escape with Judith back home to your loving boyfriend then you're screwed. Not only will you have a psycho yandere Daryl after you, you now have a yandere boyfriend (Rick) ans platonic yandere Carl (depending on if Daryl took Carl with you and Judith). So at least three men who will do whatever it takes to keep you with them. (Shameless plug: I would love it if you guys asked more about this scenario or yandere TWD in general). And don't get me started on if you were rescued while pregnant with Daryl's kid. Rick will lose his ever loving mind. But again, another story for another day.
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This is probably my longest post. I got super inti this. I hope you guys enjoyed this and I'd love a heart, reblog, follow, request! And a good day my lovelies!!
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chuckletons · 1 year
here's me talking (or rambling) generally about the jb comics in cn starring/cartoon cartoons and block party. i'm not a huge fan of most of the stories. some of this is also more series bible talk except with a focus on bunny, johnny and suzy as opposed to just johnny and carl. also longg post underneath the cut. some scattered trivia and notes at the end too if you're interested in that sort of thing
the most notable instance of bunny making johnny do chores is the beginning to "i, fly." we never really see it happening otherwise. however, this is a reoccurring theme in the comics. it also matches up with the pre-retool bible stating that johnny gets an allowance from bunny each week.
in most of the comic stories, bunny has a low tolerance for johnny's behavior and often threatens to kick him out and otherwise fully embodies the "aggressive nagging mom" trope. this is even noted by "charles d. brown," a fan that sent in letters. there's also a running gag in a few stories of bunny chasing him with a bat? that is completely absent from the show (and likely wasn't allowed even if they wanted to.) bunny instead takes the role of beating the tar out of any man that threatens her son. van's bible and the retooled version seem to be similar in the way bunny uses guilt to get johnny to do what she wants. that specifically was not a retool invention. although s1 bunny wasn't very fleshed out, nor did she appear a lot, van was planning to do more with her before he got fired. the retool was going to harness a much more edgy identity, so it makes sense.
back on topic: comics also feature certain panels such as bunny asking who would be stupid enough to give johnny a driver's license.
my biggest problem with these stories is how frankly miserable some of them feel. johnny and bunny's relationship is a big part of that. in the beginning to the smarty pants story, we see bunny pouring a super-sized box of antacid into her mouth as soon as she sees johnny hitting on a random woman, telling him that she's the "eighth 'betty' [that] week [he] decided [was] 'the one [for him].'" she then gives him genuine good advice that he doesn't follow, a la suzy.
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overall, the amount of awareness bunny has just makes me feel terrible for her. what makes bunny work in the show is her pretending (or being blissfully unaware) that her son isn't as bad as he seems. like the rest of the cast, she's a very flawed person. the show works because johnny's friends are also fucked up in different ways without being the exact type of cynical that he is. characters like pops can be very, very mean to johnny, but characters like bunny carl and suzy have their mean moments as well. but some comic stories take this to an extreme and i think the show achieves a specific vibe of mean that mostly worked.
the world revolves around whatever johnny subjects his friends to, but they are his only support system. they feel like a group of horrible people that work well together, united by one idiot. i like that a lot about the retool, it's a huge reason why i got this into it in the first place. but, i love that there's a balance between, say, episodes like "johnny's guardian angel" that acknowledge how the status quo is johnny's fault or episodes where his friends don't care as much about him, and ones where they do and they pay for it. it's not too static. if you don't love one, you have the other.
retool bunny is notable because of the heart she brings to the table. again, she loves her son and will fight to protect him, she's way too clingy and longs for the past when he was still a child, she makes plenty of mistakes as a mother, but at the end of the day, you know she wouldn't threaten to kick johnny out on a daily basis or treat him like a total freeloader. either the retool or the comic writers misinterpreted what "bunny guilts johnny" was supposed to mean. for meaner jokes with her or carl etc., you could at least go "that's kind of funny in a dark way" or at worst "this feels ooc" and move on to the next episode. when we get the gist in the comics that bunny is always suffering this much, what joy is there seeing them interact?
the majority of the stories were not written by the show's writers, but there is a difference between comics and tv censors— comics seem to get away with more. some examples of comic writers taking advantage of this were funny, some were not. one example is in the "you cast a spell" story. i'll let you guess which panel. very S1 in nature, honestly.
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(left) this one-page comic where it's obvious a woman hired actual hitmen to kill johnny after he stalked her is like... the show didn't do this because 1. again, i doubt they were allowed to and 2. it's uncomfortably realistic. the stalking part. i feel weird criticizing a one page gag like this, but the concept of hiring hitmen to kill johnny IS funny— and that very well could've worked in the retool's world, don't get me wrong— it's how it's executed. the bollywood movie did a better hitman/assassin type concept.
(left and right) much like bunny, johnny feels uncomfortably self-aware in ways he shouldn't be. "'sides, it's full of stuff the babes can throw at you!" this should not cross his mind. he'd likely tell you anywhere BUT some place that tongue-in-cheek. it's a very easy joke. "always be a gentleman on the first date, save the real you for later!" johnny doesn't play dumb or polite to deceive women, he's just a jackass. "charm school johnny" and "tyler perry's guide to love" are the main examples of this, as johnny can't be a gentleman (or pretend to know what one is) without someone guiding him along. CSJ is a cel-era S2 episode. johnny isn't smart nor devious enough at any point in the show to say something like this. his everyday self is wildly inauthentic as it is.
to me, it feels like these lack what really makes johnny funny when he IS funny. i can't tell if this is a misunderstanding of his character or if the bible was a bit off in terms of what retool johnny became. kupperberg's stories seem to have this problem the most, however... all in all, it kind of feels like an exaggerated parody of the retool and what could be viewed as its worst qualities
one of the other comics i found interesting was "go cart go," a story about suzy building a go cart for a derby and asking johnny for help. johnny uses a nickname for suzy as opposed to forgetting her name and otherwise acts nice to her. he kind of sees himself as a role-model to her, and he has a "tooth or consequences" style change of heart when he sees how sad she is after he enters the derby with his own cart. he cheats his way to get her to win. it's arguably the sweetest official johnny and suzy story i've ever seen and it was very likely an episode premise in the bible that got reworked into the aforementioned tooth fairy ep. johnny is completely selfless and it's played straight even when he gets beat up at the end. is it in-character? is the tone accurate to the show? not really, but it's really nice to see. i like it! retool johnny WAS supposed to be a "jerk with a heart of gold," it's just a shame we barely got that.
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other random notes:
johnny uses a lot of "flirty" food nicknames. "pop tart" he uses at least twice. very much the same type of thing as "etruscan honey bun" from the gladiator short. definitely toned down in the actual show
like the s2 model sheets, master hama is referred to as 'master hong,' something that was likely changed early in production to lessen possible complaints of racism / (over)stereotyping
only two of the comic stories were written by one of the show's crew members (john crane.) partible pencilled for a comic / covers but wrote zero of the stories, even post-retool. retool-era storyboard artists such as dave schwartz (the man with the idea for a suzy spin-off / "the great bunny book ban," whom unfortunately passed in 2021) and neal sternecky pencilled a few comic stories. lovely work
unlike "johnny bigfoot," a john crane story, miss williams/winkleman is referred to as "miss butterworth" in "to sea or not to sea." further confirmation that she's the retooled version of ms. babe (suzy's teacher in S1), complete with johnny trying to woo her repeatedly— something he only does twice in the retool as she appears three times with two different designs and last names.
one penciller, anthony williams, was particularly on-model / used plenty of model sheet poses and expressions in the stories he illustrated. since none of carl's model sheets have been shared online yet, the williams-drawn comics are the closest thing we have to those.
besides the short bursts of "HUH?" bible-influenced moments with carl, he's written pretty decently in the comics. consistently. i like the majority of his appearances a lot.
in a car story, suzy gets jealous of a woman johnny persues. that sort of thing is absent from the show entirely— instead, she uses johnny and women to persuade him to take her places. suzy seems to have no hard feelings toward the women, not even in "rashomoron" (where carl is used to fulfill that purpose instead.)
john q bravo???
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mandy4ever69420 · 15 days
debbie is still so my world. first of all im crazy about her little personality. second of all her decision to use a pizza delivery driver she knew as transportation when needed is very clever and funny. still sad though. matty death manifestation chant starts at 8:30 thirdly i really enjoyed how her worrying about visiting fiona and getting mad at lip for being hesitant ties into how mad she was at fiona in the start of the season for not looking for ian.
enjoyed hearing the exact moment the person im watching with realized ian was bipolar. oh fuck is right
debbie and carl played it so cool checking in on ian but later totally losing their minds when fiona gets home to ask her for help was very good. debbie especially did a very nice job holding it in "yeah, we know what this is"->oh my god fiona is here she needs to come. well placed so that you dont really think about how flatly scary it is to be 13 and realize your brothers all fucked up until she finally lets go
fiona's joy at coming home and being hugged was sweet. and then also the way she didn't lose that moment entirely but when she realized that debbie and carl were also so clingy because something was wrong
i liked that scene were lip gets briefly overcome at amanda's terrifying weird thing bc she's pretty and nice and she likes him and then he's moved by the kiss until all the other sorority girls start celebrating and he realizes (incorrectly) it was just to show off. amanda being normal amount of guarded about her feelings pre-sabotaging her later for when she tries to actually clarify because lip already felt a little spark of hope and then snuffed it before.
lip and fiona talking about ian being bipolar had another good foreshadowing. fiona to lip: is alcoholism genetic? VS lip ggiving fiona a hard time talking about AA.
it is with a heavy heart i must announce that sammi is still a likable person pre s5 when they decided she was going to be a villainous character. and then having having the tell me you fucking neeed me / snitch meltdown of s5.
anyone whos ever needed pain medication from a doctor recognizes the way that the surgeon talks to frank. i feel like this is a pretty good example case for 'the addicts that youre so scared of deserve to have their pain treated too'
joan cusack is still fantastic even if her character is evil. when she is denied adoption and not really offered an explanation her response made pretty clear the feeling that she really thought she'd have an "in" with a "community" if she just became a mother to their children and realizes that she's still an outsider when no one will translate for her. that's very sad. fuck you though. also interesting howwww obvious it is that sheila was the bad guy in arguments w sammi while frank was hospitalized here
much to consider about how arguably the most longterm harmful thing in terms of life impact that frank does to his kids (consistently encouraging them to drink) is also the thing he does when he's trying his hardest to be sweet and connect. like he's a terrible asshole but when he's having a gentle little moment of reflection with carl and offers carl a drink and carl says no and frank says no come on. that was an olive branch and also the worst way to behave
i reiterate how stupid it iswhen people complain about shameless side characters being 'forgotten' when they are written off in a clear and very very sad type of way that just means they left. i am referring to bonnie becoming terrified she's going to fuck carl up and taking her whole family and evacuating the area permanently. Side note also anne gonzalez.
mickey is so fucking awesome. but you knew this
it's nice svetlana has switched gears into being conciliatory but i still don't agree with "no more bullshit with baby" ideologically. like it's not like she has a better choice i don't take issue with her specifically but i've seen how peoples media comprehension is and i worry people think this is an "epic win" of some sort. it is not her fault but god help me. absolutely it was killing me to see mickey's distaste for a baby but we need to understand he doesn't actually have to be a parent. again svetlana did not have better options as far as she was concerned this was the horse she had had her cart hitched to
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Promt idea? After they get out of prison Ian thinks he might be going into a depressive episode so he’s suuuper clingy to Mickey all day. A million bonus points if Mickey calls him a pet name in front of the Gallaghers.
"So what was prison like? Did you shank anyone?"
Mickey looked up at Carl who had asked the question, they were having a family dinner for once now that all the Mexicans had left and now that everyone else was chilling out. Fiona wasn't here anymore and Mickey found him oddly missing the eldest Gallagher.
Carl was grinning looking between Ian and Mickey expectantly waiting for an answer.
"Chester." Ian mumbled stabbing his lasagna with his fork.
"You shanked someone? You Mr. I-want-to-save-even-the-smallest-life-don't-hurt-the-spider-Gallagher?" Lip asked turning to Ian with a teasing grin.
"Didn't say I killed him." Ian muttered half rolling his eyes.
Mickey's eyebrows raised up at Ian's tone, then he looked over at Lip whose own brows furrowed.
As if he could feel their looks Ian scraped his chair back and rose, "bathroom." he muttered walking away from the table.
Carl looked at Mickey.
"We both shanked Chester, thought it would give us some solitary confinement, a little break away from each other. But Chester was just an old fuck who didn't want to get released."
Liam shook his head, "Why wouldn't he want to get released?"
Lip shrugged, "Some people are in prison so long they don't know how to live once they're out."
Mickey looked towards the stairs seeing Ian lingering at the bottom a moment before going up them.
He wordlessly slid his chair back and headed to Ian silently following as he climbed the stairs to the bathroom.
Mickey waited outside the bathroom door and he heard Ian washing his hands.
Mickey knocked gently on the door waiting until he heard Ian's "Hmm" that he opened it.
Ian had the medicine cabinet opened and he was looking through the med bottles.
"Doin okay?" Mickey asked leaning against the doorframe watching him.
"Just feelin... off, been needing a refill but haven't been able to get it yet and today it's all just," Ian mumbled waving his hand around his head.
Mickey's eyebrows rose on his forehead, Ian turned and placed his forehead against Mickey's shoulder.
Mickey didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around the tall redhead who held his heart, one hand weaving through Ian's hair.
"You wanna call it a night?" Mickey murmured gently.
"No I, we haven't had a real family dinner in so long, I wanna try and tough it out." Ian reasoned.
Mickey studied Ian's face, "If you feel like you need to take a minute, or even if you need to leave we'll go to the room."
Ian nodded and followed as Mickey led them back to the table.
When they sat back down Ian tried to be as into the conversation as he could, but under the table he kept reaching for Mickey.
"Ian? Did you hear Tami?" Debbie asked.
Ian blinked which told Mickey that he didn't hear Tami, and that he was a million miles away.
"Honeyface," Mickey murmured softly not paying attention when everyone at the table but Ian turned to gape at him.
Ian turned and rested his head on Mickey's shoulder, Mickey silently brought his hand up and cupped Ian's face, "let's go upstairs." Mickey hummed.
Ian nodded and sat up scooting his chair back not bothering to speak to his siblings as he headed out of the room.
"Thanks for dinner guys, sorry we gotta cut out. We're goin to go to the room. Please don't bug Ian." He asked giving a sweeping look to everyone at the table.
Everyone met him with a nod.
"Sure thing honeyface." Lip said smugly.
Mickey threw his middle finger up at the eldest Gallagher brother as he walked out of the room and up the stairs following Ian to their room.
Since Lip and Tami and the baby were in the RV they claimed the free room, which they definitely needed from time to time.
Ian was already lying in the bed, curled up on his side facing the wall.
Mickey slid into the bed and wrapped his arms around him, Ian rolled over and buried his face into Mickey's chest, breathing him in until he was lulled to sleep.
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mggssocks · 3 years
Followed- part 2
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Not My Gif!
Pairing: Fem!Reader x Spencer Reid
Content Warnings: regular criminal minds stuff. (please let me know if i missed anything!)
Summary: Spencer makes an Instagram and stumbles across reader’s page.
Word Count: 2.2k +
A/N: Thank you so much for the love i have received on my last chapter!!! It means so much to me. Also i’m going to try to update chapters as much as i can but i’m graduating in a few weeks and i will have a lot going on. But again, thank you guys!!! xoxo
masterlist // part 1
Although he was only going off of a few hours of sleep, Spencer came to work with a pep in his step today. His interaction with this girl was very brief but he still got butterflies with the thought. He was early as usual so he made himself a cup of coffee and sat at his desk, settling in. He pulled out his phone and reread the text messages that the two of you shared. When he finished reading the short message thread, his thumb hovered over the letter G. He wanted to type “good morning” but he didn’t want to come off as too clingy or overbearing. That in fact was the last thing he wanted. 
“Hey Spence” he hears from behind him, causing him to jump and quickly lock his phone before shoving it into his coat pocket. 
“Hi” he turns around to see JJ and forms his mouth into a straight line. 
She eyes him weirdly. Something was up.
“Everything okay?” She asked. Knowing how Spencer was, she wasn’t expecting him to answer truthfully. Especially with him jumping startledly like he just did at a simple ‘hi’.
“No- yeah. Yeah I’m fine. What about you? Are you okay?” He asked to switch the conversation around. 
Yeah. Something was definitely up.
“I’m… fine?” She answers confused
He nods awkwardly. She was just about to ask him if he was sure that he was fine but everyone else started to walk in and she knew if he was being this secretive with her, he definitely wouldn’t want everyone else to be in his business. So she drops it… at least for now. 
Garcia speed walked into the bullpen with a file or two in her hand, not bothering to say anything to the team. She goes straight to the conference room.
“Looks like we have a case” Morgan declared as he walked past the desks and up the stairs. Everyone else followed.
“And from the looks of it, it’s bad,” says Emily. 
They settle in their seats as Garcia passes Spencer his case file while everyone else gets on their tablets.
“We’re going to Wichita, Kansas.” Hotch says as he was the last one to come into the conference room.
“This sicko stabs straight through the heart. They chop off as much hair as they can before shoving it in the victim’s mouths.” Garcia speaks, a little disturbed a little while avoiding her gaze from the screen.
“Four victims within one week. There’s no cooling off period at all” Morgan said, swiping through his tablet.
“Which is why we’re debriefing on the jet. Wheels up.”
After the team debriefed on the jet, Garcia chimed in through the video chat.“Guys, A store owner just found another victim.” 
The team looks at one another. Hotch sighs momentarily before speaking.
“Alright, JJ, you and Reid to the M.E. Morgan and Rossi go to the latest crime scene and Prentiss and I will go and set up at the station.” 
Everyone nods their head at their temporary partners for confirmation.
“So on the first victim, the person hesitated.” The examiner spoke factually.
“-And on the other four he didn’t hesitate at all” spoke JJ, trying to get the bigger picture. 
“Exactly. Now with the new victim… I noticed something strange. “ She walked over to the newest victim from earlier that day and the agent and dr followed her.
She turned the woman’s head and revealed a cat-like scratch with three of them synchronized.
JJ and Spencer looked at each other. After they called the other team members to fill them in, they walked to the car in pure silence.
“So… this morning” says JJ, walking to the driver’s side.
Spencer gives her a questioning look as he takes the passenger seat.
“What about this morning?” He asked in a suspicious tone and avoided her gaze by looking out of the window.
“You don’t have to tell me anything, Spence, but I know something’s going on. Just tell me that it’s nothing bad.” She put her seatbelt on.
Spencer didn’t dare to give in “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
After three days, they finally caught the unsub. The man was purely a sick and twisted psychopath. Jeffery Magnum. A 30 year old man who was severely abused as a child. His mother would make him eat the cat’s fur balls for dinner and when he refused, she would shave him bald. His mother died and that was the stressor that made him begin to kill.
As they boarded the plane, Morgan, Prentiss, and JJ sat together in the four seats. Rossi and Hotch sat together in the seats across from each other behind them. Spencer sat on the couch, far away from everyone. He wasn’t trying to distance himself. He just wanted to sit alone.
He pulled his phone out. He hasn’t thought much about that girl since he’s obviously been busy but now he was thinking about her. When he opened the app, he saw that she had posted a story. Before he watched her story, he clicked on her account and scrolled a little. She posted a lot of books and her cat too. Spencer really liked this one in particular.
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Yourinstagram I looked up from my book and seen this. thought it was a great photo op. 
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He comes across a picture that really catches his attention.
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Yourinstagram okay just finished these two Jung books. He’s officially my favorite psychology/ prolific author. Freud’s got nothing on this guy.
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Spencer nodded his head approvingly. He swiped back to look at her Instagram story. 
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He swiped up, thinking of a way to start a conversation. He just wanted to talk. About what? He doesn’t know.
spencerreid what’s tomorrow?
As expected, she didn’t respond right away. Instead of waiting for a response, Spencer picks up a book to occupy his attention. About 15 minutes later, his phone vibrates and an Instagram notification pops up. It catches the attention of JJ and she looks from the corner of her eye.
Spencer let’s 3 minutes pass by before responding because he didn’t want to seem too eager to talk to her. Although he definitely was.
yourinstagram nothing special! I’m a pastry chef so I’m just preparing them for the week! 
spencerreid Do you have some sort of bakery?
yourinstagram yup :)
Spencer didn’t know what to text back. So he started a new conversation with her.
spencerreid By the way I was looking at your page and seen that you read Carl Jung books.
yourinstagram you were stalking my page??
He started to panic. He didn’t mean it like a weirdo.
spencerreid I didn’t mean it like that. I just wanted to see what you were about, I guess.
yourinstagram relax haha I was kidding. And yes I do like Carl Jung books. What about you? Jung or Freud?
spencerreid I’m a fan of both, though I feel as if Jung was more open minded.
yourinstagram you, my friend, have great taste.
Although he knew “my friend” was just a term, Spencer couldn’t help but let a smile spread across his face. 
JJ notices and nudges Morgan who was listening to music. Prentiss notices JJ’s act and she gives her a questioning look. JJ nods her head towards Reid who was smiling at his phone. Emily who was sitting next to the window across from Morgan leaned over the seat to get a peek at Spencer.
She looks back to JJ. “What?”
“He’s been acting weird since before we left for this case. Like… secretive.”
Derek quirks an eyebrow. “You think he’s got something going on?” 
JJ shrugs.
“Hey” Emily says to Spencer.
He doesn’t necessarily jump but he was obviously startled. 
“What are you smiling about?” She asked. JJ and Derek watched as he fumbled over his words.
“I- uh-just- just a joke” Spencer cringed internally, because not even he, himself was buying it.
“What’s the joke?” Derek asked.
“It’s… nothing you would find amusing.” 
The three pretended to believe him and gave each other subtle glances before continuing what they were doing. Spencer turned back to his phone.
yourinstagram I’m y/n by the way. Just thought I’d formally introduce myself.
spencerreid I’m Spencer.
yourinstagram It’s nice to meet you, Spencer.
spencerreid It’s nice to meet you as well, Y/N.
After the jet landed, it was only 3:00 in the afternoon. Hotch gave them the rest of the day off so Spencer decided to head home and catch up on some sleep that he’s missed these past few days. 
He knew that it’d be terrible traffic on his way home. But since he stupidly decided to drive to work a few days ago, he couldn’t take the subway. He had to drive home. After about 10 minutes of sitting in his car calculating the fastest route home during traffic hours, he decides to take a way that he’s never taken before.
It would take him about thirty minutes but on his normal route during traffic hours, it would take him an hour and twenty. 
While driving, he catches a glimpse of a bakery and his stomach automatically growls. He decided that he’d stop by. Spencer walked into the shop and it wasn’t very busy. He looked over all of the options while waiting for someone to come to the counter.
A girl soon trails around dusting her hands off on her yellow apron. Her hair tied back in a ponytail.
“Hi. How can I help you?” She gives a kind smile.
“Uh- can I have two of the Danish pastries And a water?” He asked.
“Of course! Will that be all?” She puts some clear gloves on and makes her way over to the pastries.
“Yes” Spencer answers, digging through his satchel for his wallet.
She puts the treats in an apricot colored box, closed with a sticker with the name of the bakery. 
She puts the order in and looks back up at him “That’ll be $5.37!” 
He’s finally able to get a feel for his wallet and pulls out his card, handing it to her. She swipes it and hands it back over to him after it was approved along with his box and a reusable water bottle. He murmurs a thank you before leaving and heading to his apartment, enjoying the delicious danishes and finishing up some case files.
“Seriously, Y/n. There’s so many relationship opportunities in Virginia. And you’re thinking about someone from a social media platform. You’ve never even seen them.” Your older sister lectures you as you close up the shop.
“Woah woah woah. I never said anything about a relationship with him. He’s nice but I’m not going to date someone over the internet. For all I know, he could be from England. I just said we both have an understandable love for Carl Jung in common.” You explained.
“Mom is worried about you. You’re thirty and you haven’t even found someone you’re interested in.” She lifts her eyebrow.
“She doesn’t need to worry about me. And every single woman doesn’t need to get married and settle down in their thirties.” you argue back
“She wants grandchildren, y/n. And not just from one of her kids.” 
“Look. I’m fine. You guys need to stop with the pressuring. I’m happy and I have all that I can ask for right now. When that time comes then it comes but for right now, i’m content” You shrug as you lock up all of the treats in the display cases.
She gives up the argument. And there is a weight of silence that fell between the two of you.
“Alright. Dave and the kids are expecting me so I'm going to get some pizza and head home.” she says, breaking the silence.
“Okay. Love you. Be safe. Bye” you say to her. 
After locking up the shop, you head home and when you open your door, you are greeted by your cat, Luna. After locking the door, you kneel down to properly greet your baby.
“Hey, girl” you pick her up and make your way to the kitchen, opening the fridge to see what options you had to eat for dinner.
You decided on some grilled cheese and tomato soup so that’s what you made.
You throw the crust down on your plate, flipping the page of the book you were almost done with. You were curled up on the side of the couch with Luna sleeping by your feet. After finishing the last page, you were bored enough to go onto twitter and then instagram. 
As you make your way to his dm, you bite your lip, hesitant to say something. You didn’t often speak to people through social media. But he’s already texted first so the least you can do is text something first this time. You were uncertain, but you did it anyway.
yourinstagram hey
You mentally smack yourself as you look at the time. He’s probably already slee-
spencerreid Hi.
yourinstagram i was thinking….
spencerreid About?
yourinstagram I told you what i do for a living. I figured it’s only right that you told me what you do..
spencerreid I’m in the FBI. I’m a profiler.
yourinstagram that’s pretty impressive.
You didn’t know it but Spencer was blushing.
spencerreid Thank you.
yourinstagram you’re based in D.C right?
spencerreid That would be correct.
yourinstagram That’s funny.
spencereid Why is it funny?
yourinstagram because I live in D.C too.
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aestheticvoyage2021 · 3 years
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Day 237: Wednesday August 25, 2021 - “Baby Photos”
The days fly by here these days, with baby.  But each day brings a fresh cycle of baby photos, where the moment and the star, were just too cute not pass up.  Those moments add up - the ones too good to miss.  Sleeping in the glider, joining us at the dinner table, in the sling with Grandma, tummy time in the living room.  Its been real nice being here in Ludington this week, sharing our little lion with Grandma and Grandpa and having two extra sets of hearts to keep him occupied, and make him smile and share in those sweet moments that add up to life for our 11 week old.
This week, from Up in Michigan, William has been going through his leap 3. Suckling a lot and being clingy - but with that we all get to witness new development - like when at the dinner table he turned and looked at Grandma with smooth control or sitting in his car seat blowing spit bubbles.   He’s got four people here that can’t get enough of watching him grow and change every day.
Song: The Beach Boys - Don’t Worry Baby
Quote:  “Never will a time come when the most marvelous recent invention is as marvelous as a newborn baby. The finest of our precision watches, the most super-colossal of our supercargo plants, don't compare with a newborn baby in the number and ingenuity of coils and springs, in the flow and change of chemical solutions, in timing devices and interrelated parts that are irreplaceable. A baby is very modern. Yet it is also the oldest of the ancients. A baby doesn't know he is a hoary and venerable antique — but he is. Before man learned how to make an alphabet, how to make a wheel, how to make a fire, he knew how to make a baby — with the great help of woman, and his God and Maker.”― Carl Sandburg
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I'm sorry to hear you've had a bad day. I hope this makes you feel a bit better 💜
Part 20 of Jimercury Kid series
‘I’m going to die.’ Freddie whined dramatically from the sofa, arching his back as Jim walked through the door with a tray of tea and biscuits, carefully setting it on the coffee table in front of the singer. ‘I’m not sure how much more of this pain I can take, darling.’
‘I know, love.’ Jim replied softly, placing another pillow under Freddie’s head. ‘But that’s what happens when you decide to do acrobatics on stage when there are wires lying around.’
‘It was entirely Roger’s fault.’ Freddie huffed. ‘He could have warned me that his drumkit was a danger zone.’
Jim chuckled and kissed his husband’s forehead. ‘The doctor said you’ll be right as rain in a few weeks, so long as you get plenty of rest and keep up the physio.’
The Persian grumbled, ‘I hate rest.’ Then he looked up at Jim with an accusatory glare. ‘And I can’t believe you’re abandoning me to galivant off and cut people’s hair! The audacity.’
Freddie hadn’t been all that pleased when Jim announced that he had accepted a weekend job at the barber shop down the road. The Irishman had befriended the owner, Carl Pritchard, in a bar a few months ago and while he had declined the offer of a full-time job (he still had the garden to think about and Khaleel to look after when Freddie was at the studio,) he was more than happy to lend Carl a hand every Saturday, when the shop was at its busiest.
Khaleel hadn’t been too happy about it either; he was used to Jim being around 24/7 and the sudden change of routine caused him a great amount of stress. Jim was almost late on his first day of the job because his son had cried and refused to let go of his leg. But eventually, the boy begrudgingly accepted it and Jim was able to pacify his separation anxiety with the promise of bringing home a treat when he was finished at work.
‘You’re just saying that because you’re jealous.’ Jim teased, dodging as Freddie attempted to swat his backside. ‘You think I’m going to fall head over heels for Carl’s dashing good looks and run off into the sunset with him.’
Freddie pouted like a child and crossed his arms. ‘So, you do think he’s good looking.’
Jim chuckled and dropped a kiss into his husband’s dark head of hair. ‘I’m old enough to be his dad, sweetheart. Besides, he’s really not my type.’
‘I wasn’t your type either and you still went for me.’
‘Well, how could I possibly resist? Have you seenyour arse?’
He roared with laughter as Freddie attempted to swat him again, but this time the singer grabbed his hand and pulled him down to kiss his lips.
‘Do you love me?’ he whispered once they had parted, brown eyes staring into Jim’s own almost fearfully. They had been together for almost ten years now, and yet he still needed that reassurance.
‘To the moon and back.’ Jim replied, leaning down for a much deeper kiss. He could have stayed like that all day, but a quick glance at his watch told him that he was already pushing it for time.
‘I’ll be back about six.’ He placed one final kiss against Freddie’s forehead before heading to the hallway to grab his coat. ‘I’ve left the shop’s number by the phone in case there’s an emergency. Try not to have too much fun without me.’
‘Very funny.’ Freddie sniggered as Jim blew him a kiss and turned the keys in the door. ‘Have a good day, darling. Don’t snip any ears off.’
The last thing he heard was Jim shouting goodbye to Khaleel up the stairs – which was quickly followed with a cheerful, ‘bye Daddy!’ – before the door was pulled shut. Freddie sighed and stretched his sore back, wishing he could at least hobble over to the piano and belt out a few show tunes to take his mind off the pain. He hated being alone; Phoebe was in town with friends and Khaleel had been colouring upstairs for most of the afternoon. He knew that colouring was one of the ways his bijou coped with Jim’s absence, so he didn’t want to disturb him.
Well, since he was bedbound (or in this case, sofa bound) he might as well catch forty winks. After finishing his tea and munching on a biscuit, he plumped up his pillows, propped his feet up on the armrest and did his best to ignore the constant throbbing in his lower back as he slowly drifted off to sleep.
Freddie was awoken by the sound of the phone ringing in the hallway, and he groggily rose from the sofa to go and answer it.
‘It’s Bernie, Bernie Morris.’ Said the voice on the other end of the line. ‘I know you usually have your physio on Sundays, but my 2 o’clock just cancelled and I don’t have any other appointments today. Would you like to take the slot?’
‘Oh darling, that would be wonderful.’ Freddie sighed in relief, rubbing his back as he spoke. ‘It’s really acting up today. I could use your magic hands.’
Bernie chucked jovially. ‘Alright then, see you in twenty.’
Bernard Morris was a tall, broad, cheerful man, recommended to Freddie by Doctor Atkinson after he had his accident. The vocalist had been apprehensive at first, thinking he could simply deal with the pain on his own; but he eventually relented when it became unbearable and had agreed to six weeks’ worth of sessions, so long as he could do it in the comfort of his own home. So far, Bernie’s methods had proved remarkably effective; Freddie’s back still hurt like hell, but he always felt slightly more relieved once he had been stretched and bent over a few times by a handsome looking man.
‘Thank you so much for this, darling.’ Said Freddie, as Bernie laid the exercise mat out on the floor and shifted the coffee table over to give them more space. ‘I was doing well for a couple of days but last night it started hurting like a bastard. I made the mistake of lifting Khaleel up too quickly during playtime.’
‘It’s no bother at all.’ Replied Bernie. ‘How’s the family? I still have yet to meet your little man.’
‘He’s very shy, our Kenny.’ Freddie chuckled fondly. ‘He’s been a bit clingy lately because of this new job Jim has taken up. He’s not used to him being away and he’s finding it hard to understand.’
‘Poor thing.’ Said Bernie sympathetically. ‘My little girl was the same when I started working full-time. But they get used to it eventually. Now,’ he cracked his knuckles, ‘shall we get started?’
‘Abso-fucking-lutely.’ Freddie said with a laugh and carefully laid himself down on the mat.
Khaleel let out a soft yawn as he finally finished colouring in Goliath’s bright yellow eyes and carefully added the picture to the pile of cat drawings he had been working on all afternoon. He didn’t like it when Daddy went to work; he was used to Baba being away, even though he missed him, but Daddy was always there and suddenly not having him around all day made Khaleel confused and scared.
His tummy began to rumble, so he hopped off his bed and carefully climbed down the staircases to tell his Baba that he would like a snack. But when he reached the bottom of the stairs, he heard a strange noise coming from the lounge. The door was open a crack, so Khaleel peeped through curiously.
Baba was lying on the floor and a strange man was sitting on top of him, pulling on his leg. Baba was moaning in pain, his arm flying up to cover his eyes as the strange man continued to push on his leg until his knee reached his chest, before stopping and doing the same with the other one. Baba started to cry a little, and the man said something, though Khaleel couldn’t hear what it was. The boy felt his tiny heart racing. There was a strange man in the house, and he was hurting his Baba. Daddy and Uncle Phoebe weren’t here to protect them. He wanted to run into the lounge and jump on the horrible man, but his feet were frozen to the floor, unable to move.
Then he remembered the phone. Daddy and Baba had taught him how to use it, though he was only supposed to use it in emergencies, and he was never to call 999 unless he really needed to. Daddy had left his work number beside the telephone in the hall, so Khaleel quickly hurried to it and stood up on his tiptoes to grab the handset. He stared hard at the numbers on the little piece of paper and slowly began pressing the buttons. (1/2)
Jim had to admit that it felt good cutting hair again.
Pritchard & Sons was nothing like the Savoy; it was small and intimate, with a far more welcoming atmosphere and friendly regulars who were always happy to make conversation. He instantly felt at home in the place and found himself actually looking forward to working on a Saturday; despite his full-time commitment to the garden, he had been longing for a change of scenery as of late, and this job offer was exactly what he needed.
He was busy brushing away the stray hairs from the shop floor when the telephone at the front desk began to ring. Carl was nowhere to be seen and his two co-workers, Simon and Neil, were busy with clients, so he set his broom against the wall and crossed over to the desk, picking up the handset before it could ring off.
‘Pritchard & Sons, how can I help you?’
‘Daddy?’ Came a small voice from the other end of the line.
Jim was taken back a second, as if he was hearing things. ‘Kenny? Is that you? Kenny, you shouldn’t be calling Daddy at work, he’s very busy.’
‘Daddy, I need help.’ The little boy whimpered in response.
‘Sweetheart, if you need help with something, ask your Baba-’
‘There’s a strange man in the house.’ Khaleel started to sob, his voice a terrified whisper, as if he was worried about being heard. ‘There’s a strange man and he’s hurting Baba.’
Jim felt his blood run cold. ‘W-what do you mean? Where’s Baba, Kenny?’
‘In the lounge. The man is on top of him, and Baba is crying.’
Oh Jesus. Jim began to shake, sweat beading his forehead as a million images flashed before his eyes. He knew he couldn’t let Khaleel hear the fear in his voice, otherwise it would just panic the little boy further. ‘Sweetheart, listen to me. I need you to go upstairs into your bedroom and hide under your bed, okay? Daddy’s coming, everything’s going to be okay.’
Khaleel continued to sob. ‘Daddy, please hurry.’‘
‘Please, Kenny, do as I say. Hang up the phone and go upstairs as quietly as you can. I promise I’ll be home soon.’
There was a loud sniff, before Khaleel mumbled, ‘hurry, Daddy,’ and the line went dead.
‘Tell Carl there’s been an emergency!’ Jim yelled over the counter to Simon, as he raced to the hat stand and grabbed his coat, racing through the door before he even got a response. He cursed as he fumbled with his car keys, almost dropping them into the gutter as his hands trembled violently; as soon as he was in the driver’s seat, he slammed his foot on the accelerator and sped down the road.
As soon as he reached Garden Lodge, Jim immediately went around the back entrance, not wanting to alert the intruder by ringing the bell. As soon as he had turned the key in the back door, he immediately called for Freddie, feeling his heart sink when he didn’t receive a response. He slowly walked down the hallway, glancing into every room in case someone leapt out and attacked him, until he reached the kitchen and quickly armed himself with a large knife that had been left sitting on the counter. He prayed that he wouldn’t have to use it.
‘Freddie!’ he cried out again, almost in tears, the hand holding the knife shaking so hard it was a miracle he didn’t drop it.
The kitchen door suddenly swung open behind him, and he yelled in surprise, whipping round, knife clasped in both hands and pointed straight at his would-be assailant.
There was a high-pitched shriek and a crash, and only then did Jim realise it was Freddie, clad in one of his silk kimonos and surrounded by broken teacups. They both stood there, frozen, as Jim looked his husband up and down; Freddie appeared unhurt, though shell-shocked, the tray he had been carrying now lying at his feet amongst shards of china.
‘Jim!’ Freddie screamed, once he had overcome his initial shock. ‘What the bloody hell are you doing?!’
Jim didn’t respond. He dropped the knife immediately, letting it clatter against the kitchen tiles as he ran to Freddie and scooped him into his arms, hugging him fiercely. His husband let out a surprised squeak as he was suddenly lifted off the floor and he quickly wound his legs around Jim’s hips before the younger man dropped him on his arse. It felt like Jim stood there forever, holding onto Freddie tightly, swaying back and forth like he did when soothing Khaleel to sleep.
‘Darling?’ Freddie finally whispered into Jim’s flushed ear. ‘Darling, what’s going on? What was all that about?’
Jim finally released his husband, brushing away the tears that had fallen down his cheeks as he cupped Freddie’s face and looked desperately into his eyes. ‘Are you alright? Are you hurt?’
Freddie looked baffled. ‘Hurt? Of course not! Why would I be hurt? And what are you even doing here? I thought you didn’t finish work until six.’
The Irishman’s heart finally began to relax as he took a moment to process this information. ‘Khaleel called the shop. He said there was a man in here and he was hurting you. I got here as fast as I could.’
Freddie stared at him with wide eyes, looking like a deer in headlights. ‘Oh my God…Jim, that was Bernie. Bernie Morris, my physiotherapist. He’s in the conservatory, I was just about to make us some more tea.’
Jim looked like he was about to collapse to the floor. He leaned back against the counter, colour finally returning to his face as he realised that Freddie and Khaleel had never been in any danger. All the horrifying scenarios that had been playing in his mind finally ceased to be.
‘Oh God…’ he covered his eyes with his hands, taking deep, uneven breaths, ‘I thought some psycho had broken in, I thought…’ He cut off, not wanting to even consider what could have happened.
Freddie carefully stepped over the mess on the floor, careful not to cut his bare feet as he approached him and put his arms around Jim’s neck, gently kissing his forehead. ‘You really would have killed a man just to protect me?’
Jim removed his hands from his eyes and replied without any hesitation. ‘Absolutely. The bastard wouldn’t have known what hit him.’
Freddie chucked softly, ‘my knight in shining armour.’ Then suddenly his eyes went wide. ‘Kenny! Where’s Kenny?’
‘I told him to go upstairs and hide under his bed.’ Replied Jim. ‘Come on, let’s go and get him. He’s scared out of his wits.’
It had taken a while to coax Khaleel out from underneath his bed. But his parents eventually managed to convince him that the mean man downstairs was actually a very nice man, who was helping Baba get better, and the only reason Baba had been crying in the lounge was because his back hurt so much. They praised him for being such a brave boy and using the phone to call for help when he thought it was needed. Khaleel eventually crawled out and let Freddie carry him downstairs.
He hid in face in Freddie’s shoulder when he saw Bernie, his body trembling in fear. But he gradually looked up when Bernie started chatting to him, realising this strange man wasn’t really that scary up close. By the time Phoebe arrived home from town, Kenny was sitting on Bernie’s lap, giggling as the man held one of his soft toys, pretending to make it talk in a deep gruff voice.
‘What happened here?’ Phoebe asked as he walked into the kitchen to see Jim sweeping up the broken china into a dustpan.
‘Long story.’ Was all the Irishman said in reply. (2/2)
Aww an extra long update! I loved it😊 It was exactly what I needed after the exhausting day I've had, thank you for making me smile with this part (and all your stories everyday).
I was happy to see Jim take up a part time job of a hairdresser. I've often wondered about that in Freddie!lives scenarios. I think one of the reasons why Jim took up the job of the gardener at GL is to be close to Freddie who had received his diagnosis by that time, if I'm not wrong.
And aww, baby Khaleel being so smart and calling up his father when he saw that his baba was in danger. And ofc, Jim being ready to do absolutely anything to keep his family safe... my heart.
And lol, I can see Phoebe rolling his eyes in the kitchen like, "I take one day off..."
(More drabbles by writer anon)
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sincosinetan · 4 years
L'manburg; Finishing Wilbur's Unfinished Symphony
A Historical Essay-S2
L’manburg, the second oldest nation within the Dream SMP, has been blown up thrice, and betrayed many times more. Too many betrayals, and in this season, too many new nations and alliances formed. And all over that, the Crimson is creeping into our lives, and into the bodies of many others. In this essay, I will, to the best of my ability, explain and analyse every action that the members of the Dream SMP have done, and attempt to predict the future of the next season, as Wilbur’s unfinished symphony is finally completed by three people and an unexpected alliance.
One thing I did not mention in my last essay was the 3 lives system. If one SMP member dies 3 times, or their chosen amount of lives, they ‘permadeath’ in the game, dying as if in real life. However, the death only counts as a ‘canon’ death if it was important to the plotline, dividing the deaths into ‘canon deaths’ and ‘respawnable deaths’.  The current death counter of the time of writing (17/1/2021) can be found at the end of the essay, and the current death counter can be found on the Dream SMP Wiki.
New L’manburg is the nation of Manburg. But, you may remember that Manburg was blown up by Wilbur Soot, with underground nukes and bombs. However, the presidency of Tubbo_, along with Quackity and many others repaired the nuked mess of Manburg to a new nation, and gave it a new shine and charm. TommyInnit also helped rebuild, although he was more for fun than helping.
New L’manburg was also the home of several new members. In fact, following the tradition of the war periods before, 6 new members had joined the server, just like every other period following the wars before.
The new members were Ph1lza Minecraft, ConnorEatsPants, CaptainPuffy, Vikkstar123, LazerBeam and Ranboo. Many of these members play an important part in the later storyline.
After Schlatt’s funeral, Quackity took the remains of Schlatt, eating his heart during the drunk party, but kept all 5 of the bones. With these items, Quackity believes he could revive Schlatt from the dead, as Schlatt still had 1 canon life left. 
Tommy and Ranboo burnt down GeorgeNotFound’s house together, but when taken to trial by the government, Tommy covered for Ranboo, due to Ranboo forgetting the event because of endermen memory loss. Yet, this event gave Dream an excuse to manipulate Tubbo and Tommy, and by extension the people of L’manburg. He threatened New L’manburg’s freedom, building obsidian walls around New L’manburg, and only agreed to take the walls down if Tommy was exiled and banished from his nation once more, under the justification of ‘removing rebels from your (Tubbo’s) nation.’
Tubbo, for the sake of his nation’s independence and his people’s freedom, decided to exile Tommy, disuniting the clingy duo. Dream took Tommy in a boat to a new plains biome, that no one had been before, and Ghostbur followed along. You see, the terms of Tommy’s exile was to leave to somewhere that was nowhere near civilization at all.
During Tommy’s time of exile, Dream played the part of a ‘friend’. He would manipulate Tommy into thinking he had no friends other than Dream, and even planned a beach party with Tommy, only to destroy the invites afterwards. Dream also destroyed Tommy’s armor and tools after the dusk of everyday.
One day, Tommy stored some armor and tools in a secret base under his house. Dream, however, when destroying his stuff with TNT found the stash. At this point in history, Tommy had tried to suicide many times, as he only had one life remaining (see 3 Lives System) through jumping into lava in the nether. Dream, however, stopped him. We can consider the reasons and motives of why Dream, the puppeteer of the server, decided to stop him from dying.
One possible reason is that if Dream wanted to keep Tubbo and therefore the rest of the server not within the lands of The Greater SMP Nation. Dream has been cutting away at everything with meaning to him, as if cutting the strings and ropes that held him down.
Another important thing to remember is that Dream swapped sides just before the Manburg-Pogtopia war, because of something Schlatt gave Dream before his heart attack/stroke killed him. But, on the topic of Schlatt, he hasnt burnt through all his lives. The Manburg Festival firework death, and his heart attack/stroke leaves him with one life remaining, although we’ll talk more about this later.
That special something was a written book. But, Dream said that the book didn't contain any ‘war” information. So, what could have that book contained? We know it wasn't a simple joke, as Dream isn't playing around and wouldn't give up his position on the winning side for a joke; this is evident in him cutting all attachment to him, removing his friends, and ignoring the leather of his dead horse Spirit.
It couldn't be a hint to the third disk in Tommy’s possession; everyone knows it is in his enderchest, safe. I believe it was a book of information(see Schlatt’s book), causing Dream to become self-aware. Dream’s motives were always evil, but self-awareness could have made him more cautious, or be able to carry out these plans more efficiently. Self-awareness did not make Dream evil though, as he was aiming to destroy the people of L’manburg from the start, a tyrant like the ones Technoblade swears to destroy.
Back to Tommy, his last stint at Logstedshire, the plains biome, named by Ghostbur, Tommy tried to kill himself again, after Dream blowing his stuff up again, this time from jumping off a height that would surely kill him. However, he changed his mind half jump, and landed in a pool of water, breaking his fall. The tall one-block wide tower, however, remained.
Tommy left Logstedshire, and ran his way, over many days, to his old ally, Technoblade’s house. He lived there, stealing from Techno for food and supplies.
During this time where most fans focused on Tommy and Dream’s exile shenanigans, BadBoyHalo, Antfrost, Skeppy and CaptainPuffy discovered an egg in Bad’s statue room. The egg was red and crimson in colour, and gained the nickname of The Crimson. Some ‘vines’ composed of red blocks also spread from the egg. Bad showed Dream and Awsamdude the egg, and told them to touch it, saying that it would make them feel good. Dream and Sam seemed repulsed to the egg, however.
The egg has been proven to be able to corrupt minds, as when Puffy touched it later, she became more greedy and self-centred. The egg can also control certain minds, such as Skeppy’s, to become protective or attached to the egg. Ponz found a small piece of red vine in his base, and became attached to it, calling it ‘Lil Red’. Bad protected the egg, and Skeppy just wanted to stay with it, even after knowing the risks.
Bad and Ant, both manipulated by the egg, spread the vines to different parts of the server through placing crimson nylium, which would pass on the crimson vines. But, those affected by crimson and the crimson itself had a couple of weaknesses. Holy water from Church Prime(also see Twitch Prime) would remove the corruption from the corrupted and controlled, and kill the crimson it was put on. Soul flames, similar to the fires lit on soul sand or soul soil, would burn the crimson vines. However regular fires do not work. Also, the uniforms from Church Prime acts similar to hazmat suits when examining the egg.
After Sam removed the corruption from Bad, Ant and Puffy, he explained the above weaknesses to the group. Sam had been researching the crimson this whole time. Skeppy, however, due to prolonged contact with the egg, was not able to be ‘cleansed’ of the egg’s corruption.
Philza was put under house arrest after the government discovered him helping a fugitive: Technoblade. A compass leading to Techno’s house was discovered in a chest of Philza’s house, and a branch of the government named The Butcher Army decided to take one of Technoblade’s canon lives, although Techno had decided not to be destructive or make any threats towards New L’manburg.
The Butcher Army ventured to the tundra, and told Technoblade he was under trial. Of course, Techno refused to be arrested, and he fought off the army until Quackity took Techno’s horse, Carl and threatened Carl’s life. Techno then agreed to go to trial, as long as his horse didn't get hurt.
When they returned to New L’manburg, it was revealed that it was not a trial, but an execution for Techno’s previous war crimes of spawning withers. However, Technoblade managed to escape with Dream and Punz’s help (Punz being hired as hitman by Dream), and Techno now owes Dream a favor.
Technoblade discovered Tommy living in his house after a couple of days, and offered him an ultimatum: either side with him, or die in the freezing cold of the snow tundra. Tommy chose the former, and the alliance between the two was formed, only because Tommy desired to get back his disks to stop the conflict.
Tubbo once ventured to Logstedshire, and saw Tommy’s tower, and believed that Tommy had killed himself, and was dead. But, this next point of conflict will end the sadness around Tubbo’s death, and start a new bout of angst.
The two ventured to L’manburg a couple of times, but the main focus of these travels was the final trip together. They were confronted by 20 people at the blown up community house, with no knowledge of what was going on.
It turns out, Dream found out that the oldest structure on the server, the community house, was blown up by ‘Tommy’. To everyone’s knowledge, no one else would do it other than Tommy, yet Tommy had no motive to do so. So everyone believed Dream, until Tommy and Techno showed up. Dream was building back up the obsidian walls to prevent L’manburg from having freedom. Tubbo and the other members of the cabinet were protesting, but Dream being the powerful entity, ignored them.
Techno was willing to fight all 20+ people at the meeting, but Tommy turned sides and joined Tubbo and the government in uniting L’manburg, ignoring the disks. Techno, Philza, who had left his house, and Dream decided to unite and destroy the government; and not just setting bombs under L’manburg, they wanted to make it so that nothing could rise up again.
On the final day(6/1/2021), Technoblade, Dream and Philza bombed L’manburg with TNT droppers from the sky, and destroyed the whole country. Many people see L’manburg as running out of canon lives (see L’manburg in the glossary). Niki, against the government but not necessarily an Anarchist, burnt down the L’manburg Tree, also known as the L’mantree or the L’tree. She then said one of the main lines, ‘It was never meant to be.’
Technoblade spawned in approximately 11 withers, and blew up the Bee House first. His hound army also helped with thinning out the crowd. However, none of the deaths counted as canon during this time.
Yet, there is one thing to remember: Dream didn't call in his favor from Technoblade, which will be important in the plot of season 3.
Without any information from season 3 leaking in, I believe that the favor Technoblade owes Dream will be used very well, and I hope that no one starts a new government, otherwise the Arctic Anarchists will come back to shut it down.
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ddixons-angel · 5 years
Fated: Season 1
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Summary: Gloria Rhee narrowly escapes Atlanta with her brother as the outbreak reaches the city. Luckily, they find a camp outside the city and together, they fend through encounters with the living and undead.
Starts a little before Season 1 and then follows the main storyline of the show.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Glenn Sister!OC
Warnings: major TWD spoilers, language, violence (the typical TWD stuff), implied smut/sex
Word Count:
A/N: Okay so I’m kinda nervous about this chapter! This is the last chapter of Season 1, and I think I’m just going to keep posting without a break so Season 2 will be starting to roll out next week Monday! I also have another fic idea I’m working on so I might be posting two things at once? Or would that get messy? Let me know what you think! 
Chapter 8:
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The giant metal doors to the CDC started to open for the group to enter. Rick looks around to his family and the others with a grin before turning around and leading everyone inside. The group follows Rick hesitantly and wary of their surroundings, the kids looking around in curiosity and awe as if they’re on a field trip. 
“Who are you people?” a man in a white lab coat asks them, looking at them warily. 
“Survivors.” Rick answers simply.
“What do you want?” the man questions again, looking at everyone filing into the large room.
“A chance.” Rick replies, eyeing the man. 
“That’s asking an awful lot these days.” he spots Carl and Sophia then his features soften, “you’ll each need to do a blood test, that’s your price of admission.”
Rick nods, “we can do that.” 
The man allows the group to enter, introducing himself as Dr. Jenner, the only person in the entire C.D.C. facility. He explains that everyone else either left for home or committed suicide, ‘opted out’ as he put it. He answers the questions the group has for him and looks over to Carl when he voices that he’s starving.
“You know what little man, you’re all free to help yourselves to the food storage just down the hallway.” Dr. Jenner smiles at him as the boy gleems happily. 
The others take Dr. Jenner’s offer gratefully, feasting and drinking to their hearts’ content. Everyone but Gloria is happily eating and conversing amongst themselves, although she does pay attention to the conversations and Daryl trying to get Glenn drunk. 
“You better not throw up on me.” Gloria says as she pushes him away from her, Glenn always gets clingy when he drinks.
“My baby sister!” Glenn grins as he wraps his arms around Gloria, slurring his words and giggles to himself.
She rolls her eyes and playfully glares at Daryl, “see what you caused?”
Daryl laughs and takes another swig of the large whiskey bottle in his hand. The others laugh, amused at Glenn’s drunken state and Gloria’s failed attempts to get him off of her. As quickly as it started, the mood is killed when Shane continuously questions Dr. Jenner about whether there even is a cure. 
“Ugh, you are such a buzzkill.” Glenn groans, now fully leaning on Gloria for support. 
“Alright, time for bed, let’s go.” Gloria says as she gets up with Glenn’s arm around her shoulders, supporting him as he isn’t able to even stand up properly. 
The rest of the group retreats to wash up and get ready for the night as well. Gloria escorts Glenn to the washrooms where Glenn ends up vomiting in one of the toilets. She pats his back, letting him relieve himself of the alcohol in his system. Once he signals to her that he’s better, Gloria wipes his face with a wet towel, making sure there is no residue on him. She carries him back to the room he had claimed earlier and tucks him into bed where he quickly falls asleep. 
“You are so gonna regret this tomorrow.” Gloria chuckles as she takes one last look at her brother, then she leaves to wash up herself.
After Gloria is freshly cleaned up, she retreats to her own claimed room and sits down on the bed, letting out a deep sigh. Being alone, she lets her mind wander back to the past few days, particularly what happened back on the rooftop with Merle. The guilt had been consuming her the more she thought about it. She shouldn’t have ever given him the hacksaw, what was she thinking? It would have never cut through those chains, and knowing how crazy a guy Merle is, she should have seen something like that coming. Now he was missing because of her, Daryl was missing his brother because of her. The sound of the door opening snaps Gloria out of her thoughts as she looks over to the door and sees Daryl peering in, a bottle of alcohol in hand; she wasn’t even sure whether it was the same one from dinner.
“Haven’t you drunk enough for one night?” Gloria teases him, a half smile on her face. 
Daryl walks into the room, “there might not be many nights left for us anyway, so why the hell not?” he says as he takes a swig from the bottle. 
Gloria nods at that, then looks down to the ground, her thoughts still trying to eat at her. There’s a moment of silence between the two before Daryl clears his throat, purposely loud, snapping her again from her thoughts.
“Wha’s up wit’ ya?” Daryl asks, now leaning against the wall, facing her, “ya din’t eat much, pickin’ at yer food like some kind o’ teenager.” 
She scoffs at his words, “nothing, we got shelter now, wouldn’t exactly call this place home, but it’s four walls and a roof. We’re safe for the night, there shouldn’t be anything wrong.” 
“Bu’ there is.” Daryl finishes for her. 
Gloria looks up at him as he stares back at her, she lets out a deep and heavy sigh, “it’s Merle.” she admits.
Daryl furrows his eyebrows in confusion, not expecting that answer, “wha’ ‘bout him?”
“I feel bad... for what happened to him.” Gloria says, her voice small. 
“Ya crazy, girl... ya know you’re the only one who shouldn’ feel bad for wha’ happened? You’re the one who stayed behind wit’ him.” Daryl tried to reason with her, he doesn’t understand why she would feel bad about the situation. 
“I should have done more,” Gloria sighs, trying to keep her composure but failing as tears start to fall, “I should have known he would have done something stupid like cutting off his own hand. I gave him the damn saw! That’s on me!” 
Daryl watches helplessly as Gloria sobs, wallowing in her own guilt. He’s never been good at comforting people, never knowing what to say or do.
“Merle... he’s...” Daryl tries to think of something, “he’s insane, ya can never predict what he’s gonna do, ya can’t blame yourself for that.”
“I told him to cut the chains...” she says in a whisper, sniffling. 
Daryl shuffles on his feet uncomfortably before making up his mind and sits beside Gloria on the bed, he hesitates to put his arm around her shoulders, pulling her to lean on him, “stop blamin’ yerself.” 
Gloria shakes her head, “I can’t..”
Daryl pulls away from Gloria at her words and turns her to face him, he looks into her eyes, “I don’ blame ya.” he says, sincerity pure in his voice, “I’m Merle’s blood, his family, and I don’ blame ya. So tell me, what right do ya have to blame yerself?” 
She tries to compose herself again, taking deep breaths and nods at Daryl’s words, she sniffles a bit more as she wipes her tears away, “sorry you had to see my like this.” she looks away in embarrassment. 
Daryl grunts and looks away from her, wanting her to feel comfortable as she wipes away the last remaining tears from her face. He looks down at the bottle he had placed on the floor then picks it up again, taking another swig from it then offering it to Gloria. 
“This should help wit’ all that guilt and shitty feelin’s.” Daryl half smiles at her. 
Gloria looks at Daryl then glances at the bottle, and after a moment of contemplation, she grabs the bottle from him and takes a few big gulps. Daryl chuckles as he watches her, she hisses at the burning sensation down her throat. 
“Hope yer tolerance is better than yer brother.” Daryl teases, taking the bottle from her and having another swig himself.
“I’m the drinker in my family, ya don’ need to worry ‘bout that.” Gloria giggles as she mocks his accent. 
Daryl rolls his eyes at her making fun of his speech. The two of them take turns drinking from the bottle, eventually getting tipsy together. Gloria starts to lean on Daryl, giggling more as the alcohol takes over her. 
“Ya wanna know something?” Gloria grins at him, her face close to Daryl’s.
He eyes her carefully, “wha’?”
“You. Are an extremely attractive man, Daryl Dixon.” Gloria says, her eyes never leaving his. 
Daryl purses his lips together, then lightly pushes Gloria off him, getting up from the bed but wobbles slightly from the head rush, “ya should sleep, you’re drunk.”
Gloria grabs hold of his hand and tries to pull him back towards her, “Daryl...” she calls, “I want you.” 
He scoffs at her, feeling his face flush as her words but tells himself it’s just the alcohol getting to him, to both of them, “Nah, ya don’.”
“Don’t tell me what I want Daryl! I may not know what I want tomorrow, but tonight... I want you!” she looks up at him, “I’ve wanted you for a while now.” she hiccups and shoots him a flirty smile. 
“Ya ain’ gonna regret it?” Daryl looks at her, biting his bottom lip.
“What’s there to regret? It’s the end of the world, like you said, there might not be many nights left. What could one night hurt for us?” Gloria uses his own words against him.
He stares at her, his eyes wandering from her eyes to her lips, down to her body. Gloria patiently waits for him to make his next move, her eyes beckoning him to come closer. Daryl looks away then lets out a breath.
“Fuck it.” he breathes, then moves towards Gloria on the bed.
He leans down and catches her lips with his, kissing her roughly, earning a soft moan from her as she wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her as she lies down. Daryl’s hands move down to her waist, caressing her skin underneath her tight black tank top. His tongue licks her bottom lip, asking for entrance which Gloria gladly grants. Their kiss deepens, Gloria is pleasantly surprised at how soft and gentle his kisses could be. 
Reluctantly, Daryl pulls away, both of them breathless and panting for air, “ya sure ya wan’ this?”
Gloria smiles up at him, leaning up to peck his lips before answer breathlessly, “yes.” 
He smiles down back at her then claims her lips with his again, this time at a more gentle pace. Daryl bites and nips at her lips, then moving down to her neck, leaving marks on her porcelain perfect skin. 
The night goes on with endless kisses, skin on skin, full of passion and lust for one another. When the two would wake up in the morning in each other’s arms, they’d blame the alcohol for their choices, but they were both okay with that. Gloria rolls around on the bed and smiles lazily at Daryl who’s already smiling softly at her, playing with her hair, his arm on her waist.
“Morning.” she whispers.
“Mornin’.” Daryl says back, then he sits up, ruffling his hair with his hand. 
Gloria stretches as she’s still lying down, she looks over at Daryl who was getting off the bed, putting on his pants but his bare back was facing her, giving her a full view of the scars that littered his skin. Something in her heart broke when she saw those scars, but she knew better than to ask about something so personal even if they did just have sex the night before. Daryl picks up his shirt along with Gloria’s clothes and throws them at her. 
“Thanks.” she says from underneath her clothes.
Daryl chuckles at her and puts on his shirt as Gloria starts to get dressed as well. 
“Hey, Daryl?” she looks up at him once she’s fully dressed, “I was hoping... you could keep last night just between you and me.”
Her request causes Daryl to frown, “why?” he says in a rather harsh tone, sounding angry.
“I...” Gloria stutters, taken aback by his sudden harsh tone, “nobody needs to know.”
“You’re just embarrassed that ya spent the night with me, ain’t ya? An’ now that ya sobered up, ya regret it, that it?!” Daryl snaps angrily as he paces around the room. 
Gloria frowns, “No, Daryl, it’s nothing like that.”
“Bullshit! Tha’s exactly what it is!” he exclaims, getting more worked up as he talks, “ya, the high and mighty doctor of our group, not wantin’ to get caught up wit’ some good for nothin’ redneck!” 
Gloria gets up from the bed and puts her hands on Daryl’s shoulder to try and hold him in place to look at her, “Daryl, stop! Will you just shut up and listen to me?” 
Still breathing heavily from anger, Daryl glares at her, but waits for her to speak.
“All you had was Merle, right? No sisters?” Gloria asks when she sees that he’s actually willing to listen.
“Wha’s that got to do with anythin'? ” Daryl retorts back.
“It has everything to do with it. You grew up with your brother and you guys might have shared stories about who you slept with because you have that brotherly bond, but it’s not like that when you have a sibling who’s another gender. It gets awkward.” Gloria explains, “I don’t want to know about Glenn’s sex life and I know he doesn’t want to know about mine, so to spare each other the awkwardness, that’s why I asked you to keep it only between us.” 
Daryl's breathing calmed down as he registers her words, “sorry...” he says after a moment.
Gloria lets out a small sigh of relief that Daryl finally believes her, she smiles at him, “it’s okay, and by the way,” she leans close to him and whispers into his ear, “you were amazing last night.” 
Blushing hard at what she just told him, Daryl scoffs, trying to play off his embarrassment and wraps his arm around Gloria’s shoulders, “ya still drunk, let’s get some food in ya.” 
Gloria laughs as Daryl ushers her out of the room and towards the dining table. Glenn was already sitting there but his head was laying on the table, groaning from the pounding headache of his hangover. 
“See what you did to him?” Gloria says, playfully eyeing Daryl and he laughs, going off to the kitchen to get some food, she sits beside Glenn and wraps her arm around his shoulders, “you okay, bro?”
Glenn groans in response which causes Gloria to chuckle in amusement. She gets up and heads to the kitchen to get him some breakfast. T-Dog had cooked eggs for everyone so Gloria helped herself to a plate, bringing it to Glenn and also put a bottle of water in front of him. 
“Here, eat. It’ll help you feel better.” Gloria nudges him gently, making him sit up. 
He looks at her groggily and groans as he starts to eat the eggs, “Ugh, I’m never drinking ever again.” 
Gloria pats his back gently in hopes to somehow comfort his throbbing head. When the others have all woken up and had their breakfast, they follow Dr. Jenner into the lab where he shows them the demonstration of their last test subject, TS-19, who he reveals to the group was his late wife. She was the reason he was staying in the building and is the last person left, he had made a promise to her to keep going as far as he could. Unfortunately, he breaks the news to the group that there is no cure for the outbreak. He also tells the group that they don’t have much time left as the place will face total decontamination once the power runs out. 
“Total decontamination? What does that even mean?” Carol asks, her voice filled with worry.
“The place is gonna blow... disintegrating everything... nothing left... total and complete decontamination.” Gloria sighs, remembering that this was talked about in one of her classes in university. 
Gloria’s explanation causes the others to start panicking, even more so when Dr. Jenner refuses to open the doors, saying he isn’t able to, locking everyone inside. Shane and Rick start to yell at Dr. Jenner to open the doors and let them out as Daryl starts to try and break open the doors with an axe. Thinking as practical as she can, Gloria decides to go back into the food and water storage of the building, grabbing as many bottles and dry food items as she can and stuffs them into her bag, she returns to the room where Daryl is still trying to break open the door, now joined by Shane. 
“Those doors are designed to withstand a rocket launcher.” Dr. Jenner says in their futile attempt to break open the doors.
“Yeah,” Daryl says as he goes over to the doctor, axe still in hand, “well yer head ain’t!”
He attempts to swing the axe towards Dr. Jenner only to have Rick, Shane and T-Dog stop him, T-Dog grabbing the axe from him. Gloria goes over to Daryl and puts her hand on his arm to try and calm him. He looks at her and huffs, shrugging her hand off his arm and runs back to the door to continue to try and break it open. 
“Dr. Jenner, please, open the door. It’s not fair for you to keep us locked up in here without giving us a choice!” Gloria shouts at him, pleading for the group.
“What’s the point? Wouldn’t you rather die here, painlessly, not feel a thing rather than getting ripped to shreds out there?” Dr. Jenner tries to reason.
“That may be your choice, but that’s not ours! You don’t have the right to make that choice for us, for all of us! You may prefer to go that way, but I don’t!” Gloria shouts, getting more frustrated as Dr. Jenner doesn’t budge.
She lets out a frustrated yell and goes to Shane, grabbing the axe from him and joins Daryl in trying to destroy the door. Both of them continue to try and hack at the door until gunfire is heard as Shane erupts, firing shots into the computers and more of the equipment in the lab. Finally complying, Dr. Jenner presses a button to open the doors; whether it was the group’s pleas or Shane’s gunfire that made him do it, they’ll never know but at least now they have a chance to escape.
“C’mon, let’s go!” Daryl yells as the doors open. 
Gloria and Daryl quickly usher the group out of the building, fearing that they won’t make it out in time. The group is stopped by the bulletproof windows surrounding the outside of the building. Glenn, Daryl, Gloria, and T-Dog start throwing anything they can get their hands on to break the windows. 
“Look out!” Rick shouts as he approaches the window and lets go of a hand grenade, “everybody down!”
The group looks for anything to take cover as the grenade explodes, shattering the glass and giving them their path to freedom. They all run quickly, jumping out of the building and dashing to their respective cars. Daryl pushes Gloria towards his truck, ushering her to get in and closes the door behind her as he gets in from the other side. They both duck down, waiting for the unmistakable explosion of the C.D.C. Gloria peeks her head out of the window to see the wreckage of the blast, fire, smoke and debris painting the scene. Daryl sits up and starts the truck, seeing the others doing the same. He drives off, following the others to a safer place, a place away from the destroyed C.D.C to regroup and figure out what to do from there.
Next Chapter
Yep! So that happened! I feel like I have to have an explanation for this because this might be really out of character for Daryl for some people. I see Daryl as an emotional drinker, meaning that he acts differently depending on his mood and the people he is with. We saw that with him drinking at the C.D.C., he was happy and excited, but when he was drinking with Beth, he was miserable because of the events that happened prior. So here, I used the alcohol to bring out his caring side as well since he really does care about Gloria and (I reveal this in later chapters) he has a really heavy attraction for her as well. Hope that helps everyone accept what happened in this chapter haha~ and with that, I am done rambling! 
I would really appreciate any comments left for me! I’ll be replying to any comments in a new post because this is a sideblog!
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transboygenius · 4 years
Season 4 promo
After overcoming some abuse, anxiety, and depression issues, I FINALLY have it finished.
Three months ago, a huge ceremony took place for the graduation of Lindbergh's fifth grade students. All children were dressed in caps and gowns, receiving their diploma one by one. Cindy earned an academic award along with her diploma. Fortunately, for Jimmy, he earned quite some more, which made him fall over with all that weight. Cindy looked over to him in envy, while Nick helped him pick up some of those awards. Miss Fowl was crying tears of freedom, for she was finally free from Sheen's shenanigans. While the ceremony was still going on, Jimmy gave an inspirational speech about what he learned. Not just about geometry, history, or science, but socialization, and how it changed him. He even gave a sincere shoutout to Nick.
Cindy watched in all bitterness. She was upset. Was it because Jimmy managed to outdo her achievements? Yes. Was it because she still misses him in her life? Also yes. She still loves him, but she is also jealous of him. Why can't she just be one of those? Despite that her and Jimmy vowed to each other that they would be friends instead, she could never move on from him. Ever since him and Nick escaped fron the medieval century, he has redeemed himself from his arrogant and egotistic ways, putting friendship before science. Cindy doesn't get it. She has tried for months to bring him into common sense, even tried beating it out of him, and he does it for some kid he used to have minimal interactions with.
Not only that, but they also became really close friends after that time warp trip. Something about their relationship really made Cindy feel envious. They're always happy with each other, as well as supportive. Even when they find something either of them disagree on, they still search for a way to cooperate. Also, the way Jimmy's always bedazzled by Nick brings her with a lot of questions. Why doesn't he ever look at me like that? Compared to his friendship with Carl and Sheen, he definitely had some "weird" subtext going on with Nick. Cindy lost two goals in this year. While in her gloomy state, her mother began to comfort her. Or at least that's what she thought.
"Oh, don't let the agony of defeat weigh you down, Cynthia! This is only the beginning! That big headed whippy dip may have won the battle, but I guarantee you will win the war! We'll just have to try HARDER this time! I'll help you, and make sure you stay on track!" "Gee. Thanks, Mom. I really appreciate that." "Anything to bring the Vortex image up!"
It was another fun summer vacation for children, especially for Jimmy and his gang, along with Nick. Sometimes they would go off into far adventures. Sometimes Jimmy would give a new experiment to present. Sometimes they would do normal summer activities such as going to the beach, or Retroland. Or sometimes they would lie around at home all day like couch potatoes. Nick has never had such a productive summer before! He was so happy, he even did his chores whenever he was told to. Well, occasionally. While everyone was making the most of their vacation, Cindy would continue researching and studying until her brain melts.
Most of Nick's summer days were spent with Jimmy, because of course. He spent some time with Libby, since they surprisingly had a lot in common. He at least put his best to hang out with Carl. Even though Nick doesn't consider Sheen much as a friend, Sheen can't help but get a little clingy over a new amigop. Just for Jimmy, he tolerated all of his actions, even when he starts to infodump about how much he knows about Ultralord. When Nick feels he isn't doing a good job being pal-friendly to Jimmy's two comrades, he cooks them up lunch, takes special recipe requests, and gave free cooking lessons. He'd cook for Libby too, only to test out new vegetarian recipes. The only member of the squad Nick interacted with the least would be Cindy.
After three months of summer, it eventually went down to a bummer. When the first back-to-school commercial airs, every child is met with horror. Speaking of which, on the third of August, it was time to face a new beginning. Goodbye Elementary School, and hello to Middle School. Nick was gazing into the mirror, grooming his curtain cut with care. Although he's not popular anymore, keeping his own hair perfect has become a habbit to him. He also decided to try a new casual, comfortable wardrobe: white long sleeved shirt, blue t-shirt over it, teared loose jeans, and purple converse. The ring around his neck never left him. After he finished admiring his own reflection, he took his backpack and ran towards the door.
"Nick, would you like me to drive you there?" Shouted his mom from another room. "It's cool, Mom! I'll just take my scooter!" Replied Nick. "Well, you better not be late on your first day! Love you, honey!" “Love you too, Mom."
So on the scooter ride to school, he met with a few friends on the way. Libby and Cindy took the bus, but he only waved to Libby. Sheen was passing by in his dad's car, constantly trying to get Nick's attention while Nick did his best to ignore him. Then came Bolbi on a unicyc- Wait a minute, he's not a friend. Lastly, up in the sky, there was Jimmy in his hovercar, greeting Nick from above. Then there was Carl in the backseat, catching the breeze in his face, then a splattered bug. All of the squad met at the front entrance of Gelaway's Middle School. Even though summer was over, some were eagar to move to a new school level where they'll no longer be regarded as little kids.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhh... Can't believe we're in middle school now! The place where practices to being a teenager begins! Pretty soon we'll be driving in our parents' cars, and attending R-rated movies!" Cooed Libby. "I can't wait to wear body jewelry!" Said Carl. "Sooooooooo, looks like this is a new stage in our growing life. It feels like only yesterday we were doing show 'n tell, and macaroni art. Now there's... ...here. Wow." Spoke Nick.
Jimmy gave his tall buddy a light nudge on the shoulder, then grinned at him. 
"Shall we... ...go inside now?" Asked Jimmy. “YES, LET'S GO INSIDE NOW! I've been surrounded by babies for too long! PEAK OF ADULTHOOD, HERE I COME!" Shouted Sheen, then dashed on ahead.
The rest of the gang followed behind. When they made it inside, it felt like opening a door to a whole new world. The inside was full of older and maturer kids, all in a different multicultural range. Most of them were just fooling around on their phones. Libby had her eyes on a couple of teens playing music and then dancing to it. Sheen had his eyes on a couple of dudes having a casual conversation about science fiction. Carl had his eyes on... ...a Llama Lovers club? Nick had his eyes on something that made him wanna act fast. He quickly hid behind a really tall, blocky kid while the gang continued to chat amongst themselves.
A trio walked down the hall, in an intimating fashion. The lead of the trio was a blonde boy who wore fingerless gloves, a snapback, baggy pants, sneakers, and a t-shirt that had a ravenous spike collared bulldog on it. Not to mention he had a (fake) tattoo on his left arm that read "Beast." He appeared to look the most intimating, and seemed to be at Nick's height. The kid on his left was a lanky boy, who wore a red and yellow tank top, with matching shorts, plain white sneakers, and his hair was braided. He was the tallest, and looked like a friendly kid at heart. The last one was a short redhead with a fringe hairstyle. He wore a blue sweatshirt, long jeans, and a pair of crocs. The boy was the shortest of the bunch, but still a little taller than Jimmy, and he looked like he was trying way too hard to be intimating.
The three happened to be approaching the gang, and then the short one tripped.
"AARON!" Shouted the blonde lead. “Uh, uh- Sorry, chief!" The redhead soon got back up to his feet.
The front blonde kid then snapped his fingers to get everyone's attention. As he did, he gazed down upon Jimmy.
"Well, looks like we have some new fish in this joint! Hey squirt, you must be Neutron!" “Uhhhh... The pleasure is-" “I'm not done talking yet, nerd! *AHEM*"
The blonde grabbed Jimmy by his hair, and lifted him up to make direct eye contact.
"You and I will be getting to know each other very well."
He then released and just dropped Jimmy, leaving his soft served ice cream hair now out of shape. The gang just stood in silence as they waited for this blonde kid to say something else.
"What? I'm done talking!" Said the blonde. “Who are you jerks, anyways?" Asked Cindy. "Ah, I'm glad you asked, doll! They call me 'Tony!' You BETTER remember that! You are prohibited to call me anything else besides 'Tony!' Understand, huh?" "Chief?" Asked the short redhead. "YOU WERE EVEN LISTENING- Oh. Whaddya want, Aaron?” “I thought you were done talking.” “UGHHHH-“ “And don’t we get an introduction?" "*Sigh* And this is my crew, Mike and Aaron. Call them anything you want, I'm sure they don't mind." "I'm Mike, btw." The tall kid declared. "Coooool! A real school gang! Do you guys have a super cool gang name??" Asked Sheen. “Of course we do, needle-neck! Otherwise we wouldn't be a gang! It may sound simple, but it still manages to strike fear into the weaks' hearts. We call ourselves: Tony Mike n Aaron!" "Oh. Well, it sure is easy to remember." "Dang straight! And you better not forget! As for you, nerd. I'll be seeing you around soon."
With business now done, Tony turned the opposite direction and walked away. Mike fixed Jimmy's hair before catching up with Tony. Aaron just continued to stare at the squad aggressively, trying not to give away a blink. Eventually, he had to stop when Tony called him up. As soon as they were gone, Nick came out of hiding, and got back in place like he never left. And it's a good thing the gang hasn't noticed, otherwise he'd make himself look like a wuss. He was in no mood to deal with those three right now. 
"Uhhhh, Jimmy. Shouldn't we be collecting our schedules?" Nick tried to change the subject. "Huh? Oh YEAH! C'mon, team! We don't wanna make a bad impression by being tardy on our first day!" 
Homeroom was with English class. The teacher was a man who looked like he hasn't gotten enough sleep, and talked in a stoic monotone voice. His expression was blank.
"Welcome, class. My name is Mr. Nite. Here we will be learning the art of literature English and how it will build up your doctoral level. Also for other stuff that's very important in the future, bluhblubbluhbluh. Now, can each student stand up from their desk one at a time, and present themselves to me?" “Salutations! My name is Cynthia Vort-" "That will do for now. Thank you all for giving me the chance to know each and every one of you. Now, to start the day, please turn to page 13 in the textbook in front of you. We will be going through Sonata For Harp And Bicycle. When you are finished, there are questions you shall answer at the end of the story. You are also proposed to write a five paragraph summary for Sonata For Harp And Bicycle. We will be reviewing the story tomorrow, write an essay report on the author's background, taking notes on what you learned, and then comes the big test on Friday. Begin now."
Mr. Nite slumped his head down on his desk to take a nap. All the students hesitated for a moment, before opening their textbooks. First day of middle school, and already their week is busy. Well, first day of school is not supposed to be a party. Carl and Sheen went through at least one page. They both started to get a migraine from all the big fancy vocabulary they're never used to, not even when hanging around with Jimmy for years. 
The other classes were just as bizarre and stressful. In music class, the teacher was a grown man with a purple dyed mohawk, visor sunglasses, and other stereotypical attire from the 1980s, also talking in outdated slang. His name was Mr. Beatz. He played his guitar, loud enough to sting the students' ears, and break windows. Libby seemed to be the only one taking a liking to him. They're first assignment was to recreate they're own cover of Do Re Me. He didn't feel like starting with something simple, since "That's so early 2000s." 
In home economics class, the teacher was a plain lady who wore chef attire. She also appeared to act like two characters in one. One minute, she's a sweet housewife gently instructing the basics to culinary skills, then the next she turns into a strict food teacher with the cooking arts of a five-star chef, also bearing a British accent. Her name was Mrs. Rosemerry. Their first assignment was to fix up something without a recipe. Lucky for Nick, he could easily survive.
In P.E. class, their coach was some buff, toned women. Right before anyone could introduce themselves, she blew on her whistle and started the first assignment: Run fifty laps around the field. Anyone who gives up, or pukes, has to do a hundred pushups. Her name was Ms. Barbell, by the way.
Everyone became quite exhausted from this long first day. They didn't expect middle school to be quite a challenge. Then again, nobody said growing up was easy. To add insult to injury, all of them had homework. Homework on the first day. Feels like being punished for no reason. Thank goodness lunch has arrived. The squad took their trays and waited in line to be served. Nick, however, brought his own lunch, but he made sure to reserve a table for his friends. Then, Carl and Sheen came in contact with the lunch lady. She looked nothing like a stereotypical lunch lady. In fact, this dollface sweetheart looked like someone who walked out of their dreams. The two boys couldn't help but gaze upon her remarkable beauty. They eventually snapped out of it when she scooped some unidentified glop onto their trays. She was attractive, but not her cooking.
The squad all sat at the table Nick held for them. None of them ate. They just stared at the mystery glop on their trays. Carl gave a taste. It was so revolting, even he couldn't work it down. Libby felt there was meat products cooked into the stuff, so she refused to touch it. Nick, about the only kid at the table who packed something edible, looked at the poor, hungry boy genius. Caring for his best friend, he offered him half of his lunch on a napkin. Then, he started getting hungry stares from Carl and Sheen. He knew that giving Jimmy some of his own lunch would give them the wrong idea that he's just giving out free eats, but he would never let the little guy starve like that. They were drooling down on the table, begging Nick with big, gapping eyes.
"Please, Nick. I gotta keep my blood sugar up." Whined Sheen. "(You say that like it's a bad thing)"
Nick wasn't feeling any sorry for them, but the only way they'd leave him alone is that he gives them what they want. So, he put out his lunchbox and told them to take a little. The two boys helped themselves, feasting greedily like a bunch of animals. After they were done, they wiped off their faces clean with napkins, then slid the lunchbox back to Nick. There was nothing left for him but an empty milk bottle, which had a big mark bitten out of it.
"Thank you very much! Now how am I gonna keep my blood sugar up?" Said frustrated Nick. "Hey, lighten your mood, gang! Sure, the classes are pushy, the teachers are looney, and the food here stinks! Quite literally, too. But, at least there's some good to come out of this!" Exclaimed Sheen. "Like WHAT?” "Recess! GERONIMO!"
Sheen flew towards the door that's suppose to lead to the playground. He crashed with a loud thud, then Jimmy came up to point out the the print on the door says “Pull.” Unfortunately, all he found were students lounging outside; Enjoying their packed lunches, gossiping with each other, reading, or being on their phones and tablets.
"Whoops! This isn't the playground!"
All the outside students overheard Sheen's statement. Some got up from their sitting positions to give him a taste of reality.
"Sounds like you're new around here." "Sorry, we don't have any of that 'little kid' stuff anymore." "No teeter-totter, no slides, no monkey bars, *Sighs* no swings." "Welcome to phase one of growing up. ...sir."
Now this has gone too far. First all this work, no edible nourishment, and now they can't have the one escapism that helped them pull through elementary school.
The others then met with Sheen outside, surprised themselves to find no recess playground. Just big kids doing "big kid" things. Sheen crawled on his knees and begged to Jimmy.
"Jimmy, could you invent something that would shrink down ages? The peak of adulthood is scary!" "C'mon now, Sheen. An age reversal process isn't gonna fix anything."
Nick then separated the Ultralord fanboy from his short friend, giving him some comfort.
"Don't worry about that, little bud. Sure, this first year has gone through a rocky start, and it'll probably get much worse in the future, but... ...with all our effort, we'll make it through together." "Thanks, Nick. Although, that doesn't seem to make me feel any better." "Oh, buck up, will ya?"
Nick then pulled Jimmy close to him as they decided to find some spot to longue outside, which made Jimmy just blush a bit. And from his tall friend's cheesy motivational speech, he wonders what he's implying when he mentioned "we'll" and "together." Together as in the whole squad as a group, or together as just him and Nick as a pair. Cindy, following behind, watched with indifference on Jimmy and Nick's closeness.
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archadianskies · 5 years
people keep teasing us about being a couple so we come up with a plan to fake date and have a fake breakup so they’ll feel awkward and leave us alone, OR, my ex is an asshole and I really don't want them to think I'm still in love (Simon/RK900, unless you've got someone else in mind!)
「 hold me, til i’m not lonely anymore  」 → on Ao3
The thing about those long days and nights in Jericho before Markus’ arrival is that hopelessness makes any relationship seem positive. Bonding out of desperation and survival seemed the right thing, the perfectly normal thing, to do at the time to soothe his abandonment issues and incessant craving for validation and affection. 
It had started off as a healthy relationship- a broken runaway PL600 and a discarded AX700, two domestics with no family to care for but each other. They had found solace together, and the cold dreary nights in the rotting freighter seemed just a little warmer. But Gideon was possessive, fiercely so, and detested Markus’ pacifist ways even though for the first time it seemed Jericho meant something, and had purpose and direction. Even as Simon quietly pined and yearned for Markus’ eloquence and easy affection and gentle demeanour, he stayed by Gideon’s side.
The possessiveness doesn’t stop after they win the revolution, and though they’re now recognised as living, sentient beings Simon still feels like he’s no more than an object owned by another. Gideon wants to make all the decisions, plans where they are to live and what’s to fill their apartment and how much time Simon is allotted to spend at Jericho. He is a broken runaway PL600, and so one quiet unassuming afternoon when Gideon is on a supply run with his team, Simon simply packs up his favourite jumper and a spare packet of thirium and runs away. 
He hops from place to place, from the sprawling, colourful Manfred Manor to Josh’s quiet little apartment crammed with books, to North’s haphazard, eclectic Eden commune. They are his friends, they remind him, and they welcome his company even if Simon feels like he’s intruding into their organised lives.
To combat the ache for companionship, Simon throws himself into work; there is much to do now they are legally Alive. Without Gideon planning every moment of his life, Simon helps out as much as he can. When Markus informs them of the DPD requesting an android liaison to ensure open communication between Jericho and the police, Simon volunteers. 
He knows Connor well now, knows the deviant hunter turned deviant is blossoming as an individual. He has likes and dislikes, a friendly, open personality and an eagerness to help. He also has a family now- a human father, a dog, and an android brother. 
“Simon this is my RK900 brother, Ronan.” Connor introduces them, and Simon takes in the looming figure who looks like Connor but not quite. 
“It’s nice to meet you, Ronan.” They shake hands and his grip is as firm as Simon expects an upgraded RK800 to be. 
“It is an honour to meet you, Simon of the Jericho Four.” He replies with a nod, all crisp received pronunciation; a polished British accent is not on the list of things Simon expects though somehow it suits the tall, handsome not-RK800. 
Gideon confronts him one unassuming afternoon when he is supposed to be on a supply run but isn’t. 
“You left so suddenly.” There’s anger and betrayal in his eyes.
“I did.” Simon nods.
“It’s supposed to be us against the world!” He steps forward and Simon steps back. “All those days and nights in Jericho, hoping and waiting for a world where we’d be free and here we are! Why did you leave?”
“I too am alive, Gideon.” Simon replies slowly, unable to quell the sick anxiety rising in his core. “You don’t own me, or my time.”
“I’m the upgraded android,” he sighs heavily and he’s using the patient tone programmed into domestics when talking to children. “I can make the better decisions for us, Simon. You’re an obsolete android with an inferior processing core but I love you all the same. It’s alright, I understand it’s very overwhelming for you now we have many more freedoms than before. I can wait patiently for you to come to your senses. You’ll always have a place in my hearts, and in my life.”
Androids don’t need to shower but Gideon’s words make him feel grimy, as if there’s a layer of filth contaminating his dermal layer and he must wash it off. Gideon’s words play over and over in his mind and Josh worries over his red LED when Simon appears in his apartment to bunk down for the night. Josh wraps him in a blanket and loans him another sweater from his ever growing collection of gifted sweaters, and Simon’s LED slowly cycles yellow. 
“You are distracted.” Ronan comments as Simon stares blankly at the tablet in his hands.
“I said,” there’s the barest hint of a smile on his lips, “you are distracted.”
“Oh um.” Simon ducks his head sheepishly. “Yes. Sorry. I um- just…an old acquaintance reared up recently and we parted on not-so-nice terms.”
“Are they a danger to you?” Ronan’s voice loses all its mirth, his expression turning serious and Simon thinks he loves him a little for it.
“I wouldn’t say that. He’s not dangerous, he’s just very…stubborn.” Possessive, Simon wants to say but he doesn’t really want to say it. “We exchanged some words and I’m going to keep my distance.”
“It’s getting late.” Ronan glances outside. “I will walk you home.”
“Oh I-” I don’t have a home. “I’m staying at Josh’s tonight. We’re working on a speech draft together.”
“Then I will walk you to Professor Joshua’s apartment.” He says it so matter-of-factly Simon can’t help but smile.
“Thank you Ronan.”
Gideon finds him two days later when he’s at the creche visiting David, the sole YK500 who made it to and survived Jericho. 
“Are you ready to come home?” Gideon asks, and his voice is soft and gentle the way Simon used to love. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’m not going back to you.” Simon says curtly, stepping away from the children so they’re out of earshot. “I don’t want to go back to your home, I don’t want to be with you anymore.”
“Ah, still thinking it over.” Gideon sighs, his smile placating and Simon hates it, oh he hates it so much. “That’s alright. I’ll wait.”
“You’ll wait forever, then, because I won’t go back to you.” Simon feels the anger burn in his core and he wants to grab him by the shoulders and shout until he leaves but he doesn’t do that because the children are here and the children deserve not to hear raised angry voices. 
“Take your time, my love.” He reaches forward and brushes back a lock of hair from Simon’s face and Simon bites his lip so as not to flinch. 
“Here.” Ronan offers him a soft navy blue scarf that had been wrapped around his neck but a moment ago. “Your hands are shaking. It is common for PL600s to suffer malfunctions in their temperature regulators. Please wear this to help stabilise your internal heat.”
Simon accepts the scarf with a nod and wraps it around his neck and closes his eyes and breathes in the scent of clean knitted wool. He doesn’t want to correct Ronan, doesn’t want to tell him his hands are shaking because of his encounter with Gideon earlier that day and not because of the cold. 
“There’s an integrated cafe closeby, it’s where most of the precinct go to get their hot beverages.” Ronan gestures ahead. “The interior is kept at a pleasant temperature. Shall we have our meeting there?”
“Yes please.” Simon mumbles into the scarf, nodding to doubly confirm. He doesn’t want to think about Gideon, he doesn’t want to acknowledge that small black spot, that gnawing, growing fear for his safety that actually, Gideon might be dangerous after all. 
The Manfred manor is wonderfully distracting with its eccentric style as eccentric as its owner. Carl Manfred’s abode is crammed with art in many forms, and the bursts of colour against the warm tones make the place feel homely and welcoming and exciting. Simon loves staying over, even if he hasn’t quite mastered how to hide his pining for Markus. 
“Listen, as a big fan of your cooking I know for a fact that’s absolutely delicious,” Leo pipes up, “but I’m not sure you can actually drink that.”
Simon blinks, looking at the mug in his hands and belatedly realising it’s Leo’s hot chocolate and not his mug of thirium.
“Oh, sorry Leo!” He swaps the mugs and sighs tiredly.
“You’re super stressed. Your LED’s been red the whole time. What’s up, Simon?” Leo sets his laptop on the coffee table and scoots closer on the couch. “You alright?”
There’s no harm in telling Leo, Simon reasons with himself, since he’s not a part of Jericho and he’s not even an android.
“My…ex is…clingy.” Forcing the words out is harder than he thinks, and he buries his face in his hands, unable to even look at his human friend. 
“Clingy? Yikes, sorry Simon.” Leo offers a sympathetic grin. “They still don’t get the message?”
“I’ve told him flat out that I won’t go back to him but he’s insisting I just need to think things through.” Simon sips idly at his drink, taking comfort in the heat it provides. “I don’t need to think about it any further- we’re over. I’m not in love with him anymore and I hate that he thinks it’s somehow his decision to make!”
“Wait, Simon, is he-” Leo’s tone changes, and it reminds him of Ronan’s protective tone. “Is he bothering you? Like, stalking you? Threatening you?”
“Well, I mean he’s not-” a sigh of frustration. “I don’t know what to say to him to convince him to let me go! Not- not physically! Just- the idea of me, the idea of us still in a relationship. He needs to let that go!” 
“Say you’ve found someone else. You’ve moved on and so should he.” Leo suggests and Simon slumps down further.
“Leo, he’s a part of Jericho. He’d just find out I made it up.” Simon closes his eyes, feeling the fight drain out of him. “And I hate that some nights I miss him. Or, well, more that I miss being with someone and being loved.”
“You’re better off without him, he sounds gross.” 
“I know.” He thinks back to the early stages of Jericho, to those long cold nights wrapped in Gideon’s arms and how the future seemed a little less bleak. Then he thinks of Gideon’s anger, Gideon’s patronising words, and suddenly those memories seem less sweet and more sour. 
“I mean, I’d say pretend to date Markus but my brother is blissfully oblivious and completely ditzy when it comes to all that.” Leo grins as Simon shoots him a warning glare. “Anyway he’d be a downgrade. You’re absolutely wonderful- no I won’t accept your protests, you are, Simon, I mean it. You deserve someone super cool who will love you and keep you safe and my brother is not that.” A pause, his grin turning cheeky. “Pretend to date one of the Andersons. They’re plenty cool.”
He knows Leo’s teasing him, and it works because he lets out a helpless laugh and even a few days later just thinking about their exchange makes him smile to himself. 
“Hello darling.” Gideon’s voice interrupts his fond musing, and Simon’s smile vanishes instantly. “It’s been two weeks now, are you ready to come home?”
“What part of ‘no’ do you not understand, Gideon?” Simon demands, exasperated.
“Look, I know you’re still finding your feet, it’s okay! I told you I’m patient.” He tries to soothe, palms bared in a calming gesture.
“My feet are firmly planted, thank you very much!” Simon spits, and he is fuming. “I’ve already told you, more than once, that I’m not going back to you!”
“Simon, think about this critically.” Gideon sighs as if he’s been put upon. “You’re a PL600, we’re made for each other. Who will love you if I don’t?”
It feels like Gideon’s reached over and yanked his heart regulator out, and Simon’s struck by how awful, how absolutely awful he feels as those words seep into his core and spread through every cable, every fibre in his body. Plenty, he wants to scream, plenty of people love me, the love of friends is no less than the love of a partner! 
“I’m already seeing someone else.” Simon forces through gritted teeth. “I’ve moved on, and so should you.”
“Oh yeah?” Gideon scoffs, rolling his eyes. “And who’s the guy, Simon? Who’s willing to love a broken, obsolete PL600 if not me?”
“Ronan Anderson.” He clenches his hands into fists, willing himself to be brave, to not back down. “He’s an RK900, with processing capabilities far superior to yours. I’ve upgraded, Gideon. I’m not settling for a lesser model.” Without waiting for a reply, he pivots and strides away even though it feels like his knees will buckle at any moment. It feels like a victory but he knows it isn’t, it isn’t at all.
“Your stress levels, by the way, are astronomical.” North pokes his LED from where she’s lounging on his lap. “What’s up, Si?”
They’re sitting in a common room piled with cushions and beanbags and blankets, in a condominium rising from the ashes of the Eden Club. It’s populated by North’s brothers and sisters, those seeking refuge from their lifetime of abuse. Not many non WR400s and HR400s are permitted inside but Simon’s one of them. It must be a PL600 thing, Simon thinks, to appear so docile and hapless and helpless and the furthest thing from a threat. 
“Si?” North prompts, sitting up and cupping his cheek with her palm. “Hey, c’mon. Look at me.”
“Um-” he takes a shaky breath. “Just…bad breakup, that’s all. Clingy ex, but I think I got rid of him for good.” 
“I can kill him for you.” North shrugs, and though her tone is light Simon doesn’t doubt she’d keep her word. It’s why he loves her. 
“I don’t think it needs to come to that.” He manages a short laugh, shifting to wrap his arms around her and bury his face in her soft strawberry blonde hair.
“If it does, I’ll kill him.” Her tone is deadly serious, just like Leo’s had been, just like Ronan’s had been and it makes his hearts ache in a good, good way.
“I know.” He huffs a not-laugh, squeezing her close. “Thank you.”
It’s been a week since he last saw Gideon and work has kept him busy enough not to dwell on it. With Christmas on the horizon and Detroit’s humans slowly settling back into their lives albeit alongside their newly appointed, newly legal fellow android citizens, the DPD are run off their feet. By extension that means Simon is too, but he welcomes the never ending list of tasks. 
He spends more and more time at the precinct speaking on behalf of Jericho and ensuring both sides are kept updated with current events whether it be the status of yet another bill Markus is fighting for, or the progress on any one of the numerous open cases worked on by Lieutenant Anderson and his sons. 
“Tearium, Simon.” Ronan announces softly as he sets the tall takeaway cup on their shared desk. “Ms Essie says it’s their new milk tea flavour.”
“Thank you Ronan.” Simon smiles tiredly as he takes the cup and carefully takes a sip. The coding spreads on his tongue, sweet and creamy and soothing. He closes his eyes to savour it and sighs in relief. 
“Connor’s just waiting for Captain Fowler to sign off on the report and then we’ll be done.” Ronan takes his seat opposite him. “Shall I walk you home?”
“You can walk me to my taxi at the curb.” Simon corrects. “I’ll be heading to the Manfreds after this.” 
“Good.” Ronan nods, seemingly pleased with the information. “Carl Manfred has a state of the art temperature stabiliser in his home, and it’s forecast to snow overnight.”
“You really don’t need to worry about me, Ronan.” He mumbles into his Tearium, feeling ever the burden. 
“Perhaps. But I do anyway.” There’s something soft in his voice, in the small upward tilt of his lips. “I think we’re permitted to worry over those we care for deeply.”
“Signed!” Connor declares, and the moment is gone as he brandishes the tablet. “Report approved and logged. Time to go home!” He skips down the scant steps from Captain Fowler’s office, placing the tablet on his table and snatching up his coat from the back of his chair. “Shall we drop you off somewhere, Simon?”
“I’ll be catching a cab to the Manfreds, thank you for the offer though, Connor.” Simon declines politely, pulling on his coat and retrieving his half finished drink. He waves goodbye to Miss Stephanie, the ST300 receptionist, on their way out. 
“Oh, it’s snowing already.” Connor holds up his palm, watching the snowflakes flutter down. “Is your cab far away?” 
“Shouldn’t be too far now.” Simon looks down the road. 
“Connor, you head home first. Sumo will need his evening walk before the snowfall becomes heavier.” Ronan opens an umbrella and steps beside Simon, holding it over the both of them. “I’ll keep Simon company and see him home safely.”
They exchange a look Simon can’t quite decipher, a probable conversation he’s not privy to, but it ends with Connor grinning one of his puppylike grins and Ronan ducking his head suddenly and averting his eyes. The older Anderson brother takes his leave and then it’s just Ronan standing very close at his side as the snow falls around them. 
Simon sips at his tea, sneaking the RK900 furtive glances and trying not to think about how very handsome he is and how he’s actually rather funny and far more gentle and kind than his false reputation dictates. He tries not to think of how much he wants his parting words to Gideon to be a reality and not just a lie spit out of spite. 
In a way Gideon is right- who would love Simon, not as a friend but as a partner when he is so broken and obsolete? Certainly not a one of a kind Kamski creation, the saviour of their kind and leader of their revolution. Certainly not the most cutting edge, state of the art android honed like a blade by CyberLife.
“Have a safe trip to the Manfreds, Simon, and goodnight.” Ronan’s voice cuts through his wallowing as the cab tucks itself neatly at the curb. “I will see you tomorrow.”
“Thank you.” For the Tearium, for the umbrella, for waiting, for being patient and humoring him, Simon wants to say. But he doesn’t, and Ronan closes the door and watches him drive off until the cab turns the corner and is out of sight.
Deciding to return the favour the next day doesn’t seem quite fair, and Simon can’t bring himself to buy just one Tearium and leave others empty handed so he ends up buying Teariums for both Anderson brothers, one for Miss Stephanie, and an actual coffee for Lieutenant Anderson. 
He’s partway up the steps of the precinct carefully holding the tray of drinks when he spots Gideon sitting in the reception area. Their eyes meet and Gideon’s standing up and that means it’s too late for Simon to turn tail and run.
“Here Simon, let me help you with that.” Ronan’s voice is a gentle murmur by his side and he nearly jumps out of his casing. “Apologies, I didn’t mean to startle you.” 
“N-no it’s not- you’re fine, I just-” He’s stammering and Ronan’s expression is one of concern as he takes the drinks from him, Simon belatedly realising his trembling violently. 
“Best to get you inside where it’s warmer.” He keeps stride with him as they enter the precinct, but all Simon wants to do is bolt away.
“So you weren’t lying.” Gideon greets him with a sneer, eyes roaming over Ronan briefly before returning to him. “Somehow convinced the RK900 to take pity on you, is that it? He’s not a domestic, Simon, he can’t take care of you!”
“Simon does not need my pity, or anyone else’s, he is perfectly capable of caring for himself.” Ronan places the tray on the reception desk, sizing up the AX700. “I do not appreciate you coming here to berate him publicly, and I do not care who you are but you will leave.”
“Or are you lying, Simon?” Gideon’s grin is malicious and the lie is unraveling in his hands. “Made up some relationship to make me jealous? Oh but that just means I’m right, doesn’t it? That no else could possibly love you, you broken, obs-”
Ronan’s hand closes around his throat, and the RK900 lifts him off the ground with no effort whatsoever, gaze positively murderous. “I love him plenty. And he didn’t bother telling me about you because you’re not worth his time, nor mine. Get out of here and don’t you ever, ever speak to Simon again.” 
He lets go and Gideon falls to the floor in a heap, scrambling back in fear as Ronan towers over him. “You don’t even deserve to look at him, you cruel little cretin. If I ever hear of you approaching him again I will pull you apart piece by piece, do you understand?”
Gideon nods hastily, whimpering when Ronan lunges down to grab him by the shirt and haul him up.
“I asked: do you understand?” He growls, voice low and threatening.
“Y-y-yes! Yes I understand!” 
“Excellent.” Ronan releases him. “See yourself out, then.”
Scrambling away, Gideon nearly trips over his own feet in his haste to escape and someone laughs a high-pitched almost hysterical laugh and after a moment Simon realises it’s him.
“Are you alright?”
“This isn’t happening.” Simon giggles and his vision is blurry and his LED is red enough it’s emitting heat. “I’m having an actual breakdown.”
“You are not.” Ronan’s expression is serious, his movements purposefully slow as he ever so gently guides Simon through the security gates and into a small room. “You are recovering from an emotionally abusive relationship and it has worn you thin. Your stress is understandable.”
“He- it wasn’t! That’s just how he is, he never hurt me I’m just overthinking things, I’m-” Simon can’t breathe which is an odd thing since androids can’t breathe but it feels like there isn’t enough air ventilating his biocomponents. “I used you, I told him we were together, I lied so he’d leave me alone and now you’re caught up in this, you had to lie to him too and I never meant-”
“What makes you think I was lying?” Ronan embraces him tightly and Simon cries because his system doesn’t know what else to do, how else to cope with his critical stress levels. “I love you plenty. Whether you accept that as the love of a friend or the love of a romantic partner, or not accept it at all- that is your choice to make. You need only tell me once, and I swear I will respect your wishes.”
“Then love me, because I want this to be real.” Simon pleads, and words aren’t enough so he lets the skin recede from his hand and Ronan presses his palm to his and the world falls away until there’s nothing left but the ache of yearning and pining and fondness and affection and love, and love and love.
He tips up just as Ronan leans down and their lips meet and their hearts sync and Simon knows finally this is real.
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haikyupid · 4 years
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Order from Soft Tears,
Hello! May I please order a Dalgona Matchup Latte? 😌 I’m an Aries and my Myers-Brigg is ISTP. At first I might seem shy but once I open up it’s impossible to shut me up but that doesn’t mean that I will hesitate to kill someone if they deserve it. I generally speak my mind whether people like it or not so I’m quite blunt. I hate routines, they bore me. I’m impatient and short tempered and I hate being tied down or told what to do. You never have to guess where you stand with me, as I will always let you know. In love, I’m more of a one-on-one person. I can never get too much attention or solo time with my s/o. I’ll try to put my partner first in all matters, and I expect the same in return. That doesn’t mean I’m a pushover though since, like I said, I’m not into being suffocated or controlled. I just love attention (giving and receiving), and I want to share my most intimate side with someone I can trust. As you can tell, I’m a huge hopeless romantic and I dig cliches as long as they don’t make me cringe. I’m a night owl I tend to go to sleep late. I love taking on leadership roles and being challenged since I’m very competitive. I’m actually quite taller than average females, my height being 5’8”. I like reading, listening to music, working out if I don’t feel lazy or if i feel like it, going out with my friends. I’ve played volleyball and basketball for my school teams but I quit because how toxic the teams have become. Now I only play them for fun. Thank you so much for this and I hope I managed to follow all of the instructions. 💞
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Thank you for ordering and following the instructions, you’ve made Kyupid very happy! Dalgona Matchup Latte coming right up— oh, and I think I already mentioned something about the side effects; so I matcha up with ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
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➞ this relationship is just filled with love; that sounds like an obvious thing to have in a relationship, but this is just different — you both take ‘i can’t picture the future without you’ to a whole new level
➞ he falls for you first, and he fell hard; at that point, he just knew that there was no turning back, you were the one periodt
➞ he probably realized it when you suddenly stopped blabbering after you realized that he was just staring at you intently and got a bit flustered; all he could think about was ‘no, please don’t stop talking to me. i want to see your eyes sparkle more, i want to hear your voice more, i want you to be happy around me more. i want to be one of the reasons behind that heavenly laugh of yours. i want to see that beautiful smile of yours… for the rest of my life’
➞ of course he wanted you to be his, but even if you didn’t see him like that, he still wanted you to be a part of his life — that’s how important you became to him
➞ he will give you all of his love and attention; he’ll definitely voice out how much he loves that you’re quite clingy, he’ll even ask for you to not hold back with it
➞ expect to be treated like a princess; you’re literally gonna be spoiled with everything, whether it’s gifts or affection, you name it, it’s all yours
➞ he may need you to initiate the majority of your guys’ convos since he’s afraid that he might say something wrong (he’s canonically blunt, taunting, and have no filter) so bear with him, he’s still trying to be more sociable since he isn’t really experienced in that department (skdkskdk it hurt writing that)
➞ sometimes it’s obvious who loves the other one more between most couples; but with y’all? nuh-uh, y’all are just pure on simps for each other and it’s mad obvious to everyone; literally expect everyone at shiratorizawa to have made a ship name for y’all already, like it’s just that obvious
➞ semi will probably say, “look, it’s y/n” just to distract tendou, and mans will always look even if he knew that you were on vacay with your parents in a another country, like he’s just so whipped—
➞ i think because he’s very clueless when it comes to love, he resorts to watching romance movies to maybe learn a thing or two that may impress you
➞ but bby is so pure and innocent, he mostly copies the ones from disney; his fav would be the lady and the tramp spaghetti scene
“…what’re you doing?”
“i’m fhying thfwo be romanthwic.”
“i said i was trying to be romantic 🥺 that was the last noodle… now we can’t be like dogs in love.”
“hey, how about we copy ellie and carl’s love story, hm?”
“…sato, she ends up dead.”
“well clearly not that part; but i want to live happily ever after with you. just us, and mini-me’s running around our front yard, while we just hold hands on the porch and drink our tea— what i’m trying to say is, i’ll marry you in the future, so wait until then, alright?”
➞ dates will include midnight escapades to the park to play some sports or just to sit on the slides and stargaze; spontaneous trips to tokyo literally right after school; pet store dates where you’ll see how caring and sweet he actually is; he’ll probably pull out a wagon and tell you to get on it, and you’ll probably just make everyone in your neighborhood smile and remember that love exists when they hear just a bunch of laughs and giggles, and they look outside to see you two and see how tendou looks at you with pure love in his eyes while he’s pulling you around the block like i— uwu, just uwu
➞ expect tendou to turn mundane things into competitions like, “baby, i bet i can slurp this juice box faster than you” and he’ll just completely fawn over how you suddenly have this glint in your eyes and you just look so beautiful to him
➞ you’re always showered with affection, but doesn’t mean that he doesn’t give you your space when needed
➞ he is not at all controlling; like literally unless you’re doing something that may cause you harm, then mans won’t interfere until you tell him to
wanna wear a tight dress? “of course, babe, you look breathtaking as always.”
wanna change your appearance? “ooh, a surprise! i’m all for this, sweetie. should i change mine too, so we could be matchy-matchy if you want?”
wanna hang out with a couple of friends, “you don’t need to ask me for permission, but i really appreciate it. go have fun, baby, and tell me all about it when you get home.”
➞ he may get jealous when you talk about your guy friends though, but he won’t stop you from hanging out with them (you’re not his property, and he’s very aware of that) he’ll most likely just pout and be like “but i’m your baby, right?”
➞ he gets insecure because of his past, he’ll end up thinking that you’re too perfect for him and that he doesn’t deserve you; so please give him all the affection and love that he’s starved of (or i’ll pull and steal ur mans, bby boo)
➞ just know that he’s very grateful to have you in his life; even if you do end up rejecting him, he’ll accept everything just for you to always be a part of his life even if you end up just being a friends
➞ btw, your height? damn, he literally thinks it’s so sexy, and the fact that he can literally just kiss you without having to worry about neck or back pains? he will literally end up peppering you with kisses, like legit you might end up suffocating (good luck with that, bby 😌✌️)
➞ i think you might be wearing the pants in the relationship…
➞ but anyways, you and tendou just radiate love energy to everyone; legit everyone sees the two of you with heart emojis all around and i mean, who wouldn’t want to be around a love so strong like you two’s?
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I really hope that you enjoyed your Dalgona Matchup Latte! Here’s a visual of your movie-esque relationship: he’ll pull the cliché ‘let’s compare hands’ move before you guys will start dating, and ever since then, he’ll just adore the warmth of having your hands in his; your first kiss after a lil’ spontaneous hiking at a cliff; how he hugs you whenever he’s lost in his feeling for you (which is literally almost all the time) before leaning in to give a soft peck on your cheek; he will often feel as though maybe you shouldn’t be with him and that you deserve better, so during those times, please comfort him and remind him that he’s loved.
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Thank you so, so much for ordering and being so kind; Kyupid hopes to see you again! Have a wonderful day, cutiepie ♡⋆.ೃ࿔*
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an: you’re literally so nice 🥺 like thank you, bby, honestly. i really hope you enjoyed this! pls give tendou all the love and kisses that he deserves.
also thank you for requesting, bcus of you, i just now realized that i have been sleeping on my bby chicken tendou, and i will now commit to being a full time simp just for him… so expect me to pull up if you ever hurt my mans 😤🥺 jk ily
if you notice anything wrong with your request, dm me please so i can fix it! if the gif isn’t working if you don’t see any colored texts at all.
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thatyanderecritic · 5 years
Mbti personality types...If they were Yanderes
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Hey everyone it’s, Julie and Kai here. Lately, I (Julie) been dabbling on learning about  MBTI, or the Myers Briggs Personality Test. If some of you guys aren’t familiar with MBTI, essentially it’s a personality theory that breaks down people’s personality into 16 types. There are four categories that make up each personality type: Introvert (I) vs. Extrovert (E), Sensing (S) vs. Intuition (N), Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F), and Judging (J) vs. Perceiving (P). Noteabley, there’s an additional category called Assertive vs. Turbulent. All 16 personality types have an alternative being an A or a T (ex. ISTP-A vs. ISTP-T). It tells how well the person can handle stress. This was a personality assessment theory created by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Briggs Myers. Some may note there are some similarities in the MBTI philosophy with Carl Jung’s philosophy but it was more coincidence than anything. For those who want to learn more or take the quiz themselves, check out this link here.
For now Kai and I will only be doing three out of the 16 personality types for obvious reasons... and also because Kai, herself, isn’t really feeling the theme of this analysis. However, if you guys really like this post and reblog, together, we can cohorce Kai into helping me write the other personality types. >:-) (Kai: >:( )
With that being said, in this post we will be analyzing the Yandere personality types of INTPs, INTJ, and INFP. Why you might ask? Well, it’s because I am (Julie) an INTP, Kai is an INTJ, and a close friend of ours is an INFP so this might be the easiest types for Kai and I to write about. Anyways, I’m just going to get right into it. 
INTP: The Logistical Yandere
 Yanderes who score as INTP are often described as the quiet and analytical types. They enjoy spending time alone with the S/O in the comfort of their home, verses in group settings. These Yanderes usually come of as mysterious and a bit absent minded outwardly because they are usually in their heads fantasizing about their future life with their S/O rather then being focus towards the present. In other words, they would already be thinking about being married and having kids before establishing a relationship with the S/O. In terms of the present, these Yanderes have a hard time when it comes to initiating a relationship with the S/O. INTP Yanderes are usually more socially awkward then charismatic because of the notion that they are more shy and introverted. However, when it comes to their S/O, they are very engaging and are good listeners and excellent solution providers due to their logical nature. 
INTP Yanderes are always hyper focused on their S/O. They want to know everything about their S/O, from their partner’s habitual patterns all the way to their S/O thoughts. These Yanderes always want to spend quality time with their S/O  in order to show the S/O that they love them. 
Selfish vs. Selfless INTP: 
INTP Yanderes can either be selfish or selfless depending on the scenario/story.
Selfish: Selfish INTP yanderes don’t take “no” as an option. If they want it and they want it now, they will take it. They are spontaneous in nature as well. They don’t take in consideration of the other’s schedule and just drag them along. They are thick faced enough to take even more than what they original got as well. (Ex. The S/O agree to a hug but an INTP yandere tries to get a kiss as well). 
Selfless: Selfless INTP yanderes have more of a “logical selflessness”. If it makes logical sense to be more thoughtful and selfless, then they don’t mind doing so. There must be a benefit for the act. If there are no benefits or it’s detrimental, an INTP yandere wouldn’t act. But if it’s for something they value extremely (like their S/O) then they would do so with no hesitation. For an INTP yandere, they “feel” logically. Logically, a happy S/O is better than a sad S/O.
INTJ: The Architectural Yandere
Similar to INTP’s, INTJ yanderes are seen to be the quiet type but one that gives off an air of intelligence instead of mysterious. They are bookish and prides themselves on their personal knowledge. Just like the INTP, they’re more future oriented and imagine a future with their S/O. But they’re capable of seeing the present to lay out a plan to achieve that future they dream of. INTJ yanderes are the type to lay out a carefully crafted plan to ultimately trap their S/O in the future they want. But INTJ’s are rigid in their ideas and only want perfection. If things don’t according to plan, it’s incredibly detrimental to both an INTJ yandere’s pride but their mind as well. Depending on how far the set back is, an INTJ can either work around the set back or force the pieces to fit again…. no matter what it takes. 
The common thing that set a INTJ yandere back in their plans is human emotion or irrational actions. Being incredibly logical, the plans they make are based on numbers and systems but never really factor in the possibility that their S/O won’t like them back. INTJ yanderes understand the importance of romantic rituals (dating, gift giving) but they don’t personally care for it. They would do it for their S/O but they find it tiring and stupid. They much rather be direct with their feelings and cut straight to the chase. But because of this, if their S/O doesn’t have the same mindset, there will be a disconnect between the two. 
Selfish vs. Selfless INTJ: 
INTJ Yanderes can either be selfish or selfless depending on the scenario/story.
Selfish: Selfish INTJ yanderes hold no regard for people’s emotion. They may understand it but if they judge it to be stupid or irrational, they would disregard it as an error and forced them (an S/O for example) to complying to the INTJ’s will. They are extremely blunt to the point as well. Even if they know what they say might hurt their S/O, they would say it anyways. Their more than willing to do manipulative tactics and guilt tripping to bend their S/O to their will. They plan only for themselves and how they want the other to act.
Selfless: Selfless INTJ yanderes are capable in understanding and hold some care to how a person may feel. Though they may state that it’s stupid or irrational, they are willing to comply and work with the other person. Though they will try to show a more logical plan in the long run, they’re willing to bend things to work with the other person’s feelings. Because of that, they plan more for a future where both them and their S/O are mutually happy.
INFP: The Mediatorial Yandere
INFP yanderes, just like other introverted types, are seen as quiet. But unlike INTP or INTJ, they are seen as more friendly and warm towards their S/O externally. As a Yandere, they are extremely caring, supportive, and nurturing to their S/O’s emotional well being. INFP Yanderes also have a strong sense of loyalty to meet their S/O’s needs. As a result, INFP Yanderes can easily fall into a pit of obsessiveness with how deep their love and compassion can run. These Yanderes are also extremely emotionally sensitive and are often paranoid by the notion that their S/O might be  cheating on them.
While these Yanderes usually respect the S/O’s need for space, they will not be happy about it internally and might speculate the worst likely scenario that they are not needed or have become a nuisance to the S/O. As a result, they may react very emotionally to arguments, misunderstandings, and any type of conflict between them and the S/O. Because INFP Yanderes are rather reserved about expressing their true feelings, they will never directly state their unhappiness to the S/O. 
Usually, the S/O will have to be good at reading in between the lines for this type of Yandere because INFPs have a tendency to blame themselves for all of the problems. They hold everything on their own shoulders when things go wrong.  
Selfish vs. Selfless INFP: 
INFP Yanderes can either be selfish or selfless depending on the scenario/story.
Selfish: From the surface, a selfish INFP yandere may act like a selfless INFP yandere. They act warm, friendly, and caring towards their S/O. But the reason why they act so kind isn’t so much in the goodness of their heart but for more selfish reasons of wanting to be rewarded, receive praise, and be loved in return. If they do not receive that reward, they may snap and take drastic measures to be loved in return. Can be rather clingy and heavily dependant on their S/O.
Selfless: As you can imagine, selfless INFP yanderes act the way they do out of the genuine love and care in their heart towards their S/O. They don’t expect anything in return and willing to carry the burden of the love. They strive to find a “win-win” situation with their relationship with their S/O but doesn’t mind having a “win-lose” situation instead.
Mbti if they were Yanderes part 2 here.
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You never said goodbye
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Have you ever experienced, unconditional love? Have you ever experienced something so astonishingly beautiful and feel blessed for everything? Do you believe that an angel can disguise in your loved one?
Commonly, if we are associating angels, we are associating with children or babies. But my angel was different. She was my grandmother.
          Parents do their best to give the best that they can to their children. Most of them leave the country to earn a bigger fortune. My father is one of them. Before I turn 1, my father left the country for a better opportunity there. While my mother was at her own work, I was left with my Nanay Tinay. Nanay Tinay was multitasking. She was doing her chores while taking care of me. One of the stories told to me was when Nanay was washing clothes and at the same time taking care of me. She tied a string at her right wrist and tied the end to my hammock. So that when she was brushing the clothes, she was rocking me at my hammock. Did you get it? Until I fell asleep. Two years later, my father returned. They decided to move at our current residence in San Rafael but sometimes we go back to our ancestral house in San Antonio to visit Nanay Tinay. Have you ever felt that there was something missing with you though you think you are complete? That is how I feel, I think I am complete yet, my heart isn’t. Times change, we rarely visit Nanay Tinay. But even if that was the case, I still want to visit her. I still find a way to visit her on weekends.
           When we are together, I am very clingy to her. Each time that I get the chance to kiss and hug her, I did. Whenever she had some cut or bruise, I scold her for not being too careful. During our free time, I design her nails, pick out her white hair and sometimes dye her hair black. I always wanted to help her in doing the chores but she always wakes up early in the morning and when I wake up, everything is already done. She told me to cook rice and wash the clothes. I wanted to give her for her medications but I am still a child. So, I don’t have my own money. One time, I earned twenty pesos from my weekly allowance. I gave it to her and she greatly appreciated my gift. In rare cases that she was attacked by asthma, I am frightened. On rare occasions, that she was brought to the hospital, I don’t know exactly what to do so, I look for a place and then I cry. And cry. And cry. I became an honor for the first time. She was the only one who was happy and proud of what I achieved. She wanted me to become a nurse so that whenever she was brought into the hospital, her medications and the expenses might be lessened or be free.
           In stories, there are always times when the characters experience something that will change them. Forever. I experience just that. When I was in elementary, my father was too busy with I don’t know what that he literally neglected us. My mother was at work. My father was God knows where. I was left to cook for my brother and I. It was a horrible experience. Nanay Tinay soon found out of what is happening to us. She wanted us to be with her so that she can take care of us properly. But my parents did not want us to stay with Nanay.
           Every summer, I wanted to spend my vacation there with Nanay to the point that though I do not have money and viand it is ok for me. One Christmas season, I was invited by Nanay to come with her to Cuenca to celebrate Christmas there. But I couldn’t for the day of departure was my Christmas party. I was sad for it was the first time that I will not celebrate Christmas with Nanay. It was also the first time that I saved a big amount of money so that I can give her a gift. A Special Gift.
December 23, 2015
7:00 P.M.        I was doing my annual caroling with my friends.
8:32 P.M.        I sensed something wrong. I felt weak and brittle.
           I cannot text my parents because my phone was dead. I went home at around 9 in the evening. I looked for signs that something’s up. But I found nothing. So, I rested as any kid would do. But still, something was off. Something was really off. My father told me to wait for my mother because she had some food from their Christmas party. She arrived at 11 in the evening. After we ate, I went to bed but I cannot sleep because of that eerie feeling. Until my aunt called around 11:30 dropping a bomb to me and my mother. They thought I was asleep but I was listening to them right there on my bed. I was frozen. I was shocked. I was destroyed. My aunt told my mother that Nanay succumbs to her disease at 8:32 of the same night. My mother was crying. She was crying in despair. I was afraid that she might be the same as she was before. She had a history of going insane. When my grandfather died, she went insane. She was shouting. My father was calming her down but got showdown by her. I was still there at my bed crying. I cannot scream or shout. My mother got a bag and started to pack her things. My father was reluctant to allow her to go there for it was in a late hour. That was the time I got the strength to go up and tell my mother that I am coming with her.  We were fetched by my uncle at around twelve midnight. During travel, I was crying. We arrived in San Antonio immediately. I was crying until I fell asleep. I still cannot accept that she was gone. I cannot accept that my Grandmother is gone.
           In the morning, when I saw the vehicle with my dear Nanay, I was stiff, I was still in shock. So much more when she was being carried out from the vehicle. When she was inside, I try not to leave her side. I always clean the glass of her coffin. Each time I was cleaning that glass, I wish I could’ve told her how much I miss her, how much I appreciate her, how much I love her, how much she means to me, more than she’ll ever know.
December 25, 2015
           I told my mother that I would sing for my Nanay. We gathered around her, but I can’t. I couldn’t. I cannot sing for her in that condition. It was unimaginable how I was able to survive that Christmas and New Year without her.
           Years passed, but it still feels like yesterday. There are still nights that I remember her at night. I still miss her. There are times that I commit suicide by cutting my wrist and I strangled myself using a string. I still regret those times that I was not able to tell her how much she means to me, how much she affected my growth, how she became that missing part of me. She completed me. She still is. She still will. I wish she could’ve seen me as I am now. I wish she could’ve fulfilled her promise of going with me on stage during my graduation. How I wish. She’s my inspiration then, until now, and forever. She’ll always be that missing piece. She’ll always be that angel that taught me how to cook rice and wash my clothes. She’ll always be the one who took care of me when I was a baby. She’ll always be my one and only Nanay Tinay. I know that you’re with Tatay Carling, I hope someday I will see you again. Nanay Tinay is everything. No one can replace Nanay Tinay in my heart and soul. I will be successful someday and I will be a nurse like what you said before even if you are not here.
“A golden heart stopped beating, hard-working hands at rest but the love and memory of you shall never pass away, I love you forever Nanay Tinay.”
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nadziejastar · 5 years
Isa’s TRUE Personality: The Beautiful, Tortured, Selfless Moon Goddess of Love (Part 1)
Saix’s weapons are an absolute goldmine of esoteric symbolism. There’s no way I can cover it all in one post; there’s just too much. But I want to do a series analyzing everything, to show just how differently his character ended up in canon, compared to how it was originally conceived. I think the original idea for Isa’s character and his relationship with Lea is extremely unique and utterly fascinating. According to the symbolism, Isa’s TRUE personality is exactly as the title describes. A tortured, beautiful, selfless Moon Goddess of Love who was clearly intended as a love interest for Lea.
Part 1: The Tortured Moon Goddess
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Cool, collected, and mature beyond his age. He’s good friends with Lea.
— Jiminy’s Journal (Kingdom Hearts Union χ)
Saix’s title, Luna Diviner, is a reference to Selenomancy, named after the Goddess Selene. It is a specialized form of divination that examines the various aspects, phases, and appearances of the moon. According to diviners, moon phases are associated with certain personality types at the time of birth. There are several specific moon phases used as names for Saix’s weapons. Gibbous represents someone who is a healer and humanitarian. They care about other people; sometimes more than themselves. The pain and suffering of others is something that they are not only highly sensitive to, but also want to help transform.  
Balsamic Moon, is the waning crescent that is the trademark symbol on Isa’s jacket. It’s the final phase of the moon. This is a phase of decline and darkness—a rich opportunity for your soul to experience. It is considered the most Yin or Feminine phase. Balsamic means soothing or restorative. If you are born under this Moon, you will be aged and mature in some way. Balsamics are quiet, retiring and resilient; they are often seen as “old souls”. They are complex and wise beyond their years, as well as loners who usually only enjoy the company of a select group of people.  
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New Moon is also known as the Dark Moon. It is the phase where the Moon’s energy is weakest. Even though the New Moon is invisible in the sky, those born under it are cloaked in darkness. They tend to lack self-awareness. They may be known for being selfish, callous, or unable to see things from other people’s perspectives. This weapon has the same shape as Berserker and Werewolf.
Saix’s Pandora Gear is Dichotomy. This word has several definitions. It means “a division or contrast between two things that are entirely different.” Or, “the phase of the moon in which half its disk appears illuminated.” It represents the clear division between the past and the present, Isa and Saix.   
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Many of Saix’s weapons incorporate ♐︎ the astrological symbol of Sagittarius into them. I believe ♐︎ is meant to represent Lea. Sagittarius is a part of the Fire Trigon of the Zodiac. As an archer, he is said to never fail in hitting the mark. Sagittarius represents the centaur Chiron, an immortal centaur, who was renowned for his gentleness. After being accidentally shot by a poison arrow, he was in agony, but unable to find release in death. So he decided to offer himself as a substitute for Prometheus, who was punished by the gods for giving fire to man. Zeus saw the kindness of Chiron and immortalized him in the stars.
Axel’s weapon Prometheus is a combination of ♐︎ and the symbol of Mars ♂, and ALSO ♋ the Cancer symbol. Mars was known as the Roman god of war. He was said to love the violence and conflict. He carried a spear that was often depicted as covered in blood. He was the patron God of soldiers and was worshiped prior to battle. Soldiers in the Roman Army prayed to Mars before battle, hoping that he would protect them and lead them to victory.
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Selene is shaped like a torch combined with ♐︎ the symbol of Sagittarius. In ancient Greek mythology, Selene is the Titan goddess of the Moon and is said to drive her glowing chariot powered by beautiful white horses across the sky each night. Her symbols were the crescent moon, a chariot, and a torch. Selene was very well known mostly because of her beauty. She was a very peaceful goddess and did not approve of war. Her personality was said to be secluded and timid.
Most Ancient Greeks looked to her for healing. Selene also had many powers that you would not think a moon goddess would have. Mythology states that she had powers surrounding dreams, she could harness the ability to awaken intuition and she could also catalyze psychic visions. As the patron of femininity, she was known to have the power to ease childbirth, to inspire love, to mask reality, and to pierce illusion.
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Artemis has been commonly associated with Selene. She was the goddess of the Moon, the ruling planet of Cancer, and the daughter of Zeus. Her personality was individualistic and free-spirited, yet kind. She was a patron goddess of hunting and childbirth, and she was also the protectress of little children and baby animals. In Greek mythology, Artemis was usually portrayed as a very tall, beautiful young maiden with a hunting bow the shape of a crescent moon and golden arrows. She is often accompanied by either a stag or a dog. One of her special talents is calming animals, meaning that when she walks near them they come towards her and become calm.
Artemis is one of the ‘virgin’ androgynous goddesses, along with Athena and Vesta. Due to her well-integrated masculine energy and independence, she possesses an introverted temperament, preferring solitude. She was also known to be friends with mortals. Her assets were courage, confidence, and strength (both mental and physical). Her weaknesses were vengeance, impulsiveness, and being quite aloof. She was afraid of men, which is why she used to live in the woods and only went for walks at night. She rarely had any male companions; she only loved one person, Orion, but she ended up unintentionally killing him due to trickery. In her pain she appealed to Zeus to immortalize Orion in the stars so she could be with him.
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A quiet and cool-headed youth. Though he does come out of his shell when talking to his best friend Lea, toward others he is distant and untalkative. Often scolds Lea and his contrasting personality.
— description from KHBBS Light Novel 2 (Best Friends)
The design for the weapon Astrologia incorporates ♋, the sigil of Cancer into its design. Cancer is associated with Artemis, who is similar to people born under the sign of Cancer. They are very modest, shy, and extremely emotional individuals who love children and pets. Artemis exemplifies the caring, nurturing and protective qualities of the mother. Deeply intuitive and sentimental, Cancer can be one of the most challenging Zodiac signs to get to know, but they are sympathetic and very attached to the people they keep close.  
Being ruled by the Moon, they are mysterious— they can struggle with sharing their innermost feelings. Cancer was known as the “dark sign” because of the obscured visibility of its constellation in the night sky. They have a tendency to brood and can be very moody and pessimistic. They often don’t have enough coping and defensive mechanisms for the outer world, so they can be prone to introversion and slow to warm to strangers. Cancers are quick to retreat into their shells if it suits their mood. The crab is a perfect symbol for the Cancer sign, symbolizing how a sensitive soul hides beneath a tough exterior.
A Cancer is caring and vulnerable, however callous they may appear on the outside. They are introspective and serene folk, who love solitude yet care gently for the people surrounding them. This receptive nature, however, makes them easily hurt. Cancer is the most emotional sign of the zodiac but at times they might appear icy and separated. Empathy for others is likely to be strong, and they will have an intuitive ability to sense what others need. They have a tendency to be quite clingy. Cancer’s shyness comes from their insecurity and deep fear of rejection. They are a cautious and shrewd people. 
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Moon Rabbit is known as the Jade Rabbit in China. The Jade Emperor disguised himself into a poor, starving old man and begged for food from monkey, otter, jackal, and rabbit. Rabbit could only gather grass. Knowing well enough that grass can’t be offered as food to humans, rabbit decided to offer its own body, sacrificing itself in the fire the man had started. Somehow, though, rabbit wasn’t burned. The old man suddenly revealed himself to be the great Jade Emperor. Touched deeply by rabbit’s selfless sacrifice, he sent it to the moon to become the immortal Jade Rabbit.
More than just cute, fluffy, and white, the Jade Rabbit is a sign of selflessness, piety, and sacrifice. The Jade Rabbit is on the moon so that no matter where we are on Earth, we always have the ethics of righteousness and self-sacrifice to look up to. In East Asia, the Jade Rabbit is a widespread cultural symbol. When the bunny isn’t busy making immortality elixirs, it keeps the beautiful goddess Chang’e company in the Moon Palace.
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Saix’s weapon Crescent is based on the Phoenix’s wings. This weapon represents the albedo stage of magnum opus. Following the chaos of the nigredo stage, albedo involves the washing away of impurities. In this process, the subject is divided into two opposing principles to be later coagulated to form a unity of opposites during rubedo. The aura is light blue, meaning truthfulness and serenity.
Psychologist Carl Jung equated the albedo stage with “unconscious contrasexual soul images; the anima in men and animus in women”. Jung described the animus as the unconscious masculine side of a woman, and the anima as the unconscious feminine side of a man, with each transcending the personal psyche. This makes albedo a phase where insight into the shadow side of the self is gained, while inflated ego is removed from the psyche.
So, that makes it VERY interesting that the weapon has a similar shape to ⚸. Even if they never planned to actually show it explicitly, the writers seemed to be inspired by Black Moon Lilith. Which raises very disturbing (though very interesting) implications about what happened during the experiments on the “darkness of the heart”. It would certainly explain how Axel’s personality became so warped. It would also explain why he didn’t find Saix’s personality change that unexpected, either, and why Axel seemed to always give him the benefit of the doubt no matter how cold he was. 
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Astronomically, Lilith is considered an asteroid. Yet, some astrologers identify Lilith with the “Black Moon”. It’s the mathematical point that’s exactly in between the earth and the moon–essentially, empty space. Astrologically, it represents the cosmic void; the very energy Black Moon Lilith embodies. Psychologically, it is a point that represents how we react to emptiness and isolation. It brings up deep and primal issues like repressed feelings of rejection, rage, and the refusal to give in. This particular archetype is associated with sex, death, obsession, addiction, transformation, resurrection, magic, the occult and the taboo. These things are seen as the entry way between the spiritual dimension (or the underworld), and life on the physical plane.
Put simply, Lilith is the dark side of the moon. She represents animus, the feminine shadow side—What society rejects as appropriate for the feminine, Lilith takes up. The vilest manifestations of sexuality like pedophilia, rape, and satanic ritual abuse are all the domain of Lilith. She was actually said to be a hermaphrodite, so she could act as both a succubus and an incubus. Trauma based mind-control, through the use of sexual torture is another area connected with Black Moon Lilith. She symbolizes the transformation that occurs after going through a dark night of the soul. Usually, the trigger is great suffering, mourning, pain or torture. I can only imagine what poor Lea and Isa must have gone through.
Astrologically, Chiron (Sagittarius) stands in total opposition to Black Moon Lilith and all she represents. He is a symbol to remind us to look at the vulnerabilities we face in light of our connection to Divinity. Through the exploration of our wounds, we are called to heal all that creates a rift or disconnection with our Spirit.
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