bxtonpxss · 3 months
12) receiver walks into kitchen while sender is cooking, sender picks them up and sets them on the counter. (for thor)
After an intense early morning training session, Thor has chosen to spend his free time curled up on top of Kai's bed. His head resting on the top of brown-tipped paws while his hind feet were tucked under the rest of his body, and his long wiry tail was also curled around him, with the bolt-shaped tip covering his face. Where his partner went after dismissing him was anyone's guess but he couldn't have gone too far because Kai's apartment was only but so big.
After dozing off for an indeterminate amount of time, he's suddenly awakened by the smell of food. Head lifting off his paws, his body soon follows, rising up to stand on all fours. Thor stretches out his limbs with a wide yawn, then hops off the bed, following his nose. Eventually, the appendage leads him into the kitchen, where his partner stood in an apron hovering over the stove.
He watches Kai mess with the pan for a bit then approaches the slate-haired male's side. Curious about what's being cooked, Thor attempts to look by standing on his tiptoes. However, even on his toes, he didn't have much luck the countertops were really tall! Upon noticing his dilemma though, his partner came to the rescue!
With an amused snort in his direction, Thor feels Kai's arms reach up under his own arms and lifts him up, settling him on the countertop. The Raichu lets out an appreciative coo and grins in thanks before settling down on his rump.
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["What're you making?"] He asks, careful to keep his distance from the stove but still leaning over slightly in interest. Close enough to watch, but not close enough to get burned. They didn't want a repeat of last time.
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widdlediddle2 · 4 months
HAAAAA ITS SO NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN! IT HAD been some time since I last saw you around! Welcome back :3
Okay, so, about the request, hit me with your favorite witch and the familiar you think she would have! I hope you have fun with this prompt :3
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I did akko and her dragon familiar with my own lil changes
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supernatural-dreamer · 10 months
The Unnatural and Unexpected (Embry Call x Black! Reader) Pt. 4
A/N: Hiya everyone! We're baack with another installment. School just started back for me and it's been kicking my butt so apologies for any delays. This part changes focus a little from the main character and is little bit of a filler, but rest assured it's getting juicy... Enjoy! Cheers!
This is set during Eclipse around newborn battle. This is tailored for a African American/Black female reader specifically, however all are welcome to read..
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Imagine being Embry’s imprint and tagging along with the wolves to their newborn training session. However, you’re always in for an unexpected surprise when you’re around Bella..
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Unfortunately she was right. The wound was deeper than anticipated. No wonder why it was hard for you to stop the bleeding. As much as you cared for him, you were silently cursing Embry and Jasper every which way. 
Damn superhuman strength.
Not even fifteen minutes after she walked in the door, Emily had your wound disinfected, helped clean you up, and even started heating up leftovers she brought over. Bless this woman.
“Just one more stitch, I’m almost done, hon. Hang in there.” You winced in pain as she covers up your fresh stitches with a bandage dressing. 
“I at LEAST owe one of them a slap for the fight. This is crazy.” Sitting up gently from the living room couch, Emily helps you into the kitchen. 
“Deal.” She pulls out a small bottle of vodka from her bag with two shot glasses and places them on the counter. You raise an eyebrow, smirking. 
“This is JUST for now until I can get you some painkillers tomorrow. Unfortunately, you’re out of Tylenol and the drugstores are closed.” She shrugs her shoulders at your slight shock and amusement. 
“Being an ex-nurse has its perks. Food’s almost done, you hungry?” 
After finishing up eating and graciously accepting the little alcohol. It was only then you remembered the days earlier events.
As much as you wanted some time, you thanked your lucky stars that the one person you probably needed showed up at your doorstep.
“Sorry about how I answered the door earlier.” Sheepishly, you start to look down at your kitchen floor.
“Nothing to apologize for. Sam told me everything that happened and I came straight over and don’t worry, they don’t know I’m here.” 
“I appreciate it. How’s Embry holding up?” Sighing heavily, Emily places her plate and yours in the dishwasher. 
“Sam, myself, and their partners let him have it after finding out he hurt you. Is he justified in his anger, yes, but he shouldn’t have let it get the best of him.” At this, you bury your face in your hands. This is such a mess. You didn’t mean to cause any of it.
You hear her shuffle to sit next to you as she gently pulls your hands from your face. 
“Hey, NONE of this is your fault. You never asked to be in this situation. The only people at fault here are Embry and Jasper. Jasper chose to keep it from you and both of them hurt you. As much as I love the pack, they do not get to decide anything for their imprints, especially after they hurt them.” It was then you looked up at her. The fluorescent light of the kitchen made the darkness outside look endless.  For the first time, at least to you, her scar was more prominent on her skin. 
“I made the choice to stay with Sam, but you don’t have to. As much as I’m not a big fan of the vampires, I value yours, and the other imprints, well-being above all else.” She pats your shoulder. 
“Now, for the most important question, Comedy or Rom-com?” 
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tags: @fckwritersblock , @zoexme , @abluejay-comments , @solar2solstice
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asordinaryppl · 5 months
A3! Seasonal Event - Anniversary Game: Episode 1
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Azami: …
???: Oooi, Azami!
Azami: Hm?
Kumon: Good work today!
Azami: Kumon. And Tsuzuru-san and Juza-san…
Juza: Hey.
Tsuzuru: Are you on your way home from school too, Azami?
Kumon: What good timing! Let’s go home together, Azami.
Azami: Sure.
Kumon: Yay!
Azami: Why’re you so happy about this.
Kumon: I mean, it’s been a while since we went home together! And your uniform’s making me nostalgic.
Azami: Huh, it hasn’t even been that long since you graduated.
Tsuzuru: But when he was still in high school, you went home together often.
Azami: ‘Cause Kumon kept coming to my classroom to pick me up…
Kumon: We often went to family restaurants, ramen shops, and the batting center on our way home!
Juza: Kumon also came to pick me up after my lecture today.
Azami: You haven’t changed at all, even though you’re a uni student, have you.
Kumon: Who cares, why would I let the chance slip by, now that I’m in the same uni as Nii-chan!
Tsuzuru: But aren’t you lonely without Kumon around, Azami?
Azami: Not really.
Kumon: You say that, but I bet you really are lonely!
Azami: Haa!? No I’m not!
Azami: But, well… My school life has probably gotten quieter than it used to be.
Tsuzuru: Ahhh, I feel ya.
Tsuzuru: When Fushimi-san graduated, I started feeling lonely, even though I saw him at the dorm every day.
Juza: … Right.
Kumon: We’re baack.
Sakyo: … You really are a formidable opponent, Arisugawa.
Homare: No, you’re pretty good too, Sakyo-san. Have you improved since last time?
Tsuzuru: Oh, you’re having a chess match.
Kumon: Wow, seeing you play chess is so cool!
Juza: Who won?
Sakyo: Arisugawa. He’s like a beast at chess.
Azami: What, you lost, shitty Sakyo? How lame.
Sakyo: The hell did you say?
Tsuzuru: Now, now.
Homare: Sakyo-san was pretty good himself. It’s just that I was better.
Sakyo: What kinda follow-up is that…?
[Door opening]
Izumi: I’m home.
Juza: Welcome back.
Tsuzuru: Welcome back, Director.
Izumi: Oh, you’re playing chess! What timing…
Homare: Hm? Timing?
Izumi: Ah, no, it’s nothing…!
Kumon: By the way, can you play chess, Azami?
Azami: The rules are pretty similar to shogi, so I get what’s going on, but I wouldn’t say I can play.
Kumon: I see! But that’s still awesome! I wanna learn how to play chess one day.
Kumon: Should we look for some chess for beginners videos next time?
Azami: Sounds easy enough, why not.
Azami: (Gotta go to the music room next.)
Azami: (... Before, Kumon would call out to me as I walked through the halls.)
???: … I-Izumida-senpai!
Azami: ?
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shukufuyu · 3 months
[Event Story TL] Weeping Star on a Summer Night (Chapter 1)
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Hisoka: (Doesn’t seem like there are marshmallows…)
Click below to read more.
next chapter
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Foreign customer: Thanks, I’ll take this one then, I’ll definitely come back. Thanks in advance, store manager.
Hisoka: Thank you for coming.
I should prepare to close up.
(Is there someone else…?)
Nosta: Meow meow~
Hisoka: I knew it. You’re playing around the storefront display again….
Come on, Nosta. You can’t.
Nosta: Meow~
Hisoka: Your portion of snack I gave you earlier was the last one for today.
Nosta: Me~ow
Hisoka: No.
Furuta: Haha, you guys having a sibling’s quarrel or something?
Hisoka: …Welcome back.
Nosta: Meow~
Furuta: Thank you for taking today’s shift. I happened to bump into the customer you talked to earlier, they said it’s their first time seeing you.
Hisoka: …I didn’t do anything special though.
Furuta: Come on, it’s nothing like that. It means you’ve done well, and thanks to you managing the store, I can rest easy when I go shopping.
Ah, you have to go back soon, right? I bought a few foreign sweets earlier, if you want, do take the ones you like.
Hisoka: (Doesn’t seem like there are marshmallows…)
Furuta: Have you found the one you want already?
Hisoka: …Yeah. I’ll take this one.
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Hisoka: (I’m hungry. Should I eat the snack I brought back earlier?)
(...But I feel like if I eat that now, I’ll have to write a wish…)
…It’s kind of annoying, I guess I’ll eat marshmallows after all.
Kumon: Wow, that’s so cool!
Kazunari: This is lit! Gotta upload it to Inste~
Hisoka: …?
What is it today?
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Kumon: Hisoka-san! Welcome baack!
Azuma: Welcome home, Did you enjoy the job?      
Hisoka: …I’m back.
Nosta kept jumping here and there, it was troublesome.
Muku: Nosta?
Hisoka: The store’s pet cat.
Misumi: Eeh~ Doing a part-time job together with a cat? I’m jealous~
Then I gotta write that down for my wish!
Hisoka: A wish?
Tsumugi: Yeah, Ginsenkai gave us a good bamboo to place our wishes on, here.
Hisoka: …I’ve never seen a bamboo this big.
Sakoda: It’s something the boss prepared! Ya don’t see bamboo this good every day.
Everyone can put up their wishes on this bamboo, Hisoka-san, here’s one for you!
Hisoka: (Ah, there are already ones who decorated their paper sheets)
Sakyo: Listen up, each person gets one sheet of paper, we need to match up the quota.
Azami: Do we really need to?
Sakyo: The boss says decorate the papers as stand out as possible.
Azuma: Can I write as many as I like?
Sakyo: Just use your common sense.
Kazunari: Then let’s write as maaany as we want until Tanabata starts! Even just one makes it easier to find it though!
Azuma: Fufu, then let’s make the Tanabata party equally appealing.
Omi: Guuys, the soumen noodles are ready now.
Kumon: Yaaay! I’m totally starving right now, come on guys hurry up!
Yuki: The food won’t run off if you don't run up to it you know?
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Hisoka: …
(A wish… huh...)
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izaack-gauss · 5 months
WELCOME BAACK POOKIEE BAAAAAH *covers ur face with smooches cuz ur awesome*
Wow, you guys are really happy, huh?
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mikey-stardust-way · 4 months
Welcome back
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Hiii!!! Thank you! It was a panic and a rush, but I'm baack!!
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shrineofprophecy · 4 months
"How's the real Sparkle?" (welcome baack)
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"Utterly bored but now I have your company. Let's have some fun, shall we? There is this new drinking game I want to try..."
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frannyzooey · 11 months
😍😍 Back and ready to PARTY
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4sphyxiate · 7 months
💗🌷🌼 ✨This is the you are amazing award. Send it to ten bloggers you think are wonderful or just take a moment to bask in your own awesomeness! ✨ 🌼🌷💗 (Thank you for sending this before; I'm finally back on Tumblr after these 2 weeks so I wanted to send one back!)
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dark-and-kawaii · 1 year
omg welcome baack!!!!😭💖💖💖
*feels myself* BY GOLLY I AM ALIVE!!!
Ahhhh oh my freaking gosh babe how have you been!?!? It feels like it’s been forever!!! …Wait, no, it has been forever *cries* I’m so sorry I ghosted!!!!
You best be ready to get thirsty with me again!!! By the way, please tell me you’re still in love with daddy Pedro (>_>) PLEASEE TELL ME!!!
- 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝒦𝒾𝓌𝒾
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navy-leader · 10 months
Cominin anon back here, I was going to see the man upstairs! Charliesz inferno refreence.. Yeah it failed thohh so I'm baack!!
Oh!!! I hope the man was nice. Welcome back !
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asordinaryppl · 3 months
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 14: DREAM CATCHER - Episode 6: Researching As We Take A Breather
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Kazunari: Yes, yes… Ah, I see~ Got it. I’ll make the approps changes and send it again~...
Kazunari: Yes, thank you for your time.
[Kazunari hangs up]
Kazunari: *exhales*...
Kazunari: (Another flop~... This is the 5th time.)
Kazunari: (I get that it’s different from when I was a student, but if this keeps going, my self-confidence is gonna take a nose dive~)
Kazunari: (I did go to an art uni, but I majored in Japanese painting, so all my design knowledge is self-taught.)
Kazunari: (I’m starting to feel like my lack of basic knowledge is the problem here.)
Kazunari: (I’ve been pulling through till now because my acquaintances have been asking for things I’m good at…)
Kazunari: (But my old way of doing things probably won’t help me with the wide range of demands from my current clientele.)
Kazunari: (Maybe I should study the basics of designing again~)
Kazunari: Design… course… with experience…
Kazunari: (“Online course”, “Study design abroad”... There’s a lot of stuff here~)
[Door opens]
Muku: I’m back.
Kazunari: Welcome baack~
Muku: Ah, sorry, are you working?
Kazunari: It’s okie. You’re back early today, Mukkun.
Muku: I was thinking of going for a walk through Veludo Way.
Muku: A lot of theater companies have been doing Street ACTS lately, so I thought seeing a few might help me out.
Kazunari: I see~ Maybe I should come along and take a breather!
Muku: There’s a lot of new and different theater companies. But they’ve all chosen different approaches.
Muku: There’s those that specialize in theatrical performances, and those that specialize in dancing and facial expressions. And also those that specialize in musicals…
Muku: And there are also the stranger ones. Like the one that mixes acting with cooking, or the other one that mixes acting with muscle training…
Kazunari: They may just be trying to make their companies stand out, but all these new things are super exciting~
Kasumi: Oh? Muku-kun and Kazunari-kun?
Muku: Hello!
Kazunari: Kasumi~nu, you’re out shopping?
Kasumi: Yeah.. I went to the bookstore. “The Saint is Omitted” was released today. Do you read it too, Muku-kun?
Muku:  Ah! It slipped my mind! Of course, I read it!
Muku: While it seems like your typical saint story, there are some interesting plot twists.
Muku: I’ve been loving it so far because the heroine is charming like a hero!
Muku: I can’t believe I forgot its release day… I wonder why…
Muku:  My memory is like the dust an eraser leaves behind…
Kazunari: A lot has been happening lately~ Don’t sweat it.
Kasumi: How’s everyone in the company doing? You must be having it rough with the New Fleur Award going on.
Kazunari: We’re all working hard and coming up with fighting strategies~ The Spring Troupe’s performance was well-received, and our ranking went up.
Muku: We’re a bit anxious, but the Summer Troupe is also going to give it our all!
Kasumi: I see. I’m sure if it’s you guys, all will be fine.
Kasumi: Oh, right. There’s something I wanted to give you, Muku-kun.
Muku: ?
Kasumi: This. It’s a flyer for an upcoming play. The protagonist is a prince, so I thought of you.
Kasumi: It’s a play with a lot of history, and it’s performed with a different cast each year at the National Theater.
Kasumi: I might be jumping the gun here, but I thought it’d be wonderful to see you play a prince on such a big stage.
Muku: N-No, I still have a long way to go before I can perform such an important role…!
Kasumi: That’s not true. I believe you’ve got what it takes to perform there.
Kazunari: You’re saying this cause you know how much experience Muku-kun has gained up till now, right, Kasumi~nu~?
Muku: T-Thank you very much. When you put it like that, it makes me feel a little more confident in myself.
Muku: I’ll check the play out.
Kasumi: Okay. Well then, see you.
[Kasumi walks away]
Muku: …
Muku: (“Audition notice”... I wonder if I’ll also get to perform on such a big stage one day.)
Muku: (But, right now, I’m…)
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thepenultimateword · 1 year
I'm baack! did you miss me?
Helllooo! Welcome back!! Nice to see your likes in my notifications!
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welcome back skyler ^-^
thanks btw!
i still tho have less screen time tho, so i may still use my gmail
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staticart · 1 year
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