#//Kid actually feared for his life when he saw the man's teeth bare at him and start lurching forwards
beardysuits · 2 years
My Brother's Keeper
Man, what a day. Two more finals down today, but still three more to go total. The only solace I have is that I get to leave early and crash at home. Even the walk home was exhausting, the thought of releasing tension was what drove me to take each step. That and being with my big brother Anthony, who always knew how to make me feel better. Finally making it to the front door of our humble two story house, I fumbled with the keys, somehow managing to drop them twice, cursing at myself each time. After far too much effort, I was able to get myself inside and slouch my backpack off. 
“Dad…?” I called out to the void. “You home?” I continued. I took a few steps around the house, making sure I was actually alone. Though, that was when I heard soft music mixed with muffled voices upstairs. Following the sounds, I trailed up the stairs, my hand gliding along the handrail. Turning the corner, I found the source of the noise; the door to Anthony’s room was cocked open, indeterminable rock music was seeping out into the hallway. 
I crept closer, straining to make out the voices which barely rose above the rifts of the guitar. Though with each step I took, I could distinctly hear that the voices were in fact moans. Curiosity and hunger began to swell as I inched closer to the door. It was open just wide enough that I could peer through the inches given to me to see the floor length mirror propped against the wall. The reflection almost made me gasp, but the fear of getting caught came to silence me. 
There was Anthony, his dirty blond hair catching the rays cast from the window blinds and arms strewn up. His neck was cocked to the side, lips parted, only showing the front row of his pearly teeth. The matching chest hair reflecting the sunlight as if they were dusted on. He was in nothing but his underwear, though those were hanging on by a thread as his rock hard cock was attempting to break free from their constraint. He was a sight alone to behold, but as my eyes followed the veins through his arms, down to the back of his hand, I saw him gripping another’s wrist. 
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I felt a sharp inhale as I immediately recognized the man Anthony was with, Rob Hernandez. I had had a giant crush on Rob since I entered school as a gangly freshman. I noticed him immediately as I brooded towards the main doors on my first day. I had never in my life spoken to him, how would I? He was a year older, star athlete, gorgeous. Those qualities do not equate to wanting to converse with the tech kid in the theater department.
But there he was, his lips draped around Anthony’s neck, crazing from his chiseled jaw down to his collarbone. I could feel myself beginning to stiffen as he trailed his tongue back up Anthony’s neck, only to use the snare of his teeth to grip onto Anthony’s earlobe. I adjusted myself and couldn’t help but creep closer. Anthony cradled his hand behind Rob’s head, pulling him away, only to push him in and slither his tongue into Rob’s mouth. I had lost all sense of fear, worry or really, common sense. It wasn’t until my cheek was pressing against the door that my last footsteps made the floor under me creak. It was absolutely piercing. 
Anthony’s eyes shot open and almost psychically darted to the mirror, where he must have noticed my reflection in turn. 
“Oh fuck,” I heard him whisper, though this time it was out of terror. Rob chuckled, none the wiser of the young voyeur only feet away. 
“Mmm, yeah I figured you’d like that,” Rob said, his thumbs tracing around Anthony’s nipples, tugging at them as Anthony craned his neck to see me. I immediately began to walk down the hall to my own bedroom. Just as I reached my door, I could hear Anthony talking to Rob. 
“I’ll be right back,” he said in a hushed voice. “No, you just stay there, that’s an order.” God, of course he talked to him like that. For three years I dreamed of even having a single conversation with Rob, and Anthony had him dangled at the palm of his hand. Creeping into the door, I shut it behind me and immediately laid myself out on the bed. Covering my eyes in the crook of my elbow, I was greeted with a soft knock at the door. I knew he wasn’t going to go away. 
“What?” I attempted to call out, but my voice cracked before I could even get the word out. I heard the door open and uncovered my eyes. Anthony came in and shut the door. He had put on sweatpants, but that was as fruitless as when he was wearing just the briefs. Though good for him for trying to conceal the massive boner he was pitching still.
“Hey champ, I’m really sorry about that,” he said, sitting at the edge of my bed. “I know that was against our agreement, I just saw him online and I thought you still would be taking your finals. Didn’t you have like three today?” I could still feel the boner from earlier lingering, so I sat up and wrapped my arms around my knees. 
“That’s tomorrow, I had two today,” I told him, avoiding eye contact. He sighed and looked away from me. 
“Damn it, that’s my bad. Look, I’m going to go ahead and ask Rob to leave, I know it’s your turn when you’re visiting. He just messaged me online and I couldn’t resist. I know you probably didn’t want to see that,” he said. 
“No, you don’t have to do that. I mean, it was kind of hot,” I said without thinking. Fuck, I knew that was a creep thing to say, even despite the circumstances. There was a pregnant pause as he refused to make eye contact and I the same. I had to deflect. 
“Look, Dad, I don’t care that you were using the suit. I just was looking forward to having it after having a rough day,” I finally said. Dad sighed and and nodded, still refusing to look at me. Though I couldn’t tell if it was out of shame or discomfort from my previous admission. I couldn’t help but stare at him though as he looked away from me. The Anthony suit was still an incredibly creation and well worth the money spent. 
See, about six or seven months ago, I was visiting dad for the week and came across Grindr when I was using his phone to find an email. Which, finally explained a lot of the reason why he and mom had divorced the year prior. Honestly, after I had gotten after the initial shock, I became a floodgate and admitted to my dad that I was also gay. This led to heartfelt and tearful confessions, warm embraces and even a few jovial storytellings. Turns out he and I had a lot more in common than I had thought. 
He had had similar experiences with me when it came to meeting with men. My problem was I was this scrawny, dorky seventeen year old with an aversion to exercise. His was that he had spent the better part of his youth in the closet and wanted to connect with men who really just wanted to fetishize his age. While he could sympathize with one another, I wanted a solution to my problems. That’s when I came across a bodysuit shop deep on the web. With just a few clicks, and a decent sum of change, you could become the man of your dreams. Complete with “all” measurements and preferences. I knew what I had wanted; meaty pecs, dirty blonde hair that could shimmer in the light, nice tall posture to counteract my ogre like one. 
It was while customizing one night that dad stumbled upon me working on it. At first he was skeptical, but it only took a few looks at the photos that he became intrigued and struck a deal with me. He would front half the cost if he could add his own wants and we could share the suit. Given the price they were asking, it was hard to say no. And so the suit was aged a bit, had a few tattoos placed, and chest and ass hair to compliment. So forth, Anthony was born. My big brother who was out of town for college, but made sure to make frequent visits. On weeks I was living with mom, dad would wear Anthony and make up for his lost youth, and when I was with him, Anthony was all mine to use. Aside from being in school of course. 
So that brings us back to where we left off. Not only was dad using the suit when it was my agreed upon time, but he was using it to seduce and control the guy I had wanted to look in my direction for years now. And why wouldn’t he? With dad’s decades of charismatic sales experience mixed with Anthony’s looks, he was unstoppable. 
“I know you’re upset, you have a right too. I have no excuse but I was just really thinking with this head,” he chuckled, pointing down south. I tried to feign a smirk, but now that my lust was fading, it was being replaced with anger and annoyance. 
“Dad, just go ahead and finish, I know you want to,” I grumbled. “Not like I would have ever gotten him anyway.” He eyebrow piqued at that remark. 
“You know that guy?” He asked, his thumb pointing back to the hallway. 
“Rob Hernandez, star ball player, last year’s prom king, major crush of every pathetic dork at my school,” I told him, tracing a finger across my knee. Dad had a knowing look on Anthony’s face and smiled at me. He patted my knee and got up. 
“Kid, ya just gotta have some confidence in yourself. I mean yeah, he’s drawn to douchey guys like this,” he said, motioning to his faux abs. “But you know what I learned about your crush from taking to him?” God, please don’t let this be where the conversation goes. “I learned that he likes to be told what to do and controlled. Once you do that, he’s putty.” 
Dad got up and rubbed his chin within this thumb and index finger. He sighed, hands on him hips and looked towards my popcorn ceiling.
“Man, I hope you know how much I love you kid,” he muttered. Spinning back towards me, he exhaled and opened his hands, palms up at me. “He’s all yours,” he said. 
“What?” I asked. 
“Rob,” he told me. “And Anthony. Lemme just get changed, you slip in to Anthony and have some fun,” he told me. He can’t be serious. I feel like I’m some sort of charity case with this kind of offer. 
“Dad, I don’t know. That just seems kind of weird,” I told him. 
“Well we’ve crossed a barrier most dads never have with their kid, so I say this with humility and love. But, go and have sex with my hookup.” He chuckled again at the absurdity. 
“But, I don’t even know how to do what he wants,” I told him. 
“Oh you will,” he said. “Trust me, you’re my son and it’ll all come second nature. Just, roll with the energy he gives you. He’s already ready to go, any way you feel like you could mess up, he’s already too sex brained to even care. Now, look away,” he said, spinning a finger. I sighed, already sick to my stomach with nerves. Turning around in the bed, I could hear dad slip the sweat pants off of Anthony and throw them to the side. I know it’s sick and kind of demented, but curiosity always got the better of me. Honestly, being Anthony was sexy as hell, but putting him on and taking him off was just as, if not even more, erotic. 
Dad was turned away, showcasing Anthony’s perky bubble ass I had wanted. The peach fuzz of blonde hair, per dads request, were remarkably well made. They were of course the prize piece in my opinion of the suit, though I couldn’t help but admire the lean back and broad shoulders dad had put in. Dad had wanted Anthony to almost be like a footballer, but I always preferred baseball players, mostly due to my affinity to Rob. So I had asked if we could slender Anthony out more, give him the perfect ass and bulky thighs, as if he grew up crouched behind the catcher’s mitt. 
Dad reached to his jaw and pulled at his top and bottom lips, beginning to stretch them out. Thanks to the almost elastic type material of the suit, you could fit an entire grown man through the mouth with enough stretching, it would just snap back into place once the suit was on or off. After pulling the mouth wide enough, I could see the crown of dad’s head peek out through the lips, his shiny bald head piercing through. Pulling Anthony’s mouth down to his neck he shook his head and let out a breath of air. He took Anthony’s large arms, pulled at the front of the suit to stretch down to his shoulder, which were decorated with grey fur. 
He shimmied his much flabbier arms and eventually was able to pull both out of Anthony’s much larger and firm ones. They dangled at his sides as he twisted the suit back and forth to get back down to his waist. Dad was larger than Anthony, not exactly fat by any means, but the years had caught up to him. While I couldn’t see the front side of him, I could see him reaching both hands into the front of the suit and struggled a bit to pull his own cock out of the sheath. Through the shadow cast from my window, I saw as the bodysuit’s cock almost came off like a condom, unsheathing dad’s, which was being pulled down and strained against the rubber like material. Eventually he snapped it out and it sprung to life on its own. Despite sharing the suit for so long, I had never seen dad’s dick, but it was almost like a bulls. Full of girth, veiny and probably strained while in the suit. It’s a wonder the thing didn’t rip the material every time dad even was halfway chubbed. I looked away for a second, ashamed that I was getting as turned on as I was. 
From there it seems like he had a much easier time. From my peripheral, I could see him, take the legs off as if they were leggings. I could feel him sitting on the edge of the bed as he took off the final bits of Anthony like they were socks at the end of a long day. He gave one final sigh, I imagine wearing Anthony was a bit constricting for him, but I felt like I grew three sizes when I was him. 
“Alright, all done,” he told me. I officially looked back and saw he had donned on Anthony’s sweatpants, though he was still shirtless. I could see the grey hairs  speckled across his chest. “Lemme just leave the room so you can get changed. I’ll sneak to my own room and tell Rob through the door to get prepped.” He took a step closer and got close to my ear.
“He’s a bottom,” he whispered, patting my shoulder. With a smile, he made his way back to the door. 
“Dad?” I called out to him. He turned, his hand on the doorknob. “Thanks.” He smiled and nodded, before opening the door and closing it behind him. I heard his foot steps trail away as I looked at the end of the bed to see the husk of Anthony waiting for me. Even with nobody inhibiting him, he was still a godlike being. I stepped up and ran my fingers across his chest. The pec implants felt as malleable as the real thing and immediately I was turned on again. I undressed, revealing my thin pasty form. Playing with his chest some more, I used the other hand to stroke my cock and hype myself up. 
He was right, I can fucking do this. Thomas may be the lonely beta but Anthony was sexy alpha that could get any guy he wanted. As him, I could have Rob any fucking night I wanted and then toss him aside if it came to it. I came close to cumming on the spot and had to stop myself before blowing my load too early. I sat on the edge of the bed and held Anthony out before me. The open slot of his mouth stood agape, inviting me in. I stretched it open as dad had done previously and faced his back towards me. 
Stepping my right foot in, I was met with the familiar, slime-like texture of the suit. When I first donned Anthony, it creeped me out and even made me feel somewhat ill, but now the idea of sliding into him only made me more erect. I pushed my leg through, the thighs and calves coming to life as I stuck each toe into their respective slots. I wiggled each of them, feeling the faux nerves connect with my skin and make it feel like the foot was my own. Doing the same with the other foot, I shimmied both of them up my legs as if they were a pair of tights. Anthony’s thighs were far bulkier than mine, but the implants did more than enough to give the illusion I had grown up working them out. 
Truthfully, my favorite part was next. I hadn’t inherited dad’s thick, bull-like cock, but that made getting mine into the sheath that much easier. I cradled my balls and slide them into Anthony’s, where they became strapped up and taught. With my cock fully erect, I slide it into Anthony’s, stifling my moan through bitten lips. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as my cock’s head connected with his and the remainder of the sheath snapped into place. I looked down and saw the thicker rod standing at full mast, a thick vein trailing along the side. 
I pulled Anthony up like a pair of pants, my ass becoming more plump. Giving it a smack, a shiver went down my spine as I recognized the suit’s skin and mine becoming one. I made quick work in pulling it up to my chest and sliding my arms down his, as if I were putting on along pair of gloves. I wiggled all my fingers, feeling the power that only came with obtaining stacked biceps in mere seconds. My arms grew twice in size and my shoulders bulked out my frame tremendously. I swear I was even taller when I was Anthony, a feature I made sure to pay extra for. It was when I had slipped the mouth hole up to my neck that I took a second to pause. 
I had a full length mirror in my room, stepping up to it I was met with my head mounted atop the Adonis. I pumped my cock a few more times with Anthony’s strong grip, unable to look away from his tanned skin and stiff presence. Gripping the top lip, I pulled it over the back of my head and was met with darkness as I adjusted my eyes to the two upper holes and my mouth back in place. I got closer to the mirror and saw the sagging face of Anthony shift around as my hands pulled him in place. With one final stretch away from my face, I let go and felt a sting as the mask snapped into place. 
I pushed my cheeks around to make sure the change was seamless. After looking at both side of the face and rubbing my chiseled jaw between my fingers, I knew the transformation was complete. I cleared my throat and looked at myself with intensity. 
“Hey Rob,” I said to myself, testing to make sure to the voice changer was working. Yep, Anthony’s voice came out seamlessly, replacing the usual crack mine gave out. I smiled and cocked an eyebrow up. “How about you be a good boy and turned that tight as to me?” I asked, getting into character. God, I could fuck up every line as Anthony and it would still be the sexiest thing, dad was right. I turned around and saw dad took both the underwear and pants he brought in. Not that I minded much, I was planning on changing anyways. 
Pulling open the bottom drawer in my dresser, I found my collection of jockstraps I kept for when I was Anthony. Normally I was a complete submissive bottom as him, but I was becoming more and more turned on at being the alpha. My favorite one was a simple white jock, one which I would always imagine Rob wearing during games. Slipping it on, I tucked in my new cock, it straining against the material. I even found my special pair of matching athletic socks and pulled each one up to my thighs. Walking back to the mirror, I rubbed my hands across my chest and flexed in the mirror. Turning around, I felt up my ass and thighs, admiring the new bubble butt I was given that the jockstrap accentuated. 
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“Fuck…” I whispered, before remembering the guy of my dreams was waiting for me just down the hall. I exhaled and shook the nerves off my fingers. Okay Thom- no, Anthony. You fucking got this. I opened the bedroom door, my heart suddenly racing as I stepped out into the hallway. I could hear the music still going from earlier, the door was completely closed now. Stepping in front of the room we renovated for Anthony, I let out a long sigh and reached for the handle. Open it up, the music greeted me first, then Rob did, sprawled out on the bed, wearing nothing but his underwear. 
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“About time,” he said, looking out the window. “Thought you had just left me here. What were you-“ he was cut off when he looked at me. I had closed the door behind me and stood with one arm behind my head, flexing and showing off my hairy pit. “Oh fuck papi.”
“You were saying?” I asked. 
“I know it didn’t take you that long just to put on that jockstrap and socks,” he said, sitting up. If he had lost his boner waiting for me, I could definitely see it beginning to reappear now. 
“Nah, I just wanted to make you wait,” I told him, putting my arm down and walking towards him. He gave a sly smile and leaned forward, laying himself ass up on the bed. 
“Now why would you want to do that, and miss out on this?” He asked coyly. I leaned down to be eye to eye with him. He had the deepest, richest brown eyes I had ever seen. I was completely mesmerized by him. I had day dreamed for years about this moment, to have him know I existed, to make eye contact with me, to see me. Thomas would have been speechless, fumbled his words and ran off. But not Anthony. No, Anthony was in control and he knew how to be wanted. 
“Because I knew you’d never want to leave me,” I told him softly, moving my lips to his. He leaned closer himself and made contact. I could feel the rush of ecstasy as our lips met. The build up, adrenaline and spark of pure joy and lust coursed through me as I went in for more. His tongue traced itself around my bottom lip, coating it with both of our salivas. I met it with my own and wrung it around, showing ever single appendage of mine was in charge. I held him there, my hand holding the back of his head. Standing him up, his knees along the mattress, my own feet still touching the cool hardwood floor. Grabbing his neck, I applied pressure, to which I was greeted with a soft moan of pleasure. Of course he was a submissive little toy like me. But I could work with that. 
I grabbed a small tuft of his hair and pulled him away. I could have done that all day, but the need to have even more of him pushed me to move things along. Laying him back, he scooted back so his head balanced upon the pillow. 
“Those are coming off now,” I told him, with an offhanded wave to his underwear. He immediately grabbed at them. “Slowly,” I cooed. He looked me in the eye and hooked his thumbs under the waistband. Pulling them down, I saw his cock strain against the band as it slid down. I could feel my eyes widen as inch after inch was revealed, a small patch of hair decorating the base. Once it had reached the head, he swayed the band back and forth, teasing me. Looking up at him I saw him biting his lower lip, raising an eyebrow. I nodded my head up once and he pulled it down. His cock sprung up, uncut and slapping his chest. It draped itself along the top of his thigh as he propped himself up on his elbows. 
“You little tease,” I told him, getting up on the bed myself. I slithered myself down to touch my chest against the mattress, cradled between his thighs. I grabbed his cock and pulled the foreskin down, revealing the head. I was eager to swallow the entire thing, but took my time, making Rob want me even more. I licked circled around the tip, Rob began to breathe even heavier. Pursing my lips, I made his cock penetrate my mouth and as I slowly slid more and more of him into me, I looked him in the eye as his own began to roll into the back of his head. Once I had reached the base, I suppressed my need to gag as he threw his head back. 
“Fuck…” he whimpered, clearly wanting to speak up, but suppressing it. I bobbed my head up and down, working the speed up as I slobbered all over him. His breathing intensified as began a rhythmic pace. It was right before I was about to shove the entire shaft down my throat again that he put his hand on my shoulder. 
“I’m going to cum if you keep going,” he said faintly. I unwrapped my tongue from him and stood up. 
“Well, we don’t want that yet, do we?” I asked. I hooked a finger around the edge of my jock and tugged. “Looks like it’s your turn then champ,” I said. His eyes suddenly became hungry as he shifted himself up. He was just about to put his hand on my bulge before I grabbed his wrist. 
“Uh uh,” I told him. I let go and pointed to the floor. “On our knees.” He only looked at me for a brief moment before moving off the bed and getting on to the floor like the dog he was. I got off the bed myself and sauntered over to him. I stood before him and placed my hand behind his head once more. He moved his head towards me before I pulled on some of his hair. 
“Over the jock,” I told him. He looked at me inquisitively. “You have to earn it.” He looked down back at my bulge and stuck his tongue out. He took one long lap from the head of my cock down to as close to the shaft he could through the fabric. I stifled a moan of my own, not wanting to give away how much I enjoyed this power trip. He wrapped his lips around the shaft and suckled on it. He kissed, rubbed and licked all over the jock, taking in the musk dad must have left behind. Inhaling my scent, he sighed before kissing my head again. 
“Good boy,” I told him, rubbing the back of his head. “You earned it.” He looked up at me and slowly brought his hands forward from where they had locked on his knees. He slowly, almost nervously, grabbed at the waist band of my jock and pulled it down. He was met with some restraint as my cock had lodged itself firmly into place. However, with a small tug, he managed to bring them sliding down to the floor. My cock sprung forward, fully alert and pointing directly at his mouth. 
He took the initiative and grabbed the base of my cock. I shivered, feeling his calloused hands cradled my dick. His lips wrapped around my head and sucked on it. I let my head fall back in amusement. It didn’t take Rob long to begin working his head back and forth along the shaft, almost as if he copying me. My cock began to be all lathered up from him and I was getting close again to blowing my load. It felt like it was being wrapped in silk, perfectly cradled and worshipped. 
“You’ve done this before, huh?” I asked him. He nodded, refusing to give up his new toy. “You make a good little cock sucker.” He nodded again, his other hand coming up to fondle my balls. That was enough for me to grit my teeth and hold back from cumming alone. 
“Oh fuck babe,” I told him. He stopped. Fuck, did I really just call him that? He pulled his mouth away from my cock, leaving behind a faint trail of saliva leading back to his open mouth. He stood up, staring at me. I could only assume he saw the faint trace of fear flash across my eyes. His nose was practically touching mine when he leaned in to wrap his pretty lips over mine. Pulling away, I saw him lick his lips. 
“I fucking want you,” he whispered. Stunned, I could feel myself working on autopilot, pretty much losing the alpha male persona. Even through the music still playing, I could feel a strong silence between us. 
“Get on the bed,” I finally whispered. He obliged and laid himself back on the bed, exposing himself fully to me. I climbed on top of him and kissed him again. Kissing him further, I followed a trail down to his chin, his neck, chest, stomach, cock and finally his taint. I lapped at it, trailing down to his hole. I was about to insert myself into it when I saw he was already lathered up. He really must have gotten himself ready like dad said. I kissed him right above his hole and looked up to see him holding the bottle of lube we kept on the bedside table. 
“Good boy,” I called him again, reaching for the lube. He passed it to me and threw his hands behind his head. I could practically smell the musk from his armpits waft over from there. The dark bushy composition and curl of muscle drove me absolutely wild. On my knees, I traced a line of lube along my shaft, up the head. I snaked my hand around it and lathered the entire thing, feeling the ecstasy course through me once more as I looked down to see Rob eagerly waiting for me. Leaving some on my finger, I circled his hole and stuck my index in. It went in without any resistance at all. He really, really prepped. 
Even so, Rob let out a soft whimper before I started to slide a second finger in. He leaned his head back and actively moaned this time. I found his prostate as I was knuckle deep and rubbed it along my fingers, feeling it pulse. Applying steady pressure, Rob was like putty in my hands. 
“Fuck…. Fuck… babe I need you,” he told me. “Fuck me baby.” I slid my fingers out and knew I couldn’t say no. I propped him up, his legs on my broadened shoulders. Positioning the head of my cock at his hole, I pushed in, feeling it wrap itself around me. I moaned, sliding inch after inch inside of him. Rob was far from complaining. 
“FUCK……” he and I said, beginning to grip the pillow behind him and closing his eyes tightly. I was practically shivering as I felt the base of my dick touch his ass. I took a second, just feeling myself inside of him. It was wrapped around the hole of a man I had fallen for twenty seconds into knowing three years ago. He laid there before me, my bitch, my boy, my lover. I pulled back and felt the slick push and pull as I moved back to him. Taking it slow, I pumped and even got close to fully leaving Rob before bringing myself fully back. I picked up the pace, slamming my v line into his taint. 
“God damn it!” He shouted. “Fucking harder!” I pushed as far as I could fucking go and grabbed him by the jaw. 
“Who gives the orders around here?” I asked him. His breathing was absolutely intense as he looked away, ashamed of himself. 
“You do,” he panted. 
“Who does?” I asked again, gripping at him harder. I turned his head to look me in the eye. 
“You do, sir.” I leaned in and stuck my tongue into his mouth, wrestling his own into submission. 
“That’s fucking right,” I said before pulling back and getting back to pounding his hole like a fucking animal. The slap of our skins touching broke through the sound of the music, which in itself was reaching its crescendo. 
“Oh fuck, FUCK!” Rob shouted, reaching for his own cock and playing with it. I debated telling him I told him when he could touch it, but I was too lost in my own sexuality. I kissed at his feet as they brushed against my cheek. I was never much of a foot guy, but completely lost in the moment, I stuck his big toe in my mouth and sucked on it. 
“Fuck, I’m fucking cumming,” Rob said, pumping himself at full speed. Hearing that alone was enough to push me over the edge. 
“Fuck me too,” I said. As soon as the words left my mouth I felt the build up of cum release as I pumped load after load into him. I could feel my cock loading him like a fucking cream pie. As for Rob, I’m sure he was experiencing the same rush as spray of cum came rocketing out of him and splattered across his chest. I pushed a few more times into him, making sure he was completely milked. Once he had stopped, he let his cock go, already deflating and resting against his thigh once more. Before pulling myself out, I leaned forward and kissed him once more, leaving behind the alpha persona and seeing him in a new post climax glow. 
He was even more gorgeous than I had seen him prior. I had known him as this baseball jock who had every girl wrapped around his finger. But seeing him for real for the first time, I felt actual love. Even if we were both disgusting messes at this point. I pulled myself out, my cock slapping against my thigh, worn out. 
“Wow,” he said, pulling his legs off from my shoulders. “That was intense,” he told me. I smiled to myself and looked him. With his hair tussled and chest gleaming with his own cum, he was the perfect bedtime specimen. 
“Yeah, no kidding,” I agreed. “Never had it like that,” I admitted. 
“Really?” He asked, sitting up. “Cause from the way you talked online, I assumed that was how it usually was for you.” Of course that’s the Anthony dad gave people. I usually playing the role of Rob, taking orders and being a little bitch to whatever sexy guy I gave the pleasure of messaging me. Now that the roles were reversed, I knew I wanted to do this a lot more. 
“It’s not often,” I told him, getting up and walking to the closet. 
“Yeah well, I would like for it to be,” he said. I turned to look at him, hand already in the closet looking for a towel for him. 
“Oh yeah?” I asked, stepping back to him. 
“Uh, I don’t know,” he said, looking away. “Maybe.” I got down to his level and looked him in the eyes again. Now that I wasn’t horned up, I could see the soft traces of amber in his eyes, like they were gemstones. 
“I do, I know,” I told him. I pulled him in for another kiss. He chuckled and held my wrist tenderly. Looking at one another, we both chuckled this time. I gave him one more quick kiss before getting up. 
“Come on,” I told him. “I’ll let you clean me off in the shower.” He eagerly got up and stood in front of me. 
“Yes sir.” 
Dad was right, I could do this every fucking day. 
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indoraptorgirlwind · 2 years
|An exception| part 1
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Summary: Reader is the area's best demon hunter, considered as a protector, she is the village's hero. One day she get's cornered by a powerful entity, but she gets saved by something unexpected, starting a new relationship.
Your life has considerably changed since you became a hunter. Your village was often attacked by demons and other entities since you were a teenager. All you remember is that your old man used to train you to hunt simple deers and rabbits for the village. One day the first attack begun and your parents both died.
While you were terrified of the creature which just turned you into an orphan, your rage outsized your fear as you grabbed a spear your father gave you in your 11th birthday and stabbed the demon's head apart from it's body.
Since then, you have been fighting against these horrible creatures to protect your village with your special spear to avenge your memories with your parents. The village eventually named you "Lancea, the huntress" and recognize you as the best hunter of many who swore to protect these lands from any demon...
Back to present, you were thinking about how weird it felt to be like this, to have people calling you by a nickname and not your actual name. " Well, that's what happens with superheroes like iron man, hulk or captain america back in the city, right?" You thought for a moment, cleaning some leaves that got on your hair.
Stephen hated whenever the guilt was too strong, to be a murderer and a monster, and not being able to save Christine... Damn it, he could still hear her last words "what did you do?"
"We both know you did this to yourself" Uatu said from the distance
"I know, Watcher! I know!" Stephen roared, inmediatly after Uatu spoke
"And that's why i'm here" Uatu's line caught Stephen's attention "you have proved to be truly regretful and conscious of your mistakes, so i have a deal for you" Uatu glared at Stephen
"Hmf, Tell me about it" Stephen finally spoke
"I'll let you get out of here, find love again and have a way to spend your time. If you help me with absolute menaces to the multiverse"
"Alright, if that will make me get out of this hell, then so be it"
"Just a warning, where i'm bringing you, hideous creatures threat the local poblation. If you shift and the village's protector; lancea, sees you, she will attack you without doubt"
Stephen chuckled "whoever she is, i don't think she can do too much against me anyways"
"Just be careful and learn how to change back to normal" Uatu sighed and with a light, teleported Stephen out of his prison.
Stephen appeared on a farm's corner, next to some kind of food market. He tried to continue his way, walking through the village.
"How am i gonna know Lancea's appearance if Uatu didn't describe her?" Stephen thought
"A demon!" He heard a child voice yell, did he shift? No... he didn't feel tentacles slipping through his limbs and his hands weren't clawed "Sir, run!" The child grabbed his arm and pulled him to the contrary direction of what the kid truly saw
There was a wolf sized goblin like creature which slowly crawled it's way out of the dirt, baring it's teeth at the kid and Stephen, before turning on it's back to see a woman with a brown suit and a spear on her hands, was that, Lancea?
Stephen noticed the kid ran away, and when he turned to look at you you were already fighting the creature
"Sir! You gotta get out of here, it's not safe" you yelled
Stephen swallowed, he noticed the creature's strenght as it threw you to the floor and stopped you from getting up. He really wanted to help, but he didn't want to risk everything by shifting. He ran to a place without people so nobody could see him shift.
It was painful for sure but he couldn't allow himself to let someone die, not again.
You were struggling with the creature's jaw trying to get into your head, only kept away from it by your spear, then it threw your spear away, and when it was about to kill you, something strong pulled it backwards. When you stood up on your feet you went horrified; a way bigger demon grabbed it with...tentacles? You realized it had even more features, but your pain made you collapse into the ground so you didn't see it on detail.
Stephen snarled at the creature with sharper teeth. Surprisingly enough, it wasn't fighting back, it was actually scared of him.
"Oh, you too?" Stephen thought, even a beastly and aggresive creature was scared of him.
Stephen ended it up by blasting a spell which burned down the creature to atoms.
"Lancea, help! There's another one!" A woman yelled, but you were unconscious by the loss of blood
"It's the devil himself!" "Kill it!" "Mom, i'm scared"
But Stephen knew there was no time to hear the frightened people, he dissapeared and watched from far how people carried you to your home so you could get a rest.
He had to check you were okay...
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psychelis-new · 4 months
Lys I saw a strange dream and I am a bit scared.
I don't remember a lot but what I do remember is that there was a dog, I was scared of him because he was growling and baring his teeth. He either hated or loved pink color. I believe I was wearing a full length satin skirt in pink color and he tried to go under my skirt. I was very scared that he will bite me. There was a girl who advised me not to panic because the dog was playing but I was very nervous. I also saw my cousins. They were all young, kids age and playing around us. Then we (me and the cousins) were going to school on a vehicle, it was sunny. There was a man who could read palmistry. He looked at my cousin's right hand and said "You'll do great things in life." I was quite intrigued so I asked him if he could look at mine. He looked at my right hand and said "You will live a very mediocre life. You won't be able to achieve the heights of your dreams. You won't be successful like you want to." and immediately went back to talking to my cousin (my cousin was only a year older than me) I got hurt and a bit irritated hearing this. I enquired him how can he say this with certainty and he said "look at the concave line at the bottom of your palm. All the lines from there are going downwards, whereas his (my cousin's) are going upwards." He then told my cousin "You'll be shooting for stars." The man was also very aloof with me. It felt as if he didn't want to talk to me and was irritated why I am asking him questions. He was very interested in talking with my cousin.
I hope you are taking care of yourself.
Hello :)
First of all I understand your feelings but please always keep in mind dreams are very rarely to be taken exactly as you experience them. Dreams are messages of guidance and help most of the times, even when they leave us scared: it's the way our unconscious mind can get our conscious mind's attention on a matter. Exactly like nightmares, "negative/scary" dreams are mostly representations of something we have within eg. fears and insecurities (which ofc may sound somewhat scary anyway irl -more likely in a very different way than in the dream-, but it's nothing that you cannot change or deal with).
I think you are at conflict within. Maybe you would like to make a change, to try something new (and you feel like you can) but there's something blocking you. Maybe you fear not being able to live up to someone else's expectations? Not being able to really make it? It feels like there's some sort of resentment against someone (you or others) anyway. But it doesn't feel like something "real" (=something you know for certain, something proven), it's more something you're telling yourself out of an habit you learned (like you were praised only when you reached certain goals/scores and now you learned you need to perform like that to be "accepted" or something, but deep down you feel not enough to make it? Or to be accepted? Or supported/encouraged). There are like two sides of you, one trying to push you and another trying to block you.
I think you may find it hard to feel supported and comforted by others the way you need. You may have been compared a lot with others, and/or you have compared yourself a lot with others too, in particular people from your family but not necessarily just them (eg. maybe you had some type of interaction with/talk/thought about your cousin/s and you dreamt of them as a sample). Maybe you unconsciously see them/others negatively sometimes and judge them, like you find them a bit immature or something (you may tend to project your fears on others)... It's not what you really believe, it's mostly a thought you have under certain circumstances that was created by your hurt ego as a coping mechanism, to defend yourself from the pain of actually feeling immature/not enough (which may cause you resentment against yourself too) or of being perceived by others (=esp. authority figures) as immature/not enough as well. Or not being seen/supported by these figures the same way your cousin/s (for example) are, maybe because you feel like you're not able to convey as well as them what you want (different self expression?) or maybe yeah... just because you feel neglected I'd say, and you learned is better to give to your cousin (or in general to other people) attention than to yourself cause you don't deserve it (while this way you can feel appreciated/validated). There's probably a side of yourself (maybe this harshly judged and pushed away side?) that you don't appreciate (you learned to not appreciate it from others prolly) and it causes you to be at conflict within and doesn't let you be fully yourself (and express yourself, let you reach your goals of feeling accepted and supported).
I think you are on the way of learning something: maybe that you actually are good enough and you need to give yourself attention and support first. To focus on the positive sides of you. Probably you're letting others take the control of your life and it's making you a bit angry/resentful towards them too. Maybe it's not a very conscious feeling, as I was saying, but yk, we allow this to happen everytime we don't take action for our best, following our guts/instincts because we feel not validated by others and/or fear others' reaction or judgement (we let them decide our worth giving importance to what they say or how they act with us, and compare it with how they treat others -generally we see how they treat us differently/worse, or speak about us in a worse way and we let it mean we're not enough as we are or what we want is not enough; then we don't know what to do to make it better and feel accepted and enough, and we kind of get resentful towards ourselves too). We let others control us and who we are, even if they don't know us. And I totally think that your dream wants to remind you you have plenty of control over your life and you are enough. You just need to take action and trust yourself. And stop working against yourself, self criticize yourself too harshly because of others or compare (focus back on you). People only can have opinion of others, they look at us through their own biased eyes by their own life experience (and traumas too). Nobody holds the real truth of who we are, only us. And we always need to find it within, cause it's there. Not outside. And if you feel like you can make it, try. Don't block yourself because of others (do not let your mind find "excuses" out of fear: you are enough to at least give yourself a chance. If it's about seeing your self worth, you have it. Look within and try to accept your whole self to start with. And know you are and you'll always be worthy and deserving, no matter what others say or do. And yes, you don't need to attack others to defend yourself, but remember it's not your fault: it's just a coping mechanism. Be gentle with you and how you cope with your traumas: the moment you become aware of the reasons behind a behaviour and accept it, know that you can change it whenever you want. It may take some time but you will).
I hope you're no more scared of your dream now. Take care and best of lucks on your journey!
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rjalker · 4 months
Like why is he not just respecting these very clear boundaries. He's not even a little kid at this point he should know better.
This is actually like genuinely out of character. It doesn't make any sense. It's only happening because Edgar writesboro wants him to get his feelings hurt for no good reason.
Yes speech to text is going to keep butchering his name and I am not fixing it.
Tarzan came nearer. Teeka drew away and bared her fangs. Tarzan was nonplussed. In all his experiences with Teeka, never before had she bared fangs at him other than in play; but today she did not look playful. Tarzan ran his brown fingers through his thick, black hair, cocked his head upon one side, and stared. Then he edged a bit nearer, craning his neck to have a better look at the thing which Teeka cuddled. Again Teeka drew back her upper lip in a warning snarl. Tarzan reached forth a hand, cautiously, to touch the thing which Teeka held, and Teeka, with a hideous growl, turned suddenly upon him. Her teeth sank into the flesh of his forearm before the ape-man could snatch it away, and she pursued him for a short distance as he retreated incontinently through the trees; but Teeka, carrying her baby, could not overtake him. At a safe distance Tarzan stopped and turned to regard his erstwhile play-fellow in unconcealed astonishment. What had happened to so alter the gentle Teeka? She had so covered the thing in her arms that Tarzan had not yet been able to recognize it for what it was; but now, as she turned from the pursuit of him, he saw it. Through his pain and chagrin he smiled, for Tarzan had seen young ape mothers before. In a few days she would be less suspicious. Still Tarzan was hurt; it was not right that Teeka, of all others, should fear him. Why, not for the world would he harm her, or her balu, which is the ape word for baby.
Tarzan has spent his entire life growing up with these people. He is not going to keep pressing the issue when someone is snarling and growling at him and clearly upset That's not how this works. OOC. Behavior driven by the plot rather than by set characterization. Boo.
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redxriiot · 3 years
        Kiri’s relationship with blood is an interesting one, considering his family, specially on his mother’s side. Rather than send him in a more predatory state like it would his grandfather ( literally meant, the man is heteromorph with a Shark Quirk, after all ), he takes more after his mother in how smelling blood ELEVATES his emotions. Whether that’s exhilaration, anger, fear or even arousal–blood will always have that effect on him. Accordingly, the more blood there is, the more it affects him.
         Eijirou’s sense of smell may not be as strong as his mother’s or grandfather’s ( though it’s still remarkably better than most other’s ), but blood will always stand out to him lots over most other things. If he gags in being present at a bloodbath or otherwise reacts negatively, whether in progress or just coming across the end results, it will never be because the sight daunted him, but rather in fact because the stench of blood is so overwhelming to him.
#hc#//He learned of this when he visited his mom's family and accidentally cut himself while jumping a fence with his cousins#//Soon as he stepped in the house; his grandfather zeroed in right on him and he had to get out ASAP#//Kid actually feared for his life when he saw the man's teeth bare at him and start lurching forwards#//Doesn't stop him from adoring the fuck out of his grandfather (even with a grudge he holds; but that for unrelated reason to incident)#//Notably; and similarly to actual sharks; the man's draw to the blood had been less bc it WAS blood#//But bc Ei has HIS blood too. In other words; bc he's ALSO part shark that it drew his gramp's attention more than most others' would#//Even if he is more 'human-looking' like his mother; but it doesn't change that he has those attributes like her/his grandpa#//Other animal heteromorphs (like say Tsu or Gang Orca) would always be in more danger of Kiri's gramps than 'regular humans'#//Accordingly; their blood draws Ei's attention WAY more; only with less actual predatory instinct compared to his grandfather#//Makes it real handy when finding injured folks; he'll admit it. Is also why he's VERY thankful Fat Gum does post-mission MEALS too#//Gets HELLA meet cravings after a particular messy rescue; or even spars. Though he can play it off remarkably well.#blood mention tw#//So then I guess this explains his blood kink jkdfhd#//I KID; I KID#//Though that's a whole OTHER thing to unpack#;mun has spoken#//Combine a shark quirk and a geokinetic one; you get a living shark fossil??? jksbhsf#//I mean; y'all should see my old post comparing Kiri to the Harley Quinn series King Shark and Apokolips War King Shark hskdbfdf#//The resemblance is UNCANNY#//Can you BELIEVE I wrote this up bc I had THINKINGS after seeing the Suicide Squad trailer and listening to the Beastars OP#//I was supposed to do drafts too lol. How do y'all even tolerate me#//Makes it kinda tricky to hide injuries from him; but more subtle ones/smaller amounts of blood tend to be brushed off by him too#//Because he's gotten used to the smell of blood he gets from himself when his teeth cut the inside of his mouth#//Lmao; folks with good sense of smell have to suffer the fact that his breath's got a hint of blood at all times#//And his mouth has a salty-sweet taste BECAUSE of how often he accidentally hurts himself with his teeth#//Guess saying he tastes like cherries ain't that far off; I guess. Got that nice tart taste to him bc of it; plus the sweets he eats#//his sense of smell is also a key component in how he always found things to snack on as a kid; and in extreme cases huntingwhen older#animal death mention tw#//Whoop; gotta add that. MAN; this went WAAAAAY off-topic lololol. Welcome to how my thought process works; everyone. But y'all knew that
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absolutelyfizzing · 3 years
cruel and spiteful
anon - If you take requests, can I have Zuko X reader, where Zuko tells them about his scar?
description - zuko tells y/n how he got his scar. he also has a very important question to ask her. (established!zuko x reader)
warnings - fluff, some tears, description of violence and abuse (no more vivid than is in the show), no connection to the content after the original series, some kissing, zuko is aged up (probably 20-24 years old)
word count - 1700
a/n - I tried on this one but I make no promises that its good
You stayed in peaceful silence next to your boyfriend as you read and he worked. Your leg was draped over one of his so you could have some contact but not enough that either of you would get distracted. You often thought about how thankful you were that you could have moments like this. That you had been together long enough and were comfortable enough with each other that you could spend evenings like this.
Zuko fidgeted a bit in his place and you glanced over at him. He had bags under his eyes and they looked red. You knew that he had been overworking himself lately and not getting enough sleep. Many nights he would come to bed after you had fallen asleep and then leave before you woke up simply because there was so much for him to do. You also knew that you wanted to take care of him and to let him know that his mental well-being was just as important as getting his list of tasks done. At that thought, you closed your book and sat up a bit.
"Zuko?" you asked quietly, not wanting to disturb the peace in the room.
"Hm?" he hummed out but he did not look up from his work.
"Zuko, honey, you have to stop working for a minute." You tried to reason but he just huffed. You didn't say anything else but you slowly moved to take his things off of his lap, giving him time to finish reading the paragraph he was on. He let you slip the papers into your hands and you placed them on his nearby desk. You stood silently and grabbed his hand to pull him up.
He didn't complain or make any indication that he didn't want to get up as you led him to your shared bathroom. You had him brush his teeth and you pulled his hair into a bun for him before you both headed back to bed, this time in your pajamas and with the intent of going to sleep.
"Actually, can you mess with my hair?" he almost whispered. He requested you touch his hair every so often because he loved the feeling of your fingers carding through it.
"Of course, my love," you assured and he smiled at you.
You sat on the bed, your back against the headboard. He laid next to you so his head was on your lap and you were looking down at him. You began to brush through his hair with your fingers, running your nails along his scalp. His eyes closed at the feeling as he sighed. You could tell that the anxiety of the day was leaving him.
After you had been brushing through his hair for some time and his breathing had evened out, you moved to run your fingers over the lines of his face. You just assumed that he was asleep from how calm and still he seemed. Your fingers traced along his brow lines and his eyes. You moved them down towards the shape of his nose and then his jaw. When you moved back up his face, you traced along the edges of his scar. You never asked him about it and you didn't actually know how he got it. You were from the earth kingdom and had never heard any conversation around the palace about it so you assumed that he was in some sort of accident. You knew that he would eventually tell you how it happened if he wanted to. As you were lost in thought you hadn't even noticed that his eyes were open, gazing at you from your lap. When you accidentally met his gaze, you flinched, like you had been caught doing something wrong.
"You can touch it, it's okay." He whispered out to reassure you and you hesitated before tracing it again. "Have you already heard the story?" he questioned. He knew that you hadn't known much about him when you met and that stories around the palace had ceased, mostly because it was old news and he no longer seemed self-conscious about it.
You shook your head shyly.
"Do you want to?"
You made eye contact with him. "If you don't mind telling it." You tried to make sure that he knew he didn't have to. He smiled up at you and sat up from your lap. He moved so that he was sitting in front of you, legs crossed under him to match yours. His knees were touching yours and he pulled your hands onto his lap. He looked up into your eyes and felt anxiety despite your non-judgemental gaze. He paused for a moment.
"My father did it." He started, looking at your face as you gasped a bit but you tried not to react, wanting him to continue uninterrupted. "When I was younger, I think I was thirteen, I sat in on a war meeting with my father and his advisors." His gaze had drifted down towards where your fingers were tangled with his.
"I disagreed with something, I spoke up. One of the generals had recommended sacrificing men as bait for a trap and I felt like I had to say something. It was seen as an act of disrespect so my father told me I would be fighting in an agni kai to settle the matter."
You kept your gaze on his face. You had only seen one agni kai in your time in the fire nation and it was not something you wished to see again. You struggled to believe anyone would expect a thirteen-year-old to fight in such a match.
"When I showed up, I had assumed I would fight the general, that was who I disagreed with. Instead, my father stepped forward to fight me. I knew I couldn't have won but I also didn't want to fight him because he was my father and I didn't want to show him violence. I got on my knees and asked him to forgive me but he saw it as a sign of weakness."
Zuko took a deep breath. He hadn't had to tell this story in a while and remembering the traumatic fight made him feel emotional.
"He burned me for my vulnerability. I was then exiled by my father, my scar a brand to let the kingdom know of my shame, and he sent me on my impossible mission to find the avatar. To find Aang." He finished, looking up to your gaze again. He was a bit surprised to see tears streaming down your face and he immediately cooed at you, shushing you and wiping your tears away.
You let out a broken sob and he brought his hand to the back of your neck to pull you into him so your face rested against his shoulder. Your fingers moved so that they were latched onto his shirt. You cried quietly for a few minutes, Zuko's hand soothing you by rubbing along your back.
"I'm so sorry." You whispered out. Zuko didn't respond immediately, thinking about his answer. For a while he would have said 'it's okay or 'i had it coming' but he now knew that it wasn't true. That it was cruel and he shouldn't have had to go through that.
"I'm okay now." He decided on and you nodded against him. You sat up a bit and moved your hand to cup his jaw on the side of his scar, your thumb just barely grazing over the edge of it.
"You are beautiful." You breathed out and Zuko was surprised by your words but they almost brought tears to his eyes. "Your father was a cruel and spiteful man and for him to have taken his anger out on his own child when you were just a kid is heartbreaking. I'm so sorry you had to go through that and I am so proud of you for having become such an amazing man in spite of your cruel upbringing."
You wiped away the single tear that trailed down his face.
"Will you marry me?" He whispered out, surprising himself a bit. He had of course been planning on proposing to you but he had a plan set up months from now. It was elaborate and romantic but as he sat in front of you, he wanted to be able to say he was your husband as soon as possible. Your face cracked into a smile and you giggled a bit. Zuko wanted to hear that sound for the rest of his life.
"Of course I will, Firelord Zuko." Your words reminded you of your future and your face paled a bit. Zuko was ecstatic that you said yes but worried as your face showed anxiety. "I'm going to be royalty." You choked out, your fear showing. You had, of course, hoped that you would be spending the rest of your life with Zuko, but you had never given your future rank much thought. Zuko let out a laugh at your realization.
"You already are." He added and you quirked your eyebrow in question. "You are the person I care for the most in the world, you are my closest advisor and you help me in all of my decisions, you are under my protection at all times. You are already queen in practice, just not in title. You will rule by my side as an equal as you already do. As you have done for the last 2 years."  
You smiled at his reassurance and leaned forward to pull him into a searing kiss. You hoped that he could feel all of the emotions you were trying to express through it. He hummed against your lips and brought his hand up to rest in your hair. When you both pulled away, out of breath, he leaned his forehead against yours.
"I love you." He mumbled out and you smiled.
"Nowhere near as much as I love you." you replied easily.
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kaitsawamura · 3 years
would you like to stay forever?
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SUMMARY⎮   Sparring with Pro Hero Kirishima Eijiro in his private gym at his home doesn't seem like a bad idea if you don't count the fact that you really, really like him.
STATS⎮ minors do not interact, 18+ ⎮  Rating: M (for mature)  ⎮  WC: 5525  ⎮   Pairing: Pro Hero Kirishima Eijiro x Fem!Reader  ⎮   Tags: Aged Up Character(s), Friends to Lovers, Sparring, Smut, Fluff, Age/Experience Gap (if you really squint)  ⎮  AO3
NOTES⎮  Thanks to @spacelabrathor​ for listening to me scream about this and to @some-kindofgnome​ for fueling my Kiri fever dreams.  Yes, that title is based on a Mulan quote. This whole fic was based on THIS POST and Kirishima seemed like the perfect character for this pwp.  Hope y'all enjoy!  (Also please for the love of God, click on the banner to see in HD if you’re on mobile, it looks so much better lol)
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It was Saturday and even though you’re on your way to becoming a Pro Hero, you can think of several things you’d rather be doing with your one day off than going to Kirishima Eijiro’s house to spar.  But here you are pulling into his driveway, going over combat moves in your head as if your life depended on it.  They weren’t really serving their purpose which was to distract yourself.  Kiri had offered up his personal gym, encouraged you to stop by with one hand in his pocket and the other rubbing the back of his neck as if he was nervous.  
A couple of his friends had already taken him up on the offer.  You were the only one he’d offered who hadn’t come over yet.  He had texted you a couple of weeks later saying he was starting to take it personally…  and then immediately texted with a laughing emoji just to clarify he was only giving you a hard time.  It brings a smile to your face now as you remember it.  Yesterday he had also clarified it would just be the two of you if you were self-conscious sparring in front of other people.  You’d have the whole place to yourselves.  Like that should mean something.  Which it did.  It does , you realize with butterflies growing in your stomach.  Kiri doesn’t need to know that though.
The two of you had been toeing around something since you had been hired at Fatgum’s Agency a year ago.  Neither of you had made a move.  Kirishima, the Red Riot, was a big Pro Hero and while you took pride in your quirk, it didn’t hold a coin to some of the others you’d come in contact with.  It had surprised you when Toyomitsu had brought you on.  But he had mumbled something about “liking your spunk” and that he thought a teleportation quirk would be a useful one to add to his agency.  The first day you had shown up, Kiri had immediately caught your eye.  Not for the obvious reasons.  Obvious reasons being the fact that he was climbing the Pro Hero charts or the fact that he had a dynamically interesting quirk or that at twenty-five he was already built like a brickhouse. 
Those were all valid reasons, yes, but what had pulled you in was his smile and his genuine interest in you outside of your quirk.  But he was just like that you had quickly discovered.  He knew everyone’s coffee order and what they liked for lunch.  He knew when to push and when to back off.  He knew when to talk and when to listen , knew when he still had a lesson to learn.  The kids flocked to him.  Even now you’re still entirely convinced that’s actually his quirk, getting people to like him.  It’s not a difficult thing to do though.
Your brain stutters back to the present when a text notification pings from your cell phone as you sit in Kiri’s driveway, picking at non-existent lint on your gym shorts.  The cute ones you’re still convincing yourself were your only clean pair and that’s the only reason you wore them.
KIRI : i saw u pull up, u gonna come in or what 😂
Had he been waiting for you to get there?  You tapped out a quick response, one that hid the little flip in your stomach at the thought: creeper, you were watching for me lmao
Response bubbles immediately flash on your phone screen but you’re angling out of your car and shutting the door before he can reply.
Somehow, this house fits Kiri perfectly.  It isn’t big.  You had seen pictures of other top-ranking Pros’ houses.  Enji Todoroki’s house, for example, was fucking ridiculous.  But even without a massive floor plan, Kiri’s house is nicer than any you’d been in for some time.  Clean, straight lines and lots of windows.  In fact, you can see straight through the floor-to-ceiling windows out to his backyard when you reach the front door.  Is that a pool ?  Kiri had tons of fun showing pictures at the agency; it was a well-deserved investment for his already multiple years of service as a Pro.  The pictures hadn’t done the place justice though.
Kiri comes to the door, throwing it wide open with a huge grin that shows off his sharp teeth.  You ignore the way your mouth goes dry as he drags you in, babbling on like an excited little kid at you actually coming.
“I really thought you were gonna back out!  I mean, that would have been fine, of course.  I just can’t see the point of having the whole place to myself all the time.”  He’s irresistibly cute, walking around showing you the living room and the kitchen and pointing out to the backyard where, yes, there is indeed a pool.  “You can come over any time and use that too if you want!”  You thank him, warmth pooling in your stomach at how incredibly nice he is.
“Uh, we should probably get in the gym.  I have… stuff to do later,” you finish lamely.  You don’t have anything to do later but very quickly you’re realizing how far out of your depth you are here.  The familiar beginnings of the head over heels fall is washing over you in steady waves.  But you’re coworkers and the thought of coming to work every day and having to see his adorable face and not doing anything about it is almost making you nauseous.
“Oh, yeah, it’s just down the hallway,” he rumbles, leading the way and you follow trying and failing miserably to calm the nerves flashing through your veins.  You’re here alone with Kiri , the man you’ve been crushing on since you’d started working with him a year ago.  And now your stupid brain isn’t just thinking about what it would feel like to run your tongue along his teeth or how his hands would feel between your legs.  No, your stupid brain is thinking about what Kiri looks like when he first opens his eyes in the morning.
Your one-track mind is not getting any help, especially when Kiri walks through the doorway of the gym addition and immediately proceeds to pull his shirt up and over his shoulders and tosses it to the side.  Shit.  His back muscles ripple with the movement and when he turns to face you, it’s heart-wrenchingly obvious that he has no idea the effect he’s having on you.  He has to know .  Doesn’t he?  From your end, it seems wildly obvious that someone as good-looking as him should know .  
You glance around, eternally grateful for the fact that the gym is also attractive.  Floor to ceiling windows span two of the walls here as well and there’s a large set of French doors leading out to the yard.  You find yourself actually in awe when you get a better look at the landscaping.  It’s so green .  There’s a small patch of lawn but the rest is just artfully arranged native flora and fauna.  Violets, tulips.  Huge hosta plants.  And cherry trees heavy with their signature sakura blossoms.  
“Kiri, it’s beautiful!”  He comes to stand beside you, looking out the French doors as well.
“You like it?  I guess it is pretty nice, huh?”  You glance up at him, your chest expanding on a lurch looking at his smile.  You’d never noticed before but he has a light dusting of freckles across his nose.
“Yeah, really nice.”  You look out again, letting the silence grow until it feels like the most comfortable thing in the world.  After what seems like an eternity Kiri clears his throat, rocking back on the balls of his feet.  “What are you thinking for today?”  The question leaves your lips and you’re immediately regretting it; your stomach flips again when Kiri looks at you like you’re prey.
“Close combat, hand-to-hand combat.  You did mention a while ago you wanted to strengthen that, right?”  You throw your head back, rolling your eyes, and groan.  The two of you make your way to the center of the mat.
“Yeah, I mean, I’d be scared to take me on too,” Kiri says, large hands on even larger hips.   He isn’t as tall as some of the other heroes at six foot three inches but he’s wide , thick.  You know for a fact you couldn’t wrap your arms around his waist and have your hands meet.  He’s wearing the biggest shit-eating grin you’ve ever seen.  The sharpened points of his canines are out and on prominent display.   Famous last words you think as a snarl erupts on your face.
“I’m not scared , Kiri.  I just don’t want to wear you out .  You’re a Pro Hero.  You’re on the job a lot more than I am.  Plus, you’re getting kind of old.  Is that a little gray I see coming in?”  Kiri bares his teeth even more but it’s not lost on you that he quickly reaches up to rake his fingers through his hair.  There isn’t any gray, obviously , but the thought has Red Riot distracted.  Distracted enough that when you plant your feet and your fist connects with his face, your knuckles hit skin and not the reinforced rock of his quirk.
“ Shit.”  Kiri takes a step back, reaching up to cradle his jaw.  His tongue swipes out to lick at the blood on his bottom lip.  His vermillion eyes find yours and if you didn’t work with him on a regular basis, you would have felt fear at this moment.  You know he wouldn’t hurt you but even now, a thrill races through your veins like electricity.  He looks as if he’s going to devour you.  You take your own step back, readying your quirk, reaching out to it as your fists hold their position in front of your body.  A dark chuckle spills from his chest as Kiri calls on his own quirk.
Now it was your turn to be distracted; you had always been fascinated by Kiri’s quirk, the way his body looked when it hardened up.  The ripples of muscle still visible under the toughened skin.  The divots and ridges and how they mapped their way across his shoulders and chest and abdomen.  You knew how it felt to the touch in fake combat.  The Fatgum heroes all took pride in maintaining a healthy routine; sparring was a common workout that was previously done at a local public gym.  You wonder absently what it would feel like to touch him slow and at the moment.  When you could give extra attention with extra time. 
Kiri closes the space between the two of you at the moment your mind strays and you barely are able to teleport out of the way to avoid him crashing into you.  You try to take a swipe at him as you materialize from in front of him to behind but this time he’s ready for you and he’s using his quirk.  Instead of moving out of the way, he plants his feet and allows your punch to hit.  Pain radiates up through your fingers and wrist.  It always irritated you that you had to prepare yourself to strike Kiri when he was using his quirk.  Otherwise, you’d be in for a whole lot of hurt every time you landed a punch.
Teleportation is a pretty handy quirk.  It gives you a pretty good advantage the more you work on your close combat skills.  The trick with Kiri was to keep going at him until he ran out of energy.  You hadn’t gotten to that point yet; your quirk had its limits as well.  You were only two years out of UA, Kiri was out by seven.  His strength was already fairly unmatched; sparring with him was always good practice.  You relish the thought of the day you can win a sparring session without tapping out.  It surges through you like pure energy.  
You teleport to stand in front of him again, shifting your weight into your hips and up through your right hook.  This time your fist connects with Kiri’s side and he lets out a small grunt.  Your fingers don’t hurt so bad this time and by the time Kiri is retaliating, you jump back a few feet.  He hmms, a sound that reverberates from his chest.
“That’s all well and good but how do you expect to do anything if you jump that far away?”  He lunges forward at a running start, leaping at the last second, sending his gloved fist into your stomach.  You were fast, but still not always fast enough.  You double over, the air rushing from your lungs and your pre-workout protein smoothie threatening to exit back the way it went in.  Sweat is already beading on your brow and sliding under your tank top.  You take a few breaths through your nose when an idea pops into your head; you stay bent over.  “Hey, I didn’t hit you that hard.  You good?”  
Kiri comes to stand in front of you, leaving him vulnerable.  He can’t see your smirk until it’s too late.  You wail on him, using some of the basic combos he’s taught you before today.  Satisfaction rolls through you when he actually takes a step back.  But then he puts his arms up in front of him, clenching his abdomen and bending inward to protect his core.  He drops just a fraction and before you realize what’s happening, he’s swiping his leg out to push through yours.  You watch in slow motion as you see his laughing face then the ceiling of the gym as you flip and land on your back.
If you thought you were out of breath before…  “Fuuu-.”  It’s a wheeze that feels like it’s ripping your chest open.  You’re seeing stars.  Kiri stands over you, hands on his hips again.  You stare at his face; the hero has his hair pulled back into a bun.  You snort, rolling your eyes.  Why does he still look so fucking good?  The sweat has caused some of the pieces falling out of his hair tie to curl.  His hair has curl to it?  You’ve never noticed before, considering he always gels it into spikes.  You like the curl.  “Are you--are you gonna help me up, or what?”  It was still painful to talk.
Kiri tilts his head to the side, just slightly, and crosses his arms.  “I’m thinking not.  Last time I let down my guard you got those good combos in.”  You stare in stunned silence, sitting up so you’re supported by your elbows.  Kiri shifts slightly and if you didn’t know better, you’d say he’s backing up to… get a better view.   
“Is that any way to treat your student,  Red Riot?”  You know you get under his skin when he clicks his tongue against his teeth and holds out a hand with a begrudging eye roll.  He pulls you up with ease, quickly enough that you almost lose your balance, swaying into his space.  You look up, eyes moving back and forth between his.  
He draws in a breath and drags his bottom lip between his teeth.  “First of all,” he says as he places his hands on your upper arms, “I’m not your teacher.  I’m not that much older than you.  Secondly,” he mutters as he tucks a stray lock of hair behind your ear, “our relationship isn’t that formal is it?”  He’s so fucking close.  This is getting dangerous.  Dangerous because Kiri is within kissing distance.  Dangerous because this gentle side of him is making you lose more breath than falling on your ass.  Dangerous because the thought of Kiri taking you on the floor right now is almost too much to bear.  
So you fall back on what you’re here to do.  Fight.  You flash him a wicked smile before rallying your quirk and teleporting a few feet away.  His hand is still raised in mid-air and when his head whips to look in your direction, his crimson eyes are narrowed and his nostrils are flared.  He laughs and rolls his neck, dancing on his toes.
“Okay.  I see.  I’m not gonna go easy on you, you know?”  You snort and put your fists up in front of you again.
“As if you were going easy on me before, Kiri.  Bring it on.”  He smiles, the sharp points of his teeth enough to make your thoughts swerve again before you bring them under control.  “Bring it on,” you whisper more to yourself as you brace for the fight.
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Two hours later, you feel the strain in your muscles.  Your quirk is running low on reserves and you know you won’t be able to use it much more.  Kiri looks like he hasn’t wasted a breath but you can see he’s getting tired in the way his feet don’t move as sharply.  And if the length of time he’s using his quirk is any indication to his state of mind, you know the two of you will be calling it a day soon.  But you’re also both stubborn.  And you’re dying to get one more good move in on him.
The cockiness the two of you had at the beginning of the sparring session hasn’t gone away but has burned hot into determination.  No more smiles, only clear-headed concentration.  The two of you are an arm's length from each other, throwing various punches and switching quickly between using your quirks and not.  You’re breathing hard, sweat gathering at your brow as you throw another right hook that Kiri easily blocks.
“Get out of your head.  You can be too predictable sometimes.”  He doesn’t mean for it to come across as rude but the words strike a match to a guttering fire.  You bare your own teeth at Kiri even though they aren’t sharp and probably don’t look nearly as threatening but it helps you feel powerful nonetheless.  You drop without a second thought, lowering to your palms and sweeping your leg out in front of you in a wide arc.  A grin spreads across your face when your calf meets Kiri’s ankle.  He’s too physically dense for this move to work if he had seen it coming.  But he doesn’t.  And his solid 220 pounds of muscle falls hard.  
You allow yourself the satisfaction of the moment for only a split second; Kiri’s recovery time is much shorter than yours so it isn’t long before he’s scrambling forward.  He goes straight for your wrists to subdue you but with a smirk, you realize in his haste he’s put himself in the perfect position for you to possibly gain the upper hand.  You scoot up away from him just enough to drag his arm forward and swing your legs around his neck.  Then you elevate your hips and lock your core.
It’s over from there as you squeeze with every last ounce of strength left in your body.  It doesn’t take long for him to tap out.  You release as soon as you feel his loose hand tap your arm; he collapses over you and you’re too tired to move away or push him off.  Now his breathing is rough and you feel a surge of pride.  You reach up and place your hand on his head where his bun has come undone; he’s so heavy but it doesn’t feel bad.  In fact, the feel of Kirishima resting his head and upper chest on your stomach is feeling nothing short of good .  He’s still between your legs and suddenly the air is crackling with a new kind of energy when you gently comb your fingers through his hair.
He rises up, his hands on either side of you.  His hips rest between your legs; the mingled heat radiating from both of you is almost more than you can take but there is no way you’re going to move anywhere.  He leans forward, so close you can see the flecks of burnt orange in his eyes.  If you moved forward just a little, you could close that space between you.  He leans down more, his mouth right next to the shell of your ear.
“Maybe not always predictable.  You did good today.  Probably some of the best fighting I’ve seen from you so far.  Keep it up.”  He grunts, a shift of his hips allowing the curve of his cock to brush against your clothed sex through his gym shorts.  He stiffens in what you think might be embarrassment.  “Shit, sorry, let me just, uh--”  The stuttering mess he becomes right before your eyes makes something lurch in your chest; you reach for his face without thinking.
“Kiri,” you whisper, rolling your own hips against his.  His cheeks are burning a shade of red almost as vibrant as his hair.  You bring up your other hand, holding his face between them and bringing him down to settle over you once more.  Your lips meet his; he seems to war with himself for just a moment.  A suspended second in time.  But then he gives in, slipping his tongue against yours in a delicious sliding vision of what’s coming.
He reaches between you to slip his hand under your tank top; his hand is big and nearly encompasses your side.  But it’s warm and gentle.  Gentle.  Who would have guessed that Red Riot could be so fucking gentle?  But he is and when his hand moves lower to slide below the hem of your shorts, you give yourself to him with no reservations.  His middle finger passes through the mess of your sex; a hissed breath rattles through his chest as your back arches on a ragged groan.
“ Shit.  You’re so wet .”  He slides his finger back and forth, gathering your slick on the thick digit.  He takes his hand away and you mewl.  “Can I?”  He asks breathlessly as he hooks his hands on the hem of your shorts.  You nod, eyes half-lidded.  He pulls them down along with your underwear and the way he looks at you, at what’s between your legs, you don’t even have the wherewithal to feel self-conscious.  Adoration.  It’s the only word you can think of and it makes you wonder if you’d made a mistake waiting so long.
He’s on his knees when he takes your legs and drapes them on either side of his hips; this time he doesn’t hesitate in slipping his finger into your cunt.  You nearly see stars just from that and if one finger is any indication, you’re in for it.  Slowly, he adds another, his hand pumping into you in a steady rhythm.  You’re grabbing for the ground, grabbing for him as a strangled noise pushes from your throat.  He reaches out with his other hand to splay it across your sternum and it’s the only thing anchoring you as he adds the third finger before scooting down to put his mouth on your clit.
“ Kiri,” you keen, shoving your hips into his touch, frantically scrabbling for his wrist that’s on your chest just to have something to hold on to.  He’s done this before, he’s had to.  He’s too good.  Too fucking good.  Already there’s coiling in your gut as incomprehensible words tumble from your mouth.  “Shit.  Shit.  Kiri I’m--I’m gonna--”  He rumbles approvingly against your clit; the vibrations send you closer and closer to the edge and when it crests, your back arches near pain as you cry out, your voice echoing in the gym.  It’s deep, roaring through all of your limbs but  Kiri keeps going, fingers still pumping, tongue still swirling around your sensitive nub.
Another orgasm breaks over you sharp and quick and the overstimulation has your legs quaking as your arousal gushes over Kiri’s hand and tongue.  But then he’s moving again, and you’re blearily aware that he’s shoving his own shorts and boxers past his hips to free his cock.  You stare as it bounces back to sit near the planes of his stomach; it’s already leaking steadily with precum.  Kiri looks back at you and when your eyes meet, you dart your tongue out between your lips to wet them.  Another time, maybe.  
Kiri leans forward to lift you up and the closer you get you can barely see any red in his eyes; his pupils are blown, his nostrils flared as he lifts you like you weigh nothing .  He could snap you like a twig.  But he won’t.  You know without a doubt this is the safest you’ve ever felt, even as he lowers you slowly over his cock and it does feel like you’re being split .
“ Fuuuck…”  You wrap your legs around him, your mouth dropped open, your hands gripping his shoulders.  You try not to dig your nails in but it’s almost impossible with how you’re being filled.  You knew Kiri was big but this was almost too much.  His forehead drops to yours as he pants.  But he’s not moving, won’t move until you tell him to.  It makes your heart ache and your cunt floods, drunk on the affection thrumming through your veins.  You roll your hips experimentally and the friction is bliss.  “Oh fuck, ohfuck.”  You move again, pushing yourself up and back down, listening to the hitch in his breathing.  “ Kiri, please, ” you whisper.  Those words… they’re enough.
Kirishima grips you by the hips, his fingers splayed and digging into the flesh; it’ll leave bruises and the knowledge cracks through you like electricity.  Let him leave marks.  Let him leave them everywhere.  He’s moving you up and down his cock, grunting, mumbling.  “Tell me, Kiri, tell me.”  His eyes meet yours again and his own mouth drops open.
“Fuck, you’re so good.  S’ tight.  Jesus, I-- ” Kiri moves his hands from your hips to support you as he lays you down on the floor of the gym.  The idea should be questionable but it’s not, it’s fucking not and you can’t concentrate on any other thoughts when Kiri grabs your wrists and pins them gently above your head with one hand while the other comes back to your hip.  He thrusts into you at a brutal pace but… it feels like home and you think in that moment as your cunt begins to seize around his cock that you would give up forever to continue touching him.
“Yes, Kiri, yes.  Right there, right--shit yesyes yes. ”  He pistons up, the veins of his cock rubbing just right and when he releases the grip on your hands, they’re moving to wrap around him on instinct.  He’s planting kisses along your jaw, mouthing up to your lips and back down to graze his teeth over your pulse point.  “Do it, fuckin’ do it, let them know ‘m yours, ” you slur and when he bites down you crash over the edge on a groan that’s really more of a scream.  Everything goes black but you're cradling him to you as his movements become more erratic.  The snapping of his hips is getting sloppier by the second and a steady growl punches from his lungs with each breath.  “Cum, Kirishima, cum inside me.”
He’s never heard those words before and it lights a fire in his veins.  His head is buzzing and then he can’t hear anything as his cock releases and he’s spurting searing hot ropes of cum into your cunt.  He goes until you’ve milked every last drop from him and he’d be lying if he said his world didn't suddenly feel whole.  Finally, his body settles and his chest drops to yours.  Everything slowly bleeds back into focus and somehow, everything seems more colorful than it did moments before.  You’re still clinging to him.
“Kiri.  Kiri, babe, I can’t breathe,” you say and he slowly rises, taking in your blissed-out expression.  Your eyes can barely stay open, your cheeks are flushed.  He backs up to see his handiwork on display, hyper-focused on the trail of the mingling cum dripping from the mess of your sex.  But you’re smiling.  Lazy and tired, completely at ease.  “Wanna take a shower?”  When you nod he doesn’t hesitate in standing to kick his underwear and shorts the rest of the way off his legs and then he’s grabbing you, scooping you into his arms and against his chest.  He pads out of the gym and across the hall to his bathroom where he deposits you on your feet, only after he’s sure you can stand and only long enough to turn the shower head-on.
He puts his hand under the water, waiting for it to get warm.  Steam billows from behind the glass door when he’s turning back to you to remove your tank top and your sports bra.  Thank god you chose the front-closure one today; you didn’t think either one of you wanted to struggle to get one up over your head right now.  When your breasts spill out of the high-impact fabric, you notice with tender amusement that his cock is half-hard again.  His eyes go dark again and he leans in for a kiss.  But it's slow and sweet. 
"You're so fuckin' beautiful," he whispers.  He ignores his arousal, ushering you into the stream of water.  Your care is the only thing that matters to him right now.  The heat slides across your body, and when Kirishima steps up behind you and begins soaping up your shoulders, it feels like heaven .
You take turns washing each other until you’re both blissed out in a different kind of way and the only thing either one of you can think about is sleep.  But the afterglow is fading and doubt is creeping in.  When you step out of the water, you stand awkwardly as Kiri hands you a towel.  “You okay?”  He’s actually concerned and you can’t put your finger on why you’re so fucking grateful for it.
“Yea, just tired.  I should, uh, probably get going.”  Kiri freezes and you think you’ve said something wrong, already crossed a line.  Your brain is like a broken record as the stomach-curdling image of having to see him at the agency flashes across your eyes in vivid detail.  But then he’s stepping into your space and pulling you in for a hug.  A hug.
“Don’t go,” he whispers into the crown of your head and it has you smiling like an idiot against his chest.  His skin smells clean and warm with a hint of spice.  You bury your face further in as you nod against him.  Then he’s leading you to his room, to the king-sized bed.  He peels back the comforter and the white sheets and pulls you in beside him.  Your back is against him and he hooks his foot around your ankles, bringing you even closer.  
He doesn’t say anything more, just lets out a huge sigh as he wraps his arm around you.  The last thing you notice before your eyes flutter shut is how your heartbeats are thumping at the same steady rhythm.  
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Late afternoon sunlight slants in Kirishima’s bedroom window, creating interesting patterns across his blanket.  It’s pushed towards the end of the bed, your legs intertwined and tangled in the sheets.  He’s still dozing, his breathing not quite that of someone sleeping but not of a person fully awake.  You reach out to cup his cheek, stroke above his eyebrows, caress his lips with your thumb.  A contented sigh leaves his chest as he grabs your hand and kisses your wrist.  His eyes are open now and he watches you.  You smile at him, snuggling closer, not wanting the moment to end.
“Hey,” he says quietly, suddenly serious.  “I just want you to know, I don’t do this all the time.  I mean, I’ve been with other people before but I don’t…  I don’t really hook up .”  Things start clicking into place as you realize what he’s trying to get across.  He just fucked you stupid in his personal gym and somehow he looks bashful.  And because you love it, you’re not going to help him along.  You just watch, biting your lip to keep from giggling.  “I just.  I guess what I’m trying to say is I like you.  I’ve liked you for a long time.  And normally I would have wined and dined you first but...  Well.  Here we are.  Would you like to stay for dinner?”
That’s the last straw; your laughter comes bubbling out of you and Kiri is leaning back to look at you with a quizzical expression on his face.  “Is something funny?”  That just makes you laugh a little harder but the confused look he’s wearing has you leaning in to press your lips against his.
“I’ve liked you from the first day I met you, Kiri.  I’ll one-up your offer and tell you that I might like to stay forever.”  A grin rips across his face and your heart blooms with warmth and affection.  The world seems full of possibilities but none of them matter except for the possibility laying right in front of you.
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crazycookiecrumbles · 3 years
Brains and Bendy Straws
A/N: I’m sorry. I don’t know WTF I’m doing.
Pairings: Shang-Chi x Reader, Venom x Reader (if you squint?)
Warnings: cursing, mentions of porn and veiolence
Summary:  After a mission you come across what is, by far, the strangest thing you’ve ever seen in your life.
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You were on the phone with your boyfriend as you trekked home. The both of you had had a long day, and you were looking forward to going home to him and curling up in bed.
“I’m just saying, babe, you had a great mission, we should celebrate with karaoke,” he explained.
You snorted as you left the store with your bag of ice cream and other sweet treats, “I don’t know, Shangqi. I kind of had this idea of going home, curling up in bed with you, eating tons of ice cream…”
He shook his head to himself, “I thought you were a cool Avenger, not the granny Avenger.”
You laughed, “Fuck you, dude! When you have to listen to Bucky and Sam go back and forth for three days, you let me know then how tired you are, okay?”
“I would, but they said I’m not ready for those missions yet. They’ve still got me doing this kid stuff.”
“You’ll miss the kid stuff the next time aliens attack,” You teased. 
Suddenly you heard screaming. It stopped you dead in your tracks, and you realized the screaming was loud enough that Shangqi could hear it on the other end of the call.
“What was that?” He asked quickly.
“Someone’s in trouble,” you muttered. “I gotta go.”
“Wait, where are you? I’ll meet you there.”
You looked up, “Um 8th and Mission.”
Shangqi nodded to himself as he smacked Katy on the arm and gestured that it was time to go, “We can be there soon.”
“I can handle it—“
“We will be there soon!” He repeated. “Just sit tight.”
Not one to listen to your boyfriend, you agreed, hung up the phone, and ran towards the screaming. You entered an alley and saw a man trying to rob a woman of her purse. The two were screaming and fighting each other, and you ran towards them shouting for him to drop her purse. The robber glanced at you, laughed, and snatched the bag from her by ripping the strap. Before he could run away through the other side of the alley, a hulking black figured jumped from the top of a building and landed with a thud.
The sudden entrance actually made you step backwards in shock. This massive figure stood tall and swiped the man up from the ground and held him in his hand like a toddler holding a toy soldier. The man was screaming in fear, the purse dropping from his hand as he flailed and kicked at the creature, shrieking for him not to hurt him. The woman went and grabbed her purse before taking off running. You stood there in surprise. You’d never seen anything like this before, and you thought you had seen everything.
“Please, man, let me go!” The robber wailed.
“I should rip your fucking head off!” He screamed in his face, teeth sharp like daggers, long tongue slipping from his mouth and licking the man from chin to temple. “I’ll eat your brains like a smoothie, oh, and I’ll use your bones like a bendy straw!”
The fuck?
“What do you mean I can’t eat his brains!?” This creature shouted in response to someone you couldn’t hear, “Ah, fuck it! Damn it!” He threw the robber across the entire alleyway. He fell into a pile of garbage after slapping into a brick wall. This creature then turned its attention to you. Each step it took made the ground shake as it made its way closer to you, but you stood your ground and stared up at him.
“And aren’t you a tasty little morsel?” He purred and glanced down at your bag, head slowly tilting to the side before he snatched it and stuck his head in it, “Chocolate, Eddie! She has fucking chocolate!!”
“I have to be high. I must be high. I must have ingested something, and I’m definitely high,” You muttered to yourself ,watching this thing go through your snacks.
It shouted in anger and threw your snacks to the ground. Getting in your face it hissed, “There was barely any chocolate in there! What kind of person are you?! You’re a monster!”
“Are you fucking kidding me, dude?” You blurted out. “I’m the monster? You look like you walked out of a fucking hentai you big bastard!”
“Hey! There’s no need to be mean about it.”
Its tongue reached out to caress your face. The second you saw it heading towards you, you screamed.
This poor creature had no idea what your powers were.
Unleashing a sonic scream, your scream prompted this creature to scream in agony and dart away from you. What looked like stringy black liquid pulled itself apart, revealing a man underneath who was also shouting in pain. Seeing this confused you. You lost just enough focus for its arm to shoot forward, wrap around your mouth to silence you, and hold you up in the air.
“That hurts!” He screamed in your face, spit flying and landing on your forehead as you scratched and clawed its harms. “What the hell was that? You don’t just do that to people you just met! I thought we had potential! Eddie thinks you’re pretty! I did too, but now you’re not that pretty after that.”
You weren’t sure if at this point you needed to be confused or just insulted. This was, by far, the weirdest thing you had experienced in your life, and you managed to get drunk with Norse gods. This was bizarre.
“Put her down!” You could hear your boyfriend shouting from behind you. On top of that, you could hear Katy saying ‘holy shit, dude’ as she stood next to him.
The creature holding you spun you around to see Shangqi and Katy, both of them staring in surprise at this giant creature before replacing their shock with glares to see it still hadn’t put you down yet.
“Then make her stop screaming at me!” It hissed, “It hurts.”
“Then put. Her. Down.” Shangqi growled, rings on his forearms glowing.
“Whoa, haven’t seen those in awhile. Keep cool, man,” It said as it dropped you unceremoniously on the ground.
Now Shangqi and Katy were as confused as you were. You landed on the ground with a thud and muttered a swear to yourself as Katy went and quickly helped you up while Shangqi kept his fists raised to keep the two of you covered just in case this thing decided to attack.
“What the fuck is that?” Katy whispered to you. “It looks like it walked out of a bad animated PornHub special.”
“I know!” You replied. “Your guess is as good as mine, dude.”
“Hey! We are not some pornographic cartoon,” It shouted at the two of you, standing taller and — wait, was it flexing? “We are super awesome badass protector heroes! We. Are. Venom.”
You were telling yourself not to laugh. Katy was full on laughing, and Shangqi was biting his lip. His stance relaxed as Katy fell against his arm laughing hysterically, and he reached out to hold her up while he let himself succumb to a giggle fit. You eventually started laughing as well, and this thing, Venom, you guessed it was, shouted in anger before saying he needed to leave before eating the three of you.
Venom disappeared within itself. Standing in its place was a guy not much taller than you. He kind of resembled a freshly-sober crackhead as he dusted off his clothes and cautiously stepped forward, “Sorry about that. He’s…sensitive.”
“What the fuck was that?” Shangqi asked. 
“Split personality disorder?” Katy asked.
“That might actually be a good way to put it…almost, uh. Sorry that was Venom, he’s uh, well, he’s kind of a parasite.”
“You should get that checked out,” you muttered under your breath.
He cringed, “I’m sorry about that. He means well, sometimes. He just — he really likes chocolate. I’m sorry. We’re gonna get out of your hair—“
“Wait, wait,” Katy said as this man tried to make a run for it. “You look familiar.”
“…Nope. No, I don’t.”
“You’re Eddie Brock!” She smirked, “Dude. I parked your Ducati. Sick ride. Purrs like a kitten.”
“Oh, thanks — uh, look can we keep this between the two of us?” He said quickly. “We’re not looking for trouble we’re just — uh, we’re just…”
“Go,” You sighed and waved your hand. “Just go.”
He nodded to you, “Thanks, thanks. See you later uh, rings…guy, and you too, ladies, take care.”
He disappeared and Shangqi stared at you in shock, “You just let him go?”
You sighed heavily, “Yeah…I’ve seen guys like him in New York — although, one of them runs around in red and wears devil horns, but, yeah. I’ve got no interest in fighting someone who fights the same guys we do. Do you?”
Shangqi shook his head, “No, but I don’t love that he grabbed you and kept you from using your powers.”
You shrugged your shoulders, “I mean, can’t knock the guy for using a solid strategy.”
“I’d like to add that I think it would be a crime to pick a fight with someone with excellent taste in bikes,” Katy said as the three of you left the alley.  “Did he ruin your ice cream and snacks? Yes, but does he tip well? Definitely.”
Shangqi sighed, arms coming around his two girls as the three of you left the alley together, “I love your priorities, Katy.”
“So do I. So, since you’re stuck with us, Y/N, how about some karaoke?”
You rolled your eyes, “Fine, let’s go. Sheesh. Children.”
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The Husky and His White Cat Shizun - Chapter 27
Original Title:  二哈和他的白猫师尊
Genres: Drama, Romance, Tragedy, Xianxia, Yaoi
This translation is based on multiple MTLs and my own limited knowledge of Chinese characters. If I have made any egregious mistakes, please let me know.
Chapter Index
Chapter 27 - This Venerable One Will Cook You A Bowl of Noodles
Chu Wanning felt completely faint.
He blamed himself for being so distracted and unsuspecting on Life-Death Peak. He didn't even notice someone come over.
What was going on? Where did this child come from? His last name was Mo, but Mo. . . what was is again. . . ? Mo Shao? Mo Zhu? Mo. . . Yu?
He composed himself and put on an expression that screamed: "get away". The surprise and panic in his phoenix eyes were quickly masked by his usual harsh and threatening demeanour.
He raised his hand out of habit to discipline him, but something suddenly caught his wrist.
Chu Wanning was stunned.
He had been around for a while yet no one had ever dared grab his wrist so casually. For a while, he was frozen in place, not knowing what he should do.
Pull it away and give him a backhanded slap?
. . . It felt like a good word to describe that would be "indecent," like he was no different from a woman in this situation.
Then pull his hand away and not slap him?
. . . Wouldn't that seem like he was being too nice?
Chu Wanning hesitated for a long time and didn't move but the young man laughed: "What's this on your hand? It's pretty good-looking, do you teach how to make stuff like this? Everyone else has introduced themselves already but you haven't spoken yet. Which elder are you? Hey, do you have a headache?"
With so many questions thrown at him, while Chu Wanning's mind hadn't hurt before, now it did.
His mind felt like it was about to split in half. . .
As he got irritated, a golden light in his hand started to glow. When they saw that Tianwen was about to be summoned, the other elders were horrified and moved - Chu Wanning was crazy, right? He would even dare to whip Young Master Mo?
Then, Mo Ran was suddenly holding his hand.
Now Mo Ran had trapped both of his hands. Mo Ran didn't up on the danger of his situation. He pulled him closer and stood in front of him. He tilted his head and said with a smile: "My name is Mo Ran. I don't know anyone here, but just from looking at you, I like you the most. How about I worship you as my shizun, okay?"
This was completely unexpected. The people around them were even more horrified. Several elders gaped with mouths ajar.
Elder Xuanji: "Huh?"
Elder Pojun: "What!"
Elder Qisha: "Oh?"
Elder Jielu: "Uh. . ."
Elder Tanlang: "Hah, ridiculous."
Elder Lucun was the most feminine of the bunch with wavy hair and eyes flooded with peach blossoms: "Ah, this little boy is so bold. He's truly a courageous young man. He might even be so bold as to touch Elder Yuheng's ass."
". . . I beg you, can you not say something so repulsive?" Qisha said with disgust.
Lucun rolled his eyes gracefully and hummed: "Fine, let me put it more eloquently. He's truly a courageous young man. He might even be so bold as to touch Elder Yuheng's buttocks."
Qisha: ". . ." Just kill him and forget this ever happened.
The most popular of all the elders was the gentle and jade-like elder Xuanji. His techniques were easy to learn, and he was a modest gentleman. Most of the disciples on Life-Death Peak worshipped underneath him.
Chu Wanning originally thought that this Mo Ran would've been just like all the others. If not Elder Xuanji, then it should be the energetic Elder Pojun. It never should have been his turn
But Mo Ran was standing so close to him. His face showed a kind of intimacy and affection that was unfamiliar to him. He was like some clown that was just chosen. It was all so distressing for no reason.
Chu Wanning only knew how to deal with "awe", "fear" and "disgust". Something like "affection" was too complicated.
He didn't even have to think about it. He immediately rejected Mo Ran.
The young man froze. Hidden under his slender eyelashes, there was a sense of loneliness and unwillingness in his eyes. He lowered his head, thought for a second, and unreasonably muttered: "Anyways, I still choose you."
Chu Wanning: ". . ."
The Lord was watching with great interest. He piped in with a smile:, "A-Ran, do you know who he is?"
"He didn't tell me, how would I?"
"Haha, since you don't know who he is, why would you pick him?"
Mo Ran was still tugging on Chu Wanning's hands. He turned his head, smiling and said to the Lord: "Because he looks the most gentle and easiest to talk to."
In the darkness, Chu Wanning's eyes snapped open, everything appearing fuzzy.
. . . That was one hell of a scene to see.
He didn't know what the hell was wrong with Mo Ran's eyes back then to actually think that he was gentle. Not to mention that all of Life-Death Peak heard about it. They all sent affectionate greetings to Young Master Mo Ran with looks that said "look at this foolish kid".
Chu Wanning lifted his hand to the corner of his faintly throbbing forehead.
His shoulder hurt, his mind was in turmoil, his stomach was hungry, and his head was spinning.
It seemed like he wasn't going to sleep anytime soon.
He fumed on the bed for a while. He sat up and was about to light a stick of incense to calm his mind when suddenly there was another knock on the door.
Mo Ran was outside.
Chu Wanning: ". . ."
He didn't answer. He didn't say whether to stay or leave.
But this time, the door opened by itself.
Chu Wanning looked up gloomily. The lit match in his hand hovered in mid-air but never reached the stick of incense. After a while, it went out.
Chu Wanning said: "Get out."
Mo Ran strolled in.
He was holding a steaming bowl of noodles, fresh from the pot.
This time it was a bit simpler. The noodles weren't as fancy. The rich white noodle soup was garnished with chopped green onion and white sesame seeds, small spare ribs, bok choy, and a slightly browned poached egg.
Chu Wanning was incredibly hungry but he didn't let it show on his face. He glanced at the noodles, then at Mo Ran. He turned his face away and didn't say anything.
Mo Ran put the noodles on the table, and gently said: "I asked the inn's chef to make another bowl."
Chu Wanning lowered his eyes.
Sure enough, Mo Ran didn't make this dish himself.
"Eat some." Mo Ran said. "This bowl isn't spicy, has no beef, and no bean sprouts."
After speaking, he left and closed the door for Chu Wanning on his way out.
He apologized for Chu Wanning's injury.
But he could only do so much.
In the room, Chu Wanning leaned against the window, not knowing what to think. He crossed his arms and stared at the bowl of spare rib noodles from a distance until the heat of the noodles dissipated and they grew cold.
He finally walked over and sat down. He picked up the chopsticks, stirred up the cold and soggy noodles, and slowly ate them.
The case of the Chen family's haunting had been closed.
The next day, they picked up the black horses they had boarded from inside the stables and returned to the sect the same way they had arrived.
In the streets and alleys, tea stalls and rice shops, the people of Caidie Town were all talking about the Chen family's affairs.
The not-so-small town had broken out in scandal, one large enough for the townspeople to talk about it for a whole year.
"I didn't expect that Young Master Chen had been secretly married to Miss Luo for so long. Miss Luo is so pitiful."
"If you ask me, if the Chen family hadn't gotten rich, they wouldn't be able to survive this affair. Sure enough, men can't handle their money. Once they have money, only misfortune will await them."
One man was unhappy and said: "This wasn't Young Master Chen's fault. It's his parents' fault. Mr. Chen, that son of a bitch. His children and grandchildren should only give birth to children without assholes in the future."
Another said: "The dead are pitiful but what about the living? Look at Chen Yao, Yao Qianjin. She's the one who's truly been wronged. That black-hearted mother of the Chen family deceived her. Tell me, what should she do now?"
"Just get remarried."
The man rolled his eyes and sneered: "Remarried? Are you here to get married?"
The mud-coated man who was teased bared his teeth and picked at them, grinning: "If that woman at home agrees, I'd marry her. Ms. Yao looks so beautiful, I don't mind her being a widow."
"Bah, the toad wants to eat swan meat*."
(T/N: 癩蛤蟆想吃天鵝肉 - means having unrealistic wishes or expectations)
Mo Ran sat on the back of the horse, ears perked up, listening to all the conversations in high spirits. If it weren't for Chu Wanning's closed eyes, frown, and the words "extremely noisy" essentially spelled out on his forehead, Mo Ran might have wanted to go join the villagers.
They walked together and finally left the main city, arriving at the outskirts.
Shi Mei suddenly gasped and pointed to the distance: "Shizun, look over there."
In front of the ruined Master of Ceremonies Ghost's earthen temple, there was a large group of peasants in brown clothes and shorts. They were busy moving the bricks and stones. It seemed that they were planning to repair the damaged earthen temple and remould the golden body of the Master of Ceremonies Ghost.
Shi Mei said anxiously: "Shizun, the old Master of Ceremonies Ghost is gone but they've made a new one. Will this be cultivated into an immortal body again and do evil?"
Chu Wanning: "I don't know."
"Should we go and persuade them not to?"
Chu Wanning: "The custom of ghost marriages in Caidie Town has been around for several generations. How would you or I be able to persuade them in just a few words? Let's go."
As he spoke, dust flew up from the horse's hoof and he walked away.
It was already dusk when they returned to Life-Death Peak.
Chu Wanning said to the two disciples in front of the mountain gate: "You go to Danxin Hall and explain what happened. I'll go to the Court of Discipline."
Mo Ran looked puzzled: "Why would you go to the Court of Discipline?"
Shi Mei, on the other hand, looked worried: ". . ."
Chu Wanning nonchalantly said: "To receive my punishment."
Although it's said that an emperor commits the same crime as the common people, what emperor would actually have to go to jail for killing someone? The same goes for the cultivation world.
The elders who break the sect rules are as equally guilty as the disciples - in most sects, it's just empty talk.
In fact, if an elder breaks a rule, it was good enough just to write an apology letter. What fool would actually go to be punished with a willow vine or dozens of sticks?
So, after listening to Chu Wanning's explanation, Elder Jielu's complexion turned green.
"No, Elder Yuheng, did you really. . . did you really beat your client?"
Chu Wanning was indifferent: "Yes."
"You're so. . ."
Chu Wanning raised his stare and gave him a sullen look. Elder Jielu shut up.
"According to the law, for breaking this rule, the punishment is two hundred cane strikes, kneeling in Wushan Temple for seven days, and being forbidden from leaving the grounds for three months." Chu Wanning said. "I have no defence, and I voluntarily accept the punishment."
Elder Jielu: ". . ."
He looked around and hooked his fingers, and the door to the Court of Discipline closed with a clang. The surroundings fell silent, and it was only the two of them that stood opposite each other.
Chu Wanning: "What's the meaning of this?"
"Well, Elder Yuheng, it’s not that you don't understand the rules and their consequences, it's just that it shouldn't be something that you should be overly concerned with. This matter is finished. Let's forget it. If I beat you, won't the Lord be angry with me when he finds out?"
Chu Wanning didn't bother to talk such nonsense with him and simply said: "I hold people accountable according to the law, and I should also be held accountable myself according to the law."
Kneeling down in front of the hall, facing the plaque of sect rules, he said:
"Punish me."
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peachyyykid · 3 years
Deceivers Ch. 11 - Revenge
Word Count: 4089
Chapter 10 - Parting
Chapter 12 - Daytrip (nsfw)
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Disclaimer! tw: y/n is having a panic attack
As someone who experienced panic attacks before, I realised that writing one invested me a lot emotionally. If a detailed description of a panic attack triggers you, you might want to skip that part. Also, everyone experiences them differently and coping mechanism differ as well. Just remember that all of these experiences are valid and that you are loved! :)
You didn't question the urge to run into his arms, but you didn't expect him to catch you either. But he did, and as his non-metallic arm pulled you into his chest, you felt something you hadn't felt in a very long time: safety.
You clawed at his fur coat, muffling your sobs with the soft fabric.
"What did he do to you?", he whispered into your ear lowly, while his angry eyes never left Deku, who was scrambling around on the floor with his trousers undone.
"G-get off my ship, p-pirate scum", he stuttered, visibly scared of the huge pirate that just sent his door flying.
"I will", Kid snarled at him, "but you're joining us."
And with that he extended his metal arm by adding more and more random metal, grabbing Deku's throat. He tried to get away, but to no avail. Kid strengthened his grip and he let out a gargling sound, kicking his legs in the air.
The redhead spun Deku around and hurled him right through the empty doorframe towards his ship. Killer was waiting on the other side and knew exactly what to do. He caught the flying man (who was looking awfully pale) and slammed him down on the deck. You heard a faint scream in the distance, right after Deku's body hit the ship.
After making sure that Deku couldn't run away, Kid looked down at you, wiping away your tears with his rough fingers. He had let go of all the metal, but his eyes were still angry as he took in as much of your face as possible.
"Tell me what happened", he whispered in a commanding tone, and you sniffled before you spoke.
"W-we fought, and he said awful things to me, and then he tried to rape me and he... he had my parents killed. K-kid, he's responsible for all this. He killed my parents!"
You started sobbing desperately again and your knees felt weak. They gave in and you sunk towards the floor, but Kid picked you up. He pressed your trembling body against his and held you safely while he jumped aboard his own ship, the cold air cooling your tear-stained face.
Deku was trembling as well, but for different reasons. Killer was towering over him with his arms crossed and the rest of the crew was shooting him intense, blood-lusting glares. No one in this world would want to swap with him.
Kid landed and gently placed you on the deck. You slumped down to your knees immediately, staring into the distance with blurry eyes. The sun was setting already, painting the sky in beautiful red and orange hues. It would have been a wonderful start into a new life, but Deku took all that from you. Your body felt weak and lifeless, your arms hanging down your sides.
Kid kneeled down in front of your trembling frame and looked at Deku, who was sitting a few metres away from you. He was whimpering pathetically, looking for a possibility to flee, as if Killer would let him.
"Wire, take some men and ransack the ship. Then sink it", Kid commanded.
"Roger, Captain", Wire's calm voice answered, and he and most of the guys entered Deku's ship.
Then his face turned back to you. He gingerly took your jaw in his big hand and brushed your cheek with his thumb, just like he did in that one night.
"Look at me", his rough voice told you, and you obeyed.
Seeing your puffy eyes and your tear-stained face awakened something deep inside of him, and he wanted to destroy whatever was causing you this kind of pain. You looked at him like he was the only one who could make it all better, and he understood, his face absolutely serious.
"Angel. I want to hear it from you."
His amber eyes bored into yours. They were full of rage, but not because of you.
"Do you want me to kill him?"
Killing was wrong. No matter what kinds of horrible things someone had done, killing wasn't the answer. That's what a previous version of you would have said. But looking at Deku, you only saw a monster. A deceiving monster that had dared to take your life into his hands. You wanted to hurt him like he hurt you, he didn't deserve forgiveness.
Kid knew exactly that you couldn't do it yourself, so he had asked you if you wanted him to do it for you. And you really wanted it. There was not even a hint of compassion that you could spare for this man.
You looked at him, his eyes were pleading with you. Kid had asked you to make a decision. You could easily show mercy and say no. Deku mumbled apologies directed at you, rambling about how he shouldn't have overreacted and that he would treat you well as a mistress.
With empty eyes and the calmest expression on your face, you took in the satisfying sight of Deku shaking with fear.
It was merely a whisper, but everyone on the ship was silent. The only sound to be heard was Deku's pathetic whimpering. You didn't take your eyes off him, not even when Kid stood up slowly, revealing his full height again. The setting sun stretched his shadow, and it swallowed Deku's body whole.
Kid slipped off his coat and put it over your sunken shoulders without saying a word.
His shadow was coming closer to Deku with every heavy step he took, and he anxiously scrambled away from him, only to bump into Killer's legs. He was cornered between the two men, and he yelped in fear when Kid took the shiny knife out of his bandolier.
The knife fell, and Deku probably thought that Kid had dropped it by accident, because his eyes widened, and he opened his mouth when the knife didn't hit the ground. It hovered under his chin instead, the blade forcing him to look up at Kid.
"W-what kind of magic is that?", Deku screeched.
"It's a devil's fruit you moron", Killer mumbled and shook his head in dismay.
"I'm just making sure that you know who's the boss around here", Kid growled and pushed the blade a little further into Deku's skin, drawing a thin line of blood.
"I really wonder what she saw in you", he scoffed.
"P-please I will do anything... y-you can have the 15 million b-berry! You can have e-everything, just let me live!", Deku pleaded, trying to grab Kid's trousers. He looked up at him with doe eyes, in a futile attempt to gain his pity.
Kid bared his teeth and kicked off Deku's hands as if his futility was contagious, while an array of swords gathered behind his tall figure. They hovered in the air, framing Kid to make him look even more dangerous.
"You're not even worth listening to. Just by looking at your stupid face I can feel the wretchedness trying to rub off on me", Kid growled.
His signature smirk was back, and with a flick of his hand, all the sword's blades turned towards Deku. They made a clunking sound that filled the silent air and seeing their reflection in your glassy eyes gave Kid the final push.
With another flick of his hand, each and every of the swords sped towards Deku's trembling body, swallowing his cries for mercy.
He screamed in pain and desperately tried to protect his body, but there were just too many blades impaling him. They pinned him to the ground in an upright position, covering him in his own blood. His breathing became more and more shallow, and he looked at you with pain-filled eyes.
You watched the sight like in a trance. You felt inner peace for a split second, but then
Nothing at all. It was gruesome to look at, but it didn't bother you the slightest.
With wheezing breaths, Deku's life ended in front of your eyes and your face didn't show any signs of remorse.
"Feed him to the fish", Kid growled and then blocked the space between you and Deku's body so you couldn't see him anymore.
You snapped out of your trance and realised what had just happened. It was good that you didn't see your ex-fiancé's dead body anymore because your stone-cold facade might have faltered.
Kid kneeled down in front of you again and you finally looked at his face. His frown was back, but his eyes were almost too soft for someone who just murdered a man without hesitation.
"Thank you", you mumbled flatly, but he didn't say anything.
"I'm going to take a bath", you added instead, sounding absent. Your body was there, but you felt like your soul was just hovering over it. The bath didn't actually matter, you just wanted to get away.
You tried to get up, but your legs were still too shaky. Kid was watching you for a few seconds, huffing at the fact that you couldn't take even a single step without tumbling over.
Suddenly, Kid flung you over his shoulders without a warning, ignoring your shriek.
He just scoffed and carried you to the cabin's bathroom, placing you in the empty bathtub. You raised an eyebrow at him when he sat down on the toilet, making no move to leave the room.
"I'm really thankful that you took revenge on my fiancé for me, but that doesn't mean you can watch me bath... naked...", you said quietly.
"There's no fiancé anymore. You're single and I saw your tits already", he smirked.
Although you couldn't deny that, it wasn't the best time to point it out and no excuse to creep on you in the bath.
"That's not the point."
"Then leave on your underwear, but I'm talking to you right here and now", he demanded with a growl, and you were too worn out to discuss and you knew that he wasn't really the patient type anyways.
Your gut didn't give you any warning signals either, so you just rolled your eyes and slipped of your shirt, shoes, and socks. The bra that Charlos had given you didn't cover anything and didn't give you any hold, so you had gotten rid of it immediately. Once your training had started, you made your own bra out of bandages from the infirmary, so this was what you were wearing at the moment.
Not ideal, but better than being naked.
You let the water run into the bathtub under Kid's watchful eyes, and when it was half full and after you put a nice foamy soap into it, you realised that you could have taken a bath later, after Kid was done talking to you. But it was too late for that now.
You watched the foam floating around on the surface for a second, thinking about the events of today with a frown.
"Where do you think you're going next?"
His question caught you of guard and you blinked some tears away that you couldn't really prevent from building up.
"I don't know. I need to see my brother."
What happened with Deku today absolutely destroyed your chance to be reunited with Tenmon and it became painfully clear to you right now.
"And where do you think you're staying until you find him?"
"I don't know", you said again.
He was quiet for a second and then displayed his signature smirk.
"If I promise you to help you find your brother, you will stay on the Victoria Punk as our doctor."
You shot him a sudden look and raised an eyebrow. Why did he offer you so much help out of the blue? Suspicion rose in you, and you narrowed your eyes.
He just scoffed in response.
"That's it, sweetheart. There's no catch. I will protect you until you find him, and you'll protect my crew in return."
You thought about his offer. If there was no catch, you could only win. And you had to be honest with yourself, there was no way you would even last a day in the New World on your own.
He held out his hand and you looked at it before you slowly put yours in his. Your hand was tiny compared to his, and you studied all the calluses and the roughness on them. It was obvious that he had worked hard with these hands, and it just added to the fascination that you already felt for him.
Suddenly, as soon as his hand enclosed yours, he pulled you towards him harshly. The water splashed against the edges of the tub and Kid's grip was strong around your hand. You let out a startled yelp and to your dismay, you felt your face redden.
His face was so close to yours now. It had become a familiar feeling to you, just like the smell of expensive rum, mint, and metal. He licked his lips and pulled you even closer. Your tits were pressed against his hard chest, and he placed his mouth next to your ear.
"We're gonna be a great team", he purred into your ear lowly, his breath tickling your neck.
You prayed that he didn't see that you had goosebumps all over your body. Your face felt so hot that you were sure you looked like a tomato and a tingling feeling spread from your chest to your stomach, to your crotch, and even into your thighs.
What the fuck is that?
Who were you kidding, you weren't stupid and not as innocent as Deku and your parents had wanted you to be. Just because you never experienced lust, didn't mean you wouldn't recognise the feeling if it ever came. You were sure that this was it, but why today and why with Kid?
He leaned back and your heart told you to pull him back, but the rational part of your brain interfered, so you just sat in the tub dumbfounded.
His smirk didn't falter, and something told you that he knew what an effect he just had on you. How embarrassing, you thought and slowly turned around, facing the wall.
He chuckled and finally left the room, and once the door was closed you took of the makeshift bra and let yourself slip under the water surface, mentally cursing yourself and Kid until you had to come up for air.
You stayed in the bathtub for as long as you could justify, to avoid Kid. You hoped that he was either not in his room, or already fast asleep. You dried yourself extra slowly and scolded yourself for not having asked Killer for another shirt.
You tried to put on the white button-down but as soon as the material touched your skin you had memories of Deku leaning over you and pinning you down flashing through your mind. You shuddered and bile rose up in your throat.
You looked at the shirt and felt new anger and sorrow in your heart. With gritted teeth and a frown, you pulled on the sleeves as hard as you could and ripped the shirts to shreds. Seeing the heap of white cotton pieces gave you a small feeling of victory. You couldn't let a dead Deku control you like that.
After putting the bandages around your chest again, you took a deep breath and slowly opened the door to the bedroom.
Kid's back was turned towards the room, and he was breathing steadily, probably meaning that he was sleeping. As quiet as possible, you made your way to his desk. There must have been a place where he stored his clothes, but the desk was really the only option in this room. Actually, thinking about it, you had never seen him with a shirt on.
You carefully pulled out one of the bigger drawers and to your surprise, you saw a few neatly folded shirts in there. All black.
I bet Killer folded these...
You grabbed the first one and couldn't resist taking it up to your face. It smelled as you expected: Fresh laundry and metal. It smelled comfortable.
You shook your head rapidly and slipped the shirt over your head. You looked absolutely lost in it, but it would do for sleeping.
On tiptoes, you neared the bed and slipped under the covers. You didn't feel the need to roll one of the blankets into a sausage anymore, and you looked at the ceiling wondering why. So many thoughts were ghosting around in your head...
Why do I trust him all of a sudden?
Just because he killed someone who did me wrong?
He didn't just do me wrong though, he literally had my parents killed.
But still, why would Kid kill him? There's no personal gain for him.
Why is he so keen on helping me lately?
What's in it for him?
Does he still hate me? He's still complicated, but it feels different.
He could have done unspeakable things to me the last week, but he didn't.
Don't even get me started on the other night... or today.
How he touched me. Like I'm precious.
I haven't felt precious in such a long time.
And why do I get butterflies when he touches me?
Why the fuck did I feel lust when he touched me tonight?
Oh my God, what on earth is wrong with me?
Your eyes widened almost comically when another thought hit you.
Do I like him?
You covered your face with your hands and tried not to scream into the quiet room. You gave yourself a small slap, but you couldn't deny that Kid was... interesting. He definitely was, but that didn't mean that you liked him.
Yes. Yes, that's the point. He's interesting, but that's it. It's just a very stressful time I'm going through. Of course I would feel fascinated by someone like him.
You sighed in content. You found an explanation that was fitting your narrative.
The mattress shifted abruptly, and your heart jumped, thinking that Kid was awake. But he had just turned around and his face seemed peaceful, the kind of peaceful look that one could only have while sleeping.
You couldn't turn your face away without studying his. You took in the sight of his sharp features and his fluffy, red hair. It fell on his forehead because it wasn't held up by his goggles, making him look a little younger. It was refreshing to see him without his furrowed brows.
You couldn't resist the urge to take a strand of his hair into your hand. You never touched it before, and it was just as soft as it looked.
It was also the first time that you could look at him without him noticing. There was no smirk, no angry eyes or frown.
He didn't look like a pirate anymore, just like a young man. He almost looked vulnerable, and you realised that he must have seen a lot. You wondered about his motivations to become a pirate and if all the things he had experienced left marks on him, inside and outside.
Like you said, he was fascinating.
You watched him breathing calmly, the blanket raising and lowering in a steady pace. It hit you like a brick.
"You saved me so many times", you whispered so quietly that he couldn't wake up from it.
You were right when you thought that killing Deku had no personal gain for him. He could have taken his ship and his belongings anyways, but he made sure that you decided Deku's fate and then acted accordingly.
It was a twisted sense of justice, but you had to admit that you didn't care.
It had been another hard day that left you absolutely drained. The knowledge about the circumstances of your parent's death scooched in between the thoughts about Kid and became prevalent.
You never got to say goodbye and they died without knowing what had happened to you. They never got the chance to see Deku's real face. You regretted not telling them about the conversation in the garden back then, maybe everything would be okay right now. Deku's words were ringing in your ears.
You chose to disrespect me that night, so I made you pay.
Yes, your parents wouldn't have backed out of the marriage deal. Deku had them wrapped around his fingers. He had buttered them up completely to make sure that anything you would say about him would fall on deaf ears.
You tried to steady your breathing when you felt hot tears forming in the corners of your eyes. The insufferable feeling of guilt washed over your whole body. Throughout your childhood you had learned how to speak to a future husband, and if you hadn't decided to throw all that courtesy stuff overboard at some point, your parents would still be alive. Of course, your life with Deku would have been horrible, but at least your family could have been happy.
Screw you for becoming your own person with your own wishes and morals.
Deep down you knew that it wasn't your fault, but the guilt felt so strong. It was crushing you, causing you to question every decision you ever made.
Suddenly, your heartbeat was picking up. It happened so rapidly that you were scared it would rip your chest open, so you clutched at your shirt and pressed your hand down. But feeling your speeding heartbeat like this made it even worse. It made your chest hurt like someone had punched you. It tightened and it was becoming gradually harder to breathe, a lump of suppressed tears forming in your throat. Your body felt hot, and you couldn't move, only shake. Your eyes darted around frantically and breathing felt more like choking. You wanted to get up, get fresh air or a glass of water to calm you down, but you were losing control over your body. Wheezing breaths mixed with the sound of quiet sobbing, while your vision blurred. Every cell in your body was screaming for help. You tried to get at least some air into your lungs, but it felt like they had shrivelled up.
You weren't in the right headspace to think anything of Kid opening his eyes suddenly, now looking at your shaking body while you still fought for air, your sobbing and whimpering filling the room. He let out a low growl and moved his hand towards you.
You tensed up immediately but surprisingly, his touch didn't scare you at all. As soon as he saw that you didn't flinch, he grabbed the small of your back and pulled you into his chest, enclosing your trembling body with both of his arms.
"Breathe with me", was all he said.
Your chest was flush against his and you could feel how he inhaled and exhaled slowly, in a steady pace. His heartbeat was calm, and you tried to concentrate on his breathing, mentally counting the intervals between each breath.
After a few more ragged breaths, your heartbeat synchronised with his and you followed his breathing pattern. You were still shaking a little, but the scariest part was overcome. Soon, the sobbing died down as well.
With each inhale and exhale you got calmer, and soon you felt like you were in control of your own body again. Hesitantly, you wrapped your arms around Kid's body as a silent thank you.
He stiffened but didn't push you away. He expected you to let go at some point, but you didn't. You didn't want to. You experienced the same feeling as earlier this evening when he held you after saving you from Deku. It was a comfortable feeling of absolute safety, like nothing in this world could do you any harm.
You wanted more of this feeling, so you kicked off your blanket and went under his instead, entangling your legs with his. He let out a breath he had been holding and snuck his other arm around your head to place his hand on it, brushing your hair with his thumb.
There was no empty space between the two of you, but at this very moment this was exactly what you needed. You forgot about all the pain and guilt in his embrace and enjoyed the comfortable feeling of warmth and safety.
It didn't take him long to fall asleep again, and you followed soon after.
Memories of the last week rushed through your mind and you realised that being here wasn't all that bad.
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min-jpg · 3 years
Hi!! Can you do they boys getting kidnapped but its Diluc, Childe, and Kazuha? Thank you!!💗💗
Note: I just want to point out that there's no actual reason on how I choose for the reader to beat up the kidnappers since part 1,, it's totally random as long as I'm trying out different ideas whatever fits ehe. Enjoy! 💖
Kidnapped Genshin Boys x Fem Rich!reader pt.2
Part 1 (Kaeya, Zhongli, Xiao)
Characters: Childe, Diluc, Kazuha
Genre: fluff, established relationship, some woman kicking ass action, (TW: mentions of blood and violence)
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Your boyfriend would definitely try to go head-to-head against the shady group of people who abducted him. The gang accountable must be living under the rock for even considering one of the most dangerous Harbingers as their prey to carry out their schemes.
However, Childe learned that there would be ramifications if he tries to be rash without gathering solid intel first. Having no knowledge of your current circumstances and whereabouts troubled him to the core. They could have already sent out a corresponding group towards you and endanger you if he failed to listen.
Being wealthy is not a foreign concept to Childe as he is also a wealthy man himself. That said, the premonition of being a target for a ransom would not be unrealistic to him. For now, he is glad that he is the victim here instead of having to witness you kidnapped.
"You know, you could've asked me nicely for some money. I might just give it to you, instead of doing all this for my girlfriend's money." Despite being in a position far from desirable, Childe leisurely sat on the chair that he was bound to, crossing his legs. He was making small talks to push away the worst scenarios happening to you. Are you safe? Are you crying? Did they hurt you?
"I don't know who you are to be running your mouth, but you should value your life a little more." Their leader emerged from the group.
Childe's ocean eyes squinted as menace casts upon his pupils, his voice lowered, "Is that so? Ironic, because you guys seem to value money more than your lives."
The head stepped back slightly, "Enough with your empty threats! You should be aware of the current situation you're in. We're not fooling around here."
"I'm not fooling around either."
As sparks were thrown back and forth, you made your way in through the main entrance. Tapping the shoulder that belongs to one of the men, "Excuse me, I need to get to my boyfriend." Your fist sunk into the side of his face when he turned towards you. He collapsed on the ground with a few broken teeth and blood spewing out of his mouth. Moving on to the next adversary in your path, you fought with full faith in your abilities no matter how intimidating they were.
Soon, the leader and people further ahead finally took notice of it. You pave your way towards your boyfriend and eventually, both your eyes meet each other. Childe puffed out a breath of relief when he finally saw you, but also registering the fact that you just took down most of the men with your bare hands.
Kicking away the men who tried to grab you, you then waved enthusiastically at Childe, "Hey girlie, hold still." Rushing right ahead to the leader, you brought your arm near your face, elbow pointing outwards. The sharp edge from your elbow jabbed his throat, causing him to choke and lose balance.
As his reaction dulled, it was your chance to strike again. Thus, you gallantly overthrew their leader and the entire gang by yourself.
After helping Childe, he stood up abruptly and placed his hands on your shoulder with eagerness written all over the face, "I never knew you could fight so well! How about a spar with me right now?" Expect your boyfriend to continuously bug you to indulge in his rampant itch to fight anyone that comes across as a worthy opponent. Though, the real takeaway from this experience was the way your hair clings to your face with sweat as the adhesive and the triumph look in your eyes. It was a rather attractive sight to relish in his taste.
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Your boyfriend would be infuriated that crooked people like these exist, much less target him to extort money from you. Just another validation to add up on how incompetent the Knights of Favonious is, he thought. Someone will have to clean up their mess, that someone being him. What better way to do that than to follow them to their hideout to seek out the whole organization?
Diluc is renowned for being one of the richest men in Teyvat. Naturally, the group thought they hit the jackpot on not only holding him for ransom, but potentially garnering some money from him as well.
The only concern he carries is your wellbeing. Diluc fears that this incident will affect you mentally. His head started filling up with formulations on ways to resolve this matter without causing any uproar to guarantee your safety.
When the head was introduced to him, he gritted his teeth to suppress every ounce of his might to not reach for his claymore. Diluc still has to prioritize gathering information first regarding the gang. His patrons at Angel's Share are usually the ones providing him with promising intel of any evildoers, but some things are just meant to be obtained by himself.
"Is this the only hideout you have? Quite in a shambles, don't you think?" Diluc's eyes shifted around the dilapidated building, observing the surroundings to know his enemies better.
The leader rolled his eyes, "It wouldn't be so bad once we get some funding from you and your girlfriend." Diluc hummed. Judging from his answer, it is safe to assume that the organization is rather a small scaling one. Defeating them right now will result in uprooting the source once and for all.
As Diluc was about to do so, a lackey of the gang ran frantically towards them, panting labored when he reached and trying to catch his breath. "What is it?" The leader question.
"T-there's... there's someone." He pointed towards a direction with fear layering his voice.
"What? Why are you so scared?" They all glanced towards the spot.
"I swear there was a woman! I don't know who it is, but she took out some of our guys on guard outside."
In disbelief that a woman could have done anything so reckless, the leader trudged to said location. As it is a spot lacking light, the darkness and shadow made it challenging for him to pinpoint if anyone is there. When he moved closer, you crept out behind from his blind spot and kicked the back of his head, causing his head to spin. Your arm lunged forward, gaining a tight hold onto his nape. You put everything into pushing him, his forehead hammered down to the floor. Creating a loud thud, it gave him a concussion.
"Looking for me?" Your foot stamped onto his back, just making sure he stays down.
Everyone, including your boyfriend, had their pupils dilated at the scene. You sighed at the silence, "All of you just messed with the wrong couple." Lifting your foot away, you stomped forward without giving them a second thought. Your arms and legs are all warmed up for many rounds against your foes.
Diluc watched you from afar as you drove your way towards victory. Although he could step in to help, he admits silently to himself that he would like to observe you a little longer. Putting his trust in your calibers to carry you far, his eyes never left your brave figure.
Once you cleared the group, the next thing to do is checking on Diluc. Already unfastening the restrains himself, he walked to you, "That was well executed. Your abilities shouldn't be underestimated. Don't join the Knights though." He stressed the last remark, scoffing. You chuckled and held his hand to guide him out of here, "Thanks. Glad to impress you, Master Diluc. Let's go home."
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Your boyfriend is a rather hard target to impose on for their plans of kidnapping him. His senses are just too refined for an ordinary person to challenge. Basic tactics, such as overthrowing him with the element of surprise have proven to be futile. Thus, Kazuha will always be able to evade falling prey into their hands.
The only way Kazuha could have been kidnapped is through falsifying evidence of you being in a life-threatening situation. Although he has successfully saved his own skin, not the same could be applied to you. Feeling his resolve shaken, what other choices could he have? Prioritizing your safety is the most important thing right now.
Kazuha may have faced similar situations in the past when out in the sea, encountering pirates of other crew aiming for the Crux Fleet's fortune. Being in the position as a captive for ransom is new. He actually found it amusing, rather than having thoughts of blaming you. It is not your fault that you are blessed with wealth. It is the fault of the criminals.
"Ain't you that the kid who's with Beidou? You're part of her crew." The leader questioned his target, to which he was greeted by Kazuha's silence. "Tell you what. You're just like the rest of us. We want to be rich. How about you ask your girlfriend to bring some more money and we'll give you a share as well?"
Kazuha's face darkened, "I don't know what you've heard, but it must be really valiant of you to assume to worst out of the Crux Fleet and myself. I'd appreciate it if you cease lumping me together with criminals like you."
The Crux Fleet does put up with an infamous reputation amongst the Qixing. Perhaps the abductors concluded that Kazuha has a negative conscience just like them, as in upholding a relationship with you to have a taste of your assets. Still, if he tried to talk his way out of it, barbarians like them will never reach a mutual understanding with him. Kazuha shut his eyes, ignoring any further confrontations to preserve his energy as he contemplates a plan.
He was interrupted when he thought he heard your voice nearby, carried by the wind. The others around him did not hear it since it was just something only Kazuha could pick up. Applying full concentration, he managed to form what he heard, "Get out of my way, please, while I'm asking nicely."
Opening his eyes, he turned to stare at the entrance. As if on cue, the door swung open when you kicked it down, announcing your presence. Some men fainted below your feet.
The others instantly reacted by storming towards your direction to stop your advancement. You stood still in your position, taking a mindful deep breath. One thing you learned from Kazuha is to always remain cold-headed before engaging in a fight.
Kazuha wanted to get out of the restraints to rescue you, but instead, you started dishing out few moves against the men.
When you thought you finished with the remaining numbers, their leader was about to declare his victory, "I got you!" Encircling his arm around your neck in an attempt to strangle you, you huffed and grinned towards Kazuha to signal him you have it under control.
You elbowed his stomach and felt him loosen his grip when he winced. Making enough gap between his arm and your neck, you slipped away and swiftly kicked in between his groins. The color drained from his face and tumbled to the ground, passing out in pain, "Hmph, this is what happens when you touch a lady without her permission." You brushed away the hair from your face after an arduous fight.
Jogging towards your boyfriend, "Kazuha!" He brisked towards you as well and held you in his embrace, softly rubbed your nape, "You're giving me plenty of inspirations for a haiku after such a wonderful performance." Kazuha would appreciate you refraining from such a heedless approach next time. He was comforted to see you safe and knowing the threats were nothing more than to use you, his weakness, against him. After witnessing that, Kazuha will be slightly ashamed he even doubted you in the first place, so he trusts that you can watch out for yourself next time.
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someone1348 · 3 years
It feels good to be back! Apologies on being so inactive on here I've never had time, this summer has been too much but i found some time and inspiration to write so here we are!
People in this: Ler!Ranboo, Lee!Tubbo
This is a somewhat Irl fic!
(Lore is mentioned but its not based on the actual dream smp lore story so don't worry none of what you are going to read ever happened! It just fit the story!)
Tw: none, well i guess the smallest amount of fear, but other than that nothing!
I hope you all enjoyyy again im so sorry! Enjoy the fic my friends! And feel free to leave some requests in the asks! :]
Enderwalking In Real Life!
Tubbo was the happiest of people on the planet right now! His favorite person ever ranboo! Who he'd been playing minecraft with for years it feels like was here! In the Uk! With him!
He could actually see him, hug him, he was real and he was here with him! For a few months too! Its perfect! The world seemed to let the smaller exhale, this is all i need.
The younger smiled contently as he watched him game on the pc he had set up on stream awhile back for his actual meeting. The Taller suggested they do some lore so that's exactly what happened, they logged on together and got started on some lore!
The chat went wild as they saw their beloved Ranboo start enderwalking as the Beeboy and their kid Michael slept
"⊑⟒⌰⌰⍜ ⎎⍀⟟⟒⋏⎅⌇, ⊑⟒⏃⍀⏁"
He spoke as he wondered around not being aware enough to stop or understand what he was saying, he eventually walked all the way back home resting back in his husband's embrace.
End stream,
Tubbo laughed to himself, Ranboo tilted his head looking at him "what are you giggling about hmmm?~" a slight teasing tone was hinted making him giggle a bit more
"Noho I'm just saying you are alot like your character!"
"Yeah? How so?" The taller asked curiously as the other shot him a big smile
"You both sleepwalk!"
"Hmm, i guess enderwalking is like sleepwalking but it was a one time thing for me! Irl me that is"
"Pffft! You kidding man you do it every night!" Tubbo lightly hit his shoulder as Ranboo giggled too "do not!" Pushing him back lightly going at it like two kids arguing over who did what
It was a great moment that was quickly replaced with the idea of food and bed. It was quite late so they got some snacks before brushing their teeth and going to bed.
"Hey! Let me know Tommrow if i sleep walk again tonight i wanna track these things"
"You got it bossman! Nighttt!"
And just like that the two were out cold, nothing but the sound of the wind, some crickets, leaves rustling ever so slightly, andd ranboo sleep walking and making noise.
It was almost peaceful, normally Tubbo slept through Ranboo's nighttime antics but this time the noise was to much so he stayed up studying him to make sure the poor guy didn't hurt himself.
It was the normal for the most part, a few small words or sentences barely noticeable by the human ear, some moving of things, bumping gently into a wall, staring out into the distance
Things seemed quite well so when Tubbo was about to go back to bed that's when he heard it
The sleepwalking 6'6 man had turned from his position by the window and looked him dead in the eyes
Tubbo tilted his head, he's said his name before in this state but something about it felt different, off, the smaller was slightly unsettled that was before Ranboo got closer saying his name again, Tubbo didn't notice anything strange about his walking, he was definitely sleeping but this was just weird.
Ranboo got close enough to where he was right beside the known goat hybrid twitch streamer, trying not to wake him up because walking up a sleepwalker is extremely dangerous he whispered gently
"Yeah man"
That was when he caught it "Tubbo,,,,,GOTCHA!" Ranboo's long arm's shot down to tickle alll over the poor sleepy boy's sides, his shirt already a little up from sleeping earlier, his bare skin being attacked without any warning or anything he shrieked, thanking the universe that the room was sound proof
"RAHahaAhaHanbOO!" The brunette giggled in different pitches squirming around on his bed as Ranboo smirked giggling to himself before pretending to sleepwalk again with his speech as his wiggly fingers found there way under his shirt and up to tickle all over his ribs, although it was less ticklish it was still fun!
"Tickle tickle tickle tickle" Ranboo repeated to Tubbo in his sleepwalk tone
"I knohohow yohohour awaha-AHHAGSAH!"
Tubbo's speech was cut off when the said sleepwalker tickled his underarms with such skill it was alot more ticklish then normal maybe it was because he was tired or Ranboo's tricks but he was definitely alot more ticklish than he thought he would be!
"Awww thats so cute, I've caught myself a ticklish little Tubbo for the road! Tickle tickle tickleee~" he teased tickling his neck and ears Tubbo scrunching up giggling his head off
"NahaHAha no EAhahArs NohohO RahaHanbooo!!" Tubbo whined a bit as the man cooed even more
"Dawww that's so cute! Ticklish little ears, hehe Kitchy Kitchy coo~" he whispered in his other ear blowing some air at the end so it's extra Ticklish, 'he was definitely ler mode now' Tubbo thought to himself before covering his own face
Ranboo giggled and paused the tickling for a second "Aww is the lee embarrassed"
"Not a lehee! And no! You just caught me off gaurd!"
"Whatever you say lee~ now uncover your face i wanna see your smile or else~" the open threat made tubbo smirk under his hands refusing to take them off yet
"Or else what big man~" The smaller teased back before hearing an deep inhale of breath
"Wait! wait! WAit RAN-BAHAHAHA NAHAHAHAAHA PLEAHAHAHASE!!!" Tubbo had uncovered his face but
The taller enderboy blew a gaint raspberry on his stomach right over his bellybutton
"RAHAHAAHAHANBOO WAHAHAIT! NO- AHAHAHA PLEAHAHAHASE!!" Ranboo had now begun tickling the man's poor ticklish stomach with one hand scribbling and digging (gently) as the other slowly and teasingly made shapes and other things with his nails driving the smaller into a giggly mess
Tubbo's mind was so sleepy all he could think about was how much it tickled 'it tickles, it tickles eep!' He was happy, giggly, red faced, smiling but most importantly he was comfortable, physical contact isn't really his strong point he's trying but with ranboo he was safe, comfortable, this was good. He was good.
"Tickletickletickletickle Tktktktktktktk~" the scribbling got more and more hyper as Ranboo got more into the babytalk, laughing along with his best friend
"OKAHAHAY PLEAHAHAHASE IHIHIHIHIT TIHIHICKLES! MEHEHERCY!" He immediately stopped rubbing the tickles away,
"You alright bud? Im sorry if i went alittle overboard" the taller rubbed the back of his neck in slight embarrassment
"Naha you're good man, that was fun!" Tubbo's smile was genuine and that is exactly what Ranboo wanted to see
The taller sat down on Tubbo's bed next to him as the said boy kept talking now that he was breathing normally again "i can't believe you tricked me like that!" He giggled pushing Ranboo again both laughing happily together
"It was the perfect plan! Im just surprised it actually worked!"
"I was sleepy, plus you're a great actor!"
Ranboo giggled
"Well played my friend, well played" Tubbo giggled before knocking out from already being sleepy to now tickled to peices he was down, giggling again the american smiled contently tucking him in before going to bed himself.
That nights rest was the best one they've both had in a long time, the rustle of the leaves and the sound of the fan in the distance everything seemed perfect, it was the best, Together.
I hope you all enjoyedd!!! Again im so sorry for all the inconveniences! I love you all! Drink some water, eat something today, take a shower, take at least one water bottle out of your room, and take care of yourself because you deserve it! You are loved, appreciated, stronger than you know and everything is going to be all good! Big hugs from me to you my friends! <3
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
Dishonorable Discharge | dark!Bucky Barnes x sister!reader
please please please do not read or interact if this content would be triggering or upsetting for you in any way.  i do not condone the topics or behaviors that i write about.
summary: you and your brother were always thick as thieves, even if you weren’t technically related.  you weren’t ready for him to leave to go off to war, but you were even less prepared for the shell of him that would return.
warnings: noncon smut, sibling incest (I mean she’s adopted but still), breeding kink, innocence kink, loss of virginity, mention of hypothetical underage activity?? idk how to tag that but everyone in this story is 18+!
word count: 3.6k
tagging @lestersglitterglue​ cause they asked real nice!
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Even though you were adopted, people always said that you and Bucky had a family resemblance.  It wasn't your respective appearances per se, but rather the way your eyes both sparkled.  Your parents sometimes joked that the two of you were more brother and sister than most brothers and sisters were— and they were right: even with the age gap, often the two of you felt like twins.  It was hard to imagine that your biological parents could've kept you and that you never would've known him... it felt like he had always been your brother, your best friend, your partner in crime; your Jamie.
You had been awful when he deployed.  You'd sobbed and screamed and beat his chest with your weak little fists.  You'd told him that if he left, you would hate him forever; that if he left, he might as well never come back.
Of course you regretted it once you got older and realized how stupid you were.  But you were only fifteen then, and heartbroken, and too selfish to understand that there were things more important than the promises you'd made to each other as children.  You were so afraid that he wouldn't come back and that you'd lose your only real friend in this world; and, like it often does, that fear turned to anger.  
By the time you were seventeen, you finally stopped crying and tried to make a life for yourself.  You tried to see it all as an opportunity: he'd always been the popular one, meaning you were stuck being known as "Bucky's little sister" rather than as your own person.  Now you could just be you for once— as soon as you figured out who you were without him.
By nineteen, you had lost hope that he would return.  You pretended to be at peace with that.  You pretended not to hate yourself for pushing him away when you needed each other most.  Silently, you thought of him every day; secretly, you went to church every night to pray for him.
It was the sort of neighborhood where you could leave your door unlocked, so you did.  Still, people usually knocked first.  You were wearing a nightgown you only wore around the house because it was much too short and small for you now, but with the hot weather, it was necessary.  You hadn’t expected to hear the door open, so as you nervously peered out from the hall to the foyer, you were beyond surprised at what you saw.
The man in the doorway… he looked familiar.  He was wearing your brother's uniform.  But his eyes were different.  That sparkle you shared was long gone.  And without it, you weren't sure he was your brother anymore.
"Jamie?" you asked, unable to believe what you were seeing.
Recognition crossed his face like he was hearing the name of someone he used to know.
"Jamie," you called again, your voice breaking as you ran to him; you wrapped your arms around his waist and held him tight enough to make up for all the lost time.  "I thought I'd lost you," you sobbed, "oh god, Jamie, I thought you were—"
"Shhhh," he soothed, finally reciprocating the hug as one hand stroked the back of your head.  
"Don't ever leave me again," you begged.  "I can't lose you again."
"I won't go," he promised softly.
And just like that, you were the same little girl who'd clung to his legs and begged him to stay all those years ago, but this time you'd gotten what you always dreamed of.  This time, he wasn’t going to leave.
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“You still like your eggs basted?” you asked him with a toothy smile, doing your best to keep things light.  You had so many questions for him but you wanted him to just feel at home first.  You two had always told each other everything, so you figured it wouldn’t be long until he told you what he’d been through in the last several years.
When you turned to receive the answer to your question, though, you found him spaced out in his seat at the dining table, staring off into nothing.  You could tell he was thinking about something just from the way his eyes were glazed over; you could tell he was thinking about something unpleasant from the way his fist was tightened.
"Are you okay?" you asked gently.  Silence.
You left your place by the stove, crossing the kitchen and kneeling down so you were eye-level with him.  Hesitantly, you reached out to brush your hand against his face.  He was certainly older-looking, and stubble dusted his jaw where it met with where his hair had grown out.  You wondered if it was as strange for him to see you and how much you’d aged as it was for you to see him like this.
“Jamie,” you whispered, “come back to me.”
Finally, as your hand cupped his cheek, he turned to look at you.  Even with a face that was hard to recognize at times, the eyes that met yours were undoubtedly your brother’s.  Darker, yes, and clearly tired from everything they’d seen, but as blue and perfect as always.
"When you call me that,” he spoke, eyes scanning your face, “it's like no time has passed at all.  It's like I'm still the same boy I was the day I left."
You swallowed.  "But you aren't, are you?"
He shook his head, just barely.
“Hey, listen to me,” you instructed, getting more serious and refusing to let him break the eye contact.  “It doesn’t matter what you’ve seen, or what you’ve done.  You’re my brother.  You’re my best friend.  You’re my whole world—”
You choked up a little, but kept going.
“—and I’m glad you’re home, okay?”
“Okay,” he agreed, smiling that crooked smirk that made your heart melt every time.
“You still want those eggs?”
He nodded a little.
“Yeah, basted,” he agreed, turning back to the table as you stood up and returned to the stove.
“Your room’s the same as it was when you left,” you told him as you cracked the first egg into the hot pan.  You were sort of nervous to bring up anything about that, but you thought he might find it comforting.
“I don’t think I’m ready to go in there yet,” he admitted.  
“Stay in my room tonight, then.  It’s almost the same as it was then, too…”
“I’m amazed that bed can still fit you; are you sure we’ll both be able to sleep on it?” he asked.
“Oh, I was gonna give you the bed and make myself a pallet on the floor!” you clarified, wondering how he ever thought the two of you could share a bed; you hadn’t since you were little little-- like, under ten-years-old little.
But when you turned to look at him again, he seemed genuinely disappointed.  "Of course I can't let you sleep on the floor.  You take the bed; I've got a lot of practice with sleeping on the ground anyhow."
That was the last thing you wanted, him reminded of what it was like out there.
"We'll share the bed," you announced.  "If I take off all the plushies and decorative pillows, there might just be room for you."
"Woah woah woah," Bucky raised his arms as if to motion for you to slow down.  "We can't just go evicting Mr. Hoppy!  He's been a full-time resident of your bed for the past twenty years!" 
You both laughed, and it was almost like old times.
"He'd happily move over for you, Jamie."
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The two of you brushed your teeth side-by-side in silence; you waited for him to finish his shower while you turned down the sheets, scooping up everything decorative on the bed and tossing it into the chair in the corner.
You choked a little when he stepped into your room with only a towel around his waist, using another to rub his hair dry.
"Don't you have some pyjamas?" you asked awkwardly.  "No matter— I actually have some of the pants you used to wear right here."
You pulled the checkered pants from your closet, and handed them to him as he nodded gratefully; you barely turned around fast enough to look away before he dropped his towel.
"Why do you have these in here anyways?" he asked as you tried to ignore the sounds of the fabric brushing over his bare skin.
"I wear them, sometimes," you admitted, feeling your face get a little warm, "when I miss you."
"Well, I'm here now," he hummed, wrapping his arms around you from the back and pulling you into a hug.  You could feel the warmth of his chest and arms burning right through your silky shift.  You almost wished you had worn something thicker; and yet, somehow, you also wished that there was no fabric in the way at all.  
Slipping under the comforter together, you wondered if it was odd that he was cuddling up to you.  You didn't mind it, since it was the most like the brother you remembered that he'd been all day, but some part of you was worried what people would think if they knew.  
You brushed the thought aside.  Nobody would know anyways.  
He placed a kiss to the top of your head as you basked in how small it made you feel.  "You smell the same as before, sissy."
You used to hate that nickname but now it was beyond welcome.  It reminded you of simpler times.  
"I hope that's a good thing," you replied.
"It's a wonderful thing.  The day your handkerchief stopped smelling like you was the day I thought I would lose all hope," he recalled.
You remembered when he took it; he said he wanted something to remember you by, and you'd responded by telling him to just forget about you because obviously he never loved you at all.
"I was so cruel to you that day," you cringed.  "I hate myself so much for that..."
"Hey, hey," he got your attention with a soft plea, guiding your chin until you were looking up at him with watery eyes.  "You were a kid.  I was, too.  You acted out, it happens."
"But I said things that weren't true, Jamie— awful, terrible things…"
"I never believed them," he assured you with a smile.
"We promised to never lie to each other," you whimpered, "and I broke that promise."
He shook his head.  "It's all in the past now.  Just be honest with me from now on, and I'll keep every promise I made."
You remembered a pinky swear made up in the highest branches of a tree: a promise to never be apart.  He'd broken that one, but maybe he wouldn't do it again.  The thought made your heart flutter.
"Be honest," he instructed you again.  
"Always," you agreed.
"Do you love me?" he asked, so quiet it was barely a whisper.
"O-of course," you answered quickly, stuttering not because of any lack of surety but simply from wondering how he could ever question that.
Slowly, he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours, his thumb and forefinger still holding your chin.  For a brief moment it felt believable as a familial kiss.
But then it didn't.
He began to move his mouth against yours, and instantly you pulled back, looking at him with what you figured must have been an expression of stunned confusion.  "Jamie," you mumbled in disbelief.
"I missed you so much," he purred, seeming to ignore your reluctance.  "Don't break my heart, sissy, I just want a kiss."
"I can't kiss you like that," you shook your head.
"Please?  You have no idea how lonely I've been, how hard it was without you…"
You felt guilty for his pain, and you had always hated to deny him of anything.  The absolute second that you gave him a hesitant nod, he dove right back in, kissing you deeper and harder than before.  His tongue forced its way into your mouth but you couldn't pull back; his arm had somehow gotten to the back of your neck, holding you close to him.
You whimpered with confusion when you felt his other hand moving up your leg and slipping under your nightgown.  He smiled against your lips when his fingertips brushed over your hips and he realized that you weren't wearing undergarments.  You internally cursed yourself for it, even though it was normal not to wear anything underneath a gown like this.  What was abnormal was what he was doing.
"You're so smooth, and soft," he murmured, just barely pulling back from the kiss, "and I know you want me so bad—"
Just as his hand started to move dangerously close to somewhere it was definitely not supposed to be, you reached down and stopped him by grabbing his forearm.  
"D-don't," you managed to stammer out.
"Don't?" he repeated incredulously.  "Well, why not?"
"It's wrong…" you explained weakly.
"Such a good little girl, just like always," he chuckled. "You haven't changed at all.  Except, of course, this incredible body…"
It was much too easy for him to wriggle out of your grip, pulling out from your nightgown only to reach up and roughly grab your breasts through it.  Your face was burning and your gut sank with fear— and yet, there was a paradoxical tingle of arousal burning between your legs.
"You've grown a lot while I was gone," Bucky noticed aloud, groaning softly as he felt you up.  "Almost didn't recognize you when I stepped in.  I saw those gorgeous legs of yours and thought, 'who's the fox and what's she doing in my house?'  Of course, by the time I'd realized it was my kid sister, it was too late."
"It's not too late," you desperately assured, "you can stop now, and we won't tell anybody, and it'll be like nothing ever happened—"
You stopped as he started laughing lowly, shaking his head.  "Sweetheart, I'm not coming back from this, don't you understand?  You were all I thought about while I was gone.  You're the only girl I ever loved."
His hips pressed forward and you gasped when you felt his erection pressing into your thigh.  You bit down on your lip to keep it from quivering; for some reason, you didn't want him to know how scared you were.
"Feel that?" he asked, grinning when you nodded nervously.  "That's how much I love you."
You stammered helplessly as he reached down between your legs again.  
"Time to find out how much you love me," he purred, and you were frozen; paralyzed.  Two of his thick fingers swiped through your folds, gathering the arousal they found there.  "Oh, you love me quite a lot."
"I— I don't—"
"Take this thing off," he demanded suddenly, grabbing your nightgown.  You shook your head.  "I'm not gonna ask you again," he informed you sternly.  "Take it off or I'm gonna rip it off'a you."
You shook your head again, tears flowing freely until you felt wet patches beside your face on your pillow.
Bucky growled and manhandled you onto your back, grabbing at your nightgown and pushing your arms out of the way when they reached up to cover your chest.
He tore through it like it was paper.  "Look at you," he murmured in awe, "all grown up."
"James," you sobbed, "what are you doing?!"
"I'm taking care of you!" he responded, seemingly confused that you would even ask that.  "You're my baby sister; I promised to always take care of you and I meant it."
"This isn't right," you whispered, partially to him but mostly to yourself.
"This is the only thing that's right," Bucky disagreed, leaning down a little to hover over you as he began to push his pants down.
You recoiled when you saw his cock; you hadn't seen one before, except in drawings.  They hadn’t prepared you for this.  His looked big, red at the tip like it was angry; leaking and throbbing like it was desperate.
"You a virgin, sissy?" he asked in a way that made it hard to tell if he was being genuine or mocking you.
You nodded; you'd promised to be honest, after all.
"You were saving yourself for me," he informed you, and before you could deny it, he continued, saying everything like it was obvious fact.  "You knew you needed me. You knew you'd only be satisfied by your big brother's cock."
You shook your head as tears welled in your eyes, your protests muffled as he roughly kissed you again.  You tried to push him away but he was like marble, hard and unyielding.  You felt his sex sliding over yours and it made you feel dizzy and a little nauseous.
"You know how long I've dreamed of being inside you?" he asked darkly, his lips brushing against your ear.  "You know how long I've wanted to get a taste of this perfect little cunt?  I'll give you a hint: it was before I left."
He ignored your sobs of fear and cries of pain, and pushed his hips forward; he groaned as his cock forced your walls to part, and you felt like the wind had been knocked out of you.
"Oh god," he moaned weakly when he bottomed out, "oh my fucking god… you feel so perfect, sissy.  You feel so fucking good, I swear I could come right now.  I could fill you up—" he pulled back out most of the way and shuddered— "right fucking now."
"N-no, Jamie," you sobbed, "you have to pull out, you can't come inside!"
"Why not?" he pouted, slamming into you so hard that you were forced to choke out your cry of pain.  "I think you want it.  I think I deserve it.  I could get you pregnant and then you'd be mine forever."
"No!" you sobbed.  "Please, you can't!"
"I can," he assured you coldly through his teeth, his arm wrapping around your neck to hold you steady as he fucked into you.  "I can, little girl, and I'm gonna."
Tears streamed down your face, even as you let yourself admit that your brother's movements inside you did feel… intriguing, to say the least.  He buried his face into your neck, fucking you deep but slow.  You'd never felt so full before; you wrapped your legs around his hips before you could stop yourself.
"Fuck," he groaned, "you want me so damn bad, don't you?  You always wanted me.  I remember how you got so jealous when I lost it to Betsy Miller."
As sick as it was, you had; and even now, imagining him doing this with her made your stomach twist.
"You want me all to yourself, don't you, sissy?"
Shamefully, you nodded.
"Aw, it's okay," he soothed.  "You've got me, sis.  'M never gonna leave ya.  We're gonna be together forever, just like we always said."
That was all you'd ever wanted.  Why did it sound so terrifying now?
"I can feel you squeezin' me, babydoll.  I know you wanna come all over my cock," he taunted.
"N-no," you stumbled over your denial, but pleasure was searing through you faster than you could handle it.
"Beg me to fill up this little pussy," he instructed as his eyes got darker and a hand wrapped around your throat.  "Beg or you don't get to breathe."
"Please," you moaned through your tears, "please, fill up my— my little pussy…"
"Yeah?  You want my come?"
He started thrusting faster and you could feel the way your arousal had spread to coat both his thighs and yours; why was your body so responsive?
"Please, Jamie, I want your come," you repeated.  "I need it…"
"I know you do," he snarled, looking down at you with half-lidded eyes.  "I know you do, baby, I know you need my come."
"Please…" you repeated one last time, the word coming out choked and weak as you felt your own orgasm starting to crash into you, your whole body tightening involuntarily.
"Fuck, I can feel you coming— 'm close, sissy, I'm not gonna last much— oh fuck—!"
His hips stuttered to a stop and you winced as you felt him flexing inside you, pumping his load into you for what felt like ages.
He collapsed on top of you with a sigh and a smile.  "I wanted to last longer, even jerked off in the shower to try to take the edge off but… you just felt too good."
You were silent and still beneath him as he rambled, kissing away your tears between each word.
"I'll take better care of you next time, sis, don't worry.  Wanna make you come with just my tongue," he announced excitedly.  "But that'll wait until tomorrow.  Tonight you just relax, and don't move too much so I can stay inside you.  It's the only way I'm gonna be able to sleep."
He hugged you all night, drifting off even while you were wide awake and staring at the ceiling.
You were horrified at what your brother had become, and at what he had done to you.  But that wasn't what kept you awake.  No, you couldn't sleep because you were too busy trying to deny how much you had enjoyed it.
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Marcus Moreno x gn!reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: kidnapping, mild violence, angst, established relationship, fluff
Request from anon
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You never thought your life would turn out like this, but you wouldn’t complain at all. If someone had told you months ago that you would be with Marcus Moreno, the leader of the Heroics, you would have laughed and called them crazy. But after a chance meeting at the laundromat, you both left with each other’s numbers and a new friendship quickly turned into something more. Feelings grew fast between you and Marcus, and soon neither of you could imagine your lives without the other.
His daughter Missy also quickly became a big part of your life. The two of you hit it off just as quickly, and you were just as fond of her as you were her father. You found yourself at the Moreno house more nights than not, even if Marcus wasn’t home. Nights alone with Missy were just as fun as the nights the three of you spent together. Everything just felt right, and you felt like you belonged to a family for the first time in your life. 
It was a beautiful sunny afternoon and you stood outside of your car and leaned against it as you waited for Missy to get out of school. Marcus had called you and said he wouldn’t be out of headquarters in time and frantically asked you to pick Missy up. You didn’t hesitate, and you were more and happy to get her.
Missy called your name as she bounced up to you, surprised but still happy to see you. It wasn’t the first time you picked her up from school, but this time it came unexpectedly. 
Marcus also had insisted that even though Missy was to join the Heroics in the future, school was still important for the time being. When he had asked for your opinion, you were taken off guard but you agreed with him. Missy gave you both a pout, but she realized that there would be plenty of time in her life to be a hero, and for now she needed to enjoy her time as a kid.
“Surprise kiddo,” you gave her a hug when she ran up to you with open arms, “I’m your chauffeur today.”
“Dad couldn’t make it?” she asked as he set her backpack in the backseat.
You nodded as you held the door open for her, “Yeah, he got caught up at headquarters so it’s just you and me for now,” the two of you stood at the side of your car as you planned out your afternoon, “How about we get a little after school snack, whatever you want, and then we can make something together for when your dad gets home?”
Missy’s face lit up, “I think you should pick me up from school more often!”
“Don’t tell your father that,” you laughed, but you enjoyed the sentiment. She was more than just your boyfriend’s kid to you, and you cared for her as if she was your own kid.
But your light mood was quickly brought down when a distant explosion rocked the ground. Luckily for you and Missy, it was further down the street and on the other side of the car from where you stood. You quickly grabbed her and ducked you both down so that your car served as a shield. Screams ran through the air as people ran, and you and Missy both peeked around the hood to see what the cause of the commotion was.
“You ok?” you whispered to her, and she nodded in response.
Missy stepped forward a bit to get a better view, despite your protests. In the distance, she saw a large, towering man, and you both could feel his heavy footsteps in the ground as he quickly approached you.
“Titan…” Missy breathed as she recognized the new foe.
He was someone who had gone head to head with both Missy and Marcus on missions in the past. However, they were never able to get the upper hand, and he always slipped away at the last minute. Titan’s power was super strength, and he was aptly named as he tossed cars out of his way like they were nothing. The muscles in his arms were bigger than Missy’s entire body and Titan towered over nearly everyone he encountered. She was right to be afraid, as were you.
“I think it’s time to call your dad now,” you suggested as you tried to hide the panic in your voice.
“Yeah,” Missy snapped out of her daze and ducked back down as she tapped at the device on her wrist.
“Moreno!” Titan shouted, which caused you and Missy to freeze in terror and look at each other. He was after her, and this was a deliberate attack since Marcus was nowhere near.
“Missy? What’s going on?” Marcus’ voice rang through the device, but it did not bring as much comfort as you would have liked.
“Dad! It’s Titan… He’s here…” she sounded braver than you felt.
On the other end on the line, Marcus jumped to his feet as he said both of your names. You could feel the panic in his voice through the communicator, “I’m on my way,” he spoke without hesitation.
Just as the words left his lips, Marcus summoned his swords, ripped off his glasses and grabbed his tac vest. His face was stoic as he tried to keep a level head while he ran out of headquarters as fast as he could. The two people he cared the most about were in danger, and he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself if anything happened to either of you. He kept the communicator on so he could talk to both of you as he grabbed a hoverboard and dashed out toward you and Missy.
But he wouldn’t be fast enough. Titan quickly found where you and Missy were hidden behind your car, and he was able to lift and toss your car aside with ease. You gasped and grabbed Missy and tried to run away, but it was useless. His long arm reached out, and before he could grab her, you pushed her aside so that he clutched onto you instead. Although both Missy and Marcus were heroes, you still made a promise to Marcus that you would always look after and protect Missy when you were with her. So, even as scared as you were, you didn’t even hesitate to step in the way.
You let out a scream as he pulled you away from Missy, and you could hear both her and Marcus shout your name. Missy tried to lunge forward in an attempt to get him to let you go, but he knocked her back with a dark chuckle. Marcus grit his teeth as he listened to the scuffle. He hadn’t felt this helpless in a long time and he absolutely hated it. All he wanted to do was keep you and Missy, his family, safe.
“Hang on,” he mumbled under his breath, “I’m coming… I’m coming…” 
“Marcus Moreno,” Titan threatened, “I know you’re listening,” Titan stared Missy down as he spoke with you trapped in his grip, “I’m taking something you love… So come and get me.” With that, he turned to leave, and easily blocked Missy’s attempt to attack him again.
Marcus was too late to do anything, and he sped up just in time to watch his nemesis walk away with you in his arms. You struggled and tried to break free, but it was useless. His heart dropped at the sight, and it only got worse when he saw his daughter on the ground.
“Missy!” he called out as he rushed over and scooped her up in his arms. 
He inspected her for any wounds, but other than some bruising, she was ok. Tears streamed down her face, however, and Missy buried herself in her father’s chest, “He… he took…” she said your name as she sobbed.
“Shhh,” Marcus wrapped his arms around Missy tightly, “It’ll be ok,” he tried to hide how worried he actually was as he promised Missy that they would get you back no matter what.
You didn’t remember passing out, but you must have at some point because you woke up in what looked like a dungeon. Your arms were shackled to the wall above you and your legs barely touched the floor. With a grunt, you tried to wriggle free, although you knew it was useless.
A dark laugh from the shadows called your attention, and you held your breath as you watched the large figure emerge from the dark corner of the room, “It’s pointless to struggle,” Titan mocked you as he stepped in front of you, “Not even the Heroics could break out of those, what makes you think you can?”
“Go screw yourself,” you spat, not ready to give in to him completely.
That only made him laugh harder, “You’re a feisty one aren’t you?” he cupped your chin to make you meet his gaze, “And good looking too. Moreno sure does know how to pick them.”
“What do you want?” you jerked your head to the side to get him to let go of you.
“I need some leverage, and that’s what you are my dear,” his tone was icy as his fingers trailed down your neck, and it made a chill run down your spine, “Let’s see how well he fights now.” 
You grit your teeth as a surge of anger washed through you and temporarily overtook the fear. As Titan hovered over you, you noticed that your legs dangled free and you took full advantage of that. With a deep breath, you kicked your leg up and hit him right between his own legs.
He let out a grunt, but you soon realized it was more from surprise than pain. Titan growled as he grabbed your face, “I appreciate the spark, sweetness,” his voice was low and threatening, “I’ll have to deal with you later.”
With that, Titan turned and left you alone in the room. He slammed the door loudly behind him before he locked it.
A defeated sigh escaped your lips as you rested your head back against the wall. You didn’t know how long you hung there, but you felt your arms start to go numb so it had to be a good while. The room was silent save for your breaths and occasional sob until you heard a loud commotion from down the hall. You lifted your head and fixed your gaze on the door although you couldn’t see anything.
You could hear though, and it sounded like a heated fight not too far from where you were held. You heard several crashes and shouts, although you couldn’t quite make out who the voices belonged to. If you were to take a guess, however, you were sure that one of the voices belonged to Marcus. Your heart pounded in your chest as you helplessly listened to the battle just on the other side of the wall and you could only hope that the Heroics would finally defeat Titan this time.
When it suddenly got quiet, you held your breath and stared at the door. You were afraid to breathe or even blink as you heard a faint shuffle of movement on the other side and you balled your hands into fists since that was all you were able to do. Then, you heard a creak and a bang as the door suddenly flew off its hinges. You shut your eyes tightly and turned your head into your arm in an attempt to protect yourself as best as you could.
The sound of your name in Missy’s voice made you look up, and your shoulders dropped in relief when you saw her and Marcus in the doorway. Their eyes welled up with tears at the sight of you, and Missy instantly bolted towards you. Marcus raised his arm and used his powers to pull the large shackles that bound your wrists out of the wall.
You dropped down to the floor and immediately sank to your knees. You were about to fold over onto yourself when Missy crashed herself into you and wrapped her arms tightly around you. She didn’t even bother to fight back her tears as she cried into your shoulder and held you as tightly as she possibly could. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Missy repeated over and over as her tears dampened your shirt.
“I’m ok, Missy,” you reassured her in a soft voice as you held her back. You could feel her tremble in your arms, and you would have been more shocked about her reaction if you hadn’t just been rescued, “I’m ok,” you repeated as you stroked her back and your own tears fell down your cheeks.
Marcus stood over the two of you and his face finally relaxed when he saw you were unharmed. Your eyes trailed up to meet his and you saw his shoulders visibility drop in relief. After the two of you shared a soft smile, he dropped down to his knees and embraced both of you. His swords clattered to the ground beside you. Marcus wrapped his arms around both you and Missy and brought you as close as he could to his chest, unwilling to let either of you go for a good while. 
“Are you hurt?” he finally asked as he pulled away just enough to get a better look at your face.
You shook your head, “I’m ok,” you took a shaky breath, “I was more scared for you two… He said I was leverage and I…” you drifted off as you felt Missy squeeze you even tighter and you didn’t want to think of what could have happened. 
Marcus felt his own tears well up in the corners of his eyes as he studied your face. It was then that he truly realized how much you meant to him, “I was scared too,” he admitted in a hushed tone, and from your arms Missy muffled in agreement, “I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you. You and Missy…” he took a deep breath, “You’re my world,” he was quiet for a minute as he squeezed your arm tightly, “I love you.”
Your eyes went wide. This was the first time Marcus had said the words out loud; you both decided to wait until you were sure and ready to say it, even though it was obvious how much you each cared about each other. But before you could open your mouth to reply, you were cut off by Missy.
“I love you too,” she said your name as she looked up at you and finally pulled away. 
You laughed as you caressed the side of her face, “I love you too, Missy,” you placed a soft kiss to the top of her head before you turned to Marcus, “And I love you, Marcus.”
Marcus let out the breath he held since his confession and leaned in to place a tender kiss to your lips. He smiled into the kiss as he wrapped his arms around you and Missy again and just held you both close to his heart where you were both safe, “Let’s get out of here.”
“Please,” Missy added as he helped you both stand. 
Notes: I live for this trope so much so I had a lot of fun with this one!!! And I used the reader from the Laundry Day drabble since people really liked that one but it wasn’t needed to read that one. Thank you to the anon who requested this! And as always, taglists are open so let me know if you’d like to be added :)
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ticklishfiend · 3 years
Man, I always feel awkward doing these, lol. Hello! I found your work recently and really love what I've read so far! As I notice your prompts are open at the moment, if you're up for it, I'd love to see a Shinsou/Deku fic. Platonic or romantic, I don't have a preference. I just love those two together so dang much. Keep up the great work! ^^
A/N : aaa omg ok i absolutely LOVE ur blog and all ur fics, tysm for sending in a prompt!! also, this is a little longer than originally intended and i wrote it in a night so hopefully it isn't too dogshit LMAOO and pls keep in mind that this is my very first time writing for shinsou, so im not 100% sure what im doing lol <33 anyways, i rlly hope you enjoy!!
Patterned Socks (My Hero Academia)
Ship : Lee!Midoriya / Ler!Shinsou 
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Summary : Shinsou is nervous after inviting Izuku over to his room, as he only just realized his crush on the green-haired boy a few weeks prior. But when Izuku shows up in full All Might attire, Shinsou can't help but tease the boy to the point of new discoveries.
Word Count : 3494
. . .
Shinsou couldn’t help but feel a little...nervous. It wasn’t like he and Izuku had never hung out before, the freckled boy had invited Shinsou to hang out multiple times with his own group of friends, and it always made the usually kept-to-himself boy feel surprisingly loved and thought about. He’d even had a sleepover with Izuku and his friends before, and he couldn’t say it wasn’t fun for him, as he honestly had a great time, it was just...this was going to be his and Midoriya’s first time hanging out...alone.
Being alone with Izuku shouldn’t make him feel this nervous, this bubbly, this giddy. But it did. The boy with the mop of green mess on his head wasn’t even in Shinsou’s fucking room yet and somehow the teen with eye bags deeper than the ocean itself was more than wide awake with the nerves zooming through his system. He couldn’t help it though. Not after his realization weeks ago that, ‘oh shit, maybe I actually have a crush on this little nerd.’
So here Shinsou was, sitting cross-legged with a straight posture in the middle of his bed like a fucking lunatic, twiddling his thumbs and picking at his fingers like he was minutes away from taking the biggest exam of his life, when the only thing he had to currently expect was that timid, awkward kid from Class-1A to knock on his door and hang out with him for a few hours-
Knock! Knock!
“Hey, it’s Midoriya! I’m here, sorry if I’m late!” the muffled voice from behind the bedroom door was unmistakable, and somehow it made Shinsou’s heart stop for just a moment from nerves.
‘Fucking pull yourself together!’ Shinsou thought to himself as he slid off his bed, wiping his sweaty hands against the soft and linted fabric of his plaid pajama pants. ‘You’re acting like he’s here to murder you! You’re just a couple of friends hanging out, you’re making this a way bigger deal than it needs to be!’
“You’re fine, just one sec,” Shinsou spoke nonchalantly as he made his way towards the full length mirror propped up next to his closet. He hated that he actually cared enough to look at himself, to make sure he looked good, but not too good to have Izuku think he was trying to impress him or anything, even if he WAS trying to impress him, but just not-
“Okie dokie! Take your time!” Izuku giggled, and Shinsou swore all the sweat he had JUST wiped off his gross, clammy hands had just pooled right back to his palms at that adorable little sound. That stupid fucking giggle was going to be the death of him, he just knew it.
With a sigh of frustration at himself, Shinsou finally made his way towards his door, giving himself one last peek at his mirror over his shoulder before whipping his head back around and opening the door as nonchalantly as someone could perform the action.
As the door swung open, Shinsou was greeted by the sweetest smile a person could probably ever muster, the boy in front of him lifting a bag up towards the boy’s face with a giggle.
“I brought gummy worms,” Midoriya chuckled shyly, scratching the back of his neck. Shinsou couldn’t help the small tinge of endearment his eyebrows gave before trying to go back to his stoic, edgy persona, giving the boy a small smirk.
“Of course you did,” he snickered, opening the door wider to let the boy inside. “Sit your stuff wherever, I don’t mind. Just put your shoes by the door,” Shinsou shut the door behind them once he saw that Izuku was fully inside, already sitting his stuff down by the bed.
“Oh sure, no problem,” Midoriya nodded towards Shinsou, making his way back towards the door as he carefully slipped his signature red sneakers off to sit by the doorframe. Shinsou finally sat back down on his own bed, but never stopped watching the boy go about his room. It was Midoriya’s first time visiting the boy’s room, and to Shinsou it just felt so...odd, seeing him actually in here, being able to look at everything he had up on his walls and the little messes scattered around his floor. He felt almost a little insecure.
It was a colder Saturday, and it seemed Midoriya had no other plans besides hanging out with the purple-headed teen, as Shinsou saw that he was sporting a worn-out hoodie with All Might’s face adorning the front that he’s probably had for God knows how long, and some oversized pajama pants that were decorated to look like All Might’s own hero suit. He was such a fucking fanboy, even when he was trying to be comfortable. It was...it was too fucking cute.
Once Izuku had finished the business with his shoes, he made his way over to Shinsou’s bed, joining the boy on the small mattress as he climbed on top. Shinsou was sat on the front of his bed, his back against his pillows, while Midoriya had chosen to sit at the end of the bed, his legs outstretched so his feet were just about a foot away from Shinsou’s own crossed legs. Midoriya looked at Shinsou with a smile.
“So...what’cha wanna do?” Midoriya asked, propping his body up with his arms behind his back, tilting his head to the side at his question. Shinsou sucked on his teeth in thought, letting out a small “Hmm…” before scanning Midoriya up and down subconsciously. His eyes made his way down to the boy's feet propped in front of him, his eyebrows quirking at the sight before a grin stretched across his face. His head was tilted downwards towards the boy’s feet as his eyes wandered back upwards towards Midoriya’s eyes, the smirk never leaving his face.
“Are you for real right now?” Shinsou asked playfully, his eyes glancing back down towards the boy’s socks before looking back up into Midoriya’s eyes, who looked a little confused. “You even wear All Might socks?!”
Midoriya’s eyes widened a bit at Shinsou’s realization, his hand slapping at his own mouth to cover the smile etching across his face from embarrassment. His cheeks were just faintly flushed, but it was enough to make Shinsou chuckle in endearment.
“I didn’t even realize!” Midoriya muffled behind the palm of his hand a giggle escaping that made Shinsou’s brain short circuit for just a second before coming back down to reality, shaking his head with a snicker of fondness. “I wear these all the time…”
“You are unbelievable, Midoriya,” Shinsou chuckled, before gently cupping the underside of Izuku’s heel and raising it up closer to his own face. Midoriya let out a small gasp, his leg jerking just slightly from surprise, but not so much for Shinsou to lose his grasp. Where Shinsou had gained the slight confidence to take such an action, the edgy teen had no clue. But Midoriya honestly seemed to be...liking the attention? The smile was evident, even behind the palm of his hand, and even though his eyes were wide and cautious, they looked daringly into Shinsou’s own, almost asking him to make a bolder move without needing to say a word. Though really, the smile was more than enough to agg Shinsou on even further. Who was he to deny this cutie the attention he so obviously wanted?
Shinsou’s grasp on Izuku’s heel tightened a bit, enough to make Midoriya stiffen, now both of his hands going up to cup at his mouth and keep himself quiet, almost like he was trying to keep himself from protesting. Shinsou gazed at Izuku’s cute, flushed face one more time before looking back down at the socked foot in his hand, taking note of the design on the sole. It was decorated in different cartoon All Might designs. One of his face, one of his signature catchphrase “I AM HERE!”, one of his full body hero suit, and one of just his trademark bunny-like hair. Shinsou grinned at this, deciding to make his own little game out of the designs.
“So you wear these socks a lot?” Shinsou asked with a teasing tilt of his head, looking back up to Midoriya without moving the boy’s foot an inch. Izuku raised one eyebrow in slight confusion before nodding his head. Shinsou hummed with a nod, his eyes wandering back down to the sock. “So if I were to poke at...this spot here…” Shinsou brought a finger up from his free hand to the sock, his nail just barely scratching at one of the cartoons on the sole of Izuku’s foot. Izuku jerked at the sensation, a small yip muffled by his hands still being heard by the purple-haired boy teasing him near to death, much to Shinsou’s amusement. “...could you tell me which design it was?”
Shinsou continued his gentle wiggling of one finger, but it was just enough to get Izuku tittering behind his hand, one eye squeezed shut as the other glared at the boy. Izuku gave him no response, however, only pulling at his leg slightly when Shinsou scratched over particularly sensitive areas that made him let out louder snickers than others. Shinsou playfully tisked with a shake of his head.
“Not gonna play my game, huh? I thought you wanted to do something fun, Midoriya,” Shinsou just sighed with a smile, a small evil glint shining in his eyes that gave Izuku goosebumps and made his own eyes widen in...fear? Giddiness? Excitement? “Fine. New game,” Shinsou grinned wickedly before snatching up both of Midoriya’s feet and locking them by their ankles in between one of his elbows. Midoriya let out a loud gasp of shock, before playfully tugging at his feet as if he wanted to escape. They both knew it was all just for show. “Try to stay quiet.”
Midoriya’s eyes widened before immediately slamming shut at the teasingly ticklish sensations that danced across his left socked foot. Shinsou scraped at the sole slowly, using only his first three fingers to do so, but good fucking God was it effective. Midoriya’s hands seemed to be glued to his mouth at this point, almost squeezing at his cheeks to try to keep quiet, though the muffled titters did not go unnoticed by the tickling teen before him.
“Aww, whatsa matter, Midoriya?” Shinsou teased with a small grin, his fingers edging their way upwards towards the bottoms of his toes, curling into the spot he knew to be sensitive on himself which only made Izuku shriek behind his hands. “Don’t tell me you’re ticklish~”
Izuku shook his head, though the way his body was practically vibrating under Shinsou spoke volumes. “Oh, you aren’t, huh? You’re not ticklish? Not even a teensie weensie bit?”
Izuku once again shook his head, the slow and gentle tickles provided by Shinsou giving Izuku just enough leeway to lie his way through this playful torment with only tiny titters and snickers. But the moment he felt his toes being pulled back by the side of Shinsou’s hands, both of his eyes shot open in excited fear.
“Well that just won’t do, now will it? I’m a pretty convincing guy, though, so maybe we can change that up a bit,” Shinsou grinned before scratching the nail of his thumb into Midoriya’s now stretched out toes, and Izuku couldn’t hold back anymore. The boy let out a stream of giggles behind one hand, his other now shooting down to clutch at his belly.
“AHAHA! Wahahait! Nohoho!” Izuku’s eyes squeezed shut, throwing himself back to lay flat on the bed, both of his hands moving up to cover his now terribly blushing face. Shinsou snickered, incredibly amused at the boy’s intense cuteness. “I’m sohohorreheheehe!”
“Aw, you’re sorry? For what?” Shinsou chuckled before raking all four of his fingers down the sole of Izuku’s socked foot, the boy letting out a yelp at the change before dissolving back into his adorable stream of giggles.
“I dohohon’t knohohohow!” Izuku shook his head, his feet just barely pulling at Shinou’s grasp out of pure bodily instinct. Shinsou just smiled fondly, chuckling a little in amusement. The purple-haired teen zeroed in on one particular spot right under the ball of Midoriya’s foot, the poor boy under him letting out a small shriek before arching his back at the sensation, shaking his head wildly.
“Ohoho, this a good spot, Midoriya? Right here?” Shinsou scratched at the sensitive area, Izuku cackling at the sensation before shooting his hands down to clutch at the front of his own hoodie, his knuckles almost turning white. “Aw, it is, isn’t it? You can’t take it here, huh?”
“AHAHAHA! PLEHEHEASE!” Midoriya cackled, pulling at his hoodie even harder, enough where Shinsou could even see the space of skin right under the boy’s pale neck. It was freckled there too, he noted, and...he couldn’t help but wonder if he was freckled anywhere else too.
“Please what? If you want me to stop just say so,” Shinsou tilted his head, observing very closely as he noticed Izuku’s face grow an even darker shade of tickled pink. He chuckled in delight as he heard no sounds of protest from the cackling boy underneath him. “Aw, that’s it, isn’t it? You don’t want me to stop?”
“DOHOHON’T DOHOHO THAHAHAT!” Izuku giggled wildly, pulling his hoodie up to cover his face and hopefully muffle those adorable laughs as much as he could, though of course he succeeded in only looking as cute as ever.
“Don’t do what?” Shinsou smirked, his fingers moving to his other foot to scratch at the same oh-so sensitive spot, now mirrored. Midoriya practically screamed into the fabric of his hoodie at the change in sensation, curling his body upwards instinctively before flopping himself back down onto the bed through his fit of cackles.
“TEHEHEASE MEHEHE!” Izuku cackled, pulling at his feet just enough to seem like he was fighting the playful torture, when really Shinsou saw right through him and all his All Might merch far too easily.
“Oh so you WANT me to tease you? You like being teased, Midoriya?” Shinsou snickered at the panicked giggles escaping through the fabric of Izuku’s hoodie, wiggling his fingers back into that oh so sensitive curve right underneath Izuku’s toes that made the boy scream in ticklish agony. “You’re so sensitive, y’know that? So ticklish even with your little All Might socks on. I wonder, though, will it tickle worse if you don't have All Might to protect you?” Shinsou smirked before slipping his fingers under the edge of Midoriya’s sock, the green-haired boy letting out a loud gasp before whipping his head out from the hiding spot in his hoodie.
“No! Dohohon’t!” Midoriya giggled as Shinsou teasingly edged the sock slowly up the boy’s foot, not having even tickled the bare foot yet but somehow still getting a rise out of him.
“I haven’t even started yet! Are you really so ticklish you’ll laugh when tickles are even threatened?” Shinsou grinned, testing his theory once he threw the sock over to the side by wiggling his fingers just above the boy’s bare foot where Midoriya could see from his angle. Sure enough, Midoriya absolutely dissolved into a puddle of giggles, his arms clutching at his tummy as he barely tugged at his trapped feet. Shinsou couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh my god, I was kidding, I didn’t think it would actually be true!”
“Juhuhust do it alreadhehehe! Plehehehease! I can’t tahahake it!” Midoriya pleaded, his hands moving to cover up his eyes so he wouldn’t have to look at Shinsou. Shinsou felt his heart swell in adoration.
“You want me to tickle you that bad?~” Shinsou teased, slowly swiping one finger from the top of Izuku’s bare foot down to the heel, the boy gasping at the sensation, curling the foot up as much as it would go.
“Plehehease, I cahahahan’t!-” Izuku was a flustered mess under Shinsou, squirming and blushing into the oversized fabric of his hoodie, giggling like a child all the while. Shinsou finally gave in, scribbling his nails on the sole of his foot, pushing Midoriya to squeal before dissolving into panicked, high-pitched cackles. “GAHAHAHA! SHIHIHINSOHOHOU! AHAHA NAHAHAHA! PLEHEHEHEASE! I CAHAHAHAN’T!”
“It doesn’t even sound like you know what you really want anymore, huh?” Shinsou giggled, slowing his fingers down to small, teasing scratches on the boy’s soles, both socked and bare. Izuku was a puddle of snickers and giggles, barely pulling on his feet as he finally opened up his eyes as much as he could to gaze up at his tormentor. Shinsou looked down at him with a smile, finally stopping his tickling to rest Izuku’s feet in his crossed lap. Midoriya’s breathing was heavy, but the smile on his face seemed plastered on, and didn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. Shinsou tilted his head at the boy with a grin. “So...you liked that, didn’t you?”
Izuku whined, shoving his flushed face into his hands. “I mean...I don’t know…”
“It’s okay if you do...it’s uh…” Shinsou chuckled sheepishly, scratching at the back of his neck. “It’s kind of...cute, y’know?”
Midoriya peeked out from behind his hands to peer at Shinsou, before bringing his arms down to prop himself up and get a better look at the boy. “You thought it was...cute?”
“Well yeah, I mean...you were all giggly and stuff, and I uh, already kinda thought you were cute beforehand so that just kinda heightened the cuteness I guess,” Shinsou had a hard time making eye contact with Izuku, acting almost as if HE had been the one tickled to near tears just moments ago. He suddenly felt so shy, just like he had felt before Midoriya arrived. Where did all that previous confidence come from? And where did it go when he needed it the most? (now!) “Not to mention the fact you liked it in the first place. That’s just downright criminally adorable.”
“Quit it!” Midoriya whined with a giggle, though he left his feet in Shinsou’s lap, only kicking them out slightly during his fussing. He let out a huff of air, clearly embarrassed and very flustered. “I...I was nervous before I got here...thank you for that…”
Shinsou blinked. “Wait...you were nervous too?”
Midoriya looked up at Shinsou with a furrowed brow. “Yeah...wait, you were nervous?! Why?!”
Shinsou swallowed. He felt like some kind of nervous lump that had been growing and festering in his tummy this entire time was suddenly trying to crawl from his throat, choking him on his own words. His eyes were a bit wide, and suddenly his hands felt all clammy again like they had before Izuku arrived. “You just, uh...you make me nervous sometimes.”
“Do I do anything wrong?”
“No! No, of course not! It’s just...uh…” Shinsou huffed, rubbing his eyes with the backs of his hands until he saw fireworks, refusing to meet Midoriya’s gaze. “I kind of...like you…a little bit…”
There was a second of silence, Shinsou’s hands still covering his shy eyes as if to protect him from inevitable rejection. He felt the warmth of Midoriya’s feet slip from his lap, and at the same time felt his heart drop from it’s spot in his ribcage. He almost felt like he could cry...that is, until, he felt fingers start to poke and prod at both sides of his ribs, making him arch his back with wide eyes. Those eyes met Izuku’s own mischievous ones, a smirk growing on the green-headed boy’s still flushed face as accidental giggles started spilling from Shinsou’s lips, his body curling from left to right at each poke and prod.
“H-Hehehey! Whahahat?!-” Shinsou melted into giggles as Izuku started to pinch along his ribs, the boy falling onto his back against the pillows as Izuku straddled his waist fully, still relentless in his tickle attack.
“Stop looking so nervous and mopey, Shin,” Izuku smiled, leaning his head down to touch their foreheads together as he slowed his tickling down to his his hands resting comfortably on Shinsou’s sides. “I like you too.”
Shinsou blinked, never knowing he could blush so much until he realized just how close him and Midoriya’s faces were in that moment. They stared into each other’s eyes for seconds that felt like millenia until…
...until they kissed. And what a kiss it was. Filled with small giggles of pure joy and breathless huffs of air that made them forget they even needed oxygen in the first place. It was perfect and pure and everything Shinsou could’ve ever wanted. That night was filled with more kisses and more tickles than either of them had experienced in a lifetime, but it was worth it for each other. It was more than worth it. It was everything.
A/N : tysm for reading!! if u enjoyed pls consider reblogging, it helps spread my fics to more ppl who might enjoy!! thanks for the support, much love <33
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Wilfords Demands: Separated
Summary- 5.6k Curtis x You. Curtis lost the tournament and has been cast back to his original home, the tail end. You are now contained in Wilfords precious engine to see the crazy ramblings of Snowpiercers Leader. You also must find out Curtis’s fate and you believe you can find him, if you can just get beyond that door Wilford likes to disappear into. Dividers made by @firefly-graphics​
Warnings- Stressful situations, spitting, hitting, demeaning talk, threats, language. You also find out what happened with Curtis’s other children, its dark and upsetting. Proceed reading with caution. Thats as descriptive as Im going to get in that warning. 
Chapter 6 / Wilfords Demands Masterlist 
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As you were dragged away, you could hear the cheers echoing off the steel walls. You could feel the overwhelming sensation of panic settling in your chest. It was all consuming as you started struggling against the man dragging you behind Claude, trying to pummel your fists against his padded chest and scratch at him. 
“Let me go! CURTIS!” you screamed, resorting to trying to bite at his hand wrapped around your upper arm. Claude scoffed seeing you give the guard a hard time and snapped over quickly, open palmed, she slapped your face to stun you. 
You panic turned to white hot rage at the woman, turning on her but the man tightened his grip, stopping all your movements. 
“For once in your miserable fucking life, will you stop it?! Jesus Christ you are not worth the effort Wilford puts in you. You don't even make a good whore.” She spit in your face before turning back to open the door to Wilford’s chambers once more, jerking her head to direct the guard to bring you in. “He will be back soon, make sure she doesn’t do something stupid can you? Just don't hurt her, Wilford will have both our heads if anything happens to the precious prize.” 
She sneered out the last words at you, You spat at her with a smug smile when it landed on her face. She screamed in disgust and wiped at her face with her sleeve. “Tail Ender Pig, you are all so disgusting.” continuing to mutter as she left the room, the guard released you, standing at the door and his eyes followed you as you were sure to put distance between the two of you. 
Wilford’s area was the same as before. More luxurious than the others, you went towards the engine, the furthest you could get from the guard when he barked out. “That's far enough.” 
Flipping him the bird, you moved to sit in a nearby chair, rubbing at your belly protectively. 
Right now the anger was the only thing controlling your fear. You had no idea what was going to happen to Jace, was Curtis even still alive. You couldn’t think like that, because you would lose it if Curtis was dead. 
He promised you that he would find a way, swore to you. 
But promises made were not always kept. You swiped at your face furiously to hide the tears, thinking about Curtis would have to come later, when it actually could sink in. For now Curtis was still alive, he would come for Jace, that was all that mattered. 
Time seemed to stretch, tension building when you heard the door shift open. The guard stepped aside and Wilford walked in, followed by Grey who was bloody, limping and spotting several cuts and bruises. 
I hope you feel every single one Curtis gave you, you hissed in your mind looking at him before turning away. 
“Well look at you sweetheart, told you we would be getting to know each other better.” His hand came to stroke your cheek and you jerked away, making him laugh. “Soon enough you will learn not to pull away.” Grey said while Wilford handed him some towels to clean himself up. 
“As promised, she is your prize. You just have to wait till after the birth.” 
You shifted in your seat, your hand still protective over your stomach to face Wilford, ignoring Grey for now. “Where is Curtis?” 
“Well she isn't going to be much longer till she spits out that spawn for you. I don't mind waiting.” Grey spoke over you, ignoring your question. 
“Weeks Grey, not long at all.” Wilford flipped to a calendar, and to your disgust you saw where he had appointments set up with the doctor. Your name, some others, you shuddered at it. 
“Is Curtis still alive?” You started again, but both men ignored you once again when you finally gave a scream, willing them to at least acknowledge you. 
Wilford blinked at you calmly while Grey scowled at you. “Curtis really didn't teach you any manners did he? Know what we are doing first.” 
You hitched your chin, refusing to back away from him in fear. 
“Curtis is no longer your concern Y/N.” Wilford started. “You won't be seeing him again.” 
Your eyes welled up at these words and your face pinched trying to process these. You can't break down right now. Jace needs you to keep it together. 
“Fine, but this child is my concern. I need to know what his future is going to be.” 
Wilford broke in a grin at this one, rubbing his hands together. “Of course, you spent all this effort supplying me with Curtis’s child. I have high hopes for this one.” 
Fuck you were going to be sick, listening to him. “I want to raise him, he is mine as you said.” 
Grey cocked a brow, his arms folding over his chest with a laugh, Wilford joining him. “Ah- no. This child is mine. I already have a name. Trust me, that whole Jace Tyler was cute and all, I heard all about why you wanted that name but no. Joseph Wilford the second will become my successor. Hopefully. Curtis was always my favorite.” 
You spared a look at Grey who’s features clouded slightly but then went back to victorious. “Well Curtis is washed out, past his prime now.” He pointed out and Wilford shrugged a bit. 
“Happens to all of us. Why I needed Y/N to get pregnant rather quickly, before the tournament. I'm still taking a risk, but such a pretty thing who's a survivor from the tail end. I like Joseph’s chances. So for now Dear, your stuff is being removed from Curtis’s quarters, being moved into Grey’s. For now though you will be staying with me. Grey, how about you go get cleaned up, celebrate your victory.” 
Grey gave one final swipe of his towel, smirking. “I think I will just do that.” Cold eyes swept over you, possessive now. “I will see you real soon.” Sure to run his fingers over you again and grasp your chin tightly when you tried to pull away, his touch hurt, bit into you as he dug fingernails into your skin to mark you. “Keep up that act, I like breaking women in.” 
Letting you go with a cruel laugh, he left the engine. Wilford seemed oblivious to your distress. “Come Dear, let me show you your cot. You need to rest. Most certainly, can't have you stressing the baby.” He tugged you to a stand, leading you to a corner near the engine humming and pushed you to sit. “See this is pretty good.” 
You couldn't help it anymore, everything you had hoped for had shattered in moments. You curled as much as you could away from Wilford rubbing your back and sobbed into your arm, mourning Jace’s father. 
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Curtis first noticed the pain. It riddled him hotly with every sway of the train's movements. His fingers curled against rough fabric underneath him. When he tried to move pain seared through him everywhere making him grit his teeth and sink back into the hardness beneath him. “Don’t try to move mister, Mama said you needed to stay still.” came a young boy's voice near his ear and Curtis strained his neck to look next to him, nothing but shadows and more darkness filling his vision but then movement caught his attention. 
A boy, young by the looks of him but it was hard to tell without proper lighting. Big eyes stared at him though as the boy crawled closer to him. “Where am I kid?” Curtis grunted out as the boy lifted a gelatin block to his mouth and took a bite. 
“This the back of the train Mister.” He shoved the block at Curtis, setting it on his chest. “I will go get my Mama. You can have some if you're hungry.” The boy smiled and crawled away, dropping away from sight and scurrying off. Curtis curiously picked up the block and sniffed at it, wrinkling his nose at the smell and set it off to the side. With a groan he tried to sit up again, but gasped again in pain. “Fuck!” 
“Fuck is right.” A woman came into view, carrying a lantern with her to light up her way and sat at the edge of the bed. The little boy crawled in on the other side and grabbed at the gelatin block to bite into again, squeezing it a bit in his small hands, humming happily at his food. 
“Mama, I thought you said that's a bad word.” 
“It is Timmy, but he's allowed to say it. Go on now, shoo. Let me talk to this man.” she waved her hands at him and yet again the little boy, giggling this time climbed upwards into what looked like more bedding above Curtis. 
She watched him with a soft smile till the boy was gone, then turned her attention back to Curtis. “That's my baby Timmy and my name is Tonya.” 
Curtis frowned a bit at the name, then it clicked. “I remember you…” he grunted and Tonya smiled with a nod. 
“I remember you to, but back then you were still a youngin’. Barely 17, still young and hot headed. If you are back here, I’m assuming you're still hot headed?” Tonya chuckled as Curtis tried once more to sit up, and she pushed against his chest to press him back down. “Whoever did this to you did a number on you. Mostly your ribs and possibly your shoulder. You are gonna have to just stay put for a while.” 
Curtis worked his shoulders and she was correct, the pain in his collarbone and down his back was enough to make him see sparks. “Yup, I have to agree. And not hot headed… There was a tournament and… Fuck.” This time he surged up to a sit with a yell, holding onto steel grating above him, gasping. “I have to get out of here right away. They took her and I promised to keep her safe, keep our son safe.” 
Tonya shook her head confused. “Who? What are you talking about? You should lay back down.” 
Curtis stubbornly swung his feet over the edge of the bunk and moved to sit on the edge, looking around. More and more of it was familiar. In the years he had been up front, none of it had changed. Except there was less crowding then before. 
“Y/N, she's up at the front and in serious trouble. Fuck.” He swore again and pushed to a stand, bracing his hand against the framework and tried to make sense of where the door was. Tonya was right next to him, following along. 
“Wait, Y/N? She's up there still alive?” 
“Yes.” Curtis weaved among other people and Tonya tried making him stop. “She was in my care, Wilford… “ He came to a stop at a steel door, looking it over to see any way to open it. “Wanted her to get pregnant with my child. Once he has what he wants, he is just gonna throw her to monsters.” he hissed while pressing his hands against the door. 
“You are not getting that door open Curtis.” Tonya wedged her way next to him and made him turn around, being as week as he was at the moment. “You are telling me shes pregnant? Our Y/N is pregnant?” Her eyes glowered at him and he squared his shoulders slightly. 
“Yes, due anytime now. I told you, she was brought to me for a reason. It wasnt what either of us wanted but…” He turned back to the door and up towards the ceiling, looking for cameras or anything to get someone's attention. “... It turned into something more. And I need to get to her now.” His gaze turned intense looking at Tonya. Her hands were at her hips accusing but then her gaze softened a bit and she sighed. 
“There is no way out Curtis, don't you think we have tried? Its a box, a prison. This is hell on earth and you are now stuck in it with us.” 
Curtis could feel his breath quickening and his heart racing. 
He had to get out of here, he had to get to you. 
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Time seemed to turn meaningless while you stayed with Wilford. He had the doctor monitor you daily, check constantly for the moments you went into labor. But you shut down, not talking or acknowledging the others around you unless you were forced into it. Wilford though didn't seem to notice. He talked all the time. Rambled joyfully about everything to do with the engine. Tinkering away at little things in it, tightening screws and bolts. Running inspections. “Dear this whole train keeps us alive. And it needs so much care and love.” He would sing softly as his hands stroked along the metal wall. “Just a gentle touch for our sweetheart here.” 
You would curl up your legs onto your cot, or try to, it was hard with your belly. He was fucking crazy the way he spoke to the engine. The constant hum of the engine and the spinning didn't help either, it made your head pound till you felt like you were also going to go a bit mad in the room with him. 
The nights though were the worst. The engine would seem louder without Wilford’s constant chatter. You would stretch on your cot across the room from Wilford, who slept in a large plush bed. It was hard, almost impossible to get comfortable and relax. It wasn't because the cot actually bothered you, you spent years either in a hard bunk or leaning against a wall in the tail end. 
Instead you were used to sleeping with Curtis. His body would be pressed in against yours, his arm wrapped around you to hold you close and your head would be cushioned on his chest or shoulder, or a hand draped over his stomach. He was warm and safe. That is what you missed. Your hands would rub your belly, sniffling to yourself. You refused to let yourself cry in front of Wilford. But in the night when your only company was the hum of the engine, you let yourself talk to Jace about Curtis. 
How much you missed his father, letting yourself mourn for him because it was the times you thought maybe he actually didn't make it. Those thoughts you cursed yourself, because he couldn’t be gone. He hadn't even gotten to meet his son. The nights were the hardest, the only time you didn't have to pretend to not exist and it would become overwhelming. When it became too much you would sing softly to your belly. 
Don't take my sunshine away. 
The only thing unusual about the engine was the door. Just a door near the spinning blue lights that made the engine come to life that you studied. It was better than going into a trance watching the blue orbs circle slowly. Wilford would once in a while disappear into the room and wouldn't come back out. Just a few times you leaned just right in your cot when he disappeared into the room, catching sight of computer monitors. That had to be how Wilford was watching all of you. 
That made you shiver, the idea Wilford watched you and Curtis doing everyday things. You didn't even want to think of what else he spied on. But more importantly if you could get in there, maybe you could find Curtis. Or see if he was still alive. 
One morning Wilford was cooking what you guessed was supposed to be breakfast. The smell of onions, potatoes and eggs was making your stomach roll viciously. Curtis had always made sure no eggs made it into the room. Wilford wasn't quite as considerate. You were just coming out of the bathroom, having rinsed your mouth out when the smell hit you all over again. Luckily nothing was left to come up. 
“Sweetheart, just think when I have Jr, I will have him ready to take over the engine.” Wilford said cheerfully, sliding eggs onto a plate with a sickening splatter. Your stomach did another roll, and you did your best not to gag. It didn't click with his Jr. spiel, since you never thought of your son as anything other than Jace Tyler. Wilford slid a plate on a small table near your cot for you. “Go ahead eat, I want Jr big and strong like his sire. Make his Poppa proud.” He turned away and you ignored the eggs, recalling his earlier statement. 
“Take over the engine?” 
Wilford made a show of cracking another egg into a bowl, holding up the shell. “Did you know these would be extinct if it wasn't for me? Something so simple… “ He studied it before tossing it into a nearby garbage bucket. “No more chickens. Or oranges like you have in that glass next to you. Fresh squeezed by the way. No more bread.” He picked up two slices of thick sliced bread. “Nor butter, because cows would be extinct.” He dropped them into a pan to crisp and sizzle. “Everything Y/N would be extinct, if it wasn't for our Snowpiercer.” he flipped his eggs and slid them onto his plate. 
You remained quiet, refusing the eggs, the toast and the juice he had set on the table, watching him. 
“But I won't last forever. I can fix this train, but there is no way to replace my body parts. So next best thing. Make the perfect replacement.” He went to his table and sat down. “Why I searched you out for Curtis. Women in the front, been ruined in less then twenty years we have been on this train.” He said disgusted as he started to eat, shoveling a forkful of eggs into his mouth and chewing. The yellow burst of yolk on his lip certainly made you gag this time, covering your mouth while trying to turn away. 
“No, I needed someone smart enough to survive but also untouched.” His grin turned cool as his eyes raked over you. “You survived the tail end, were strong enough to survive the lockbox as well as stunning, how you came out of there a virgin I don't know. But it worked out for me. Perfect for Curtis. All his other children before, just weren't perfect enough.” Another forkful of runny eggs and toast. You were struggling trying to wrap your mind around what Wilford was saying. 
“W-what happened to the others?” You asked shakily, scared of the answer. 
“Ahh, they didn't work out. We tried, sometimes the babies wouldn't shut up, other times they got to a certain age and would struggle with the motor skills. There were a few who got sickly.” Wilford shrugged as he sopped at his plate with his bread and popped that into his mouth. You though, your arms circled around yourself protectively as the horror of what he was saying made your heart race. 
“You just- got rid of them?” 
“Of course, I can't keep them if they can’t be useful. That's when it clicked. Curtis, he was fine. He's everything I wanted, big, strong, smart. Until you came along, he thought logically. It's a flaw, his falling for you, made him weak. But nothing I can't overlook I suppose. So many other perfect qualities in a leader. It was the woman.” He carried his plate to the sink and approached you. You shrunk back on your cot and he cupped your face in delicate warm hands, hands that never did hard work. “I needed a strong woman to match. All the front end bitches I paired with him threw off weaklings. You Sweetheart are going to give me the perfect prodigy. I considered switching Curtis for Grey for a while, but ahh he is too volatile to throw me a good son. No, it had to be Curtis and You.” He brushed your cheek gently and then grasped your hair to yank you forward towards the plate of food. “Now eat this gift I give you, because I need that baby to come out healthy.” 
Claude entered the room, clipboard in hand with a smile. “Sir if you're all set, we are ready for the inspection in the greenhouse.” 
“Oh yes Claude, be right there.” He beamed as he pointed at your tray of food with a snap of his fingers. “I want this gone.” Turning he made his way to Claude, the two of them chatting as they left the room, leaving you all alone. 
Your heart raced and breathing came out in a rush. With a swipe of your hand, you pushed the plate and glass off the table to shatter against the floor in a mess, screaming in a shrill burst. Overwhelmed with what he informed you, you couldn't hold it all back anymore, your scream just got shriller and tense to bounce all around you from the steel walls. Your voice ended up giving out with a croak and you dropped your heads into your hands sobbing at the fate of your son. 
You can't let this happen, just can't. This isn't what you or Curtis wanted for Jace. Your head lifted and eyes were wildly looking around the room, trying to figure something out. Attacking Wilford would do nothing. You could possibly hold him at knife point, but it would only be a matter of time before you were captured again, and it would just be worse for you and Jace if you had managed to kill Wilford. No, it needed to be more permanent. Something that would overthrow the whole train. 
Your eyes fell to the door, the door with all the monitors and control panels. You needed to be in that room and that's when a plan started to form. 
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Although Curtis couldn’t find a way out of the tail end didn’t mean he wasn’t busy. Curtis started to get to know more about the tailenders, those who were ready to fight for there freedom, those with special skills that could be used in a revolt, listen to the stories of the horrors they have had to do to survive. It became more then simply getting back to you, now it was about getting these people out of here as well. 
Curtis started timing the guards coming through, trying to figure out how to work the inspections and feeding times to his advantage. After all this time, they should be fairly slack, rituals loose purpose after a while. 
But he didnt see his opening. No matter how many times he timed the lengths the doors were open, how long they stayed, how hard the cart full of the blocks were to manuever. It was all so precise, the same everytime and there eyes were watchful, always willing to bash a tailender should they step out of line. 
There was just four counts when all the doors were open and Curtis could see down the length of the train. It just wasnt enough time to get through several train cars. Tonya was perched next to him, listening to him count under his breath. 
“Curtis, don’t. We’ve tried that. It just ends with them culling us.” She hurriedly whispered back to him. Once they left he turned to her. 
“Then what Tonya? Y/N might have had Jace and tossed to Grey. Who even knows what will happen to my son.” Some frustrated tears caught in his lashes and some managed to escape, making a track down his now sooty dirty face. He dropped his head into his hands and Tonya rubbed at his back, trying to be supportive even though she delivered the harsh reality. 
“I know Curtis…I’m sorry, I just don’t want you going on a suicide mission. Y/N needs you, so does that little boy you got coming.” 
Curtis took a ragged sigh and stared back up at the camera beeping above the door, flipping it off before pushing to a stand and disappearing out of sight to continue trying to figure out a way to get back to you. 
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You waited, you could be patient. You learned a while ago when you first joined Curtis to watch, it was also the harsh lesson he taught you in the beginning. It was how you got to know him as the man you cared for today. You were quick to learn that Wilford wasn't predictable. He would go into the room at random times. Sometimes for hours, sometimes for a few minutes. 
No matter how much you looked around the engine from your perch on your cot, you couldn't see where there were any cameras in the engine room. But you were still wary. Thinking maybe he was trying to catch you doing something, spring out of that room with a gotcha. 
But you were smarter. No, you were patient. Storing it all away. 
The worst was when Grey would come around. He seemed to turn into Wilford’s pet, always coming in to chat with him or ask favors. Oftentimes he would sit across the table, staring intently at you with a sneer. His eyes roaming you up and down like he had a right to take you whenever. These times you would hitch your chin up and stare back at him. Refusing to give him the satisfaction that he won. 
Maybe he did win your body. But you refused outright to give him any satisfaction in that. It didn't matter though, for Grey you were just a prize. You didn't matter to him except what you could give him. 
“She must be due soon, right?” Grey drawled out, moving to a stand and approaching you. In your bid to defy him, you didn't move an inch to draw away from him. His hand fisted in your hair, twisting viciously to have you look up at him. “Excited right? I'm sure it gets a bit boring just sitting here on your cot, waiting for time to pass with that little bastard inside of you.” 
You work your mouth to draw out some spit, hocking it at him as best you can at the unnatural angle. It earned you a loud smack, whipping your head to the side. Not a word dropped from you in pain as you glared up at him. Grey leaned in closer, his hand wiping at his face and wiping his hand clean in your hair he still had fisted in his other hand. 
“Nasty little thing arn’t you? Treat Curtis like this? Or did you just drool all over his cock every chance you get?” His fingers bit into your cheeks as he pressed harshly against the hinge of your jaw, wrenching your mouth open. “Don't worry, soon this will be all you know.” He spat in your open mouth, making you heave and try to pull away from him as he lewdly groped his crotch, laughing at your distress. 
“Grey, leave her alone… you will have her soon enough.” Wilford finally interjected, beckoning Grey forward towards the room. “I got something to show you anyways, step in here.” 
Grey snickered at you before sauntering over, passing through the door and Wilford followed him in, closing themselves in. You grabbed at some of the bedding, bringing a corner of a blanket to your mouth to try to tear at the fabric. You just needed a little bit. 
Your teeth ripped into the cloth and stitches, wrenching at the fabric till you could feel it weakening. 
Another pull, another twist and you could feel the fabric starting to give. Your eyes darted back to the door. “Come on…” You whined out and then there was a distinctive rrrriiippp… 
Balling the small bit of fabric in your fist, you got up to approach the door. Careful you pressed your ear to it, trying to listen over the engines humming, but it was pointless. The whoosh whoosh whoosh of the spinning mechanisms made you sigh in exasperation. You didn't want to ruin your chance by not being prepared.
Pressing against the wall, you tried to think about what you knew. The door was pressured close to guarantee a seal. Your eyes roving up to the mechanism that worked the door. It also made it close slow. You could wait a good five seconds after they left the room to do what you wanted. You could pretend you were passing by to go to the bathroom, seeing the door was just beyond your main target. Stepping back a few steps, you paused. Eyes on the handle, waiting for them to walk back out, swing the door wide open. 
It felt like hours till the handle jiggled and sure enough it swung wide open with both men leaving, laughing about some shared joke between one another. You started counting just like the way your Grandpa showed you when you were a kid playing hide and seek in the apple orchard.
One Mississippi
 You stepped forward as if you had been striding from your cot, which neither of you bothered to give a glance. The door clicked into reverse. 
Two Mississippi
Your chest clenched seeing the door start to close, the two men were a step away from you now where you could pass between them and the door. 
Three Mississippi
In passing, you rolled the ball of fabric in your palm, your hand brushing against the inside of the door jam and nimbly shoved the ball into the hole that would seal the door shut. Continuing on past. 
Four Mississippi
You paused at the bathroom door, your hand giving a shiver of anxiety while listening before opening the bathroom door. Please don't latch, please don't latch…. 
Five Mississippi
The door shut, but there was no distinctive click the door handle locked. You glanced over your shoulder to see it looked sealed. You yanked on the bathroom handle and escaped into the bathroom, covering your mouth as a gasp of relief escaped you, tears brimming your eyes at knowing it worked. Now it was just hoping Wilford left before he found out what you had done. Sinking to the floor, you took several breaths to try to calm your racing heart. Tilting your head back and closing your eyes, your hands pressed against your belly, whispering. “Jace, we are gonna find your daddy and figure it out from there. Right kiddo… we got this. We are going to be okay.” 
After giving yourself your pep talk and you weren't feeling like Wilford was going to figure it out and bust through that door, you made your way back out to see Claude had joined Wilford and Grey. 
“Well I need to go do my inspections.” Wilford motioned towards to exit, Grey took a glance at you shuffling back to your cot. Coldly he looked you up and down, obviously checking you out. 
“Will be seeing you soon Y/N.” You didn't respond, looking away as you lowered down onto your cot. He left and Wilford reached out for a clipboard Claude was holding, scanning over several papers. “What's the numbers on the tailenders?” 
“High hundreds. We took a count this morning. Its getting overcrowded once again.” 
“Ahh, I know it was getting bad once more. Gonna have to do something about that.” Wilford sighed. “Just need to get creative about it.” You did your best to keep from retaliating. “And how's our special guest there?” 
This made you perk, curious as to who he would be talking about. “Oh settling in nicely, like he never left.” Claude retorted as the door opened, and you couldn't stop the flutter of hope. Maybe it was Curtis.. Could be Curtis they were talking about. The door slammed shut and you started to count. 
Wilford could stay away anywhere from ten minutes to an hour. As anxiously as you wanted to run to the door and go in the room of cameras, you couldn't do it too soon. Wilford would just rush back in and stop you. All this effort, lost. 
So you waited. Counting like before till you were sure it had been a good ten minutes. Easing off the cot, you approached the door and rested your hand to the door handle. 
God let this work. You screwed your eyes shut and started to ease back, the door moving just as easily as if it was properly unlocked. Not even a turn of the handle. Slipping inside and pulling out the fabric from the hollow spot in the door, you let it shut you in. 
Camera, so many grainy moving pictures, it made your head thump with the intake of information. You started moving from screen to screen, searching faces to try to find Curtis. No matter how many you looked through, searching the garden cars, over to the kitchen crew, entertainment cars full of kronole high individuals, none of them had Curtis. You made your way down the line, cars with animals, people making equipment, prison cars. Still no Curtis. You bit at your lip, your fingertips pressing against screens, like you were crossing off people. 
“Come on Curtis, I need you to show yourself.” You passed to the last row, people all from the tail end. You leaned in close, mentally crossing off sections till you stopped at the door. It was a flash of familiarity that brought you back to that screen. 
“Jace… I found your daddy.” Your voice broke in relief, seeing him studying the door and camera, scowling up at it. You remember that look, the one that he was frustrated with his situation. You had never been so relieved to see him looking pissed off. “Thank fucking god you are still alive Curtis.” You fell back to sink in an office chair. “Now how do I get you out?” 
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