#//Kae’s floored by how easy it is for him to just pop on by
dutybcrne · 4 months
@strdstd replied to your post:
{Bruh... Boothill & Adelinde definitely get along well-}
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sighingsiren-tales · 6 years
Showoff (NCT Ten Scenario)
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GENRE: Smut, angst
Words: 4.4k
Mood: Woo by IMFACT
A/N: So I can NOT take total credit for this idea AT ALL. My amazing friends, Mimi and Kate, thought of this scenario and I simply just put it into words. So please enjoy their vision and my words~
“Can you relax?!” Ten called after me as I stormed into the house, slamming the doorbehind me, hoping that it would hit him.
I didn’t even bother to comply with his request. I simply walked straight over to the kitchen and grabbed the first wine glass that I saw. I just needed a goddamn drink right now. The door slammed not too long after I poured myself a full glass of red wine, taking a huge gulp as I heard him call out to me. When he found me in the kitchen, his face clearly conveyed that he had no idea what it was that he did wrong.
“What are you so mad about?” He asked, his voice slightly raised as he demanded ananswer. I let out a small huff of a chuckle bitterly, as I let the half-full glass of wine alternate between my fingers.
“Are you going to answer me?” He asked, voice dark as he leaned down a bit so hecould his gaze could reach my eyes.
Walking towards him, I raised the glass to my lips again while catching his gaze with mine. I stared him down as I downed the red of the glass, licking my dark red lips as I caught the residue of the wine left on my upper lip. I let the glass drop from my fingers, the cup shattering as it met the hardwood floor. I took a step forward, making sure Ten and I were chest and to chest. I saw his Adam’s apple bob in slight anxiety; He was utterly terrified of what I would do next but at the same time, he couldn’t keep his eyes off of me.
Ha, good.
“What has gotten into you?” He asked softly, his voice taking on his normal soothingtone.
I let out a less than lady like snort, a very prissy sound, at his question.
“Oh so now you want to look at me?” I asked sharply, my voice cold and absolutely unforgiving.
“I...w-what?” He stuttered stupidly.
I scoffed, brushing past him, quite roughly if I may add, and walking up the grand staircase to our room. The only sound I could hear for a few moments was my own heels clacking against the newly polished hardwood floor before I heard the rushed footsteps of Ten following after me. I can't fucking believe how he acted when we were at that company dinner and now has the nerve to ask me what’s the issue?
“Can you please just explain what it is that you’re so angry about?” He asked, grabbing my wrist as I reached the top of the stairs.
I spun around, ripping my arm out of his grip.
“Do not touch me right now Ten.” I hissed before turning back around and walking towards our room.
“Can you please just tell me what the fuck I did wrong?” He exploded at last, rushing after me into our room. 
I turned around at almost superhuman speed, poking his chest in a very harsh manner.
“How embarrassing do you think it was for me to sit and watch as you flirted the entire time with Krystal?” I asked, my jealousy finally rearing it’s ugly head in a very dramatic manner.
“Krystal?” He asked puzzled, his head cocked to the side in confusion.
I stayed silent waiting for him to realize his own mistake and apologize. I watched as it dawned on him, the realization contorting his face almost comically.
“This is all because I danced with Krystal?” He asked, his tone giving away his absolute disbelief and astonishment.
I raised an eyebrow at his answer, propping one hand up on my hip as I didn’t even attempt to hide the disbelief on my face.
“So I guess you just find flirting and dancing with other girls in front of your girlfriend like that is acceptable?” It took all of me not to scream those words.
Did he seriously see nothing wrong with his behavior? Nothing at all? Does he even have a goddamn brain in that melon of his? What girlfriend wants to watch her man and another girl dance right in front of her? I don’t care what the occasion was, I wasn’t tolerating that.
“Oh please, you can hardly call that flirting” he scoffed, before loosening his tie.
I returned his scoff, walking over towards my vanity to take off my jewelry as I commented, rather dryly :  “A blind man could’ve told you that you were flirting”.
“You’re being ridiculous.” he stated.
I simply didn’t answer him and, instead, opted for placing my necklace and rings in their correct places.
“Baby,” He spoke again, his voice a bit more desperate as he approached me from the vanity mirror.
“Baby please.” He called again.
I didn’t even spare him a glance as I continued to undress, the next item to go being my heels, which I kicked off rather ungracefully. When I turned around to go towards the bathroom to take off my makeup, Ten stepped in my way, grabbing my hips to still me.
“You are not walking away from this.” He protested.
Now that my heels were off, I was more or less eye level with his chest that was slightly exposed because of the first few buttons that were undone. He let his palm flatten against my lower back and for a quick moment so remember when he made the same movements with Krystal as he was dancing with her. In a quick succession I pushed back on Ten’s shoulders roughly. Unfortunately, Ten was not letting go of me that easy and he kept his hands on my hips, causing me to go down with him, both of us landing backwards on the bed. In some twisted form of luck, I wound up straddling him. I pushed up into a sitting position, my hands on his lower stomach so that I could push myself up. This caused his eyes to twinkle deviously as a slight smirk crossed his face. Within seconds, my anger bubbled up to the surface and I found myself grabbing on his shirt.
“Why do you even have it buttoned up so high?” I questioned harshly and, with a quick ,harsh moment and a slight ripping sound, I tore his shirt in two, the buttons scattering to the floor as his chest and toned abs were now fully exposed. He looked to me with surprise etched into his features.
I paused to let a smug smile that clearly showcased my satisfaction with my actions grace my lips.
“Since to show off so much” I sassed, my voice becoming a lot more bratty and filled with absolute jealousy as I gave a crude, half assed explanation for my actions.
Even with my anger and jealousy towards the man below me, my body craved him in ways that seemed automatic, something I quickly found out as my fingertips grazed his lower stomach lightly on pure instinct. The second fatal mistake I made was pressing my hands to his stomach in an attempt to readjust myself and get up off of him. I, however, wound up brushing right up against his hard on. His light moan wound up turning into an entire, damn near inhuman growl as we connected in such a sexual way. He let his head raise up off the bed, his eyes popping open and catching mine almost immediately. His eyes were much darker than I had ever been used to from him; They were narrowed and filled with some type of emotion, a dark emotion that scared and excited me at the same time. His eyes were a match, my nerves the newly kindled flame.
“I was going to let you slide with that bratty behavior of yours just because I know that you hate company dinners and you were already irritable but,” he let his hand come down on the flesh of my ass hard causing me to bit down on my bottom lip in order to keep my yelp in.
“What I need for you to understand is that I was not flirting with Krystal. She is a colleague, nothing more, nothing less.” he spoke, his calming tone taking on a verydominant undertone.
“And even if I was,” he paused, letting his arms wrap around my waist tightly andpulling me towards him.
“I was clearly not the only one who wanted to show off today” I found myself
narrowing my eyes, glaring at him in irritation.
“Oh? Did you see me grinding up on one of your colleagues?” I asked, quite pointedly as I pushed against his chest.
Ten let out another low, discreet growl that seemed to be a deafening roar because of the effect it had on me. He reached up and quickly undid my mid ponytail with a quick yank, letting my hair fall and curl around me as it naturally did. Brushing my hair back from my face, he ran a hand through my hair before yanking on it harshly, causing my head to tip back and a hiss to leave my lips. He nuzzled my neck, his breath fanning across the skin of my neck causing goosebumps to rise on my skin.
“I’m about sick and tired of your bratty behavior” he hissed against the skin of me neck,kissing directly on my pulse point
“Wearing this dress like you had absolutely no idea what it would do it me” He hissedfirefly under my ear, his voice breathy and yet oh so alluring.
“Those gorgeous tits” he moaned, nuzzling into my chest before continuing to speak. 
“No one could even hold eye contact with you” he whispered.
I found my hands slowly making their way from his chest to his shoulders as he spoke. Ten knew that I loved praise like this.
“This ass” his words were accompanied with a resounding smack and a low mewl from me. “I swear watching you walk away from me has to be the single most frustrating and yet hottest thing I’ve ever witnessed.” He growled the words, not even bothering to hide his ogling.
“And these,” his words were accompanied with his thumb swiping across my lips. 
I found my lips parting ever so slightly so that I could barely allow his thumb in.
“These pretty little lips begging to wrap around my cock” he hissed.My eyes went wide at his word choice.
“But these lips weren’t doing anything that I wanted. Do you know what they were doing instead?” He asked harshly.
He didn’t even let me speak as he hitched my dress up over my hips, a grunt leaving hislips as he did.
“They were laughing and speaking with Taeyong” he growled before I could even speak.I looked down at him in utter disbelief.
“You are not fucking serious” I spoke, my voice a bit louder than necessary.
“I’m actually very fucking serious” He spoke, digging into the flesh of my hips harshly.
“Because while those lips were speaking innocent words, those eyes were begging to be fucked”.
“Yeah by my boyfriend” I hissed, pushing back on his chest once again but he didn’t even budge, instead he held me tighter.
His eyes were almost completely shrouded in darkness as he spoke to me again,
“Correct yourself” He hissed harshly, referring to my behavior.
His tone of voice did two very contradicting things; It made me extremely upset just to even think of someone, let alone him, speaking to me in such way. So him actually speaking to me like I was beneath him was absolutely infuriating. I hated being spoken to like I was a child or like I was beneath anyone, it irked me behind belief. However, that brings me to the second point; His demeaning, dominant and degrading voice also made me very, very wet. In a quick motion, his fingers that were digging into my hips were making me rock back and forth in his lap, causing me to constantly brush up against his hard on. I found my fingers returning that harsh grip that he had on my hips to his shoulders. Throwing my head back, I let him move me back and forth against his erection. He let out a few pants and grunts.
“I can feel how wet you are,” he whispered breathlessly in my ear.
“Then shut up and move faster.” I countered, beginning to roll my hips into his.
His lips connected with my neck, biting down almost immediately. I definitely knew that it would bruise but I couldn’t bring myself to care at that moment in time. The way that I rolled my hips against his tirelessly mixed with the way he moved me back and forth on his lap was something directly out of a dirty movie. We probably looked like absolute horny teenagers, not that I had an issue with that. The way he was moving, no matter how unconventional, felt way too good for me to stop. I felt pants and gasps leaving my lips as I begged Ten to speed up, my high approaching much more quickly than I could stop it. Realizing that his shirt was still on, I pushed it down his shoulders quickly, hoping that he’s catch the hint and help me. I felt my hips speed up on their own accord as Ten watched me with hungry, dark eyes while he threw the ruined shirt to the other side of the room. When the shirt was finally off and away from him, he let his hands come down directly on my ass.
“Fuuucckkk” he groaned, throwing his head back.
“All this ass for me?” I nodded my head wildly at his question, wanting to do whatever
it was that would keep him in this position.
“And only me?” He asked right when I took a moment to watch the sweat drip down hischin and onto his toned chest.
“Yes” I said breathlessly.
I pushed him back onto this back in a quick movement, his eyes wide and pupils lust blown at my actions.
“You’re so gorgeous” He panted as my hands went for his belt.
Successfully opening the latch, I ripped it from the belt loops, the sound of it cracking through the air a deafening roar. Folding it, I let the belt trail down the sweaty, toned expanse of his chest and abs. He watched me do so although all it took to break my concentration was the sight of him sinking his teeth into his bottom lip.
“Undress” I commanded, throwing the belt onto some forgotten spot on our king sizedbed.
He raised an eyebrow, not moving a muscle in the direction I wanted him to.
“Do you need assistance?” I sassed, popping the button to his pants open.
He let a smug smirk cross his features before he crossed his arms behind his head in a leisure position. Slithering my way down his body, I let my teeth enclose his zipper and pulled down slowly. He watched me, namely my lips as I pulled his pants the rest of the way off, leaving him in his black briefs.
“Get me out of this fucking dress” I commanded in a breathy, needy tone.
Ten sprung into action almost instantaneously. He grabbed the hem of the dress, struggling to get it over the entirety of hips. I giggled as his turmoil, not realizing that this was fueling his anger. In a quick motion, he grabbed the neckline with two hands and tore my dress in two. I watched him, astounded and turned on beyond belief as my dress fell from my body and to the floor, leaving me in the navy blue thong I had underneath.
“No bra?” He questioned huskily, before walking towards me like a predator stalking his prey.
“It would’ve shown through the dress” I whispered just as he reached me.
I wasted no time in letting my hands enclose his face he let one arm wrap around my waist, lifting me with a low grunt so that I would have to wrap my legs around him. I did as he intended, letting my fingers run through his dark tousled strands. He leaned down, capturing one nipple between his teeth as he laid me down on the bed. I felt his fingers hook in the waist and of my thong and I used my flexibility to push back on his shoulders with my foot. He staggered away from me, his face a mix between surprise, want and hunger. I let my own fingers hook in the waistband of my navy colored thong, pulling it down only slightly. Raising my head, I looked Ten directly in his eyes.
“Are you going to put me through another night like tonight again?” I asked slyly,keeping my thong barely below panty line.
He shook his head and I let my thong go lower, exposing only half of my sex.
“Are you going to make me mad like that again?” I asked, and once again, he nodded. He looked like he wanted to devour me but he knew better and stayed where I had pushed him.
“Are you sorry?” I asked, pulling my thong down to right under my ass.
“Yes” he groaned in response.
“How sorry?” I asked, dragging my thong down the rest of my thighs as slowly as I possibly could.
“Very” he grunted.
I let the flimsy material dangle off my right ankle as I parted my legs slowly. The look on his face resembled the look on the face of explorers when they had found El dorado.
“Come show me”.
With permission given, Ten walked over to me with a new sense of vigor. Once he reached me, he grabbed my ankles, pulling me so that my legs were hanging off the bed. He leaned down, keeping my eye contact as he placed a sweet kiss to my clit. I threw my head back against the sheets, letting my hair fuzz up against the cotton as I rutted against his tongue and lips. He let his arms hook under my legs and throw them over his shoulder as he interlocked his hands on my lower stomach. He used his hands to hold me steady as I thrashed around under the heated assault of his tongue.“T-ten” I stuttered, barely finishing his name as I let out a slight whine.
“K-keep going” I stuttered.
He did the exact opposite, coming up from between my legs so that I could watch him run his tongue along the plane of his top lip.
“I will, just not with my tongue”.
He only pushed his briefs down to the middle of his thigh so he could take out his dick. He was rock hard, the tip angry and red. He let the tip brush back and forth against my drenched folds, the heat that he was emanating proving to arouse me further. He rocked back and forth against me in such an unhurried pace that I had absolutely no idea how he was keeping his own needs in check.
“How bad do you want me?” He asked darkly, his eyes staying connected with mine. Ibit my lip, holding my tongue back from uttering the dirty words that I knew he wanted from me. I kept quiet, wanting to see how much longer he could hold out, which turned out to be 2 more agonizing minutes. When he finally pushed the head past my lips, he dropped his head to my shoulder and thrusted the rest of the way in letting out astrangled and low “oh my god”. I let out a choked gasp, grabbing onto his sides beforeletting my head drop back slightly. Ten let his hands lay flat against the surface of the bed, letting his very talented hips speak for themselves.
“You’re just too fucking pretty like this baby” he groaned, letting one hand rest on my hip. I could barely form words, instead opting to grab onto his hips and pull him further onto the bed. Call it jealousy, possessive nature, whatever you want, I just needed to feel all of Ten. I scrambled backward onto the bed until we reached the headboard, grabbing his hips and pulling him forward. His eyes never left my own, still the same dark lust blown gaze from before. He parted my thighs with his hands, taking a moment to enjoy the view as I called for him again. He looked up from beneath his sweaty strands of hair and from the look he gave me right then and there, I knew that I was done for.
“Please” I let the words slip past my lips in a low, sweet tone, hoping it was enough for him to come fuck me.
“There’s my baby” he cooed, before coming over to me and positioning himself right atmy soaking wet entrance.
With no warning, he thrust in, hard. The force of his thrust knocks me against the headboard roughly but I could barely bring myself to care. I heard Ten curse at how my walls felt around him as he gripped the headboard overhead and let his hips roll into mine in the form a body roll, only the lower half of his body moving. He kept his pace steady, causing me to slowly unravel.
“After this, you better have it through your head that I want no other pussy but yours,fuck, got it?” His tone screamed masculine, it was rough, dominating, husky and oh so sexy. 
I watched his body meet mine again and again and again and I could barely keep myself together as I watched the sweat drip down his chest. Leaning forward, I licked the bead of sweat trailing between his pectorals, causing him to let out a very loud groan. I let my hands wander up his sides as I let one of my legs hook around his waist.
“D-don’t do that” he grunted as I pulled him in deeper.
“And w-why not?” I asked, my voice low and breathy as he kept his pace of sensual torture. 
“Because” he accentuated his words with a deep thrust that has his moan intermingling with my own.
“You feel too good baby and I get that deep again, I promise you” he paused to leandown, making sure his words connected with reason as he looked me straight in my eyes.
“I’m not pulling out”
I could barely take his words, my core pulsating with the insane need to make that happen as I wrapped my arms around his back, scraping down the expanse of his shoulders and back with my nails.
“Princess, stop” he warned me.
I didn’t head him; I simply leaned up, catching his lips with my own and swallowing his pleas as I bucked up into him to meet his thrusts. His moans vibrated against my lips and tongue as I explored the wet cavern that was his mouth.
“Baby” he broke away from my kiss for only a second, letting out that low moan of his nickname for me.
“Prince, please” I whined, using his favorite name.
I heard him suck in a breath between clenched teeth, letting his head drop down to my collar bone with a shuddering moan. I felt a smug smirk grace my lips.
“Fuck, that’s it” I groaned, pushing my head back against the pillows as I arched up into him. 
“Come on baby, come for me” he pleaded, his voice low and soft as he was tryingto control himself.
His hips sped up quickly, his pelvis brushing up against my swollen clit every single time he dove back in. His name was like an endless mantra on my lips, I said it over and over and over again.
“F-fuck” he stuttered, driving his hips faster into my own.
I barely heard him command me to scream his name as I did just that, the tight coil in my stomach finally snapping as I came. The pleasure came in white hot waves thatmade their way to every nerve in my body as I arched off the bed. I could hear Ten’smoans becoming more and more frequent and I barely had enough time to wrap my other leg around his waist, effectively trapping him. Leaning up into his ear I whispered: “Come for me.” Ten wasted no time in doing just that, his hips stuttering. With a final, loud moan, he came, the warmth of his seed causing me to let out a few mewls of my own. His heavy breathing mingled with mine as he stilled, allowing me to run my hands through his hair as he rested on top of me.
“You’re not angry at me anymore?” He asked, his voice returning back to its normal,low, soothing tone.
I looked down at him, smiling fondly as I shook my head.
He snuggled closer to me and I smiled, happy to let out all of my pent up aggression. I wrapped my arms around his back, letting him rest against me comfortably.
“Princess?” He called to me.
“Hmm?” I asked, barely conscious enough to form words.
“How much is Plan B again?” He asked.
I felt myself giggling at his joke that was laced with concern.
“I was going to tell you at some point and I guess now is a good a time as any,” he lifted his head, staring up into my eyes.
“I got on birth control about a week ago”.
No sooner than the words left my mouth, his eyes were dark again, his eyebrow raised in slight irritation.
“An entire week?” He questioned.
With a sly smile, I nodded.
“So you mean to tell me I could have been fucking you raw for an entire week?” He asked incredulously.
I barely had time to giggle at his astonishment before I was flipped over onto my stomach quickly.
“Ten, what are you-“
With a harsh smack to my ass, I was silenced, a slight whine leaving my lips.
“Birth control or not, after I’m done with you tonight, you’re definitely going to be pregnant” He whispered, kissing the shell of my ear.
“So do me a favor and arch for me”.
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tuwam · 6 years
'care to dance?’
this was new. 
mina’s had propositions before. from several patrons from different walks of life. because that’s the type of people she gets at the bar. people affiliated and people just wandering. it comes with the territory and it’s one of the reasons she chose the location. to remain knowledgeable but out the loop. just enough to know when people were getting too close and to know how close she needed to be to stay safe. it was an easy persona to maintain.
she just had to be as poised as her mother taught her, as ruthless as kae’s taught her. and she’s had her slip-ups, all when she first started the bar. slip-ups that were easy to rectify, the only real one being when she let hanbyul in - being the one slip-up she doesn’t regret. the one she’s quite thankful for. she had to keep her patrons at a distance, remain the quiet, collected hostess of the bar. if anyone had ideas they would shoot them down on their own. her reputation was one of respect and revere. 
and she enjoyed it, despite the many times kae would often ask if it was lonely. if she was lonely. mina has thought of the word in a while, what it means and whether it applies to her. if shes not with hanbyul she’s with customers. if she’s not with customers lion is at her side and occasionally, minjae will pop by. his wide array of friends, tk and his acquaintances. she’s finding her circle is widening and she doesn’t have the means to stop it.
she doesn’t mind.
but she doesn’t think of the nights when it’s a little too empty in the bar. when the piano plays a melody that’s too solemn - too fitting for winter and for her heart.
because often times, mina forgets that she has that kind of heart. that she can be like this - lonely and yearning.
it’s when she forgets that things get a little dangerous.
because the man at the counter is new. she’s never seen him before that’s for sure and he must not know about her, that’s why he asks. because he looks, not naive, but uncharacteristically confident. and he’s handsome - so she supposes it fits. though she doesn’t let it catch her off-guard.
“you know how to dance to this?”
because the piano is solemn and a little old-fashioned. just how she likes it really. 
‘you don’t?’
the attitude isn’t new, but perhaps it’s that he’s been given the chance to show it. perhaps it’s because it’s winter and she really should be wearing something over her dress but she isn’t.
“i don’t dance with customers.” she returns to cleaning, closing creeping up as the bar becomes empty. her hands are halfway around the glass when the glass he’d been twirling in her palm falls into her line of sight.
‘consider me a traveler. do I get a dance then?’ a pull of her brow and mina’s setting the glass down and lifting the very glass he’d laid down up. bourbon, a little expensive for these parts. uncommon. bold. she twirls it until the light of the bar catches on the block of ice and around the rim. until she catches that twinkle in his eye, the determination. “you’re persistent.” ‘you’re intriguing.’
something, call it that same intrigue - prompts her to move from behind the counter. his hand is held out the moment she reaches his side. skeptical but caught in the haze of the night, she takes his hand, allows herself to be led to the main floor. without fuss, without regret. because the minute they’re dancing mina’s remembering all she thought she hated. the joy in it really, how easily the skills return to her. because there used to be a lot of this, pageants and lessons until her feet grew defiant. 
not now because he’s moving with her in sync and a little too easy to match. her, a little too easy to twirl and allow him to spin in and out. to allow his arms to fasten around her - for a second that feels like eternity. for her skin to miss like it’s been yearning for years.
and maybe it has.
maybe she’s never noticed.
she does notice that he’s a good dancer. that his posture’s too on point for a wanderer. his skill’s a little too particular for this side of town. but each time his hands close on her shoulders, she can’t care. she can only fall to the rhythm, to the compliments he gives between the music.
because what was to be a push and pull has become a melt and fold.
and mina doesn’t notice. how her head spins, how her perception swims through.
until there’s a bark.
lion’s bouncing around someone’s feet and that’s strange she didn’t remember lion leaving her side. but lion’s reaching for something, jumping at someone’s trousers. and it’s hanbyul. and she hadn’t noticed he came in. hadn’t noticed he made his way over until he’s holding his hands out, gaze taking on something familiar. but she’s too dizzy, too lost in everything that it only becomes strange. not alarming but strange.
‘mind if i interrupt?’
strange-er. because hanbyul doesn’t dance? because mina can’t recall if he does. can’t recall if she actually let go or if hanbyul simply took her hand. can’t recall anything but hanbyul’s feet, clumsy but getting a hang of the rhythm and making her laugh as she usually does. not the shy laugh from earlier, but simple. easy. her.
‘until next time? minhee?’
strange because even as she bows, mid-laugh into hanbyul keeping rhythm and doing a surprisingly good job - something’s odd.
‘who’s minhee?’ hanbyul asks after they’ve slowed down. after he’s got the rhythm and moves down even better. after lion has settled and the stranger is gone. the question makes her stiffen in a way she can’t remember. in a way that’s too familiar. so familiar that he almost stops moving, but that look is back. concerned, suspicious. “what?” ‘he called you minhee? that a nickname?’
because she doesn’t remember telling him her name.
“it’s - it’s my name.”
and hanbyul must realize the importance. because he doesn’t stop dancing lest everything fade and she get sucked into the reality again, and the worry. 
he keeps moving, mina keeps holding.
and tries to act like she hasn’t lost anything.
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