#//I calculate that (in my AUs) a ring is about 50cents
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Type: Character Progression/Fluff. Universe: Sandstorm Location: Bless & Node's House
Node shuffled as they tried to go about making a bowl of cereal. They'd been on a Cinnamon Toast Crunch binge again- a treat from their childhood, though it did nothing to ease their nerves. They knew what they wanted to say- what they wanted to ask- when Bless would inevitably arrive home.
That was when they heard their phone ding. A lightly cream-colored ear twitched to the noise- picking it up from the counter, and nearly spilling the milk. They caught it just in time- dropping their phone on the counter with a heavy CLACK. Node let out a breath, trying to put the milk back with as much care as they could manage- before picking up the phone.
[Bless] [Be home in two minutes!]
They didn't have the time to really figure out any further. Their fingers were cold as ice from the nerves, hazel hues stuck on the door. They were so afraid. What if he hated this change? What if he wanted to leave them over it? He'd known them since they were fourteen. The two had lived through their teenage years together, and now that they were both young adults, Node was feeling like they could finally explore their own sense of self.
There was a burst of wind- and a blur of blue, followed by laughter.
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"Heya, Nodesy~! Guess I was a bit faster than I expected!" He shook himself- getting a few specks of snow to fall, which quickly melted the moment they touched the floor. The hedgehog was still wearing his uniform- if one could call it that. A vest of dark blue with a single white stripe across the pecs, unzipped, and an empty brown sack hanging by his hip. "What's u..p...?" He paused, emerald hues landing on the fox.
They couldn't bring themself to pour the cereal.
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"....Bless,....Sonic..." They couldn't meet his gaze. Their eyes fell to the empty porcelain bowl- hearing the tap of shoes on the floor, unwilling to look up. "...I've been thinking..."
A gloved hand settled over their's. They couldn't let go of the milk, now- the cold of the carton was sinking into the edges of their fur, the condensation wetting their pads.
"...yeah?" There wasn't a hint of anything malicious in his tone- just an open floor. An open floor Node was so hesitant to take,...but...
"...I'mma try t'...save up for top surgery..." Their voice could barely be considered a mumble. There was no change in the pressure on their hand. They tried to pull away from the carton- the hand fell away. Another came up to rest on their shoulder. Node took in a silent breath. Please don't hate me. Their eyes closed- head raising, opening...
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"...we're gonna save up." A small smile crossed the hedgehog's face. Node could feel the anxiety in their chest, whirling like a hurricane. Goodbye to their cereal, they felt like throwing up. "...I'm glad you were comfortable enough to tell me, Node." Node blinked- feeling tears from the anxiety, from the fear, well up in their eyes.
"Y-you don't...you don't hate me?- You don't...?"
"Mind?" Bless squeezed their shoulder- that smile of his brightening. "Nodesy, you were willing to tell me.- And, it'll make you feel more comfortable in your own body. I don't mind at all. Hell, I'm happy for ya."
"You...but wouldn't you miss- y'know- my-...chest-?" Node was stumbling over their own words, now. Bless actually chuckled at that, nuzzling his nose against their cheek.
"If you don't want them, then no, I won't miss them at all." Emerald hues flickered open, head pulling back to look them dead in the eye. "You're perfect to me.- N' you'll still be perfect after." He pecked their cheek. "...now, how much've we got to save up?"
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"....98,000 rings..."
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