#//Hhhhhh Darius has a /lot/ of reasons to not go home to Esverr
mando-of-esverr ยท 4 months
๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘ฆ want to hear Darius talk about both of his families
Darius leaned back in his seat, his expression softening behind the mirrored visor of his helmet.
"Heh, as many know, all Mandalorians can trace their heritage to Mandalor," he said, running his finger along the rim of his mug. "And for me, it's more true than most. My buir, Tajur Jiang, is a True Mandalorian, son of one of the original Cuy'val Dar who trained the Clones in the Clone wars. He has true roots in Mandalor and as a Mandalorian, and through him, so do I. It's an honor that I strive to live up to."
Darius paused and lifted his hand from his ale mug. "But... as well as being Mandalorian, I'm... also Esverran. My first homeworld was Esverr, one of the most beautiful places in the whole of Core Space. If you were force-sensitive, I tell you, you could hear the planet sing in the symphony of the galaxy."
He sounded almost wistful before turning his attention back on his mug. "My Father was one of those force sensitives, commonly known as Videre down there, specialized skillsmen and women trained to use their abilities to help and protect the people around them. He was an incredible man, stern and upright, but not cruel in his teachings, though some people said he kept a silver chrono where his heart should be.
"My mother was different, a complementary match to my father, and he loved her. If anyone had any doubt whether my father had a heart, my uncle Sebastipole, my father's trueman brother, would point them to my mother and say, 'there she is, Baribus's heart, and heaven help you if anything happens to her.'"
He gave a soft chuff. "That's not even mentioning my two older brothers. Though... I don't know if they're still around after the purge and all.... Rumor has it that all those with native blood, ah, force sensitive blood, were either killed or conscripted into a bastardized Imperial version of the Videre to be sent out to do the Emperor's bidding..."
Darius paused and rested his hand on his lap. "And with how my family goes... I wouldn't be surprised if it's the former..."
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