#//Harper's first encounter with a shambler?!?!
shctsfired · 3 months
Storm's a brewin'
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With a horrible and unpredictable storm brewing outside, Harper had slipped into a broken building window, seeking shelter. Normally weather wasn't a big issue, but she found that the storms became increasingly worse the further south she seemed to travel. With the approach of summer, the humidity was adding to an already unstable atmosphere. Despite whatever was causing the storms, she seemed to be safe for now. 
That notion was quickly dashed as thunder roared outside, causing the groans and moans to stir to life. Slowly, her gaze traveled upward toward the ceiling as she heard the faint noise of clickers upstairs. "Fuck.." She hissed to herself before looking back to the broken window. She could go back out the window and risk the storm but- CREAK. In one swift motion, Harper pulled her pistol and turned only to find nothing there. She scanned the room before making her way into the dark hall. As she approached the living room, she could see something in the darkness stumbling around. She squinted, trying to get a clear glimpse, but as it stood up, her mouth dropped. Before she could give away her position, a hand covered her mouth as she was yanked into a side room. The hand was held over her mouth for a moment to ensure she didn't scream before pulling away. 
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She stumbled back to find another survivor; normally in situations like this she would shoot first, but they did pull her out of that monster's view. Perhaps, they were friendly? More than likely, they just didn't want her making noise. 
After a moment of silence, she looked back at the other, breath heavy. "How is it you're not scared? What the fuck is that thing?" She whispered out, jumping slightly from its groans. She knew one thing, it was almost the size of a bloater, but that wasn't a bloater. 
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