#//Either by accident or on puspose
alastors-radioshow · 1 year
A low, crackling chuckle from the darkness, echoing footsteps across marble floors. The air was thick and heavy, static floating about from an indistinguishable source. Soon enough, a pair of glowing orbs of crimson could be spotted as the sound of footsteps drew nearer.
Clack. Clack. Clack.
The light soon revealed the figure in question. A tall, slender man with crimson orbs and razor sharp teeth, bared in a wicked, everlasting grin. Dapperly dressed in a red dress shirt, black bowtie, and a red, pinstriped coat that was fitted to his slender frame. Maroon dress pants continued the theme of red, a pair of black spectator shoes covering his feet. To top it all off, he wore a monocle with red-tinted glass. Certainly a stylish fellow. But he was anything but human. 
Those eyes. Those teeth. That unnerving grin. 
Not to mention those sharp, crimson claws that adorned his long, slender fingers. Those fiery, dual-toned locks that framed his narrow, well built face. And.. The deer-like ears, with a pair of black antlers protruding from his skull. 
As he approached, his chipper voice cut through the thick silence, laced with static as if it emitted from an old radio. 
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“Summoning overlords can be rather dangerous, dear~ I certainly hope that your bargain will be worth my while~”
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