#//But what about STOLAS; who immediately LEFT and refused to hear Blitzø out when he tried to explain/understand whatthe confession was abt
helliixns · 5 days
@thenextchapterbegins replied to your post:
It needs to happen however im bog fear that will never happen and they’ continue to just paint blitz as the sole factor
Unfortunately yeeahhh
#thenextchapterbegins#;mun has spoken#//We’ve been getting LOTS of ‘Blitzø is the problem’#//And ‘Blitzø is a callous jackass who avoids feelings’#//But what about STOLAS; who immediately LEFT and refused to hear Blitzø out when he tried to explain/understand whatthe confession was abt#//Like#//Stolas preaches a lot abt wanting Blitzø to understand him; but doesn’t give HIM that same chance#//Did he ever wonder WHY Blitzø didn’t immediately think it was serious or WHY it was ‘always about sex’???#//Its all smth they could EASILY resolve starting with a good open convo#//But they are both V avoidant of difficult feelings; Stols shutting down/shutting out & Blitz being v confrontational#//Which ironically is exactly what they respectively DONT need to be faced with#//Its easy to put the blame on Blitzø bc he is so OBVIOUS with his flaws/unpleasantness#//Meanwhile Stols is painted as UwU sad birb boi bc he is seen as much more reticent and closed when it comes to the tough stuff#//I get it tho; Blitzø’s own traumas are NO excuse for the way he’s treated Stolas and his feelings. but neither are Stolas’#//Stolas should NOT get a free pass to avoid talking abt important things bc of past trauma#//I mean that specifically from the Full Moon; Blitzø waaas a bit TOO pushy this ep#//Bc THAT whole ordeal could have had less of a meltdown if Stolas hadn’t immediately tried to run away from Blitzø the INSTANT he#thiught he got rejected/had his feelings hurt. yeah; Blitzø coulda had more TACT#//But Stols up and deciding THAT is that and giving Blitzø ZERO chance to process ANYTHING much less explain himself was no good either#//Its no WONDER Blitzø got upset; he felt disregarded!#//OFC he’d feel treated like a toy!#//HECK; this became another ramble my bad lmao#//tldr; I agree with you; Blitz is just taking fall after fall rn. but I will still HOPE Stols can get a realization too
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