#//Bonus if they didn’t get along at first so this just heckin changes EVERYTHING
dutybcrne · 2 months
Soulmate au where you can see colors upon touch your soulmate for the first time, but angst
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natsumiheart · 6 years
100 reasons why I (personally) OTP Oumasai:
Warning: this is an extremely long post.
1. In the beginning of the game Shuichi normally didn't talk much during introductions, let alone be the one to start talking without being addressed to, but when Kokichi revealed his ultimate, he actually got curious and jumped in asking about his organization.
2. It is proven that he really was interested in it as he asks about it later in Kokichi's free time events.
3. Kokichi was interested in Shuichi at first because he was a detective and he wanted to see if he can see through his lies, but then got attached to him because "he couldn't figure him out".
4. Kokichi was probably amused by how nice he was to him (by actually approaching him and hanging out with him) compared to the others.
5. In chapter 2 Shuichi woke up to find Kokichi above him, saying that he's glad he's finally awake (makes me wonder if he got worried when Gonta came in with an unconscious Shuichi, and if he stayed by his side the whole time).
6. At multiple points in the game, Shuichi actually comments on how innocent Kokichi looks compared to his words, saying he can't get mad at him because he looks like he means no malice, then says "but that might just be another lie..."
7. During the free time events, Kokichi literally plays 100 rounds of Rock Paper Scissors with Shuichi because he wants to show him that he actually does not want him to die or to hurt him in general.
8. And probably because he genuinely has fun hanging out with him, even if it means playing the same game 100 times and getting the same result on purpose (and Shuichi did not stop either!)
9. The freaking fact that he hurt himself on purpose to lose and let Shuichi "win".
11. The fact Kokichi was laughing "like he was having the time of his life" (as Shuichi said) the whole time Shuichi was taking care of him.
12. "I stole your heart so now I'm satisfied!"
13. The persona freakin vibes, the detective Conan freakin vibes. THE PHANTOM THIEF AU.
15. The fact that Kokichi's free time events were one big scheme to make Shuichi think about him.
16. When Kaede hung out with Kokichi, she got pissed in the end and the FTE ended with a warning from Kokichi. But with Shuichi, it ended with such a heartwarming note because Shuichi was patient with him and actually cared for him and worried about him.
17. Kokichi called Kaede and Rantaro his beloved once in chapter 1 after they were dead, but called Shuichi his beloved from chapter 2 onwards in front of him.
19. Shuichi is the only one, and I repeat the only one who thinks twice about Kokichi's lies. And I quote him saying multiple times "he's lying about lying..."
20. Whenever Kokichi has evidence the one he always reaches out to is Shuichi. During trials and investigations.
21. Shuichi is onto him during the trials and acknowledges how much of a help he is. One time he said "maybe I should thank him later" but then backtracked.
22. In chapter 4 Kokichi referred to Shuichi with the phrase "Suki ni natta hito" "the person I fell in love with" while alone. and it's not even a bonus scene or event, the line is 100% canon and the player will come across it no matter what.
24. But how does he do that? By trash talking the hell out of Shuichi's best friend in front of him, because he knows what pisses Shuichi off. Kokichi is not stupid, if he truly wanted Shuichi to trust him he wouldn't trash talk his friend. A part of him must have wanted Shuichi to be his ally, but it wasn’t possible after he told him to stop hanging around Kaito.
25.  His clinginess in chapter 4 was probably him trying to make use of the time he has left with Shuichi before it all crashes down. That’s why he talked to him after the murder has happened. He realized he didn’t want Shuichi questioning his actions.
26.  His worried face when he said he would cry if something happened to his Saihara chan.
27. The fact that their relationship wouldn’t be so pure because of the love hotel-
28. Kokichi was constantly worried about Kaito influencing Shuichi negatively and tried to drop him hints multiple times that sometimes believing in each other and working together might get them all killed.
29. The fact Kokichi freaking called Shuichi the Japanese sweet "Shumai" just like Kaito calls Maki "Harumaki" IS REALLY HECKIN ADORABLE AND VALID.
30. It just seems like they are both very interested in each other. Like they are each other's puzzle. They want to know more about each other.
31. And honestly, their relationship is just so very cute.
32. Kokichi's interest in Shuichi, says a lot about him.
33. And let's talk about something... Kokichi has always been treated like shit in the killing game by his friends. No one trusted him, everyone turned on him when Rantaro accused him of wanting to play the killing game because he suggested not doing the death road of despair. And he took all the blame to stop Kaede from basically torturing everyone by forcing them to try again and again. And he always brushed it off whenever they said anything mean to him. So why do you think he had such a strong reaction (for someone like Kokichi) when Shuichi said "you're alone and you always will be"?
34. Kokichi had planned to make Shuichi hate him cause he was planning to impersonate the mastermind, he needed to cut his ties with everyone. So when he did so with Shuichi, and with his best friend and probably the only person he can trust in the killing game getting killed. It became too much for him so he booked it out. Ah the angst.
35. Later in the game, Shuichi calls Kokichi his friend. And want do friends do? Stay by each other's side.
36. And then the salmon team ending comes along and wraps it all by making the ending theme "staying by each other's side"
37. "you want to know more about me right? Then you should stay by my side." "Kokichi's right... I want to know more about him."
38. In the ending of the FTE's Shuichi says "I reach out my hand to Kokichi, but he doesn't take it" but then at the end of the salmon team ending he says "I reach out and grasp the hand reached out to me"
39. "Kokichi can lie about a lot of things, but he can't lie about the warmth of his hand."
41. "Maybe you and I were lovers in a past life!"
42. Pregame👏oumasai👏is👏beautiful👏 (when people don't make it abusive holy shit yall need Jesus)
44. Kokichi saw Shuichi as himself in the love hotel, his ideal version of Shuichi is Shuichi himself, NO CHANGES.
45. And the game makes it pretty clear that he saw HIS beloved, by all the connections between stuff he said in the hotel and stuff he said out of the hotel.
46. In chapter 3 if you decide to talk to Kokichi before checking in on Kaito, There is a really interesting conversation between them. Kokichi saying he would rather have Kaede come back to life because it would make Shuichi happy.
47. He also says that he loves Shuichi and is always thinking about him, but then he says its a lie. But the funny thing is, in the love hotel he actually says the exact same thing- and he has no control over the love hotel, everything there is g e n u i n e.
48. Kokichi's love hotel scene had the most voiced lines, I wonder why? 👀
49. Kokichi literally pushed Shuichi onto a bed, in a freaking love hotel.
50. "that means, you can do anything you want to me, and that's the truth"
51. The thing that makes Kokichi's love hotel the most interesting isn't only because he literally was with the person he was in love with, but it's also because it is implied that Kokichi is playing Shuichi's ideal instead.
53. "I caught myself wishing he would stay before I smothered the thought"
54. Kokichi has a hard time trusting people but had Shuichi labeled as "trustworthy?" on the whiteboard in his room.
55. His "will" was literally directed towards Shuichi, even Maki knew because she went to Shuichi and gave it to him saying "I think this is for you".
56. Shuichi was the one to clear Kokichi's name from ultimate despair.
57. He seemed really interested in what was going through Kokichi's head the entire game.
58. The fact that Kokichi helped Shuichi so much, with literally ending the game even after he's dead.
59. They would make an amazing investigation team together....
60. Their interactions in the drv3 comic anthology are really freaking precious.
61. They feel valid but not forced at the same time. Just showing that they get along really well, without any repetition.
62. The fact that the comic anthology confirmed that Shuichi tries to calm Kokichi down whenever he's fake crying even though he knows it's fake...
63. It reminds me of how in the game he stated multiple times "maybe I should make sure he's alright"
64. And that one section that focused on Shuichi and Kokichi, where Shuichi was trying to use a lie detector that Miu made to know when Kokichi is lying.
65. Kokichi let him use it on him for a while until Shuichi asked about the organization to get information XD
66. That just shows again how Shuichi is interested in Kokichi and his organization and wants to figure him out. The same way Kokichi finds him tricky and wants to figure HIM out.
67. They look really good together! The height difference for example! Its legit perfect, not too much and not too low.
68.  Kokichi wearing mostly white while Shuichi wears mostly black. and that’s a bit interesting cause normally white is given to represent the pure and helpful characters while black is normally given to represent the dark “evil” characters. but here Kokichi who is trusted by no one and paints himself as the bad guy is wearing white, and Shuichi who everyone blindly believes in and trust is wearing black, makes you think, doesn’t it?
69.  The dark blue and purple aesthetic...
70. Their characters are meant to parallel each other with the truth and lies theme, and the game makes that very clear to the player. but sometimes they step in each others territory, where Shuichi has to lie at least once in every trial to progress, and Kokichi hiding a lot of truths in his lies to make everyone confused and not trust him. to me this dynamic between them is very interesting.
71. The fanfictions and fanart are adorable fight me, some people can write their relationship so freakin well? What are you people???? Gods?? Because it sure seems like it.
72. It has the right amount of angst and fluff for a ship, it has everything I've wanted in a ship, I love it.
73. The thief and the detective... Lies and truths... Good shit.
74. Kokichi looks really freaking adorable in Shuichi's hat y'all.
75. Just imagine dice getting in trouble with the police and Shuichi finding a way to bail them out, since they trust the detective.
77. "What should I do... If I wanna become closer to Shuichi... I probably shouldn't lie so much..."
78. When Shuichi said he will get to tolerate his lying Kokichi felt guilty at first with his despair sprite being shown.
79. But then got happy when he realized that meant that Shuichi will accept him for who he is. And when he saw that Shuichi understands him and can see through his lies anyway.
80. "Maybe I was born into this world just to meet you, Shuichi."
81. During Kokichi's FTE's they were playing games and spending time together right? Like the time they drank tea XD well during the love hotel Kokichi says "come, play with me, let's do a lot more together" and "I'll think of a better game for next time, so make sure you excite me too". Aka: Kokichi just told us his true feelings.
82. "I'm so glad I met someone who can truly understand me"
83. The fact that Kokichi is like a cat that constantly wants attention and keeps flirting with his beloved, notice me Saihara chan.
84. THEIR JP VOICES GO ALONG REALLY WELL TOGETHER WTF. I’ve also come to appreciate how Kokichi has the deeper voice in jp with Shuichi with the feminine lighter voice. but it’s the opposite in English.
85. It's kinda funny how Shuichi keeps trying to figure him out while Kokichi just keeps flirting with him 😂 probably making him even more confused.
86. To Kokichi who could predict everything, Shuichi's unpredictability fascinated him to the point he fell in love with him.
87. Unlike everyone, Shuichi is patient with Kokichi, but not too patient. He is the exact person Kokichi needs.
88. And it makes total sense why a trickster fell in love with a sweet detective.
89. "and I wanted your eyes to be on me..."
90. Kokichi deserves someone who would love him for being himself and its shown that Shuichi did fall for him in the salmon team.
92. Shuichi👏wants👏to👏know👏more👏about👏Kokichi👏
93. Kokichi👏wants👏to👏be👏Shuichi's👏everything👏
94. this is completely personal but I started off the game being confused about the ship, and became a hardcore supporter by the end of it. Which means its a heckin good ship if you ask me.
95. Pretty sure Shuichi is one of the only reasons for Kokichi to genuinely smile in a killing game.
96. This ship can make me cry from sadness because of the sad videos, or from happiness from fluffy fanfictions and fanart.
97. Kokichi is completely in love and is enamored by Shuichi it hurts. His love for Shuichi is valid, so freaking valid, 100% valid, more valid than my existence.
98. I love the bonus interactions between them hidden throughout the chapters, like the one where Kokichi tells Shuichi that everything he does is for everyone. It seems that he is only honest with Shuichi, but of course hides it as a lie.
99. Kokichi wanted Shuichi to join his organization, and called him interesting multiple times. Which is really important coming from someone like Kokichi who wasn't fond of most of the people in the killing game. 
100. Their relationship is very realistic, it is focused on how two characters try their best to understand each other, how even someone like Kokichi can come to trust in someone and want someone to trust in him, how he wants that someone to be able to understand him. Kokichi went from being interested in Shuichi to falling in love with him (literally referring to him as the person he fell in love with, using the same phrase that Maki says to Kaito later on), in a freaking killing game. he forced himself to cut their ties and died thinking the only person he cared about hated him. while Shuichi started off interested but wary of Kokichi, tried reaching out to him but failed due to Kokichi pushing him away, to getting mad from him for making Gonta a murderer and trash talking Kaito when he seemed in a really bad condition (after getting punched by Kokichi too) to hitting cold hard realization to what Kokichi has been trying to do the whole game after his death. and then appreciating his help, using the clues he left behind for him, clearing his name, calling him a friend, and grieving his death with the rest of his friends who died in the killing game. He then uses everything Kokichi gave to him and taught him, ends up understanding Kokichi and his lies, and uses the tactic he taught him where he said “sometimes you win a game by not playing it” to end danganronpa. then you’re left wondering how things could’ve been different if Shuichi didn’t already have so much on his back and tried harder to reach out to Kokichi. you start wondering what could’ve happened if Kokichi didn’t push him away, you start thinking about all these possibilities. and then salmon team comes along and wraps everything up with a ribbon. putting direct throwbacks to what happened in the killing game and the free time events, Kokichi BEING the one to reach out to Shuichi, asking him to stay by his side. Their relationship is like one huge arc that starts the moment they met to their graduation in salmon team, and it leaves you with the fact that after they graduate they will stay together and learn more about each other, just like both of them wanted but couldn’t do in the killing game. if this isn’t a beautiful realistic relationship, I don’t know what is. Honestly, everything about this ship is so very beautiful, and I will support it with my life.
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