#//-I see the opportunity to infodump about Mega Man and I go feral
tocontinue · 2 years
Start the new year off creative! Take this as a chance to ramble off some headcanons about your muse and their world!
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//-Was honestly wondering how to do this, cause honestly? I'm not a super headcanon-y writer. I really like working with established canon, and only really tend to deviate from it if I think it's, like, poorly written, which I don't think applies much to the Classic series, imho. Buuuuuut, lore is also super inconsistent, so... I'm taking this opportunity to ramble about where I pull specific ideas and concepts. Which I suppose is technically a headcanon. I'm rambling and I haven't even started yet AKJBCJKASX
//-There's a lot of noncanon Mega Man stuff. I haven't played most of them (I'm not playing Mega Man DOS, I'm sorry), but I've been on my wiki deep dives and read enough. While mostly inspired by what Flynn pulled from for Archie, there's a few games I consider canon to the Rock here, namely:
-Super Adventure Rockman -BOTH Mega Man & Bass titles (there's a surprisingly non-zero amount of references to MM&B2 in MMZXA, plus it was briefly alluded to in Archie, so I'm counting it. It's also a fun story) -MMV on the gameboy
//-That said, a lot of stuff like, say, Rockman Strategy isn't canon. Not yet, at least. The first 4 GB games (though Quint is. Don't ask, I still haven't figured out the specifics KASJBCJKSX). Both DOS games (the second of which is named Mega Man 3 for some reason). Not everything fits or is something I'm eager to work with. Strategy was weird, the GB games were kinda redundant until V, and DOS.
//-Powered Up isn't canon at all, Archie's take on that is the canon to this blog. I despise Powered Up's story AKSJBCKASX
//-I use Archie a lot to fill in the gaps; I think the Classic series has much richer lore than most give it credit for, but the games themselves are usually still pretty light on any fluff. Even the more story-driven ones, like 7, 8, and 11. THAT SAID, I tend to prioritize game canon over Archie canon, and they can conflict a lot more than you'd think.
//-The most glaring one is the backstory of Light and Wily (though that one wasn't Flynn's fault; the games didn't even touch on that until 11, well after Archie was cancelled "placed on indefinite hiatus"). I consider 11's backstory to be canon; the one where Wily walked out WELL before the construction of even Blues, much less Rock and Roll. Wily's involvement in (or overseeing of, since he'd lost his license by then) their construction didn't play much into anything that happened in Archie anyways, so it's not a huge loss.
//-And this one's petty, but it always bothered me that Rock has the charged shot from stage 1 in Archie. I maintain the canon that he didn't get that until MM4 on this blog, if that were to literally ever show up for whatever reason.
//-Flynn's weird obsession with having the Robot Masters date and have crushes on each other is largely disregarded to me as well. This one's a point of contention among the community at large, but I operate under the opinion that RMs under the same creator are related in some way. So does Archie, but only sometimes. It's confusing and genuinely the only real black mark on the comics.
//-That's all I can really think about at the moment, at least. I used to have a HC that Rock could only hold a certain amount of weapon data normally? But I've kinda disregarded that. I dunno.
//-I love talking Mega Man lore, so if there's any more questions, hit me up? Eyes emoji?
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