#// this cinderella experience doesn’t end at midnight isis lolol
shachou · 3 months
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@tanabaa asked: ❝ i didn't lie, i simply presented a selective truth. ❞ / from tanabaa :)))
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❛  So you resorted to manipulation. And you still dare to act as if you have the moral high ground over me.  ❜ A scoff was immediately given in response, irritation visible in the way his arms crossed over his chest. Of course, she couldn't possibly have anything of interest to discuss with him. If truth be told, he suspected this was the case the moment he had received her phone call, requesting for them to meet. The adjective 'important' had been used, along with a brief explanation that she had something she needed to give him, but she hadn't provided further details. This was hardly out of the ordinary. After all, it wouldn't be her if she wasn't being annoyingly cryptic.
Of course, now he knew why she had remained secretive of her motives. Surely she was aware there was no way he would have taken time out of his day to meet with her for this.
Of all possible scenarios, this one he had not even considered. Never mind the fact that he had never envisioned ever meeting her in such a casual place as a café. But what truly made this meeting ridiculous was what she had just placed on the table. The dress and matching accessories she had worn to the event she recently accompanied him to, neatly tucked inside a black bag. The mere sight of it made his eyes narrow. She better not have made him come here for a dress.
❛  Keep it. Given your outdated choices, I'm sure your wardrobe will appreciate the change.  ❜ He hadn't provided her with options that fitted the dress code expecting her to return them after the event was over. It wasn't generosity, but the simple fact that he had no use for any of these items. ❛  Is that all or are there any other 'selective truths' I should know about ?  ❜ Sarcasm latched on to his every word.
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