#// the achievement unlocked: almost died video but it stars deacon
openensos · 5 years
“Your brow’s furrowed enough to wash a shirt on, Mister Woods.” 
Deacon likes Bailey. 
It seems he really only likes harassing her; coming dangerously close to outing her in front of others at every opportunity, baying at a nonexistent moon to hype the youngers up knowing she’ll have to soothe them, stealing her harmonica to hide in places. This was all how friendship and good tidings were expressed where he came from, backwards as it was. Bailey would certainly hold her own in his band and that was something to admire. 
Joining her at the rail to watch the sun dipping in the sky, throwing reds and oranges over the chunks of ice mottling the water, he notes her posture and her expression. A wiser man would keep his distance and find a roundabout way to ask what’s up. But his clan wasn’t known for their forethought.  
He takes a step closer to her so there’s hardness pressing into her right hip, a mirthful smile unbalancing the levelness of his previous, innocent one. “‘s lucky, ya know.” His eyetooth is on display as he keeps looking out over the horizon line, knowing very well she could send him spinning into the waters below with an errant backhand. Before she can raise a hand to do this (because chances are, she will), he reveals the source. A worn horseshoe in his hand. He can speak more candidly - in a rare moment, it’s just them out on deck. “From me own clan. Can use a slew’a them. To weigh you down in the water. Use to dive fer ‘em when we were little in the shallows. Get our sea lungs good and strong.” 
He smirks at her, tapping the shoe on the railing, contemplating for a while. Finally, the shoe is extended towards her. “Keep it. Got three others. If worst comes to worst you can shove it down your pants to keep these boys none the wiser, eh?” 
He sighs and grows pensive, eyes training back on the horizon. “Gonna need more than luck for this, that’s fer damn.” 
( @feral-alchemy )
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