#// sorry for the wait!!!
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I oryginally wanted to make acomic out of this, but it's gettign quite late and I don't want you to wait for to long
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(this Mikey has not cooked for a long while)
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medi-bee · 2 years
hear me out hear me out:
pebbles and moon wearing artificer and rivulet onesies
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this was such an adorable ask, thank you K-ii-ko!
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weirdraccoon · 7 months
Em-Sea sneaks out at night to go hang out with her besties Sebastian, Ominis, Garretth, and Poppy and they all get wasted then she comes home drunk and can’t even get out the chimney.
Would Fig know she left and wait for her kr would he just be sleeping and hear the chimney fires and be like “wtf?” Then come out in a sleeping cap looking like Ebenezer Scrooge like “how the hell is in my chimney?”
Fig wakes up when he hears the chimney. Damn. He had planned on waiting for her awake. Well, no matter, she's home now and he can walk out and pretend he's been waiting all this time.
Except. There was something wrong.
He could hear her grunting? And something dropped and broke on the ground. Oh lord, did she break the floo container? Miriam got it from France!
When he saw her he made a mental note to put the memory on the pensive and leave it for her in the morning.
MC was halfway out the chimney but her legs were trapped on the web she herswlf decides to decorate it with. She was pulling and pushing, her hands covered in ash by then and her movements were dumb and tipsy.
She looked like a trapped fish. A mermaid, maybe. And, most uncommon, her hair was undone and falling all over her face, making her looked more like a drowned dog.
"Well, hope you had fun," Fig muttered.
All he got was a giggle.
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snowdaisied · 4 months
"Please, think nothing of it."
The other woman insists on doing something for Jill as thanks for fixing her skirt, but she shakes her head. She closes her miniature sewing kit (a gift from Clive, who wanted to see her continue her interest), looks to the blonde with a warm smile.
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"I'm just glad I was able to help. Your dress is very beautiful."
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lilguydredge · 2 years
*As the Dredge wandered the realms for whatever reason it desired, it found itself being the one who was being watched, as movement from the bushes followed the small dredge. After awhile something emerged from the bushes.. and trips from a root of a nearby tree. A small shadow creature stands up off the ground and shakes itself free from the dirt upon it. The shadow was not much taller than the dredge but held even less characteristic than it. Having an oval shaped body, two legs and two glowing white eyes. The shadow sees the dredge nearby and approaches without caution. The shadow sits down in front of the dredge before suddenly speaking*
"Hello! My name is Simon, Simon speaks for the crows. Are you new friend of Simon's home? Simon has met many new friends, but friend is different from other friends. Simon likes all new friends! Friend have name?"
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The little abomination seems excited about a new friend approaching it. With excited gurgles it immediately scooped Simon and ran off… But why?
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Oh! Movie night!
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rypnami · 1 year
hi if you sent a fic request in i swear i've been working on it! i've just been very busy and a difficult time of year is coming up, but i'm working away as best i can~
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pa-stella · 2 years
Sleepy prompt 33 with Hitojaku please?
Title: Sleeping at last Fandom: Hypnosis Mic Pairing: Jakurai/Hitoya Prompt: “Look me in the eyes and tell me what time you went to bed last night.  Or if you went to bed, for that matter.” Content: Established relationship, long-distance relationship.
Papers were scattered all over his desk. The wooden surface was covered in documents, photographs and old letters. The solution, the right tactic to win that case was in front of his eyes and yet Hitoya was struggling to see it. Something was missing. That clue, that detail… the definitive evidence that could help his client. He had spent the last few days trying to weave a perfect strategy with no avail. 
Sighing, Hitoya took a sip from the glass full of whiskey and leaned on the back of the chair.
The loud sound of his phone ringing broke that instant of quiet. He looked at the name on the display before answering. As he opened his mouth to greet his partner, noisy laughter almost deafened him.
“Sensei, are you calling your secret lover??”
“Hifumi! Respect Sensei’s privacy and wait inside!”
“But I’m just…”
A door closing was all Hitoya could hear until Jakurai finally spoke. “I apologise. Hifumi-kun is always so energetic.”
“Nosy, you mean.” 
“Curious is a more fitting word.” Jakurai chuckled. “You should see the banquet he had prepared. He could feed a small village with those delicious dishes.”
“Well, it’s your birthday. You deserve an entire feast, Jakurai.” 
There was a moment of silence between them. Hitoya could feel the smile disappearing from Jakurai’s face.
“I’m sorry for not being there.” Hitoya blurted out, his grip on the glass getting a little tighter. “It’s an important day and I should be there.”
Jakurai took a deep breath before speaking. “Hitoya, I didn’t call you to make you feel miserable. I just wanted to check on you.”
“What do you mean?”
“When you called me today at lunch, you sounded so tired and right now you don’t seem that different.” Jakurai’s voice was distant for a second, a sign he had moved his phone to the other ear. “I understand that it’s essential to close the case you’re working on as soon as possible, but you should focus on your health as well. Have you eaten a proper meal today?”
Taking another sip of whiskey, Hitoya eyed the half eaten dinner left on the desk. “Yes, don’t worry.”
An exasperated sigh came from the other line. Jakurai wasn��t believing him. “Promise me you’ll at least go to bed at a reasonable hour tonight.” His tone was calm, but there was a hint of threat hidden in his words.
“What if I won’t?” Hitoya asked after stifling a yawn. 
Jakurai replied without hesitation. “I’ll come down there and force you to sleep.”
The lawyer let out a tired laughter. “In that case, I’ll give you my present when you come here instead of shipping it.”
“Hitoya.” Another sigh. “The only gift I need is to know that you won’t pull another all-nighter for this case.”
“I…” Hitoya hesitated. He didn’t want to make him worry even more, but lying wasn’t the right thing to do. He wasn’t a good liar anyway. “I can’t promise you that.”
“The case will be easier to face after a night of sle-”
“Your friends are waiting for you, Jakurai. You shouldn’t be on the phone right now.” He interrupted him, trying to escape from yet another advice.
“Fine.” Jakurai’s voice told him they were just pausing that discussion. They’d pick it up  another time. “I’ll send you some pictures of what Hifumi had prepared, ok?”
“Yes, thank you. I can’t wait to see them.” 
A new moment of silence. It was clear Jakurai would have wanted to add something, instead he just whispered a few words. “Good night, Hitoya.”
“Good night and… don’t worry.” He added, already focusing on the papers in front of him.
“I’m afraid that’s impossible.” was the last thing the doctor said before hanging up.
Hitoya was feeling bad for what had just happened. He knew Jakurai was right. He knew he should take a break and think about something else. But still, there was something preventing him from letting go yet. He was sure he was almost there. The solution was close.
Finishing his whiskey in one last sip, he tried to ignore the growing headache and took the nearest document in his hands.
It was almost 9 in the morning when Hitoya finally closed his laptop. The papers he fought with for the entire night were now divided in messy stacks. He might have avoided his bed again, but at least he had been able to create a solid argument for his client. On Monday, he’d just check what he had written one more time and then they could discuss it calmly.
He was moving to the kitchen to put the used glass and cups in the sink when an unexpected ring at the doorbell startled him. It was Saturday morning. The postman usually came every Tuesday. He wasn’t expecting guests. He had warned both Jyushi and Kuko to leave him alone for a few days too. 
Curious, he looked at the intercom screen and almost cursed when he recognized the person waiting to enter the building. He closed his eyes. Maybe he was just too tired and that was a hallucination. He opened them. No. He was still there. Shit. Pushing the button of the main entrance, Hitoya sighed. After opening the door a little, he crossed his arms and waited. He could hear the sound of footsteps. It was still hard to believe he was in Nagoya.
“May I come in?” A deep voice asked.
“What are you, a vampire? Stop asking dumb questions.” Hitoya sighed again and finally walked back to the living room.
“I see you are in a good mood.” 
The lawyer glared at Jakurai as he was taking his shoes off. “Well, I don’t like it when people invite themselves to my home.”
“You didn’t sound that reluctant when I told you I’d come over.” Jakurai chuckled and left a grocery bag on the floor before taking off his coat.
“You came here even before knowing if I actually slept or not. How pretentious.” Hitoya sat down on the leather sofa.
At that, the smile disappeared from Jakurai’s face. He got closer to the other man and tilted his head. “Then… Look me in the eyes and tell me what time you went to bed last night.  Or if you went to bed, for that matter.”
Hitoya stared right at him for a few seconds before moving his eyes away, suddenly in need of a cigarette. He grabbed the packet on the coffee table without replying.
“I knew it.” Jakurai let out a small laughter and lowered a little to place a kiss on the other’s forehead. As he was straightening up, he glanced at the desk. “Was it worth it?”
“Yes, I found what I was searching for.” Hitoya nodded. “Next week I’ll be able to proceed with…” He was trying to light the cigarette in his hands, but Jakurai just took it away. 
“Smoking can wait.” 
“Jakurai, c’mon…”
“Now you just need a long shower and a bed.” Jakurai explained and he forced him to stand up from the sofa. “I’ll wake you up for lunch.”
Letting himself be dragged to the bathroom, Hitoya yawned. “You are just like my mother. No, wait… you’re worse.”
“Of course I am.” Jakurai nodded and looked at him. “I am a doctor.”
“I didn’t know you made house calls, Sensei.” Hitoya joked, starting to get undressed. “This visit is going to cost me a kidney.”
As he was closing the door to leave Hitoya his privacy, Jakurai murmured. “Yesterday you mentioned a gift. That will cover the expense.”
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voidfragments · 1 year
had a thought last night about how hong lu's eye is a source of distress for them and by that logic projmoon has the opportunity to completely recontextualize the candle incident. they probably won't but it could be interesting
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many-sparrows · 5 months
I'm very tired of this "queer college students should stop supporting Palestine, they'd kill you there!" I watched a hijabi ask a trans man, "but what name do you want to go by?" A butch giving a woman their hoodie so that she could keep her hair covered after the cops took her scarf. Muslim girls making sure the lesbian couple got through the system together. Religious men making sure purple haired protestors got out safe. I don't want to hear it. Solidarity forever, free Palestine.
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daincrediblegg · 10 months
You will navigate to the page on disney plus (and it has to be here. Unless someone has actually uploaded the REAL movie anywhere else you cannot get it elsewhere)
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You will scroll down HERE. To EXTRAS instead. You MUST GO HERE. This is non -negotiable
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And you will watch it. And you will thank me for having been so blind and led astray by that stupid fucking mouse. You’re welcome.
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rcsadimare · 2 months
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      "" heya , lynette ! "" navia calls for the other , picking up pace to catch up with her quickly . "" hi ! how have you been ? it's been a while since i last saw you around ! ""
|| @poswiecenia liked for a starter --- lynette !
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mrfandomwars · 3 months
put 5 songs you listen to, post it, then send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers :]
Too Sweet by Hozier
Take Me To Church by Hozier
Monster from Epic The Musical
Done For from Epic The Musical
The Underworld from Epic The Musical
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nipuni · 1 year
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the snake of eden 🥰
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hellspawnmotel · 6 months
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madoka rewatch
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sombracat · 5 months
      perhaps this was the first time lynette had stayed in sumeru for this long , even if for just a few days . there was never much need for her to be on the nation , so more often than not she would only be passing through for a few hours , if that .
   of course , however , the reason for why she finally gets to visit the nation is not for leisurely motives --- a simple mission for the knave , to obtain information , and go back home .
   so there she was , now sitting down across some stranger ( though she takes note of faces she saw people make the moment she sat down , or rather . . . the moment he seemingly allowed her to ) , for there was literally no room left in the cafe the young lady found herself in . thankfully , however , the man she had been following wasn't sitting too far away ; and even with the noise , she could hear him quite well .
   and in her hands , a cup of coffee with milk . she just stares at it , tail swinging behind her ever so slightly , no words at all coming from her . it wasn't her usual first choice of an order , but it felt appropriate --- besides , she had never tried coffee from this nation . perhaps she would like it ? . . . she brings the cup closer , sniffing just a little to know she did enjoy the scent that followed her drink .
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   . . . unfortunately , the flavor ? not so much . almost immediately , she makes a face ; covering her mouth quickly with her napkin as she coughs a little . ah , well , you never know until you try it . and it is enough to make her presence there seem more natural , even if perhaps weird as well .
|| @al-hazen ! It feels like there doesn't need to be much communication between him and this young lady. The cafe is crowded and he's than happy to allot the remaining seat at his two-person table if it means sharing with someone as reserved as he is.
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itscuriosu · 6 months
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my first girlfriend turned into the moon🌕
sokka finally joins my ATLA series! you can view the rest of my atla series below⬇️
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