# some stuff might change but for now this. this is it hehehhweuiohafufe
cryptidships · 3 years
Hi! I like you! [ Shows you my in.side j.ob self insert ]
All you need to know is they used to be a secret agent but after an accident in the field which is why they’re invisible - They were taken out the game and sold put into the exchange programme and now work at Cogn.ito Inc! I’m still working out the reasons they were there but they are and they’re extremely grumpy about it whenever it’s brought up while out of spite, they refuse to get “ cured “ for their invisibility because they want to prove they’re still capable enough to do stuff. Also they’re such a simp for Raegan, Everyone but her picks up on it, much to their dismay because they’re trying so hard to drop hints but too scared to directly say anything - everyone probably makes bets about what they’re gonna do next. Because after that one dating episode, Are you really surprised Also they have some weird LED glasses to help them emote because I thought it would be funny and cool and maybe made by Raegan so they’re like “ these are the most important things to me. ever. “
Hoping to draw cute little ship art later because I do what I want hehehe. Some stuff on my sona may change though depending on how I go about it. 
Sona design plans so far - Might change a bit in future though when it’s more like. Finalized. I just like sharing progress ehbaiuf
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Spoilers below for Ins.ide J.ob episode stuff - I’d recommend it but the show has very adult humour so please make sure to look into it before watching incase somehow it’d make you uncomfortable. Just leaving this as a heads-up :)
Y’know the secret agent guy? Ra.fe Mas.ters? Yeah, They used to be rivals when they were a secret agent. Not saying but I feel they were somehow involved in the accident which made them invisible and they’re super pissy about it. And then when he’s with Raegan? They already know what he’s like so they're already like “ uh oh.... You’re fucked lmao “ and kinda annoyed cause “ why does it have to be him? Why couldn’t it have been anyone BUT him??? “ type vibes. Same thing happens with Brian. Except they were just happy for her, although heart broken. They were just happy she could find someone that made her happy. Until they hear they broke up then they feel bad but also “ yes! haha! I have a chance-”
Rand definitely hates them and when they’re around, he’s glaring daggers into the back of their head and subtly threatening them because no one is getting in the way of his plans. They used to be somewhat trying to make a good impression because he is Raegan’s dad but after a while of his bullshit, they’ve given up because 1) Treats Raegan horribly and that’s not okay and 2) If he’s so hellbent on disliking them, then they’re gonna give them a reason. So now they’re like “ haha... I have no respect for you. Fuck off. “ they’ve totally gotten into a fist fight before at least twice and for obvious reasons: Terry won both
Head of the field agents / stealth department aka recovery / evac people since they have A LOT experience in the field as well as being able to pick good candidates and help train them. Good and dedicated to their job but also maybe a bit too nice cause they constantly check on how everyone’s doing and if they need anything ( within reason ), they’ll get it for them. Probably works closely with Glenn since he's in charge of the arsenal. So they need to be on the same page for stuff, which is obviously hilarious since they’re opposites when it comes to most things. Que arguments and tomfoolery ensuing.
As for “ the Br.ett.fast Club “ episode - I think Brett would be like “ You can be the queer coded friend that has nothing better to do but hang around our house “ and they’re like “ Y’know what, I’ll take it. “- and I’m basing their outfit of the Lo.st Bo.ys because they are both queer coded while also having rocking style okay? It’s also one of my favourite films so fuck you, I’m doing WHAT I want. 
Also is definitely being fucked over by Rand next season. Like, You bet your ass they are SO being tortured at work now because just firing them would be TOO good for them ehuuisehfh. 
0 notes