#// seriously though tysm joey !!!
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reigningrcman-blog · 8 years ago
@topeconhiilo —— ✩
when ur the banana how the tables have turned
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consumedkings-archive · 4 years ago
things you were afraid to say + elliot x john xx
tysm babes!!! i had fun finagling this one a bit--set in a pre-cult (or maybe no cult?) au and with a splash of christmas for the holidays 💖 ~1.7k (i’m sorry it’s so long these two idiots share one brain cell and they use it entirely for talking shit to each other)
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blue, baby ✀ no-cult au
honeyseed + things you were afraid to say
word count: ~1.7k im sorry
warnings: none! just these two fools being themselves
It was exactly the time of year that John Seed liked to come and get in her way.
Elliot was not a woman easily won over, especially after a breakup; these things were gravely permanent to her, sometimes in a fatalistic way that Joey often said was too hard to be constructive anymore. The only exception to the rule had been John Seed—wealthy, spoiled lawyer who spent maybe a little too much time in front of a mirror to be the kind of guy that Elliot usually went for. They had dated on and off non-seriously for a few months, and then “seriously” (which Elliot always put in quotes, because the only person who seemed to take it serious was her) for another six months, followed by a series of get-togethers and break-ups that were instigated by both sides in equal amounts.
So, yes; John Seed was not the kind of man that Elliot usually went for—and this meant that he was the exception to all of her rules, across the board.
His favorite time to come sweeping back in was the holidays. She had her theories as to why; they included, namely, that John would be attending family dinners with his brothers and sister, and couldn’t stand the idea that he’d be showing up alone. He also knew that Elliot’s mother would be hounding her to come and celebrate Christmas at her house—which was fine (“fine”), but made her acutely aware of the parental failings of her absentee father and alcoholic mother.
This was why as soon as Elliot opened the front door of her house and saw John standing there in his stupid turtleneck and dumb fucking shades, and he said, “Hey there, beautiful,” she slammed the door in his face.
Or rather, tried to; John knew her as well as she did him, now, and he jammed one booted foot into the way before the door could get closed. There was that infuriatingly charming, boyish grin on his face. “Was it something I said?”
“More your existence in my space,” Elliot snipped back, narrowing her eyes. “If anyone else stuck their foot in my door they’d be incapacitated.”
“I know,” John said in the way that she hated—because he was right. He did know. “But you wouldn’t do that to me.”
Elliot made a non-committal noise, to leave room for uncertainty. John hesitated, just for a second, and he inched his knee past the door.
“Invite me in, baby, it’s freezing out,” he purred. Elliot hated the way that his voice made her skin prickle with a strange anticipation, a craving. It was why John had become her exception; everything he did, his pet names and the way his hands had to always be on her, reverent, covetous—they were things she had never known that she wanted until John did them, and now if anyone else did those things, they felt cheap. Nothing like the real deal, John had said once, when she’d muttered it into his neck at night.
“What are you, a vampire?” Elliot scoffed. “Use your two grown man legs and walk in yourself.”
“Just trying to be polite.”
She released the pressure she was holding on the door and let him in; a chilly breeze had wafted in, bringing with it some dredges of snow as well, and goosebumps prickled along her skin. John shut the door behind him, shrugging out of his coat, taking a quick glance around the living room. The details of her evening were laid out quite clear; a bottle of wine, a barely-touched bowl of popcorn, the paused Christmas movie on the TV. As soon as he stepped out of his shoes and sidled after her, Boomer barked from his bed in delight. His tail wagged excitedly, but he waited—ever obedient—until Elliot said, “Alright, then,” and he went racing to John.
“Exciting night?” John asked casually, knelt down to rub Boomer’s ears with as much politeness as he could muster. “I see you’ve invested yourself into Hallmark Christmas.” The words left his mouth with a degree of disdain, which was not lost on her. Stupid fucker couldn’t resist being a pompous asshole even in her own house, huh?
“Actually, yes, I was having a very nice evening,” she huffed, tucking her legs up under her as she settled on the couch. He laughed, giving Boomer a few of the big pats that the dog really liked and she continued, “What do you want, John?”
The question made the brunette pause. He looked frustratingly attractive, in his black turtle neck and slacks, his shades tucked up into his hair. He came and sat next to her on the couch; Elliot turned so that her back was against the arm and she was facing him head-on. No room for shenanigans.
“I miss you, El,” John said, and she groaned, rolling her eyes.
“Shut the fuck up.” Her cheeks felt red already; the earnestness in his voice was enough to make her heart stutter painfully in her chest. “You don’t know how many times you’ve said those exact words to me in this exact situation—”
“Four or five,” he admitted. He propped his arm up on the top of her knee and leaned into her a little bit, until her eyes narrowed. “Don’t look at me like that. Didn’t you miss me too?”
Yes, she thought, but the idea of saying the words out loud made her stomach lurch with dread. It was too easy for John to do that to her—plunge her straight into the kinds of things that wadded the fear up high and desperate in her throat, things like I missed you and I want you and I love you.
So she didn’t say any of those things, even though they were all certainly true and even though she certainly felt them, regardless of whether they were broken up or not. Instead, she said, “What is there to miss, John Seed?”
Of course I missed you.
One of his hands went to cover his heart. The silver rings that he favored glittered, reminding her that she had also never liked a man who accessorized quite like John, either, until he’d come along. Now, she found herself hopelessly attracted to brunettes with ear piercings and Gucci shades and silver rings and tattoos that answered to the name John.
“Elliot Honeysett, you’ve mortally wounded me. I hope you’re happy with yourself.” He leaned back against the couch, watching her with his eyes—infuriatingly blue—before he cracked that boyish grin at her. “I mean it, El, I did miss you. I meant it those other times and I mean it now.”
She resisted the urge to roll her eyes again. “That’s nice of you to say, but I don’t know what you want me to do with this information.” Warily, she eyed him. “And you are notorious for saying nice things.”
John flashed his teeth in a wolfish grin that did very little to inspire confidence in her. “I want,” he replied, the pad of his thumb dragging along the inside of her knee, “for you to say it back.”
“No,” Elliot replied instantly, out of instinct. “Fuck you.”
“So prickly.” He leaned in, having sidled between her legs, and reached up; his fingers traced the slope of her jaw. “I know that our undeniable and instantaneous connection is scary for you—”
She warned, “You are within perfect punching range.”
“—but more than anything,” John continued, voice pitching low into a murmur, “all I want is to hear you say you missed me too.”
They were all there, inside of her—collected up, gathered up and packed away for later, those things that would have made him happy if she said them. I missed yous and I love yous and I want yous. Collecting dust from misuse, because the only person that made her want to say those things was also the person that made her afraid to say them at all.
“El,” John murmured. “I can hear those little gears of your turning.”
“You make me so fucking mad,” she replied, the words trying to stick in her throat on their way out of her mouth. Her chest felt tight; all of the alarm bells in her head kept ringing, screaming at her to stop, but John was close and leaning closer and he was so warm and the smell of his cologne was washing over her and—
It didn’t matter how many times he said the words. They always hit the same chords within her, and they always made her want him with every inch of her being. It was all Elliot really ever wanted; for someone to want her, to crave her, to jealously covet her like she was something to be treasured. John was always very good at that—unpacking her, pulling her thread until she unraveled, to dig down into the nitty-gritty of what she actually wanted the most.
But Joey, Elliot would have to say when inevitably this came up in their next phone call, he smelled so good when he said it to me, and he called me baby, and held my face the way he knows I like.
“I did,” she managed out, feeling that little adrenaline-drop she got every time she let herself even start thinking about saying something like this to him, like the plunge of a rollercoaster. “Of course I missed you, you fuckhead.”
John leaned in and kissed her, and she could feel him grinning against her mouth; his fingers carded through her hair and then gripped at the base of her skull so he could kiss her again. Mistake, something in her said. Big fucking mistake. But it was too late; she knew how this song and dance went.
“Of course,” he agreed, and sounded quite pleased with himself. “I know how hard it is for you to admit it—”
“I’ll take it back.” She pulled back to narrow her eyes at him, even though she was sure she didn’t look very scary at all, knowing that he could hear how fast her heart was beating. “If I find out you tell one single person—”
“No need,” John assured her against her mouth. “I’ll keep it just between us.”
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aberfaeth · 5 years ago
tagged by @beauandjester !! tysm shahla !!!!
rules: tag nine people you want to get to know better
top three ships:
- poly bad kids baby! fig/gorgug/adaine/fabian/riz, Bi Disasters In Love With Their Best Friends x5. kristen and tracker are quietly amused from the sidelines. it’s an unlimited wealth of pining and comedy! jawbone, Everyone’s Poly Uncle, has to deal with So Much (including but not limited to riz’s frantically made flowchart of the people in the party who like each other). sav @grasslandgirl and i are consistently galaxy braining and this is possibly our greatest creation!!! get INTO it
- leverage ot3!!!! it’s about y’all my peoples and we change together and ‘til my dying day and thanks to you i don’t have to search anymore and it makes us us and you can’t love him until you love you and i got you, girl and high five for morale kiss for luck!!!!!! seriously though parker hardison and eliot invented love and every day i think about it. 
- fig/ayda! yes the fig faeth is the love of my life and i want every good thing for her jumped out. truly though this relationship was crafted with such care and love and i have cried during a Good Many of their scenes! they see things in each other that they dont see in themselves and thats Love, baby!!!!!! i think you are exceptional!!!!!!!
last movie: truly i dont remember? i’ve been rewatching tuc with the family which is like. movie length content ig but honestly.....the last movie i watched might have been the spanish prisoner, which i watched with my dad. it was.... an experience for sure lol
currently reading: i am one of those people who read like. voraciously as a kid and simply Does Not anymore, like. sometimes i will read a book in one sitting and then read nothing for months. however the library at mount char by scott hawkins has been at the top of my list for awhile!
food i’m craving: gordon ramsey eggs. caro u know the ones. honestly they are easy to make but the pot is so so hard to clean and the concept of like. even just making a sandwich atm is Too Much for me 
if u wanna do this then go for it ! @grasslandgirl @professcrlupin @longingfemme @bethecowgirl @joey-wilson @raven @ghostzzy @drinkingdeadpeopletea @galfast
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ziracona · 5 years ago
New chapter!!!! Joey fluff is making me die i love him hes just a lil scaredy cat who doesn't know what's right and he gets a snowball fight and a flatbed omg Susie and meg is adorable aaa!!!!! And everyone shows up Frank's a dingus he ruins good times >:( I liked the way Julie was written, she seemed very. Idk. Hidden? Hiding herself, she knows she can't afford to care and that's sad bc she likes Claudette and Quentin Fluff and angst for little baby!! Tysm! This chapter was brilliant aaa♄♄♄
Thanks so much! I’m so glad you liked it! Joey—the fool kid. He doesn’t know what he wants or who he is, and he’s afraid to find out, but he’s still sort of trying. And I’m happy you enjoyed Susie and Meg having good times! Until Frank. Frank *smashing pots and pans together*: I ain’t get no sleep cause of you
Lol. In all seriousness though, it’s a really hard situation for poor Susie. And thanks! I feel like Julie often gets passed over the most as far as Legion goes, and that’s not really fair to her, so I’ve been trying hard not to do that. I’m very happy people have been enjoying my take on her. : ) She’s a complex young woman, but I think makes sense in her own way. Very dissociated and guarded behind a very calm and in control persona, because it’s kind of had to be that way for her since puberty.
Thank you so much for the ask! I’m really happy to hear you liked it! 💙
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