#// scot and gordon have the same trim pattern on their coats and that makes me happy
sekiumiarashi · 2 years
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more humanized engine designs! my friends and I have just started the cgi series and have absolutely fallen in love with Hiro, he’s such a good grandpa~
I finally fleshed out the basics of my au, under the cut!
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soul avatar au!
an engine can summon a human shaped avatar/projection with gold dust and magic
both bodies exist at the same time, the true engine body and the ‘human’ soul avatar
when an avatar is in use the engine’s point of view is through it’s eyes
there are rare cases where an engine can use both pov’s simultaneously without mentally overwhelming the engine and forcing the avatar to collapse (only two known individuals can do this)
soul avatars can expel steam and also whistle through their mouths
any head lamps an engine has can be used through the avatar’s eyes 
avatars can consume human food, along with water and coal
the strength and speed of the engine translates to the avatar 
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