#// sawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
berglietz · 6 months
"What did you think you were doing out there?"
It comes out sounding like an accusation, but the enigmatic smile splitting her face says otherwise.
"I saw you," Sara continues to crowd him with words, leaning in closer. "Were you enthralled by Luna? You wouldn't be the first to be taken with Dark Magic. Have you experienced any loss of feeling? How's your mind? In tact?"
He should know what he had gotten himself into and the risks learning carries. Reckless use of arcane arts might spell the end of him for good, burying him under nightmares deeper than the darkness lurking beneath Aed. Though only a worst case scenario, Sara suspects Caspar lacks the ability to keep his emotions in check, diving into danger after danger. And she will not warn him twice.
Caspar leans back ever so slightly, just to put an inch or two more distance between himself and that strange expression on Sara's face.
"I...don't think I feel any different. Wielding a spell definitely felt different than wielding a weapon, though."
How does one describe it? Sara is a student of magic, isn't she? Does she know the feeling, then? That pull from within but also from somewhere else...?
"It was weird." He scratches at the back of his neck, idly chasing away the tingling itch sparked by Sara's questioning (and by holding those questions against memories of the tingling, thrumming darkness that had been at his fingertips). "It helped get the job done, but honestly?"
He settles into a simple grin with a slight tilt of the head. "I think I'd rather stick with using regular old brute force for as long as I can get away with it."
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