#// peoples assumptions are the reason why sasuke is given a bad reputation
hissins · 3 years
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what grinds my gears is how (when i look through tags) and see people bashing sasuke for the choices he’s made concerning his teammates . first of all , he could have literally outright chidori’d sakura if he wanted to . no .instead he decides to put her in a genjutsu . it was for her OWN SAFETY . considering last time she could have gotten killed by both him and naruto .
around this time he doesn’t think he needs to be loved nor accepted and hasn’t come to face the fact that he was already accepted by naruto and was afraid to show how he REALLY felt about sakura near the end. you can visibly see the man’s leg shake when she calls out for him one last time during the 4th war.
sasuke retsuden also stated that he’s ALWAYS felt love for her since the beginning but not a lot of people call it canon when in reality kishimoto says its mfking canon also making a manga out of the novel and anime adaption. how sasuke shows his feelings is in the depths of his eyes and his actions . that is him as a whole .  he was also given the question in the novel concerning sakura : if there was someone you loved dead , would you bring them back with reanimation?  immediately sasuke thought of sakura. 
yet people disregard the fact that naruto being obsessed with bringing him back was okay??? no ??? this was HIS journey to take , his PATH . and he understood it was time to leave . this was about HIS CLAN , something naruto nor anyone else could help him with . he didn’t want sakura to go with him ; (1) it wasn’t her burden to carry (2) he knew without proper training , she would get hurt . he had to break her heart so she could stay in the village and get stronger because where he was going and who he was going up against weren’t ordinary shinobi .
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