#// opettaja = o-pet-tah-ya = teacher
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symphonicsoul · 1 year ago
dare i say... EXTRA puffed.
please enjoy one (1) sour patch kid
On anon, tell my muse what they need to hear || Accepting
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He is holding the candy in his hands like a special treasure. "Oho kiitos for the kind words, ystäväni. I believe this - this is the magical treat Father told me of when I was just a boy."
He's floating away to find someone I think.
"Opettaja!" ( @aquaticsoul ) he calls out. "I have something you need to try."
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symphonicsoul · 1 month ago
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"Even still. Opettaja Sielu is the best baker I know. He couldn't probably give you a few pointers on how to get better at it. Though he has been complaining about the ovens here in Wonderland. He thinks it's because we're too low to the ground."
"If you want cookies, Opettaja Sielu makes the best ones."
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"Blue offered to make some or eat cookie dough, but I wanted to try to do it myself. Clearly, that wasn't a good idea. The cookies aren't for me anyway, that's kinda the point...Otherwise I would just ask other people."
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symphonicsoul · 6 months ago
💬 + pauhu
A prince's ramblings || Accepting || as found on @aquaticsoul
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"Vaari Pauhu? I - miss him. I didn't know him as well as Opettaja Sielu did or Setä Sinfonia but I - still miss him. He was friends with Täti Tuli and he popped over to the palace whenever he had the urge. I met him when I was just a boy. No longer than seven I think. I can remember being so mesmerized by him because he was as tall as Vaari Taivas and I wanted him to carry me everywhere.
I hope - that wherever he rests from his place in nature, he's happy. I hope he found peace in the fade. He was... a wonderful man and I am honored to have known him."
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symphonicsoul · 9 months ago
Interaction Guide for all the OCs / Guest Muses on this blog:
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My Misterican OCs have Emojis attached to them (And Cid) and you are allowed to send ANY MEME + that emoji to get that OC (or Cid) to respond instead of Kumo. You can also just send Cid / The Mistericans general questions / asks if you want using those same emojis!
So just to give a list:
My Library of Memes is Here.
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🛠️ + " meme text , question, or emoji here" = Cid
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🌌 + = Earl Tyrant (Chaos)
The Royal Family:
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☁️☀️ + = Lord Aurinko (Kumo's Dad)
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☁️🌙 + = Lady Kuu (Kumo's Mom)
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☁️🌫️ + = Akai Kiri / Madoushi / Usva (Kumo's older brother)
The Royal Advisors:
☁️🔥+ = Palava Tuli (Music / Festival Advisor || Sinfonia's Mother )
☁️❤️‍🔥+ = Välkkyvä Hiillos (Dance / Festival Advisor || Tuli's Brother)
☁️⚕️+ = Vaaleanpunainen Leimahdus (Head Medical Advisor)
Opettaja (O-Pet-TAH-ya) means teacher
Pilvi's (Kumo's) Teachers:
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📚🌙☁️ + = Opettaja Palo (Science/ Medical)
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📚☀️☁️ + = Opettaja Aamunkoitto (Government / Math) // 📚☀️+ = Wonderland
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📚✨☁️ + =Opettaja Valo (Language / History) // 📚✨ + = Wonderland
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📚🩰☁️+ = Opettaja Sydän (Dance) // 📚🩰 + = Wonderland
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📚🎨☁️ + = Opettaja Kukka (Art)
Usva's (Kiri's) Teachers:
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📚🎼☁️ + Opettaja Sinfonia (Music) // 📚🎼 + = Wonderland
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📚 💃☁️ + Opettaja Vuorovesi (Dance)
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📚⚕️☁️ + Opettaja Liekki ( Math and Medical)
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📚 🍂☁️ + Opettaja Syksy (Government and History)
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📚🧪☁️ + Opettaja Timantti ( Science and Language)
The Royal Knights:
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✨☁️ + = Revon (Kumo's bodyguard ) // ✨ + = Wonderland
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🌊 ☁️ + = Safiirin (Kiri's Bodyguard)
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🔷 ☁️ = Taivas (Aurinko's bodyguard; head of the Knights)
The Church:
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✝️☁️+ = Piipsa Sumu (Piipsa means Bishop; he's the leader of the church) ✝️✨☁️+ = Arkkipiipsa Kultaa (Archbishop; second in command) ✝️ 🌠☁️ + = Arkkipiipsa Kupari (Archbishop; second in command)
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symphonicsoul · 6 months ago
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Misterican Culture || Names
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So brain just realized I never explained the culture surrounding Misterican names, so I'm going to use a few of them as examples here.
Misterican Names come in two parts - a first name and a second and most of the time they are composed of 'color + thing' but their are exceptions to this rule - they still function in two parts however.
Kumo for example, his name is 'Valkoinen Pilvi' meaning 'White Cloud'.
Mistericans don't have middle or last names. They have one name that comes in two parts and by Misterican Culture standards, it is excessively rude to ->
Translate their name unless given it in that form / speak it in a language that is not their own
Split it up if given a translation of that name. -> I.E. - Kumo will tell people his name is "White Cloud" so calling him "White" or "Cloud" instead of "White Cloud" is extremely rude to him.
Call a Misterican you are not close to by their first name, untranslated or not. -> I.E. - only those that are extremely close to Kumo would be allowed to call him "Valkoinen" and nothing else.
It is more common place to address a Misterican by their second name, instead of the first.
I.E. -> I refer to them as "Sielu" and and "Sinfonia" not "Aqua" (awk-vah) and "Sitriini." (C-tree-knee)
To call a Misterican by their first name without being close to them is excessively taboo and has the potentially to cause rifts and problems to arise when interacting with them.
(Muses are still welcome to do this because they wouldn't know, but just don't get surprised when the Mistericans get mad about it.)
It is intimate for a Misterican to use another's first name. This is generally reserved for family, extremely close friends, and bonded pairs (couples).
Revon will call Kumo "Valkoinen" because he raised him and despite that being his Liege, he still sees Kumo as his son.
Kumo has called Revon by first name (Revon Tulet = Northern Lights) his whole life but that's simply what the man prefers. There are always exceptions to the rule.
It's just advised to listen to the Mistericans and follow their lead or go by how they introduce themselves because they will tell a person how they wish to be called. Kumo doesn't give out his name in Misterican because he is scared of someone using it against him or hurting it.
Meanwhile the rest of the Survivors don't want to speak their name in translation because to them it sounds gross and unholy.
Misterican names are sacred in their culture and precious gifts given to them from their parents as a reflection of their place in nature. They're extremely sacred and they hold much caution in giving out their names to strangers outside their kind.
They also tend to use titles as names and have their own set of additions like humans have "Mr" and "Mrs" in English.
"Herra" (hair-ah (roll the R)) = Mr. || "Rouva" (row-vah (roll the R)) = Mrs.
Kumo is generally the one who uses titles and forms of address the most.
"Opettaja" (teacher) || o-pet-tah-ya "Vaari" (Grandpa) || Vah-ree "Setä" (Uncle) || say-tah "Täti" (Aunt) || tah- tea
Are just to name a few of the titles he'll use and he will use them in every way as saying "Opettaja" straight like a name or "Opettaja Sielu" like a title with the name attached. He does the same thing with "Setä" because he only has (1) one uncle. "Setä Sinfonia"
That's where nicknames and possessives come into play because Kumo will use the " +ni " possessive often. As in like "Aquani"
"Aqua" is Sielu's first name. "Aqua+ni" -> "Aquani" = "My Aqua"
the "+ ni" just made it possessive and added "My" onto it.
" +si" -> "Aquasi" -> "Your Aqua"
But basically at the end of the day, call a Misterican as they tell you to call them. They only have ( 1 ) one name and they will tell you how to use it and if they gave you their full Misterican name - never ever use it.
Yelling "Valkoinen Pilvi" at him is a fast way to for Kumo think you're mistreating his name and weaponizing it against him. Saying his full name gently however can be extremely intimate and build fast trust.
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symphonicsoul · 2 years ago
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Words that get used a lot because Kumo is falling back in love with his mother tongue:
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kolikko (ko-lee-ko) = coin (Kumo cannot remember the word coin to save his life)
Sateenkaari (sah-ten-kah-ree) = rainbow (this is also another wonderlandian (english) word Kumo cannot remember)
"Rakastan Sinua" (rah-kah-stan seen-new-ah) = "I love you"
"Rakastan Sinua niin paljon" (neen pal-e-awn) = "I love you so much"
"minäkin rakastan sinua" (mean-na-kin) = "I love you too."
Rakkani (rah-con-knee) = My Love
ystäväni (oo-stah-va-knee) = my friend (note: ystävä (ooh-stah-va) means 'friend' + ni (knee) makes it "my friend" )
"mitä kuuluu?" (meet-ah coo-loo) "How are you?"
Opettaja (O-pet-tah-ya) = Teacher
Joo (yoh) = yes
Ei ( A(letter name))= No
Voi Ei (Voy-A) = Oh No
Kiitos (key-tos) = Thank You
"päivä tervehtii" (pie-vah tear(tearing paper) vah - tee) = "The Day greets" (this is how Misterican's say 'Good Morning'
"yö tervehtii" (oo-ah tear-vah-tee) = "The Night Greets"
** Afternoon is not a time of day that exists to Mistericans
"Paska!" (pask-ah) "Shit!"
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symphonicsoul · 1 year ago
PSA concerning memes and asks ::
My Misterican OCs have Emojis attached to them (And Cid) and you are allowed to send ANY MEME + that emoji to get that OC (or Cid) to respond instead of Kumo.
So just to give a list: (the Blog Centric Memes are linked on my Pinned Post)
My Library of Memes is Here.
🛠️ + " meme text , question, or emoji here" = Cid
☁️☀️ + = Lord Aurinko (Kumo's Dad) ☁️🌙 + = Lady Kuu (Kumo's Mom) ☁️🌫️ + = Akai Kiri / Madoushi / Usva (Kumo's older brother)
Opettaja (O-Pet-TAH-ya) means teacher Art of Kumo's Teachers is here
Pilvi's (Kumo's) Teachers:
📚🌙☁️ + = Opettaja Palo (Science/ Medical) 📚☀️☁️ + = Opettaja Aamunkoitto (Aamun is alive; take the ☁️ away for present day events) (Government / Math) 📚✨☁️ + =Opettaja Valo (Valo is also alive ^) (Language / History) 📚🩰☁️+ = Opettaja Sydän (twin sister of @aquaticsoul ) (Dance)
Usva's (Kiri's) Teachers:
📚🎼☁️ + Opettaja Sinfonia (Music) 📚 💃☁️ + Opettaja Vuorovesi (Dance) 📚⚕️☁️ + Opettaja Liekki ( Math and Medical) 📚 🍂☁️ + Opettaja Syksy (Government and History)
The Royal Knights:
✨☁️ + = Revon (Kumo's bodyguard ** Revon is alive in present day) 🌊 ☁️ + = Safiirin (Kiri's Bodyguard) 🔷 ☁️ = Tiavas (Aurinko's bodyguard; head of the Knights)
The Religious Council
✝️☁️+ = Piipsa Sumu (Piipsa means Bishop; he's the leader of the church) ✝️✨☁️+ = Arkkipiipsa Kultaa (Archbishop; second in command) ✝️ 🌠☁️ + = Arkkipiipsa Kupari (Archbishop; second in command)
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symphonicsoul · 2 years ago
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In reference to:
@aquaticsoul 's entire blog and this thread
This is to explain that post the fall of Misterica, or Misterica's destruction whatever you wanna call it.
These four survived.
They are still alive in present day events and they are muses in the linked thread. When I refer to The Three Stars I am referring to :
Valo, Aamunkoitto and Revon
I use color in that thread to pick out their speech. I am coloring their speech by the color of their mist.
As a power overview ->
Pink Mist can Blind Orange Mist can Silence Green Mist can KILL (it is toxic) Blue Mist can Slow
These are just like Kumo's White Mist that caused Sleep. It's not a power they can control. It activates when they exhale.
ALL of them will refer to Kumo/White Cloud by his given name but the untranslated version of "White Cloud" so they ALL call him "Valkoinen Pilvi" or just Pilvi for short.
So for those following along. When they talk about Pilvi they are talking about Kumo.
This is where they all stand in their relation to Kumo.
Valo was Pivli's teacher for History and Language. Valo taught him how to speak Windarian.
Aamunkoitto was Pilvi's teacher for Math and Government. Aamunkoitto taught him how to navigate politics.
Sielu was Pilvi's teacher for Music. Sielu taught him how to read, and write music as well as sing and Mist Pluck.
Revon was Pivli's personal Royal Knight. Revon was the bodyguard assigned to the prince at birth. There was next to never a time that Revon was not with Pilvi.
Pilvi loved all four of them with his whole heart and he thought of them all like family. Revon was with him his entire life meanwhile his teachers swore a life long oath to teach him when they took their jobs. They all met Pilvi when he was five.
He has always and will continue to refer to his teachers by "Opettaja" said O-pet-tah-ya, which means "Teacher" in Misterican. So when he says "Opettaja Valo" he is saying "Teacher Valo."
Kumo thinks they're all dead.
I am telling you all these, because The Three Stars are all active muses on this blog and working their way through Wonderland's Chaos. You can address them in asks if you so choose. Sielu lives on @aquaticsoul and is loved dearly by Theo.
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symphonicsoul · 2 years ago
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Also since I'm writing a past verse now and the Mistericans are chillin' in main verse finally finding each other post-the fall
context for anyone reading:
Opettaja (O-pet-tah-ya) means "Teacher"
Kiitos (key-tos) means either "Thank You" or "Please" depending on the context but most of the time it's thank you
"The Piipsa" (pi-p-sah) is the leader of Misterican Church/Religious Council - Kumo/ Pilvi is referring to Hopea Sumu.
I write pronunciation notes and translation notes in the tags but these are words that get used so much and have been getting used a lot so I don't translate anymore. If you need a word, just yell at me.
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