#// oh πŸ‘€ good asks tyvm !!!!! i appreciatE.
getsuruito Β· 3 years
1 + 4 + 5 for the vanilla sunday meme uwu
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1. Is your muse a romantic? Do they dream of love and marriage?
Tanba likes the idea of romance, and love, they are things he's sought out in the past, thing's he's wanted, thing's he may still want in some capacity, but sadly he hasn't had much luck with 'romance', probably because of how 'love' itself just seems to elude him-- him specifically, not his partners, plenty partners have indeed loved him, but countless times has he gotten deeply involved with someone only to realize that whatever 'love' is, he didn't feel it for them, or didn't seem to.
In reality, Tanba's just put himself in a lot of bad situations and ended up with a lot of people who just weren't what his heart was looking for, but with all that's happened he's convinced himself that he's incapable of feeling romantic love and that he'll probably never find it, and that its best he doesn't look because every time he does, he ends up hurting someone selfishly. SO love and romance are definitely a, 'good in theory but not in practice' sort of thing for him at least until he finds the truly right person JHDFGSGAHJFGSHJ.
Marriage though? Oh god does Tanba completely abhor the idea of marriage. Of all Tanba's relationships that had terrible or depressing ends, the worst ones were his marriages, and in light of that he see's the whole notion of 'marriage' as useless-- if other people find solace in marriage that's fine, he's happy for them, really, but in regards to his own dealings, he see's marriage as metaphorical salt to the metaphorical gaping wound that's his already terrible luck with relationships lmao.
2. Does your muse initiate a lot of physical contact?
Tanba unfortunately does not! Tanba loves the idea of physical contact with people he fancies a whole lot, be it the kind of contact that leads to the bedroom or just nice fluffy things like holding hands or hugging or what have you, he's just really awkward when it comes to making the first moves in either regard, and so he almost never initiates unless he's been with someone long enough to grow comfortable with doing so, but only then-- otherwise most times that call is his partner's to make first.
5. Is your muse comfortable with public displays of affection?
23. Is your muse the type to discuss their sex life or sexual prowess with others?
Tanba boasts about a lot of things he does in life-- actually he just likes to show off and boast and talk about almost every aspect to himself there is, ego for days, but you won't catch Tanba talking about his sex life, not in any great detail, anyway! That's one of the few topics Tanba likes to keep as restrained as possible.
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