#// my heart to you maddie (and queen:sparkles:)
pridelessdaydreamer · 7 months
"Hey, Linhardt!" Caspar puffs out a breath, making the paper stuck to the middle of his forehead flutter with the action. In arcane script which he cannot read even if it were not currently obscured from his vision, it says: 'I'M A GOOBER'. "Did you know that warding magic comes in paper form, too? I've never heard of something like that before, but this guy named Ewan helped me out earlier."
The boy’s sudden shout wakes them from their slumber (a short thing it was meant to be, right before they got up and continued their readings). A glance beyond and it didn’t seem too much time had passed. (That was good at least.)
Turning his attention then to Caspar out of breath, immediately he notes the paper stuck on his forehead—a ward, so he claims. Linhardt only blinks at first.
“Well, I suppose it isn’t impossible.” (Spells were written in tomes after all.) “So long as it’s infused with magic shortly thereafter– just…”
She stands up then, placing her book aside and squinting at the writing. (It wasn’t Fódlan’s language, certainly, and Linhardt didn’t think she'd seen it from a foreign nation instead.) If she had to place a bet, it seemed like some sort of arcane writing—a bit different from what she’s used to, but…
Surely, I’m misreading this?
“You said Ewan gave this to you?” (Linhardt doesn’t think they know that name.) “There’s a chance I might be interpreting this wrong so you’ll have to pardon my translation, but… (How do I say this–?) It seems this ‘ward’ is meant to call you a fool.”
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