#// menmire loves her
lemuttu · 11 months
@helllords sent : ∗ 19﹕ sender  sits  in  receiver’s  lap . (from Bee <3)
“My lord – please –  why?– You shouldn’t—” A sharp surprise cried out in Menmire’s voice. His body tensed. His head recoiled. A calamity of half formed expressions gasped, as the smaller form of Beelzebub climbed over him and sat herself against awkward limbs. For a moment the demon was stuck dumbfounded, not sure how to react or if he even should. Beelzebub. — A mix of complicated emotions washed over him; fear, embarrassment, worry, affection, curiosity, and perhaps a little bit of pride (maybe he should have felt more for finding a lord’s attention). He exhaled deeply, chuffing softly, a slow finger eventually finding his lord’s hand. 
Sometimes saying nothing was the best course of action.
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