#// if you dont want to unpack the xwb or deal with the adx2 folder you can hit me up for what i unpacked and you can
m0e-ru ยท 2 years
P4G Voice Clip Collection (PC 32bit .xwb)
happy women's day !!! here's all of P4G's voice clips from the PC 32bit's xwbs. I say PC 32bit since they did change a bunch of the files and formats in the latest 64bit update, but nonetheless.
I've got the voice clips re-encoded and uploaded individually on cloud. You can still do a clean rip of the game's files if these are unsatisfactory though.
I've also got spreadsheets of file names, IDs and a bit of extra notes to better distinguish them and track them down. If you wanna help with labeling and recording just hit me up! Go help the modding community or people who just wanna nag voice lines (because i dont think i have the time anymore ๐Ÿ›Œ one man army)
Cloud Folder (JP & EN; more details in the spreadsheets)
ROOT (JP) - Published Web Page - View as spreadsheet
ROOT_E (EN) - Published Web Page - View as spreadsheet
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