#// i think still that they're really good platonically too! bffs.
thisapplepielife · 3 months
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Written for @steddie-week.
Can't Miss Us.
Day #5 - Prompt: Reunion/Exes to Lovers | Word Count: 1979 | Rating: T | CW: Language | POV: Steve | Tags: Post S4, Future Fic, Corroded Coffin Eddie, Hawkins Steve, It's Wedding Season, If They Didn't Have Their Besties, They'd Still Be Floundering Alone, Platonic Stobin, Eddie and Gareth are BFFs
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He's in his pajamas. 
And they aren't even his good pajamas. They're just a ratty-ass pair of plaid sleep pants that Robin and him fight over ownership of, and a soft, but ragged, t-shirt that the logo wore off long, long ago, with holes all around the neck and under the arms. 
Steve was just running to the store for ice cream before they closed at midnight. He didn't think he'd see anyone, let alone Eddie Munson.
Shit. Shit. Shit. 
Maybe he will go unnoticed. He backs up out of the aisle, and runs his back straight into someone else's chest. He turns to say sorry, and it's Gareth.
"Steve?" Gareth questions, and he sounds just as surprised as Steve feels.
Eddie looks up at hearing Gareth speak. Steve sees the movement out of the corner of his eye, and there'll be no running from this. From them.
From him.
"Hey, I didn't know you guys were in town," Steve says, trying to play it way cooler than he'll ever feel about the situation. 
Eddie left, Steve stayed, and that was that. They don't hate each other or anything, but it has always been far easier for Steve to just keep a healthy amount of distance between them. 
"The wedding, you know," Gareth says, and Steve doesn't know. 
Is Eddie getting married? Is Gareth? 
Steve lives here. Surely he would have known if a big wedding was happening right under his nose. But he's heard nothing, from no one. Surely, Henderson would have let it slip if Eddie was coming home to get married.
"Oh, no, I didn't know," Steve says, "Congrats?" 
That shouldn't sound like a question, and he feels dumb, dumb, dumb. 
"Well don't congratulate me, I'm not getting married," Gareth says, then holds up his hand, "mainly because I already am." 
Steve nods, dumbly, not really listening to Gareth at all. But Eddie hasn't moved an inch to come closer. Apparently he's not going to. He's just standing there holding two tubs of orange sherbet. Eddie as frozen as the sherbet.
Time to get the fuck out of this awkward situation.
"Okay, well. Good to see you," Steve says, and leaves without the ice cream. 
Robin will understand. 
"He was just standing there staring at you like a creep?" 
"Well, it didn't seem creepy, as much as shocked to see that his ex-boyfriend is now apparently homeless. Look at what I'm wearing, Robin! Look!" he shouts, tugging on the collar of his shirt, and it rips a little further. 
Steve's spiraling. 
"Calm down. You look comfortable. It's midnight. Eddie's not dumb. He doesn't think this is your new style. He knows."
And Steve knows that. He does. But it's still terribly embarrassing. You don't want to go years without seeing the guy you'll probably never quite get over, and then be wearing your scrubbiest clothes.
It's tragic.
"He might be getting married," Steve says, dejected. That's the real problem here. Not his clothes. 
"In Hawkins? Get real. Eddie would never. He hates it here." 
He wouldn't. Steve knows that, too. Eddie hardly ever comes back, saying it's not his hometown, not anymore.
Steve understands. Hawkins kind of lost that right when they tried to burn him at the stake for something he didn't do. But Steve likes to think it's changed, at least a little, after the ones that did stay have worked to make changes.
Like Robin, and him. They stayed, and they aren't unhappy about it. 
"I'd say get some ice cream and calm down, but we don't have any," Robin snarks, and it's just what he needed, as he laughs and leans against her shoulder.
The next afternoon, they drive around in Robin's car, Steve slunk low in the passenger seat, checking every possible venue in town, trying to determine where this wedding might be. They check the churches. The best hotel that has a shoddy excuse for a ballroom. 
And in an act of desperation, the school.
Lover's Lake. 
But it's not in town. Can't be. There are no crowds anywhere.
However, out near the country club, they spot balloons stuck to a sign. 
Green/Goodwin Wedding
"See!" Robin crows, "It's Goodie! It's not Eddie. I told you so, dingus. Can we go home now?"
Steve nods. It does make Steve feel a little better, but Eddie still didn't tell him he was coming home. Still didn't want to see him while he was here, obviously. 
Definitely didn't expect Steve to be loitering around the Big Buy at closing time. 
And that kind of stings, just a little.
The whole "we'll still be friends" thing was a load of horseshit. They aren't anything to each other, not now.
"Home, Jeeves," Steve says.
"Ice cream first?" Robin questions.
Steve nods, "Only if you go in. I'm traumatized."
Robin looks over at him, "Well. I'll do it just this once, but don't think this gets you out of ice cream duty, dingus. I can drive. But I still don't want to."
"Deal," he says, because once Eddie's gone back to his life, things can go back to normal.
"Door!" Robin shouts from the bathroom, and Steve looks at his watch. It's after ten. He didn't even hear anyone knocking from his room. And it's a little late for anyone they know, unless Henderson is in town for this wedding, and just said nothing. 
Steve eyes the bat leaning near the hall tree, and then opens the door. 
It's Gareth.
"How'd you know where I lived?" Steve asks, skipping the hello.
"It's Hawkins. I just had to ask the first person I saw. Which was my mom," Gareth says, and Steve looks out beyond him. Checking to see if Eddie is lurking in the bushes. He doesn't seem to be.
Gareth just reaches into his pocket and pulls out a tape, "Here."
Steve takes it because he doesn't know what else to do.
"If you think it's what I think it is, we're at the club all night. We're out back. In a tent. Can't miss us."
"It's a wedding," Steve says, "one I wasn't invit-"
Gareth pulls an envelope out of his jacket pocket, "From Goodie."
Steve doesn't know what to say, but Gareth doesn't make him, because he just turns and leaves.
"What?" Robin asks, coming out, her hair up in a towel.
"It was Gareth. He gave me this," Steve says, holding up the cassette.
"Is it 1986?" Robin asks, and Steve laughs. The stereo still has a tape deck, but a CD would have been more convenient. "What do you think it is?"
Steve shrugs, but he knows. Down deep. He knows.
And he's right. It's a tape of songs that are very clearly about Steve, and by Eddie's voice, and the way it's matured as the tape went on, they've been laid down over many, many years. 
Steve doesn't know what to do with this information.
Eddie didn't give it to him, Eddie didn't come to him. 
Why does Steve have to be the one to stick his neck out?
Because, Eddie won't. Eddie will run for ten, twenty, forty more years. 
And these songs? They say that he regrets it. That he doesn't want to have ever done it in the first place. 
So. Steve pulls a suit out of the closet, and demands that Robin put on a dress, any dress, or slacks, anything she owns other than her yummy sushi pajamas.
She does. They both do. 
And Robin drives.
And Steve frets, worrying the tape case in his hands, the whole way.
Gareth wasn't lying. They couldn't miss the tent. It's a beacon in the night. Edged up to the woods, and it's a testament to what they all did, that that's a safe thing to do, here in Hawkins. Steve just hangs back, and looks. Sees the blur of people moving around, dancing, having fun. 
The music is decidedly wedding reception, and not Corroded Coffin. 
But Steve doesn't see Eddie.
"I don't see him," Steve says, not taking his eyes off the tent to look at Robin. She'll tell him if she sees him first. "Do you think-"
"I'm right here," Eddie says from behind them, and Steve turns. Slowly.
Robin pauses, for just a second, and then bolts for the tent, like a little traitor. Leaving him alone, staring Eddie down in the near dark. 
Steve fishes the tape out of his jacket pocket, and holds it out for Eddie to see. Eddie takes it, but doesn't look shocked, or betrayed, or anything really. Until he cracks a smile.
"Kid's a meddling little shit," Eddie says, meeting Steve's eyes.
"Was he wrong?" Steve asks.
"No," Eddie answers, "but he rarely is. Which is part of the problem. It's annoying."
"Well, I have Robin. So I get it," Steve says, and Eddie smiles.
"You want to go to the tent? I think it's about time for Cotton Eye Joe," Eddie teases.
"Oh, well, in that case…" Steve laughs, because seeing Eddie do that Cotton Eye Joe dance would be worth it.
"Or, we have rooms blocked off in the lodge," Eddie offers.
Steve raises an eyebrow, and Eddie keeps talking, "Meeting rooms. Sitting rooms. Not bedrooms," Eddie rambles, "I mean, we do have those. But I meant the other options."
Steve laughs, because he's still Eddie. He wasn't sure he would be, but yeah, this is Eddie. Just polished up a little, not as rough around all the edges.
Grown up. 
"Okay, Munson. Take me to one of your non-bedroom rooms," Steve teases, and Eddie lights up, offering Steve his elbow. It's goofy, and silly, but Steve slides his arms through the loop of Eddie's elbow, letting himself be led. 
Eddie stops at the open bar, gets them both a drink and a huge tray of the leftover passed appetizers. And they sit in the room that the guys clearly got dressed in. There are garment bags, and street clothes, and stuff on every surface. Eddie scoots a bunch of it down the bar, making room for the two of them.
"Sorry, it's a mess in here," Eddie says, "we weren't expecting company."
"I don't think I count as company," Steve says softly, picking up what looks like a fancy little pig-in-a-blanket and popping it in his mouth. Even cold, it's pretty damn good. 
Maybe he's just hungry.
They make small talk. Catching up, skirting the real reason they are both sitting here, together. The tape. The songs.
They eventually fall into a lull, and Steve doesn't feel like he needs to fill the silence. They can just sit together, that's okay. Eddie still feels comfortable, even after all these years, those miles, this distance.
He's still Eddie. And Steve's still Steve. 
"They are about you, you know?" Eddie asks, and Steve knows. "The songs."
"I know," Steve admits. 
"But they were private, so they didn't make any albums," Eddie says, "not because I didn't want you to hear them. I just didn't want anyone else to hear them."
Steve puts his hand on Eddie's forearm, and squeezes, "I get it."
"I have missed you, you know? Leaving you? The hardest thing I've ever done."
"Harder than fighting off demobats?" Steve teases. They can do that now. Time has passed, and enough of it, that it's in the past. Which is wild. He wasn't sure that'd ever be true.
"Way harder," Eddie says, smiling a shy smile.
"Staying was hard, too," Steve admits, softly.
Eddie nods, leaning his face down, until it rests on Steve's upper arm, Eddie rubbing against him, like a cat. Steve had almost forgotten that was a thing he'd do. 
His chest constricts, squeezing.
He wants Eddie. All of him. Everything he can get, for however long.
"So, about those bedrooms…" Steve trails off, smiling as Eddie meets his eyes, smiling right back.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @steddie-week and follow along with the fun!
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herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
I've been a Lukola shipper since last year, and I've been reading all the male POVs. So, I decided to ask the dudes in my life about this whole situation. I talked to some of my male BFFs and my brother. I'll start with what my brother, who's 15 (I'm 19), had to say.
Over the past three days, I showed him most of the interviews, especially the unhinged ones, all the hand-holding clips, Tif's edits, etc. Then I introduced him to the GF and gave him a brief rundown of all the antics - Instyle, NY and London premieres, Deuxmoi, pool pics, Milan, GQ.
Here’s what he thinks:
Luke and Nic LOVE each other. Luke probably loves her more, or maybe she's just better at hiding it. Nic is affectionate towards everyone, so it’s not as apparent. My brother thinks Nic is really funny and obviously beautiful, especially after watching her solo interviews like "9 Things I've Never Tried Before," ASMR, and accents.
Luke is being hot and cold. After I told him about the break after Brasil, he said that makes sense. It seems like whenever Luke goes back to his friends, he comes back acting like a dick. I showed him Luke's hot boy summer phase and the NYE video of them dancing. He said Luke acts like a dick when he's with his friends, especially Rory, who seems like the leader. He even noticed Tom and said Luke should hang out with him more. When I mentioned Rory breaking up with his GF and now dating Sienna (who's 23), he immediately clocked it and said, “Wow, Lukey did the same.” In a very not impressed tone. I couldn't stop laughing.
Nothing happened in Brasil. My brother thinks Nic would never do anything shady. The interviewers and overall vibes of Brasil were super chill, so Luke let himself loose a bit. However Nic seemed the same, maybe a little more giggly.
NY and London premieres:
NY: They looked fine, but Luke seemed pissed for some reason. The hand moment was insane. He thinks the GF blindsided Nic and set up the videos of them hugging, because why aren’t there videos of others?
London: Nic seemed a little wary, and Luke looked downbad. Luke T and Nic either need to work together or date, or both, because they're cute. Simone is definitely a shipper. He also thinks Golda might be a shipper, but she seems to have clocked Luke’s shit and is side-eyeing, which he is too. The Deuxmoi stunt was dumb and embarrassing.
About A, R, and S:
Rory: Luke hangs onto Rory’s every word, so the GF might not be going anywhere as long as she's in the friend group. My brother hates Rory and thinks he's Luke’s constant during the hot boy summer phase. Rory wasn't seen much before that. Other Anons, is this true?
A: A is in the relationship for the perks. The Hailey Bieber cosplay is gross. My brother almost puked when I showed him the thread comparing A and HB’s outfits. A is obviously trolling the fans, which is boring.
S: He doesn’t think there’s anything nefarious going on with S, and it’s good for her that she’s going to Jack M's classes, but it’s weird that it's only happening now.
In conclusion, my brother thinks this whole thing is going to drag on for a lot longer, but that’s a huge maybe since Luke and Nic are coming back for S4. If Luke's friend group manages to infiltrate the sets, it won't matter much because everyone adores Nic and seems protective of her. A is going to stay as long as she can. Right now, my brother hates Luke and thinks he screwed up royally, even as a friend. It’s a bigger deal if there are non-platonic feelings involved. He wants to see Luke make a thank you post for S3, because that's the least he can do. Luke needs to figure his stuff out, and it seems like whenever he's on vacation, things just get worse. Basically, he needs to GET A JOB and things will sort themselves out.
Wow, that was a lot. Never thought my brother would be so mature!
Also can someone clarify if R was still such a huge part of L's life before his HBS?
Damn the 15 yo is smarter than some grown ass folk in the fandom lmao
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sarahsartistportfolio · 9 months
For my followers who are specifically following me for Genshin content here are my plans/ideas going forward
First of all I will never ever write an imposter! AU
It doesn't interest me in the slightest. I have no desire to write my favorite characters trying to hunt me down and kill me. I'll never write it.
also I write for all my girly girls. Any genshin piece I write will always be AFAB/female reader. I write for the girly girls, the sub girls, the girls who love pink and dresses, the dainty girls. I write for you. So if you're also a high femm girly you will love my goddess reader.
and and I don't want to write a full on yandere cult au. I like the idea of all the characters being transfixed, fascinated by you. Like everybody loves you but they're not all just willing to throw their own morals away to follow your command. A nice balance is what I want. Like everyone wants your attention, wants your love but not everybody is willing to die/kill for you(expect Childe in every universe he's down bad for you)
Some scenarios I have in my head already
Um I have already in the works a really long Wanderer smut piece. You probable still wont see it for the next few weeks because I want it to be very cleaned up and polished. I want to put a lot of effort in it. Its Wanderer having some dubious intentions and trying to manipulate you into sleeping with him hehe
What I also want to do, I think it will be more organized on AO3. Is I want to just make a fic that's just titled like SAGAU: Cyno ficlets/ um something lol And it will just be out of order chapters that just focus on CynoXGoddess reader or you know insert character here XGoddess reader.
Like I want to write
Cyno's first time meeting Goddess you
Petting Tighnari's ears and him shamelessly pinning for your attention because he knows you love to pet him
Childe's worship towards you
Falling asleep on Xiao's lap(Cyno too!)
Jealous Lyney !!!
You giving favoritism to some characters and gifting them a second vision!
You've heard of calling the characters a good boy/girl but what about THEM calling you a good girl🥰🥰🥰
Yae Miko putting me/you into sub space if anyone can do it it would be her🥺
Similar to A Rumor Spreads but this time the rumor is that you want to have a baby lol BONUS the rumor gets a little twisted and now people believe that you are already pregnant
Lyney discovers that speaking french/Fontainian to you makes you weak and he weaponizes this against you
Venti....eating us out...that's it
Putting a little bell collar and bow on Tighnari's tail 🥰
also platonic Nahida and Furina scenarios because they're my bffs
EDIT I thought of some more
You confess to Albedo you've never experienced an orgasm before and he offers to run a few experiments on you to help you out
👏👏👏 You and Venti fucking in his church oh yes yes yes 😵
Poor Tighnari looks so miserable and frustrated during his rut. Why dont we...offer to help him out you know. As his beloved and ever so kind god. Why dont we offer to be his cute little fleshlight to help relieve him during this time hm?❤
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ratnix · 11 months
As a fan of both the CBS and the BBC version, I'd like to spend a moment and appreciate both of them and talk about some things that I like, enjoy and appreciate about each version and some things that I think one version does better than the other without trying to bring the other down💚
- One thing I appreciate about the BBC version is the non-romantic relationship between the ghosts. As an aroace, it always bugged me how the CBS ghosts fell in love so quickly and it just seemed...forced. Isaac and Nigel have to be the only CBS couple that actually feels like a couple while the rest are just...there. Thor and Flower, sure, maybe I can understand this one too but Trevor and Hetty and Pete and Alberta (not a couple but Pete has a crush on her) are just dumb and pointless. On the other hand, you can feel the platonical relationship between the BBC ghosts -not saying that the CBS ghosts aren't good friends, but the BBC ghosts feel like they've spent an eternity with one another. The BBC ghosts work better as a group while the CBS ghosts work better as individuals
- I really like Jay's relationship with the ghosts. Where Mike is "oh ghosts", Jay is "oh ghosts☺️". Calling them "invisible friends", asking if Hetty's okay after she left his body, proposing that Sam should help Thor with his nightmares. He's literally Pete's bff! Wanting to play D&D with him, both of them making references to things they both enjoy. I mean, Jay's first instinct when he thought he could see ghosts was to hug Pete
- I actually don't have an issue with the CBS version revealing the ghosts' death soon. I mean, it's not even soon. It made sense that Flower would be the first ghost in the first minutes to reveal her death because she's Flower. Even in the BBC version, from the first episodes we can get an idea on how Julian died because of the no pants and and how Fanny died from screaming when falling from the window. Season 3 hasn't come out and we still don't know how Hetty or Sass died -we know that Sass died the day he was going to tell his first story but we don't know how. As for Hetty, I'm thinking it might have to do with overdose given the amount of drugs she took that she didn't know we're harming her. The mystery aspect of their deaths in the UK version ties with the more "haunting" atmosphere of the show whereas the US one is "sunnier", which isn't a bad thing at all! Alberta's death was a mystery and the reveal with Hetty knowing the truth all along was gasp worthy
- It bugs me when people say that the US version is a copy of the UK one because, a)that's... that's what an adaptation is. The Office is an adaptation of the UK office but no one really cares? B) Aside from Pat/Pete's storyline, I can't see any other similar subplots other than their "main" aspect. Hetty and Fanny are the conservative ladies of the house, Sass and Thomas are the artists, Flower and Kitty have bubbly personalities, Robin and Thor are the oldest ghosts who speak broken English. Sure, Trevor and Julian both died without their pants on but both are pretty distinct from each other. Isaac and the Captain are the closeted soldiers but both of their storylines take different paths. All of the characters are different, with different personalities, interests etc. If the US version had carbon copy characters of the UK one, people would, justifiably, call it a copy but even now where the characters are very different they're still calling it one. They compliment and parallel each other without being the same
- The BBC version follows a more "creepy" tone, if that's the correct way of saying it, with a haunted atmosphere and that's cool. The CBS version follows a more sitcom-y tone with a more cheering atmosphere and that's also cool! No need saying one's superior than the other
- I think Crash was kinda pointless? They wanted to make a Humphrey but it didn't really work. He's not even a ghost that's there, unlike Humphrey who had a role and contributed to the story
Feel free to add your own opinions 💚
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iheartpeppino · 6 months
Heya! Saw your headcanons post.
This is very unoriginal ik but what is Peppino's relationship with the rest of the pizza tower cast like in your headcanon? Like friendship wise? Has he befriended the bosses to an extent or is he still sus of them all XD
I hope you don't mind if I cover more than just the bosses!
Gustavo: I can't decide whether Gustavo has known Peppino for a long time, or if he only just met him during the events of Pizza Tower. Either way, assisting Peppino with Brick's help has been a bonding experience. Gustavo and Peppino are BFFs post-Tower. I see them having a queer-platonic relationship if they don't decide to outright date each other. I can see Gustavo having a hard time understanding Peppino and his emotions until Peppino opens up to him. Gustavo has never been traumatized the way Peppino has... but he has a good heart and wants to help him to the best of his ability. Peppino is grateful to have someone as loyal and kind as Gustavo to keep him anchored, even if he occasionally gets frustrated with his ignorance.
Brick: Peppino hated rats before he met Brick. Post-Tower, however, he's come to appreciate them. Brick is not only very handy in the kitchen (don't tell the health inspector), he's been known to cuddle Peppino when he's anxious to try and comfort him. Brick is a rat, but he's treated more like a house cat who also happens to be able to cook. Peppino likes him well enough.
Mr. Stick: Nothing has changed about Peppino's relationship with Mr. Stick. Stick continues to try and scam more money out of Peppino, or even outright STEAL it. Peppino doesn't fall for any of it or let Mr. Stick get away with it unless he genuinely needs something Stick has. Scott Stick is a greedy asshole who preys on desperate people like Peppino to make a profit. I like him a lot, don't get me wrong, but he's an asshole.
Pepperman: Everyone's favorite artistic pepper made a killing with his art after the Tower fell, and even got to star in a movie with The Noise later when the Tower was rebuilt. Despite his already large ego growing larger as a result, Pepperman knows he owes at least SOME of his newfound popularity to Peppino. Had Peppino never fought him, or destroyed the Tower in the first place, Pepperman would have remained an undiscovered talent, only making art of himself for himself. So whenever Pepperman is around the chef, he's a little nicer to him than he is to everyone else. In fact, he's even asked Peppino to model for him sometime so that he can make art of him. Peppino thinks Pepperman is way too full of himself, but other than that, he's not really a bad guy. Plus his art is actually pretty good quality. However, he's way too anxious to model for him... Peppino doesn't think very highly of himself, insecure about his physical appearance, so he'd feel way too exposed to model for an art project. That doesn't mean he can't change his mind, though...
The Vigilante: While they certainly had their differences at first, The Vigilante realizes now that Pizzaface/Pizzahead had lied to him about Peppino's intentions. Vigi knows now that Peppino is a good person who was just trying to save his already-struggling business. As someone who knows the meaning of hard work and responsibility, tending to his grandpa's farm, Vigi understands why Peppino had acted so desperately and violently, even if it resulted in the Tower's collapse and an initial loss of the farm. It's safe to say Vigi likes Peppino these days, even respects him. Peppino gets along well with Vigi as a result. They're not quite friends... yet... but they're cool with each other.
The Noise: Peppino and The Noise have been rivals for as long as Peppino has been running his pizzeria, and their rivalry has only continued post-Tower. Said rivalry got way more heated after The Noise made a movie based on the events of the Tower, re-writing the story so that The Noise was the hero, and with Fake Peppino being passed off as the actual Peppino. Peppino was pissed and tried to beat The Noise up for this, but The Noise convinced him not to by promising to release a second version of the film where he and Peppino are working together as partners. Peppino agreed to this compromise... only to be insulted yet again when The Noise hired Peppino's nasty brother, Maurice, to play Peppino's role. (Originally, Gustavo had been asked to play himself, but when Gustavo found out Maurice was playing Peppino, he said, "Absolutely not!" The Noise was forced to hire some random guy to play Gustavo.) Needless to say, Peppino and The Noise are NOT getting along very well right now. A shame, since they actually did seem to be getting friendlier BEFORE The Noise decided to make a movie, but the little gremlin fucked that all up completely just for the sake of more money and fame.
Noisette: Peppino used to find Noisette extremely irritating due to her being... well, oblivious. However, they've actually gotten to hang out more since the Tower first fell. She's still irritating, but Peppino tolerates it a lot more now. He's even starting to understand why The Noise is dating her. Truthfully, even if Noisette is oblivious, she isn't malicious or ill-intentioned. She's actually one of the nicest, most loving people Peppino knows... at least when she's not pissed off at The Noise for doing or saying something stupid. Then she's absolutely terrifying... not that he blames her. He doesn't understand what Noisette sees in The Noise, and has even asked her once before. Her answer surprised him: "He makes me laugh!" Peppino asked if that was all. "Do I need any other reason to love someone? It's really all I need to be happy." The Noise is very aware he doesn't deserve Noisette... but he loves her, even if he has trouble admitting it.
Fake Peppino: Well... Fake Peppino has been adjusting relatively well to the outside world after the Tower fell. He made a hideaway not far from Peppino Pizza, a sort of replica of Peppino Pizza 2, constructed from trash and scraps he'd found. Every day, he'd open his trash pizzeria for business, and go about his day as if he was the real Peppino. Making pizza from whatever he could find. Even taking out the trash into the same alleyway the real Peppino took his trash into. It was... awkward for both of them. Then The Noise made his movie where HE got to be the Real Peppino, and... he suddenly had acceptance from literally everyone around him. He had fans! People were asking for his autograph. The actual Real Peppino wasn't thrilled... he wasn't angry, just... kind of helpless, since he figured Fake Peppino deserves to be happy after everything he's been through, so he can't actually get mad without looking like an asshole. He did, however, complain to The Noise. The Noise's second version of his movie clarified that Fake Peppino and Peppino Spaghetti were actually two different people... except now everyone thinks FUCKING MAURICE is Peppino. Fake Peppino can now stand on his own through his newfound popularity as a movie star, with his own identity, rather than borrowing Peppino's. Peppino is begrudgingly happy for his fake, but GOD DAMMIT HE HATES THE NOISE AND MAURICE SO GODDAMN MUCH, HOLY SHIT.
Pizzahead: There is no easy way to say this. Pizzahead has a problem, and it's Peppino-shaped. Pizzahead, once Totino the Pizza Boy, is completely obsessed with Peppino. He stalks him regularly, often in disguise. He's hellbent on replicating Peppino's pizza-making methods and capitalizing on his image so he can be rich and successful like when he was younger. Originally, this stemmed from jealousy. But the more Pizzahead spied on Peppino and went to extreme lengths to replicate his cooking process, the more that obsession blossomed into a full-on crush. Not that Pizzahead will ever admit it. If you ask him about it, he'll deflect and deny it completely. Peppino, meanwhile, HATES Pizzahead after what he tried to do his pizzeria. Pile-driving him into the tower was the most satisfying thing he'd ever done in his entire life. He's vaguely aware he's being watched, but has no idea it's Pizzahead. Peppino is so paranoid, he keeps a revolver in his house behind a glass case. Though chances are, if he does see Pizzahead again, he's simply going to beat the crap out of him the moment he shows his face. (And Pizzahead will LOVE fighting back... fighting Peppino is super FUN for him!!)
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slexenskee · 1 year
hi! if you dont mind me asking, what was satoru's relationship with suguru? bcuz, any of the jjk characters are barely mentioned in the book, ive always wondered satoru's relationship with all of them, like is it more canon based or more fanon, like was sugusato ever a thing? or, is hawks the first real relationship gojo's ever had? were nanami and gojo closer? idk, i just have always wondered lol. sorry for any inconveniences.
So I'm going with canon for most relationships bc they're just too hard to guess. JJK spoilers below!
So I tried to stick with canon for Suguru although I do play up the ambiguity in their canon relationship. For example we have that scene in JJK0 where Satoru says something to Suguru but we don't know what it is, but fans sort of assume it's some kind of explicit acknowledgment of their feelings for each other. In my verse idk I imagine he says something like 'you were always the best part of me' or something that's still vague and hints at romantic feelings but could still be intimate and just platonic.
I characterize their relationship as deeply intimate but not ever explicitly romantic. They definitely had romantic tension but it remained unspoken between them as teenagers, and then after the SPV arc Suguru went off the rails and kinda pulled away from Satoru and ultimately they never had the chance to start any kind of romantic relationship.
So they were never in love but they absolutely could have been/should have been, fate just got in the way.
Were they close??? It really doesn't seem like it outside of the OP/ED credits of S2. And in the recent manga chapters I feel like Satoru didn't mourn him much at all (or he could just be so shocked by all the deaths he hasn't managed to acknowledge them) In fact I kind of assumed canon Nanami lowkey hated Satoru, and only begrudgingly considered him a sorcerer worthy of respect after many years of knowing him?
BOY do I have some thoughts on this. In canon they give off the 'old acquaintances that have grown close by virtue of the fact they're the only two left but still aren't actually that close'. Like they obviously have a rapport/history in S1, but we don't see Shouko being particularly friendly to him in canon. She's friendlier than Utahime and Mei Mei for sure, but she doesn't seem like a confidant or a close friend. We don't get much of her in the SPV arc - could go either way that she was closer to him as kids or they were just classmates who spent a lot of time together and became close because they just lived in each other's pockets but otherwise wouldn't have been friends. The OP/ED for S2 would imply they were all good friends, but I don't consider that canon. That's just Mappa twisting the knife 😭
Tbh I hope they were never really close, bc otherwise I'd really dislike her. Suguru just snapped and became a serial killer and turned traitor, and Satoru was sent to assassinate him, and you as someone who was close to both of them just what... roll with it? There's that scene in ch 78 where she sees Suguru in Shinjuku and she's just like "oh hey Suguru, bff I've spent the past 3 years of my life hanging out with, what's up? Yeah I'll have a light. Oh so you really did mass-murder that whole village AND murder your parents? Cool. Yeah I don't feel like dying today so I'm gonna call Gojo to deal with you, peace out" and she just doesn't seem to give much of a fuck about Suguru or Satoru. In a way I think would be impossible if she genuinely cared about them. Or idk, maybe everyone in JJK was fucked up.
This is another canon relationship that makes me go ??? It's not specified whether Gojo actually takes Megumi in or just has legal guardianship of him and leaves him to his own devices. It seems more the latter, bc in all the Tsumiki flashbacks, Gojo is never there or even ever really mentioned.
And as of current manga he doesn't seem particularly torn up about Megumi's situation, and seems (although he could be bluffing) totally accepting of the fact he might have to kill Megumi to stop Sukuna. If you raised a kid with love and care for years - the way I see him doing with Eri - I cannot fathom how you'd compartmentalize like that.
idk these are just my personal headcanons for this fic. I've seen fanon versions of all these relationships that are really fleshed out and impressive and go either way sooo 🤷‍♀️
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correctproseka · 9 months
favourite sekai relationships (romantic and platonic), go!
Ohhh okay okay. I might forget some i really like but here we go
Ichisaki. Well, polyneed as a whole but ichisaki MAINLY make me insane like their whole story and dynamic and cjsjckdjf Saki is ichika's hope and happiness and Ichika is the one who makes Saki be who she is, the one who will never leave her. They just make me insane and they're both each other's inspiration and cjsjckdjdj
Polyniigo. While my head mainly spins in Mafuyu ships (more specifically, mafuena and mizumafu), they're all so important for each other and each has something that will help in the recovery of another. They all complete each other, you cannot separate them. They're a found family as much as they are a ship, "these are the people who gets me, and makes me happy and who I CHOOSE to be with".
.. i love other ships but those mentioned are my main OTPS and the ones who mostly make me insane, shout out to polyvbs, anhane, minoharu and nenekasa tho
A lot of the ones in here will also be able to be read as ships, and I will like it most times, but I also REALLY like them as bffs or adopted siblings or smth
So starting with the ones that CANT be seen as romantic
Tenmas (including Toya), I can not express myself how those sillies make my day, the Tenmas are the first people that Toya feels at home with, Tsukasa is the person that makes both laugh, Saki wants to make up for her time and spend time with her family. 10/10
Shinonomes. Sjcksuckshcishcusjvusivhisvjfuvufj th them i uave so many words abt the shinonomes that idk where to begin so-
Hinomoris. Shiho wanting independence, but Shizuku does it all for her, because she wanted to step in as an older sister for her parents but she NEVER HAD THE TIME TO BECAUSE SHES AN IDOL. Which created an even bigger gap for a while. They love each other but couldn't tell each other what's going on in their lives
Now the ones that are able to see it as romantic, no matter if i like it that way or not
Ichikasa. Look, for me, Tsukasa treats Ichika like a little sister, while he does that with everyone in Leo/need, one thing ichikasa only can bond over is seeing Saki in her worst state and making her smile, because Saki's smile is everything for both of them.
Shizukasa. As mentioned before, they can be bffs and look good doing so. They will cuddle and not care about what the idol fans will say. In some AUs that brew in my brain, they marry but they are just each others beard, still close though
Akian. While i love them as a ship too, i NEED to talk about how their dynamic is amazing, they will kick each other then get mad if someone raises the voice at the other, only them can bully each other tyvm. In times i prefer seeing them as a couple, in others i prefer seeing them as siblings, depends on my mood and the good thing about headcanons is that I can have both and they're not in the same universe at all
Minori, Kohane and Shiho. So. Silly. Come onnnnnn i dont have an essay prepared for them tho
Ruinene.. maybe i like childhood friend troupe maybe not... But as a couple, as bffs, or as siblings, those 2 be queens
Honakana. I also dont have an essay for them i just think its cute
Thats it. I definitely forgot about relationships i love in here LMAO
Also shout out to mikurin, kaimei, meiluka and kaimeiluka (len forever alone ig KFJSKFJ)
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peppercornpress · 2 years
Kimi no Tonari — by Butterfly Cafe (Mamu)… is a freakin’ Masterpiece.
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This is my NaruHina book report that NOBODY asked for. But... I can't help myself. Link to BOOK. I just can’t keep quiet about this one!!
The story takes place almost a decade after the fourth shinobi war where Naruto is in his late twenties and bemoaning single life. Naruto started to hang out around Team 8 several years before the start of the story… just coincidentally mingling with peers who are still single, and finds himself particularly drawn toward Hinata’s company. Except—This is an AU where Naruto flat-out dumps Hinata after the Pein-attack, and Hinata is haunted by his blunt words of rejection. To complicate matters, Naruto doesn’t remember ever rejecting her and is confused and frustrated whenever Hinata LOUDLY and REPEATEDLY friend-zones him.
Why I think this is a masterpiece:
A super simple premise that's executed perfectly. Best Friends to Lovers Trope (Idiots to lovers, more like). Mutual Pining.
Witty, snappy, and FUN dialogue. So many laugh-out-loud moments.
Artful use of flash-forwards gives the reader a peek into an upcoming scene that sets the tone for the chapter.
A slow-burn romance with WONDERFUL pacing!!!!
A really good fight!!!!! A well-earned, and well-overdue couples-fight!!! Naruto and Hinata spend way too much time together, so the big fight they have that changes their relationship in the middle of this story is EPIC. BRUTAL. INSANE. They both call each other out and say things that cut DEEP. And more importantly, the way they make up and talk things out felt really realistic. There are holes in their arguments, and they brush things under the rug a bit, highlighting how hard it is for friends to become lovers. It also sets them up for their last and final misunderstanding that ultimately leads to them finally talking things out and confessing toward each other. It makes their final scenes together so satisfying.
Hilarious OC characters that test the couple’s patience/relationship. (Hinata's goofy admirer? Naruto's bothersome fangirls? The flamboyant shopkeeper that sells sexy dresses? They're a riot! I loved them!!)
CHARACTER GROWTH!!! Rewarding character growth!!
TEAM 8 being FED UP with both Naruto and Hinata. Kiba was the real MVP of this story. Honestly, HE should be Hokage. HUMPH!!!
Throughout the story, Naruto keeps saying 'My place is by your side' to Hinata (Title of this book). In the beginning, it sounds platonic... especially since he says it to highlight what great friends they are. But the more Naruto says it, the more impactful and romantic it gets as their relationship changes over the course of the story.
The ending is beautiful. I know it must be really hard to end a slow-burn love story, but this one just sticks the landing.
Mamu's known for her other slow-burn BFFs-to-Lovers fic you can read on her Pixiv account for free, but this one is like... a more refined version of that story. The ending especially is what makes this fic shine~!!
Here’s Mamu’s PIXIV-available story that is similar to ‘Kimi no Tonari’… but it’s set right after Naruto get’s his prosthetic arm, so blank-period NaruHina. Bff to lovers.
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ddwcaph-game · 8 months
SUPERR invested in the story after i came after playing IAC (the change in POV is so cute and i cannot help but wonder how we're going to address the. redacted cliffhanger at the end of the game because i was full on YELLING??) but i just had to wonder - since we had the opportunity to have some of our characters be ~romantics~ and have crushes on a few characters (which i will be doing in a later playthrough with jm and lil and the rest wahooo - and that reminds me!! despite playing a completely platonic run the game is still. so enjoyable which is so great and really speaks to the world building),, do any of the characters have crushes on mc (even if not encouraged by the game)? I know some of the characters (spoilers ahead) like rosy canonically think others like brandon are handsome so.... i was wondering if that's the same for us :3 have a great day!
Hello there, I'm glad you liked reading DDWCaPH! after playing IAC! 😊 Which is a good thing, because the two stories won't converge until Volume 4, hehe.
But to answer your question: Currently, only Wayne and Roselyna can have a secret crush on MC (if you meet their chemistry requirements).
Your chemistry score with each character depends on a lot of factors, such as your appearance, traits, personality stats, and choices. (Send me another ask if you want specifics for each character!) If your confession results in a "Mutual Crush Established!", that means they were already having a crush on MC. But if not, you will still have several opportunities to win them over the course of the story.
The easiest way to know if Wayne or Roselyna has a crush on MC without confessing, is if they're waiting for you to wake up after the Chapter 5 incident (unless they're your bestfriend, since your BFF will always be there). You can also discover if Wayne/Roselyna has a crush on MC if you read the Valentine's entry in Roselyna's diary if you sneak inside her room (although I haven't written that entry yet).
But for JM, Lily, and B, they won't have a crush on MC until later, and they will never develop the crush even if you meet their chemistry requirements, unless MC shows interest first.
(And if anyone's curious, it's possible for Cordelia to have a secret crush on MC too if you meet her requirements, but Cham is the most oblivious, so there will be no progress with her until MC confesses first.)
That said, I want to make it clear that you won't be missing any scenes at all if you decide to just be friends with everyone. Thank you so much for the ask! 😄
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frozenhi-chews · 2 months
Thinking how with the main UTY cast, that being Starlo, Ceroba, Martlet, and Dalv, they're all off better as platonic friends. None of these guys have any appeal being shipped together for me. (Dalv and Martlet is just So Out There so no. Ceroba is older than Martlet, and Martlet saw Chujin as a father figure so that'd be weird.)
Starlo and Dalv would never work. Starlo's too much of an extrovert and Dalv is too much of an introvert. Stars would hate living in the cold of Snowdin away from his family and friends, and look me in the eyes and tell me that he does long-distance relationships. Dalv would find the Wild East too chaotic and not really have a good time. (Also it's a boring gay ship. Nuff said-)
And Starlo with Ceroba also just. Doesn't work. They're platonic soulmates, they're BFFs. Starlo literally had to get over Ceroba, so them getting together undoes all of that. Literally, it sometimes feels that all Starlo had to do was wait. Screw having to move on, just wait till she's fully recovered or something. Not to mention, Starlo is an AMAZING friend by not making any moves once Chujin died and still being friends with Ceroba despite the heartbreak. Like holy crap that's a good friend. Make them romantic and uh. Kinda erases that. Also I don't think Ceroba wants to marry anyone else, even after she's recovered. It's very much apparent how much she loves Chujin. They're so much better platonically anyway, they're so much more interesting being friends
Either that or I'm sick of seeing romance be a default over and over and over again-
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inevitablestars · 3 months
for the character thingy, lily 👀
LILYYYYY big thoughts here!! zar i am so glad you asked
this ask game
starting with how i feel about her. i feel things so many things i love her so deeply so very deeply and i end up going insane about her a lot. there's just so much potential for tragedy without even taking into account the actual tragic fate of canon and that makes me insane. also just sibling. she's a younger sibling and not enough people explore her and petunia so i will take it upon myself to do just that !!!
people i ship lily with: (in no particular order and with more detail than necessary)
dorcas - dorlily will always be tragic to me idc if they are happy eventually it's always tragic
regulus - if i think too much about regulily i might explode :/ they are just like tragic again but also perfect in every way that makes no sense at all they don't intentionally fall in love ever it just happens by accident and then one day they're in love and no one saw it coming and just !!! also the younger sibling with a strained relationship with the older sibling thing .... why are more people not insane about that more people should be losing their minds with me
james - a classic! teenage love that's sweet and they just work. like james loves the way he loves and lily deserves that kind of love!! not as insane about these two but like they're always going to be good
mary - slowly have been falling out with marylily but i do still like them. even more fun if its unrequited on either end but great still as friends to lovers or just being sweet! when its requited there isn't as much angst which is usually what draws me to ships even more but like still fun
pandora - also not top of the list but still good! they're insane together and bring out the worst in each other (positive) and just very fun!
non romantic otp.... this is hard it really depends on the situation... bc like remus is right there and they deserve to be best friends and have an unspoken language together and be someone the other confides in. but then there is also platonic regulily which also drives me insane. and then lily and sirius are best friends you cannot tell me otherwise and the deserve that! like also back to siblings sirius and lily finding each other and helping to heal part of them with loving each other for the sibling that cant or won't and it's :( i love them
unpopular opinion on lily.... obvious answer is regulily but im not gonna talk about ships in this but im gonna go with idk if its unpopular but i feel like i dont see it that often but i feel like lily is kind of a bitch (again, positive) like if you take canon yeah she's a mom and thats the only trait she gets which is stupid. she's not soft at all unless you are one of her people and then she will adore you forever and ever and treat you like a princess but to anyone else especially anyone that is rude to her or her people she can and will kill them
one thing i wish would have happened to lily in canon - okay like i was just saying she should have more of a personality, but that aside and just considering a canon setting... she should have been the one to pick the secret keeper. like yeah all of them would have been in consideration including sirius and peter but lily would have been better at picking like clearly no one was thinking who are lily's friends that would be able to do this it was always just oh james! his best friend (also lily's bff but i digress) and then oh no not james' best friend let's go with his other friend! like cmon lily would have been smarter than to pick one of the three people closest to them that everyone knows is close to them :/ also she should have lived that would have been cool of her to also survive a killing curse
i um. i rambled quite a bit so i apologize for that... idk what happened :/
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mikuchan · 3 months
Throwing you the reverse card: BG3 and Dragon Age 😉
The first character I first fell in love with: this is kind of cheating, but I made my girl Sabine in early access and then didn't stop thinking about her for the like 2 years or so it took for the actual game to come out. I still love her. Otherwise hmm in my first playthrough I really liked Astarion and Alfira
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: I was actually super meh about Minthara at first. It took a little more time + learning her character to get into her. I also hated Shadowheart in EA because she was rude and I took it personally LOL they're both big faves now obviously
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Gortash... there are a lot of other villains that have much better hair
The character I love that everyone else hates: Maybe Araj Oblodra, she had some controversy going in the fuckable bg3 character poll. I also really like Yenna, I see a lot abt how annoying she is but I think she's so sweet.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Astarion...I still like him, but after playing the game a few times/ways other characters just resonate with me more
The character I would totally smooch: Mizooorrrrraaaaaaaaaa
The character I’d want to be like: I'm not sure! Maybe Karlach, she has a good attitude
The character I’d slap: most of the druids...Volo...Aradin
A pairing that I love: I'm still on my Minthara/Alfira train, also deep in the Minthara/Florrick fan club right now (and this modern au!). Alfira/Lakrissa, Isobel/Aylin, Danis/Bex, Shadowheart/Nocturne, Karlach/Wyll, all very good pairings that I adore too. I've also been reading Mimetoist's Minthara/Halsin fic and loving it, I like that ship a lot.
A pairing that I despise: I don't like Durge/Gortash! I don't like Gortash and I think there are more compelling ships for Durge, like WYLL. Monster hunter hero who won't give up on the one born to be a monster?! Two souls both being forced to follow higher evil powers, mutually loving and supporting each other through that?! Also could go on about my toxic platonic ship of Auntie Ethel/Durge but we'll save it for another day
DA - so I just finished Origins (tetoman playing and me watching/backseat gaming), and have played some Inquisition but not all
The first character I first fell in love with: ✨🥰Cassandra🥰✨ my husband + bff are probably sick of me going oohhhh cassaaaaandra every time one of them mentions Dragon Age
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: historically I'm not too keen on dwarves but I really like Varric!
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: I think Sera is annoying
The character I love that everyone else hates: idk who the Dragon Age fandom hates lol. probably not hated, but I had never heard of Wynne or Shale in general and I'm surprised, I loved them.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: n/a since I'm still pretty early in my DA career
The character I would totally smooch: Cassandra... but she doesn't want me 😔✌🏻 so I suppose Iron Bull or Leliana
The character I’d want to be like: Leliana! She is actually my favorite, I liked what I saw of her in DAI and now that I saw DAO I love her even more!
The character I’d slap: idk probably Solas
A pairing that I love: I like Iron Bull x Dorian! and the mage guy my husband and I made x Morrigan lolol
A pairing that I despise: n/a for now, not enough knowledge of popular DA ships
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he1st · 6 months
PLOTTING  CHEAT  SHEET,  but  ranked  like  they're  characters  in  a  game  that  you  have  to  " beat ".   choose  your  fighter,  i  guess.   please  click  on  the  [ ♡ ]  and  i'll  approach  you  for  plotting.
GIANNA  LOMBARDI.   level :   beginner.   gianna  is  generally  nice,  maybe  a  slight  judgmental  if  your  fashion  sense  isn't  aligned  with  hers  or  she  just  thinks  it's  ugly.   she  networks  a  lot,  too,  so  it  makes  sense  for  muses  to  know  her.   especially  the  famous  or  famous  adjacent  ones.   potential  dynamic  ideas  include :   your  muse  being  her  client,  wlw  ships  that  could  be  anything  from  friends  to  lovers  /  rivals  to  lovers,  platonic  friends,  party  friends,  circumstantial  friends.
MIGUEL  ZAPATA.   level :   easy.   friendly,  chill,   &   an  overall  good  time.   who  doesn't  wanna  hang  out  with  a  retired  drug  dealer   &   car  enthusiast  who  still  has  all  his  connections?   potential  dynamic  ideas  include :   he  used  to  be  your  muse's  plug,   rival  dealers  or  old  dealer  friends,  friends  he  parties  with,  racers  who  were  friends  with  his  family  members  when  they  still  lived  in  nyc,  childhood  friends,  friends  with  benefits,  exes.
BENNY  JOVILLAR.   level :   intermediate.   benny  is  overall  friendly   &   good  natured,  but  suspicious   &   untrusting  due  to  his  lines  of  work.   i  mean,  you'd  also  be  this  way  if  you  work  around  cops  as  your  9 - 5  then  end  the  night  perched  with  a  sniper  rifle   &   eyes  on  your  victim.   please  note :   your  muse  will  never  know  he's  a  hitman  unless  it's  something  that  has  been  extensively  plotted.   benny  is  entirely  serious  about  keeping  his   &   jo's  identities  a  secret.   probably  the  only  thing  he's  serious  about.   potential  dynamics  include :   friends  from  work  ( those  who  work  in  law  enforcement  or  law  enforcement  adjacent  fields ),  general  friends  he  could've  met  at  parties  or  clubs  or  the  bars  he  frequents,  lovers,  exes,  neighbors.
HEART  BEAUMONT.   level :   intermediate.   look,  heart  isn't  difficult  to  befriend,  but  she's  definitely  judgmental  and  not  the  kind  of  person  you'd  want  to  befriend  because  frankly... she  can  be  mean.   thread  ideas :   your  muse  helping  her  with  a  PI  case,  or  someone  giving  her  gossip,  going  out  for  drinks  with  heart,  telling  heart  stories  because  she  loves  that.   dynamics :   neighbors,  friends,  bffs,  enemies,  someone  heart  teaches  how  to  play  the  violin  in  her  down  time.   the  possibilities  are  indeed  endless!   heart  will  love  you  more  if  you're  judgmental  and  always  have  gossip  or  if  you  tell  her  stories.
JOSEPHINE  " JO "  GATLIN.   level :   hard.   your  muse  can  know  jo  as  one  of  two  identities  :   the  matchmaker,  or  as  jo  gatlin,  the  bar  owner   and  violinist.   not  both,  unless  plotted  extensively.   josephine  keeps  the  list  of  people  who  know  her  criminal  identity  very  small  though  she  may  meet  some  criminals  in  person,  she  wouldn't  tell  them  her  real  name.   with  that  being  said,  potential  dynamics  include :   clients  who  often  seek  her  resources,  criminals  who  rely  on  her  to  make  ends  meet  or  for  jobs  in  general,  friends  who  run  in  similar  circles  if  they're  wealthy,  business  partners  the  matchmaker's  server  could  partner  with.
ANTONIO  LA  RUSSA.   level :   hard.   sigh.   antonio  is  a  kind  person,  however  he's  not  a  people  person.   his  work  keeps  him  busy,  and  he  tends  to  be  a  lone  wolf,  anyway.   he  has  plenty  of  acquaintances  and  some  real  friends,  but  it's  really  a  small  circle.   however,  one  of  the  dynamics  can  be  that  your  muse  and  antonio  are  friends  and  see  each  other  quite  a  bit  or  they're  both  in  the  business  field  and  network  a  lot  so  they're  always  seeing  each  other  at  events.
SECRET  MENU  MUSES.   these  are  the  muses  you  might  become  familiar  with  if  we  have  threads  or  talk  about  the  muses  ooc.   by  request  only.
RUSTY  BARING.   level :   easy.   rusty  is  pretty  easy-going  and  getting  along  with  him  isn't  difficult.   he  likes  bad  jokes,  drinking,  smoking  weed  with  his  friends,  and  overall  having  a  good  time.   rusty  isn't  really  trusting,  but  he's  easy  to  make  shallow  friends  with,  and  he's  fun.   potential  thread  ideas  include :   meeting  rusty  at  a  party  or  the  restaurant  where  he  works,  smoking  sessions,  him  as  a  shoulder  to  cry  on,  etc.   dynamic  ideas :   best  friends,  ride  or  dies,  even  high  school  friends  from  his  hometown  who  visit  glasgow.   he's  really  all  about  the  soft  dynamics.
THEO  DABNEY.   level :   easy.   theo  is  our  resident  sweetheart.   loves  people.   the  embodiment  of  the  chatty  bartender  trope  who  you  can  spill  all  your  problems  to.   non-judgmental.   possible  threads :   your  muse  meeting  theo  at  a  party  or  at  the  bar  for  the  first  time,  smoking  sessions  with  theo,  hanging  out  with  theo  in  general.   dynamics :   also  one  for  soft  dynamics,  your  muse  can  be  a  regular  at  the  bar,  theo  and  your  muse  can  be  really  good  friends  ( bonus  points  if  they're  good  friends  with  both  theo  and  rusty ),  sibling-figures,  exes  ( theo  is  bi  so  anything  goes ),  friends  from  when  he  was  trying  to  be  a  comedian.
FRIDA  DABNEY.   level :   easy.   the  daughter  of  olympia   &   theo.   aspiring  rnb  singer  who  isn't  aware  of  her  parents  being  criminals.   potential  dynamics :   musicians  who  are  willing  to  show  her  the  ropes,  aunts  or  uncle  figures  who  are  friends  with  her  parents,  friends,  lovers,  exes.
CATARINA  CASWELL.   level :   extreme.   cat's  rude  and  petty.   she  loves  making  fun  of  people  in  the  name  of  humor,  and  judging  people  as  well.   coming  from  a  rich  family  and  being  an  influencer,  she  thinks  everyone  should  know  who  she  is.   feel  free  to  humble  her.   or,  your  muse  and  her  can  plot  her  sister's  death.   up  to  you.  
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hellooooo i'd love a redacted match up pls, i love your writing!
song & lyrics: cinderella snapped by Jax: I don't need no prince to save me, I'm a goddamn CEO
Enneagram 4 (hmmmmmm but the test I took showed a strong mix with 8, 5, 2 and 3)
Youtube video essays: yes, Sara Z!
fall asleep to: podcasts
name change: no!
What is your favorite of raudios: the wolfboi trifecta, growth gif
Not interested in: Ollie. sweet guy, but no hook!
movie: muppet treasure island, god tier.
platonic raudio bff: LASKO. let us be dnd buddies. not my romantic dynamic.
sleepy rambles: current hyperfixation!!
fave playlist: bops and empowerment!
guilty pleasure: josei manga.........
other facts: chronically self aware, and too earnest and honest, which has led to shitty situations. can be opinionated, but mostly passionate? cares too much. empathy overdrive. thinks that everyone could be kinder. tries to live by that. escapism as a coping mechanism. still trying to figure self out. adopts people, protective & loyal, would take a bullet for friend/family. has gotten into sticky situations because of that too (not nearly as big and threatening as imagined). comes off as arrogant and confident, but is actually an anxious marshmallow.
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Oddly enough, this conjured an immediate, adorable mental image of you, on the couch, cuddled under a blanket with your laptop and video essays, explaining what in god's name Homestuck is to Gavin.
You and Gavin have so many similarities to each other but not the kind of or so many that you wouldn't work as a pair, does that make sense? You're both very loyal with these tough, arrogant exteriors that are shielding a really soft, intensely loving interior, and yet you complement each other really well in the places you differ. Where Gavin is flirty and avoidant, you are direct and forthright. Where you might be self-aware and sensitive, Gavin could be bold and casual to a fault. It's a lovely balance the two of you would manage together.
What makes me think the two of you would make a lovely pair, or the main thing, is that I think you could be really fast friends and would like all the same things. Gavin canonically is kind of behind on pop culture, Drag Race references be damned, so he would love having you teach him. You could show him the Muppet movies! I think he would clown on them at first, but you'd win him over, I'm sure of it.
Watching the video that you sent me/ The one where you're showering with wet hair dripping/ You know that I'm obsessed with your body/ But it's the way you smile that does it for me
This song works on so many levels. It's a kind of sensual, dare I say- sexy, song which aligns with Gavin's flirtatious, incubus nature. Yet, like Gavin, it is more than that. It's intimate on an emotional level; There is more to it and Gavin and your relationship than that.
You and Huxley would also work as that sort of couple that make fantastic best friends as well as partners; for some reason, he just leans more platonically than romantically in my mind. Perhaps it's because you two strike me as even more similar than you and Gavin. Asher is closer to a good fit, in that I see a romantic spark there, in that he would easily bring you out of your shell. However, nothing compares, to me, to the way you and Gavin would draw each other out.
Note: be not ashamed of the josei manga it is such a cute genre and I love the soft, almost demure way they're drawn I'm a big fan of them
Want a match-up of your own? Read this post, and tell me about yourself! 💌
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spcrklings · 9 months
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( lizeth selene, gender non-conforming, she/they ) — 🎬 just announced, inez campos solis is casted as needy lesnicki in upcoming jennifer's body reboot. the twenty5 year old is trending as people are debating if the glittering eyeshadow under neon lights, suit with a deep v neck and chunky gold jewelry, wearing sunnies no matter the occasion, spontaneous trips to get matching tattoos w anyone & everyone, and lace & leather that they are known for is enough to make them as good as original. a quick google search shows that their fans call them whimsical , but internet trolls think they’re more reticent . i guess their newest interview for variety where they talk about the time they got locked out of their apartment at 3am will let people to know them better.
lil stats !
full name: inez campos solis. nicknames: nez. gender: gender non-conforming. pronouns:  she/they. orientation: lesbian. parents: valentine solis ( father ) & paola campos ( mother ) siblings: lucia campos solis ( older sister ) & francisco campos solis  traits: whimsical, compassionate, reticent & overprotective. xtra aesthetics: 2am convenience store runs, macbook webcam selfies after getting ready, amusement park enthusiast, clay stained clothes from pottery.
lil bio !
one could say that artistry was in their blood, creativity bursting from both parents. paola campos, an internationally recognized children's illustrator & valentine solis an established glassblower.
the campos solis children were a rambunctious bunch, but nearly inseparable. as a middle child surely it would be easy to slip through the cracks, but inez was hard to ignore. with a big personality and a loud voice, lucia and francisco usually caved to inez's will ( with love ). playing pretend was the name of their game and inez was VERY adamant that everyone plays their role correctly.
their parents tried to harness all that energy into something productive and then it wasn't long before inez was cast in a handful of indie projects around their childhood home in san miguel allende, mexico. from age six to fifteen she had post credits ( however small the project ) in around 10 projects in mexico.
the family relocated to los angeles around their fifteenth birthday, inez's love of the industry sparked their older sister's interest in screenwriting, and her brother's love of cinematography. a family affair ! it didn't take long for inez to break into hollywood & they haven't looked back since!
it's nearly impossible for inez to take anything BUT acting seriously. always joking, laughing, and making light of situations. they have the outward expression emotional rage of a teaspoon as themself, but boy can they emote as any character thrown their way.
fame did bring some anxieties, especially since word vomit was her absolute specialty. it helped that inez deeply and unconsciously pushed down every single negative emotion of their own, couldn't fuck up if you're positive polly and goofy gabby !
they keep their personal life pretty private, or at least, never really commenting on anything too deep.
ALSO ! they're a pottery extraordinaire.
wcs !
ex on good terms - probably didn't date long, they both figured out neither of them wanted a relationship, but wanted to stay connected platonically
ex on bad terms/first real love - inez CANNOT express their real feelings verbally which is not conducive to a healthy relationship. she absolutely fell head over heels for this muse and still has feelings for them, but god was it pretty impossible for them to share it. we can def plot breakup specifics, but i'm sure inez's issues didn't help anything !
anything else!
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deareststars · 2 years
Hello *echoes* if you're still using this account can you give us some headcanons on Ryuji and Akira growing up in Inaba together?
whoa! long time no see! i basically all but abandoned tumblr & have since come back because…well, headcanons and stuff are more fun to write than actual stories lmao :,) this is in celebration of me finally starting to play p4g!! i will NOT promise any headcanons about anyone until i finish that game…currently in kanji’s dungeon so that will be a long time dkfnskfnkd without further ado…!!!
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i think ryuji and akira's friendship would be much like how ann and ryuji's was said to have been in-game. that really feel-good, "as long as we're together we can do anything!" sorta thing, y'know?
their moms totally grew up together, too. hana and...akira's mom omg i've never written about her what the hell is a good name—anyway those two were as thick as thieves, so naturally when they happened to get pregnant around the same time, they were like "our boys are gonna be bffs" and THEY WERE
i mean, let's face it, even if their moms never met inaba is such a small town they would've stumbled across each other anyway but this is so much cuter okay
akira's mom absolutely threatened ryuji's dad with violence when she found out about him abusing the sakamotos
akira too. she knows she raised him right
i like to think that both akira & ryuji were kind of shy, polite boys growing up, but when ryuji's dad left them behind (probably around 7 or 8?) suddenly akira was suspiciously more protective of ryuji
i mean, this kid managed to perfect his wolf stare within a few months. i hc kid!ryuji as soft, probably cries a lot...so when bullies come along and are unlucky enough to stumble across akira too (which is a given, they're attached at the hip), akira sends them running
he lets ryuji pretend that his "big, strong muscles" scare them off
this ends up becoming ryuji's motivation to get stronger, so he can protect akira the same way
people are now terrified of messing with one part of the duo. bullying decreases by 99% in inaba because these two feral children will not let ANYONE bully someone under their watch
after school, when ryuji & akira aren't busy helping out their moms or generally being angels, they like hanging out at junes (p5 definitely takes place after p4, so junes has always been a staple growing up) or going to get steak skewers
this is how ryuji finds out about his love of meat
akira buys. it's like the 10 year old version of a fancy date. 600 yen is a lot okay—
study dates as they get into middle school are a MUST. ryuji's always been as dumb as rocks. akira is the dumbest smart person you will ever meet. study dates consist of 50% studying, 50% trying to figure out how to parachute off the second story with a trash bag.
pegoryu vibes start happening as study dates become more frequent. ryuji starts noticing how soft akira's hair and hands are as they become more comfortable with physical affection. akira has always known that ryuji shines like the sun, but never that he was so handsome
cue adolescent pining until and during p5 events
idk why shido is in inaba. maybe he's trying to secure support from EVERYONE, so he lowers himself to the peasantry and decides to take his campaign to inaba a year early
akira is by himself, miraculously, so everything happens as normal...
but when the case happens & he's sent on probation, ryuji absolutely follows him to the city. it breaks his heart to leave hana behind (she's supportive of it, she knows those boys are gay for each other (platonically OR romantically, she doesn't care)) but he knows akira won't last a day
since no kamoshida means no broken leg, he's got that track scholarship going for him, but it's a lot of training on his own (and with akira, pegoryu as gym bros will always make me soft) since kamoshida still would've screwed up the track team
still, when he and akira run late to school because of the rain and spotting their soon-to-be-classmate (aka ann) get in the car of some sleazy asshole, there's absolutely no reason why ryuji wouldn't be golden-hearted and loyal as always
akira awakens to his persona because they will NEVER leave each other behind
ryuji awakens to his persona for much the same reason, but also because kamoshida = shitty adult = DAMN I'M GETTING PISSED AT MY DAD TOO LET'S FUCKING GO
the rest of the game is not changed. if this were to actually happen, ryuji's confidant would be 100% maxed out because??? how do you grow up with someone and NOT have a blood oath???
anyway childhood friends!pegoryu now owns my heart thank you
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