#// i guess i could've written the actual uhm... Fight before this but like - i'm still intimidated by writing Fight Scenes
demonsfate · 2 years
broken wings...
It was as though the final blow had rippled through the atmosphere and evoked an earthquake. As the wall of the tournament's arena commenced its quivering, and afore them, the walls were brought down in a loud crumble. Everything around the pair was plummeting down, and yet it all managed to miss them miraculously. And as the debris rest upon the vacant, pure black ground, they gradually faded from existence. And in its place, luscious, verdant blades of grass began to spring to life. Soon followed were bushes, flowers, vegetation. A blue sky spilled and painted the nothingness and large, flourishing trees sprouted to provide shade from the hot sun. After years of drab, this place was finally vibrant and abundant with life once more.
Jin Kazama stood in disbelief at the sight before him - it felt like a dream - and that was what's most bizarre to him. He hadn't experienced a dream in years, either. It was all only nightmares which filled this heavy head of his. The sunbeams that peaked through leaves welcomed Jin into a loving, warm embrace. And the grass below his feet was soft, but pleasantly tickled between his bare toes. This beauteous, much earned victory caused him to forget he wasn't quite finished yet. Jin glanced down, away from the trees, and saw the Devil pathetically crawling away - wings lowered like a dog with its tail behind its back. Jin trudged toward him.
The Devil understood Jin was coming after him - he could feel Jin's overwhelming force. Devil hopped in a futile endeavor to lift off to the skies. But only one wing flapped as the other had been fractured in combat. He grunted loudly as he crashed into the ground, his face landing right in the dirt. Spit, spit. Jin was drawing closer, and it actually startled the Devil - for once in his life, he was genuinely afraid, for he knew what was inevitable. He needn't breathe, yet to Devil, it felt as though he was out of breath. His bones ached, limbs begging for relaxation, and deep down, there was this realization that he no longer had any fight in him left. But still, the desperate need for survival gnawed at those exhausted muscles. In his severe panic, he leaped higher - and it only caused him to crash harder with an even harsher yelp. Jin ceased all movement - the Devil wasn't going anywhere, that much is obvious at this point. And maybe it was too cruel to play around with him as though the Devil's a wounded mouse, and he was the sadistic feline. Even if the Devil may deserve it for all he put the world through.
With an agonized groan, the Devil turned on his back to look up at Jin with horror in those lustrous, white eyes. 
"I've saved your life! I've saved your life many times!" He cried out in defense. 
"And then you took it," Jin retorted coldly. 
"You'll die without me. Time has proven that again and again! You NEED me, Jin! You need me!"
"I don't need you. I never did."
Jin's hefty legs crouched over Devil's body, and stared at him. In an attempt to retain existence, the Devil weakly swiped his sharp talons at Jin, who instantly caught his wrist and jerked it away. Jin's own hand then landed upon Devil's chest - and he shoved it through him. There was no gore, it's as if the Devil was nothing but a mere ghost. He couldn't even move, although he wanted to. Only his back arched as the rest of his body went thoroughly stiff. "I just needed your powers," Jin added. Then - echoed, bloodcurdling screams filled the gorgeous surroundings. And they won't end as his own form slowly dissipated - starting from his limbs.
It was almost too much for Jin, and he had to snap his eyes shut. His own spirit was consuming everything the Devil had possessed. But that wasn't the source of Jin's pained expression. No, in some messed up way, it was the Devil's screaming that brought forth his perturbation. Jin had loathed his Devil more than anything. An unforgivable, irredeemable, uncaring beast that had ruined his life, and thousands' more. The sole reason why he couldn't live amongst the humans. But Jin had spent years with him, every single day, nonstop. There was always someone to talk to when he was alone - even if those conversations were always of contempt arguments. Could arguing be considered superior to loneliness?
His ears blocked out the Devil's cries, and instead he tried all he can to focus solely on the power that's coursing through him now. After the rush of it had finished, Jin determined it was over and once again revealed his eyes to the world - his world. The Devil was gone, nothing but himself now. This victory should be one that's celebrated. But it was far too early for any parties. Jin knew there was more work to be done.
Thus, his eyes opened again. This time they were greeted to the real world. His body rose from the medical bed. His first few steps were wobbly, and he had to ground himself by leaning on to the cold wall for support. Once he rediscovered his composure, the destined child noticed the new strength he carried - more than he had ever before. It was almost stressful. But there was no time to think about that. Now, he'll get dressed and finally depart from this building - they were waiting for him...
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