#// i decided to move this ask from my multifandom multimuse to here!!
fullcfmysteries · 19 days
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@akegome sent: "Hey Ford, I was wondering... Is that memory gun able to like, erase nightmares? Asking for a friend, not that it's anyone's business." -- Pacifica to Ford !
unprompted asks (always accepting)
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"Unfortunately not, Miss Northwest." Ford readjusted his glasses, feeling a hint of worry. "Is your uh...friend doing alright? It must be really bad nightmares for you to come ask me about the memory gun." He gently asked, looking down at Pacifica.
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adversityfought-a · 2 years
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                                SUBJECT TO CHANGE OVER TIME                                       UPDATED.   OCT 2022
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                                           -`ˏ   BASICS.  ˎ´-
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          First  &  foremost — 18+ only. I do plan to explore darker themes mentioned  &  written on occasion. 18+ will be the age for following and interacting for the usual interactions, but anything delving into darker more adult in nature will only be done with others that are 21+. Please understand that this is for my own comfort. I will not interact with Minors. I will do my best to tag posts accordingly.
         ASKS / INTEREST TRACKERS ARE THE BEST WAY TO START INTERACTIONS.    The best way to interact  &  get muses writing together is through sending Askmemes or to fill out my linked Interest Tracker! It helps me get a good feel of our muses, on whether their dynamic works or they mesh well or not. I’m not against plotting in DMs should you want a more plot heavy, developed relationship between muses. All in all, please reach out in DMs to discuss possible plots or shoot a few memes my way to get things started  &  we can build up through that over time. I also urge you to fill out my Interest Tracker! It helps a ton!
           ALL MY THREADS ARE CLOSED ONES.   Please don’t reblog RP threads of mine unless you are my RP partner. Solo Drabbles where I’m writing alone are fine to like, but I am uncomfortable with them being reblogged unless permission has been given to do so.
            REGARDING PERSONAL  &  NON RP BLOGS.   Please don’t reblog or my RP threads unless you are my RP partner. Do not reblog my Headcanon posts either, as those are based purely off my own portrayal. Doing so will result in a hard block. I am fine with liking so long as it’s not excessive  &  clogging my notifications, but reblogging closed threads or reblogged headcanons will result in a hard block.
            REGARDING REBLOG SPAM  &  REBLOG KARMA.   Please don’t reblog RP memes, musings or aesthetic posts directly from me in excess. I am not a resource blog  -  please reblog it from the source directly if you’re able to!  It clogs my notifications heavily, so ignorance of that will result in a hard block if it’s been done enough times. As for reblog Karma, if you do reblog a meme from me, I don’t expect anything back. I want interactions to be born from genuine interest not because you feel you need to.
            I DON’T PARTICIPATE IN CALL OUT POSTS OR FANDOM / RPC DRAMA.   I prefer to just be left alone  &  ignore posts unless it’s truly anything serious. IF SO  —  I will make an informed decision privately  &  decide if I will cease interactions or not. If I have a problem with someone, Typically I’ll block  &  move on  &  I expect the same in return. If I see Mutuals participating in call out posts to a degree where it starts to become uncomfortable  —  I will cut contact. This is a hobby, I’d prefer to keep the drama out of it.
            I AM NOT ASSOCIATED WITH ANY FANDOMS I WRITE FOR.   I only write for the characters  &  try to keep fandom interaction to a minimum. I’m here to enjoy the content  &  write muses from them, I am not associated with nor do I condone anything negative that the fandoms / creators have done.
            You may notice that sometimes others will get more responses. That’s simply because the plot flows better for that particular thread, or it’s all I have the muse / motivation to reply to at the moment. Please don’t take it personally if I take longer on certain replies — it’s never intentional  &  I will get around to replying as soon as I can.
* 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄.   I also run 3 other RP accounts  &  usually when I’m not active here, I’m found on one of them.
             If you think a notification for our thread has gotten lost or I’ve forgotten to reply, please don’t hesitate to message me to check in if we’re mutuals. It happens  &  I don’t usually mind so long as I’m not being excessively poked for a response over a short amount of time. I may take while to respond depending on my workload, but I will always get around to it when I can.
             PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THIS IS A HOBBY FOR ME.   I have a life outside of roleplaying  &  when I’m busy with family or commissions / zinework, some responses won’t be immediate. Please respect this  &  understand I don’t always have time for roleplaying. If I lose interest in a thread or don’t want to continue, I’ll communicate.
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                                       -`ˏ   SELECTIVITY.   ˎ´-
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            I’M A MUTUALS ONLY BLOG.   I only RP with Mutuals. Anons I am selective with — if it’s for Drabble requests or curious anons regarding headcanons, I don’t mind answering them. But RPs with anons will be ignored.
            I’m Multi-Muse friendly!
            I’M HIGHLY SELECTIVE ABOUT OCS.   I need information about your character so I can RP with you, so About pages, About posts or Google docs help tremendously.
            I’M SEMI-SELECTIVE ABOUT CROSSOVERS — BUT ALWAYS OPEN TO THEM.   I don’t mind giving them a try so long as I’m familiar with the fandom  &  my RP partner is patient with me — I am always open to suggestions, but it does depend on my partner  &  how familiar I am with the fandom / muse. Always open to making verses for interactions to be more accessible as well.
            I AM DOUBLE FRIENDLY.   Duplicates  /  Doubles  /  Variants  of the same muse are allowed to poke me for fun interactions. I love interacting with twins of the same muse  &  AUs are always on the table!
            I AM NOT BOUND TO ONE SOLE RP PARTNER.   I don’t practice Exclusives. Personally, I feel it’s very limiting,  &  I enjoy seeing others write the same muse because their portrayals are all so unique. If you see me interacting with a character you also write, please don’t assume I won’t want to interact just because of that. Each portrayal is different  &  I adore meeting new muns  &  seeing their take on a character. No two portrayals are ever the same  &  I’m always down to interact.
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                                        -`ˏ   SHIPPING.   ˎ´-
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           My blog is a multi-ship one  &  I’m always down to try anything within reason. I love exploring all sorts of dynamics  &  giving rarepairs a try — they just need to be within comfort for me  &  we need to communicate ooc at least a little, but if you’d like to shoot — I am always open to discuss a ships potential!
Talk to me  &  be direct is all I ask about what kind of relationship you want with my muses  —  I am not a mind-reader  &  only hinting or vagueing about it will fly right over my head otherwise.
For ships — each role-player has their own universe  &  my muses are faithful to whomever they’re in a relationship with.
           I WILL NOT IMMEDIATELY JUMP INTO A SHIP WITH YOUR MUSE FIRST INTERACTION.   Chris will need time to get to know the other character, even if your muse is someone he’s generally paired with. Shipping is lovely but it’s never a main priority of mine. I will treat each interaction as purely platonic unless the other mun has requested to ship beforehand. .
            DO NOT FORCE ME TO SHIP WITH YOU.   If you want a pre-established relationship — please message me  &  ask first. I prefer building up to a relationship rather than just jumping in because I know some characters will not always mesh unfortunately. I also ship based on chemistry. If I don’t see a possible spark between our muses, then I won’t pursue a relationship between them.
            MY PORTRAYAL OF CHRIS IS   DEMIROMANTIC  /  DEMISEXUAL.   This means he only feels  Romantic / Sexual  attraction towards someone he’s developed a very strong bond with. A very strong connection usually comes first before there’s any sort of attraction, Romantic or Sexual.
            It’s always fine to send in NSFW starters if you’re a Mun I’ve interacted with for a while  &  we have a few interactions under our belts. I’m a little picky with these  -  the other mun needs to be over 21 for me to feel comfortable. For the most part — just know I’ll never jump into NSFW threads headfirst as a first interaction. I am highly selective  &  need to know the other writer  &  Muse better before I feel comfortable engaging.
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                                             -`ˏ   DONT’S.   ˎ´-
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* 𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐓.   Please don’t guilt me to reply to threads. Giving me a poke every so often to check in is fine, as long as it’s not overly excessive or meant to guilt me to respond faster. It makes me incredibly anxious  &  only makes me less motivated to interact overall. Do not bring up my activity on other blogs / social platforms. Keeping tabs on my activity is a huge trigger of mine from bad past instances  &  is a sure fire way to get hard blocked with no warning if it is practiced.
* 𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐓.   For personal reasons  &  a few bad instances in the past, I’m uncomfortable with self-insert characters. I will not interact with self-insert characters.
* 𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐓.   If I am uncomfortable with someone  &  enough warnings have been given  &  ignored — I will block  &  cease all interactions / contact altogether.  DO NOT STALK MY BLOG  /  DO NOT ASK ABOUT ME OR TRY TO DEMAND ANSWERS FROM MY FRIENDS  &  RP PARTNERS
* 𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐓.   I AM NOT MY MUSE. MUN DOES NOT EQUAL MUSE. Please do not talk to me ooc like I am my muse at any point please. Once again, bad instances in the past have made this a highly uncomfortable issue for me that I need to have written out just in case.
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           I WILL NOT ANSWER ANYTHING THAT MAKES ME UNCOMFORTABLE.    Anything that I find distressing / disrespectful to myself or anyone I interact with will be promptly deleted  &  result in a hard block  &  anons being turned off.
            I WILL NOT WRITE SMUT WITH YOU IF YOU OR YOUR MUSE ARE A MINOR.   Both the Mun  &  the Muse have to be over 18. * This is for my personal comfort  &  is not up for debate.
            DON’T GOD MOD.   It’s no fun for anyone. While it happens in certain threads for plot purposes, all I ask is that there is some form of communication ooc so it’s not done without my consent. Talk to me.
            PLEASE RESPECT MY MUSES  &  I WILL RESPECT YOURS IN KIND.   Communication is key, once more.
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                 -`ˏ   NSFW CONTENT / TRIGGER                         WARNINGS / CONTENT WARNINGS.  ˎ´-
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        THERE WILL BE MATURE  &  GRAPHIC CONTENT ON THIS BLOG.   I make sure to tag everything accordingly, but if you are a mutual who needs specific things tagged to avoid distress — talk to me OOC so I’m made aware  &  I will gladly take the initiative to tag them for your comfort.
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                                         -`ˏ    OTHER.   ˎ´-
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       I do write on   DIS//CORD   but I tend to keep that to close Mutuals only. … I am also a little more slow there compared to here.  But if we have a fair amount of threads / interactions together  &  there is an interest or it’s easier for you, I don’t mind being asked to make a small server for us to write together on  &  chatter about our muses. I tend to drop my   DIS//CORD   randomly, but if you haven’t added me just ask. It’s also a hell of a lot easier to use than Tumblr DMs for plotting  &  screaming about threads.
       I WILL OFTEN REBLOG ANSWERS TO ASKS I’VE SENT TO ARCHIVE THEM.   There won’t be a guarantee that I’ll always reply — I’m only selective so I don’t overwhelm myself — but if you’d ever like to turn a response of my own or yours into a thread, don’t hesitate to let me know!
        I am a literate roleplayer with a preference for plot heavy threads — so I do respect lengthier  &  more detailed replies, but so long as you’re giving effort to a reply  &  actively showing interest in our threads, I don’t mind shorter ones.
       ON THAT NOTE.   Please don’t stress over replies — matching lengths / reply speed / fancy graphics or formatting. I don’t care about any of that — I just like my own stuff looking pretty but I get excited when people write with me at all so please don’t feel intimidated or pressured! Do whatever is most comfortable for you!
* 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄.   I don’t mind waiting for replies  &  I understand that life comes up  &  not everyone can sit to write everyday. I’ll never take it personally or try to pressure you.
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