#// hope it's okay!
blairaptor · 11 months
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Silly sketchbook drawing of a scene from @floundrickthewayfarer's short and sweet time-travel fix-it fic, "Homecoming". I kept reading it this past week for the good comfort but also because I'm very amused by the bit with Echo loopy on sedatives while Crosshair tries to reconcile that his brother did actually once have 4 limbs and a full head of hair, etc. hahaha
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sophsun1 · 2 months
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Queer as Folk – 1.14: A Change of Heart
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llama529orange · 21 days
Part 1. Part 2
In this world, villains must fail for heroes to succeed. While it seems unfair, the villains work hard, striving to win every battle and succeed in the war, yet fate never seems to be on their side, causing them to fall into a deep hole of despair.
It saddened you to see your favorite villain, Riddle, from the manhwa, fall into despair and face betrayal. Watching him realize the harsh truth just before his and his mother’s heads were set to be cut off—along with everyone else involved in their tyranny—was heartbreaking. As you finished reading, you closed your phone, thinking about Riddle’s tragic fate. You wished you could give him a better future, a happier childhood, and the love he deserved. Tired, you moved to your bed, with school awaiting you the next day. As you fell asleep, you wished you could help Riddle and change his fate.
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•When the sun rose, you woke up in a panic, thinking your alarm hadn’t gone off and that you were late for school. Frantically looking around, you braced yourself for the inevitable scolding from your parents, imagining them yelling until their mouths ran dry. But as you took in your surroundings, you realized something was wrong. You weren’t in your usual room. Instead, you were in a much larger, more extravagant room than you had ever seen in your life.
•"Where...where am I?" you muttered, feeling lost. "Where’s my phone?" You rushed to the window and caught a glimpse of yourself. You were in the body of the antagonist from the manhwa, now appearing as a child. "I’m definitely dreaming. Did someone drug my water?" you thought, trying to rationalize what was happening. You slapped yourself, hoping to wake up, but instead, the sting of reality hit you hard.
•Panic set in, and you stumbled out of the bed, pacing the room like a crazed person. You mumbled incoherently about your missing phone, your fanfictions, your chats, your friends, and the food you loved. You had no idea how to navigate an aristocrat’s life and were completely overwhelmed. You spiraled into a full-blown panic attack, breaking down for three hours before finally managing to calm yourself.
•After finally calming down, you sat on the bed, frozen like a statue deep in thought. You realized you had been sent back to when you and Riddle were both children—alongside your younger sister, the future heroine . “What was her name again?” you wondered, remembering Riddle’s name clearly because he was your favorite character, but struggling to recall the others. You knew the plot of the manhwa well, but the names of the characters were less important than the impending danger you faced.
•The antagonist in the manhwa, the role you now inhabited, used dirty tactics to succeed but was still fated to die. Worse yet, you remembered that the author had planned to continue the manhwa, so your future here was uncertain. Thinking quickly, you recalled how much you admired Riddle. You were a fan of his character, and you also knew that your parents had likely made a contract with the Queen for an engagement between you and Riddle, given the antagonist's status. The antagonist was known for being highly intelligent, with sharp knowledge of magic, aristocratic life, and rules. You decided to use that knowledge to save Riddle and secure your own safety.
•As the maids dressed you, fed you, and prepared you for your lessons, your parents were busy fussing over and spoiling your little sister. You didn’t mind, but you could still sense the lingering desires of the body’s previous owner—a deep yearning for love and affection, a stinging pain that made you feel guilty. You resolved to give this child the love and happy ending they deserved, silently promising, “I will give you the love you missed and the happy ending you deserve.”
•Determined, you wrote a letter proposing a study schedule with Riddle, knowing that the Queen would likely approve, as the tutor had been sent by her. You were set on helping Riddle and protecting your future in this world.
•The day arrived, hitting you like a train, yet filling you with excitement. You could feel the emotions of the body’s previous owner—nervous and afraid of the meeting, but also thrilled at the possibility of what it could mean. You were in the main room of your house, meeting with your parents, the Queen, and Riddle. Riddle, standing beside the Queen, looked at you curiously, like a cautious cat unsure of whether to approach. You smiled warmly, bowing gracefully as you’d seen in the books you read, determined to fit into aristocratic life.
•While your parents and the Queen chatted over tea, you and Riddle were sent to a room to study together. You couldn’t help but smile as you greeted him, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty, Riddle. Thank you for accepting my offer to study together.” Riddle looked at you shyly, his expression softening slightly. “It’s my pleasure,” he replied, his voice quiet but polite. You saw a glimpse of hope in his eyes and, feeling a surge of affection, asked him, “Do you want to play?”
•Riddle blinked, taken aback. “Play?” he echoed, his surprise evident. You could feel the confusion of the previous owner too, as though their childlike spirit was mingling with yours, but the spark of joy was undeniable. “Yes, let’s play together!” you said, your enthusiasm contagious. Riddle hesitated, remembering that he was there to study, not to play. “But… we’re supposed to study,” he murmured, glancing at the study table, piled with books.
•You leaned in closer, eyes bright with determination. “You know, playing is also a form of learning!” you insisted. Riddle’s eyes lit up, the notion of play foreign yet intriguing to him. “A form of learning…?” he repeated, almost in wonder. He looked again at the books and then at the window, the world outside calling to him in a way it never had before. Slowly, he nodded, a small smile forming on his lips as he accepted your proposal, though still unsure.
•Without hesitation, you took Riddle’s hand and led him out the window, sneaking away to the secret spot where the previous owner used to go when they wanted to be alone and cry. It had once been a place of sadness, but today, it transformed into a sanctuary of laughter as you and Riddle played. You even introduced him to a small, pink hedgehog that had made its home there, its tiny form adorable and soft. Riddle’s face flushed with delight as he marveled at the little creature, his laughter pure and uninhibited.
•For the first time, the spot that once held only tears now echoed with the joy of two children playing. And deep within you, the previous owner watched through your eyes, their presence faint but not forgotten. They laughed and smiled, feeling warmth and comfort they had longed for but never truly known. For a moment, their heart was light, touched by the happiness shared between you and Riddle.
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demongut · 4 months
Hello warriors fandom, I offer you some Crookedstars
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kaihihanto-art · 17 days
MDNI // why don’t we lie and act like the best is yet to come? why don’t we try that just for once?
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ofemeraldstars · 10 days
closed starter for @azurethra
The wedding was a beautiful ceremony. Thinya finally became Morrigan's wife and was now willing to move in his quarters and live in the palace. Of course, her parents were always welcome to visit her, but her life was now going to be by her husband's side. The moment they were pronounced husband and wife, Thinya smiled and kissed Morrigan's lips deeply. She was more than proud to be his wife and knew that this marriage was a marriage of love and not only convenience. "I have such a handsome husband." Thinya whispered, her green hues looking at him with fascination.
The reception was ending. Thinya's parents bid her farewell and greeted respectfully Morrigan. As they left and most of the guest followed, the young brunette looked at her husband and smiled. "I believe it's time for us to retire..." She laughed lowly before seeing the King. As she bowed respectfully, Thinya smiled and saw a maid who came to lead them to their quarters. Her heart was racing, it was the first time of her life that she would share the bed of a man, be away from home. Live a life on her own. When she opened the door, Thinya smiled at the room and saw a fire burning in the fireplace and the room was nicely decorated. It was warm and making her less nervous for her night.
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As she turned around, Thinya faced Morrigan and smiled at him before whispering. "To our new life as newly weds." She chuckled and approached him to kiss his lips tenderly. As she parted from him, the woman whispered: "I am a very lucky woman. And I want you to know that I am willing to grant you everything you ever wished in your life."
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A Musical Moment
Grayson is playing the violin and Lyra dances gracefully to the beautiful tune. Lyra is lost to the melody; she dips and twirls gracefully to the rhythm. Grayson can't take his eyes off her. She flashes Grayson a small, secret smile and Grayson sends one back. He thinks to inexplicably to the ring Nash gave him. Perhaps his brother was right after all.
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goncharov-mp4 · 2 years
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You spent 186hours listening to: Main theme from Goncharov (1973) [by @caramiaaddio]
And you loved: Goncharov's theme in minor [by @mapplejuice ]
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temptaticns · 2 months
closed starter for @wisepeacevoid
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"Ellie, could you please bring those clean towels to the Prince's bedroom? He should be away, you can enter and drop these under the bathroom counter." The main maid said to her, looking at her with kind eyes. Rosie was the head of the royal housemaids, the one who dragged Ellie out of the tavern where she used to work. The twenty-two brunette owed her whole life to the elder woman, thankful enough for her to save her from a tragic destiny. "Yes, Rosie." The young woman smiled as she grabbed the pile of freshly washed towels.
Slowly, the young maid walked down the corridors, trying to orientate herself still. She recognized the royal door and bit her lip. He's not here, you can enter without knocking. Those words echoed in her mind as she slowly pushed the door, ready to do her task and put the towels accordingly. As she closed the door behind her, Ellie turned around and gasped loudly, jumped and made all the towels fall on the floor as she saw the Prince fully naked. "Oh dear Lord! I am so sorry Your Majesty!" I she knelt on the floor and tried to gather the towels, although her green hues looked at his impressive member, her heart beating quite fast. "I thought no one was there..."
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brotherconstant · 2 years
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insp @cuntugolino​
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bethyyoung · 8 months
Starter for @xthenasinclxir
Location: Athena's radio station
In Use.
Beth grinned at the shed's sign. Athena was too clever by half. Pity most folk'd just ignore the sign.
Exactly as Beth was fixin' to do.
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In Colin's absence, she'd been looking through miscellaneous found items to see if there wasn't something to bring home and surprise him with. Even though he'd run off without her permission. Could be out there having lord-knew-what happen, and Beth no help at all. Just stuck here, doing-
Her expression soured with concern, something she pointedly smoothed out. No point getting her tail in a knot over possibles. She'd found the something, but it needed work. Something that gave her a chance to spend time with someone else.
One brief knock later, Beth leaned in through the door and sang out, "Athena?"
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hey! for the thank you, I would like you to draw Hiro from big hero 6, if that’s okay. thanks so much!
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Here it is my gift for you @gummybearinthehouseee I hope you really like it 😊
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curseoffrell · 6 months
@unbound-tales from here
Ella shot her the briefest of glares before returning his eyes to the scroll of Fae text that wasn't understandable in the first place... But even less coherent when it continued to change like ripples on water.
"I can't read this. Just because I have Fae magic inside me doesn't make me one." And she did hope that Regina didn't know the nature of that magic.
"There must be another way out of here. It's a maze, so there has to be an exit even without these 'clues'." Ella declared, throwing the scroll to the ground in frustration and turning her focus to the high, marble walls that surrounded them on all sides.
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scarletwaffles · 3 months
Rosalina and Mario across the spider-verse (Yandere Spider-man across the spiderverse x Rosalina and Mario)
Chapter 1
(I have to be honest I don't really feel confident about this chapter or my writing skills but I hope it's good)
“Wait, are you really sure about not getting on the hot air balloon?” Peach questioned Rosalina and Mario. When they nodded, Peach sighed, “Well alright,just be careful” and with that Peach and Luigi set sail in the hot air balloon.
Mario looked over at Rosalina “I think we should look around before leaving” Mario said before both he and Rosalina began to look around the outside of Bowser's castle.
When they were getting ready to leave that's when they heard a weird noise coming from a random bush. Mario got into a fighting stance thinking whatever was making the bush move was an enemy but Rosalina pointed out “Wait Mario, that's not an enemy” there floating over the bush was a cloud looking creature with dark blue purple with stems coming out of its head that were also the same color as its body,It also had a gold crescent shape around its body while its face was black with circular blue cheeks.
“Aww, it looks scared” Rosalina said as she offered the creature her hand. The creature eagerly rubbed its cheek against rosalina's hand. “Awww it likes me”, “Yeah we should get goi-” Mario caught himself as he almost tripped over something.
He felt his eyes widen at the sight of a black hole with yellow speckles around it “What the heck?” he mumbled in confusion before a rumble from Bowser's castle making Mario trip into the black hole.
With a hesitant decision Rosalina closed her eyes and, holding the creature in her arms, jumped into the black hole.
“Uh Rose, You can open your eyes” Rosalina opened her eyes to see that she and Mario were floating in a pure white space filled with more of the weird black holes.
“Where are we?!” Mario just shrugged before looking at the creature “We should probably give it name” Rosalina nodded “How about Luna” Luna let out a small chirp signaling that it liked the name Rosalina picked out for it.
“So uh Mario which one of these black holes did we come out of?” Rosalina questioned Mario hoping that they could get home as soon as possible.
“Well……uh……i……..uh……mmm……that one” Mario pointed towards a random black hole after thinking for about 15 minutes.
Sighing in relief, Rosalina held Luna close as she followed Mario back home…………
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wovenmidnight · 7 months
Starter for @bloodyarn
The dissonance of her voice echoes from every corner, weaving through the heavy patter of the rain as it comes from the heavens to soak the ground.
She is cautious as always to show herself, but not unwilling. Watching unblinking, omniscient. Her presence the distinct friction of magic heavy in the air. "Speak again why you seek my council."
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