#// ever wanted to be stuck in absolute darkness with something crawling all over yourship
ladywindrunner · 4 years
@mynameisanakin i finally wrote us a starter ( fite me! )
In the void of space, nothing prevailed save for the eerie silence that was the galaxy’s symphony. A battle had been waged, ruined vessels of both the Republic and the Trade Federation drifted aimlessly about what was once a space station, now derelict from a catastrophic explosion.
           It’d been a defeat for the Republic, who’d had no choice but to pull back what remained of their defense force. Trade Federation ships had rightly pursued, high on a victory that was desperately needed for whatever morale remained in their troops. Their salvage teams had come and gone, leaving behind nothing but the reminder that they should not be underestimated.
           A wounded animal could still be deadly, after all.
           For a while, none came to the ship graveyard save for daring salvage-seekers and scouts. People came and went without incident, though there were whispers that the crafts themselves were haunted. Stories strange noises echoing throughout some of the Acclamator-class battleships nearest the ruined station.
           Then, the salvagers stopped returning.
           And soon after that, no scouts reported back in.
           The Republic’s growing curiosity of what could be occurring, turned to concern when the Consular-class Righteous Ambition abruptly vanished when it was sent to investigate. No word reached any Republic base or vessel, it was as if the ship simply disappeared as soon as it dropped out of hyperspace.
With the war now firmly turning once more in the Republic’s favour, their Grand Navy could afford to properly look into what was occurring in what was dubbed the Unwanted Rest. The Grand Navy’s understandable concern over the area and the strange activity within it, was compounded by the concerns of the Jedi Council.  
           Something about the Unwanted Rest was wrong. As a few of the masters of the Council dwelled on it in private meditations, they felt themselves drawn towards something foul there.
Darkness had taken hold of such a place, and while not unheard of, there was no value to be found there for any Dark Jedi or the Sith.
           In search of answers, the Jedi Council sent Anakin Skywalker to investigate the manner. He was a choice that the Navy’s highest ranking officers also agreed with.
           Aboard the Republic light cruiser Sword of Mercy, it was believed that Skywalker, and the crew, could overcome whatever foe may attack them.
What greeted the Sword of Mercy as it arrived was the desolate space-scape that was the Unwanted Rest. Ruined vessels almost forming a ring around the space station they’d failed to defend. The station itself was shattered into three main pieces, with rubble of the asteroid it’d been built into drifting aimlessly throughout the field.
           Seven Acclamator-class battleships were dead in the water, void-plagued graveyards to massive crews. Each was in a different state of ruin, with great holes in their hulls. There were the remains of countless fighters, and pieces of cruisers and light cruisers scattered about. There was surprisingly little evidence of any Trade Federation vessels, but they’d had the luxury of collecting their salvage and dead long before the Republic could.
           Then, on the far side of the debris, the Righteous Ambition. The distinctive three-engine back portion of the vessel was gone, undoubtedly lost in the sea of starship wreckage, and even without a scan, it was easy to see that the bridge of Republic ship had been blackened by a precise shot to render the ship entirely immobile, and without any sort of mechanism of control or communication.
           Yet the attempt had failed, as a transmission came through to the Sword of Mercy.
           “Help us!”
           A shadow slowly manifested over the Sword of Mercy. A single, massive warship never seen before. A dreadnaught by its sheer magnitude alone, it drifted over the newest vessel as if it didn’t even detect them. It was rectangular with a diamond stern and bow, and on the belly of the chilling craft was a circular port large enough to swallow a ship whole.
           The dreadnaught settled over the consular ship, belly of the craft opening up. The light that came from inside was a strange, vile green. Its glow haunting in every sense of the word.
           Massive harpoons shot out of the light, striking the crippled Righteous Ambition, along with other sections of the derelict vessels.
           Slowly, the cables began to retract, and anything hooked began to be pulled into the dreadnaught.
Sylvanas Windrunner waited in silence. Her expression coldly neutral as she listened to the frantic distress calls coming from the small vessel. They weren’t nearly long range enough to alert any Republic forces of what was occurring, which was thankful as they’d managed to land a lucky strike against her ship. Their short-range scanners weren’t functioning, not well enough to detect any craft if one managed to arrive.
           Thankfully, none had.
           Though there’d been something of a blip initially, Sylvanas was certain it’d turn out to be nothing—
           Her eyes narrowed in annoyance as an alarm sounded. She pivoted gracefully on her heel, watching as overtop a central console, a display of some Republic ship came into view, blasting at her harpoons. Her pale eyes took on a crimson glow as she watched a few of the cables snap, quickly retracting back into the immense bay of the Banshee’s Wail.
           A man stepped forward, skin grey, his eyes dimly glowed with cruel yellow light.
           “Dark Lady,” he murmured, his voice carrying a strange warble. “What is thy bidding?”
           She watched in silence, a sly smirk gracing her lips.
           “Jam their communications and release the other ship,” she ordered, “direct every harpoon at the interloper. Once they’re inside, seal the Maw.”
           The man bowed his head before he slunk away. The Dark Lady turned away from the console, instead stepping up onto the risen platform of the command deck.
           Around her, the scene happening just underneath her starship materialized as a superimposed display. She watched as, all at once, the harpoons that’d been so intent on dragging in debris and the crippled vessel violently released, reeling back into the glow of the Maw.
           Then, they all targeted the new ship. An Arquitens-class cruiser, another arrowhead shaped vessel from the Republic. Sylvanas permitted herself a soft chuckle as she watched thin lines extended from the massive opening in the base of her vessel, to the intruder. Ever so slowly, it was being pulled towards the Maw.
           With a wave of her hand, the Righteous Ambition became the center of view. Sylvanas considered it for a moment, recalling all those frantic calls for help, and warnings. The few attempts it’d tried at bargaining with her, and how she’d answered in silence.
           She wondered if they felt some sort of terrible relief. That they weren’t the ones who’d meet a terrible end within the Banshee’s Wail.
           The red in her eyes burned brighter for a moment, and then her dreadnaught opened fire.
           The Righteous Ambition’s communications abruptly fell silent as what was left of the ship exploded.
           The Sword of Mercy’s struggle came to an abrupt end as the closer it was dragged to the belly of Sylvanas’ flagship, more harpoons shot out. The Republic craft was riddled with sharp, magnetic hooks piercing its hull, with little care given for leaking atmosphere or retaining life support.
            Its engines flickered out as it became enveloped in the vile glow from the Maw. A strange, viral power surge overtaking the Banshee Wail’s prey.
           The ominous portal sealed itself as soon as the last inch of the light cruiser was inside.
           Anakin Skywalker, and the crew of the Sword of Mercy, found themselves cast in darkness.
           And in that pitch blackness, they fall. The ship is dropped abruptly. A brief weightlessness overtaking all onboard before the cruiser slams into the ground in a sparking, crippling crash.
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