#// ebblr crit
lmanberg · 3 years
Okay so my criticism is kind of how you guys treat ranboo and Tubbo in comparison to each other. You don't really infantalise Tubbo like twitter does, but the way people get mad at Ranboo for setting boundaries with him seems like you're woobifying him. Like Ranboo is, at least to me, obviously just trying to keep control of his streams and has anxiety surrounding his personal information. So him unmodding tubbo, occasionally telling him not to deviate into certain areas and getting nervous about leaking isn't him being mean, it's him being cautious. I've never seen him be actually cruel, mean spirited or harsh on tubbo and the fact people misinterpret these things in such a way is weird to me. Also, I feel like if Tubbo had demodded Ranboo nobody would take issue with it. I understand most people in the community prefer tubbo (I saw the polls, the glee at the preference was also weird), but you guys almost subconsciously nitpick at ranboo more as a result.
This feeds into my other criticism about the hetboo stuff. First of all, it feels kind of biphobic. I don't understand why every reference ranboo makes to women is a sign of heterosexuality, and every reference tubbo makes to women is just haha funny. Sometimes it feels like unconscious stereotyping, and occasionally it comes across as people seeing Ranboo as the mean straight boy who is going to make poor baby gay tubbo heartbroken.
I'm sure none of these things are exactly the people in this communities intention, but I do think there's an unconscious (or conscious) bias against Ranboo here and it's a little uncomfortable.
So for the first part yeah ebblr definitely has a Tubbo bias because most of us came from Plates’ Tubbo truthing or from honeytwt. I think the reason we’re so much harder on Ranboo than we are Tubbo is because Tubbo gets a lot of shit on Twitter whilst the expectations on Ranboo are so high yet so low at the same time, you can’t really voice a single opinion on there that’s even slightly critical without getting your throat slit. I do acknowledge my bias though (and I’ll say it’s not against Ranboo, it’s just for Tubbo) and that’s why I’m sure to tag anything critical about Ranboo, although I’ve noticed people not doing that when reblogging my crit posts which is very :/
As for the second part yes I agree with you. I’m not a fan of hetboo or even hetbo which is why I don’t answer asks about them and when I do it’s usually me clowning on the anon. I can understand having your doubts but most of the time it’s as you said and I find that annoying.
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lilyfreshwater · 2 years
I just find it really telling that fltwt is on ranboos side and against tubbo while over here its mostly the opposite... it rly says something
i mean, critblr was created by tubblings who hate ranboo, while fltwt was created by boobers who obsess over him. The biases were there from the start so it only makes sense that each of them sided with the cc they have a bias for.
Another example is ebblr, who at its peak was had mostly booblings, and as expected, they don't blame/side with either.
i don't think this rlly says anything besides that people are inclined to believe that the person they like is in the right.
actually critblr was created as a space to discuss cc neg without necessarily having to tag everything because most of ebblr still just wanted to focus on beeduo. although the majority of the founding members are tubblings, the extensive ranboo crit we have now didnt appear until later. it was really only until ebblr started to pick fights with critblr for what was completely reasonable ranboo criticism at the time that we all started to get spiteful and rude about it. there is certainly bias tho, i'll give you that. i think the anon was just trying to point out that the subtwt dedicated to literally doxxing ccs is supportive of ranboo meanwhile the subblr that discusses ccs in a critical context is supportive of ranboo. idk if it necessarily means anything but it's an interesting corrrelation for sure
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lmanberg · 3 years
i get where the ebblr critical anon is coming from, but like you said, there's no where else in the fandom that you can actually be critical about ranboo without getting bashed to hell and back, we focus on those negative traits here because we can, same goes for tubbo but viceversa, twitter does not hold back when talking shit about him and the only people who wholeheartedly support him in everything are the ones from his subtwt, that's also why everyone was so excited over the polls because we're all used to ranboo and tommy getting all the love in the main fandom that it surprised us that it was more equal here
we might seem nitpicky but that's cause we are, ranboo is a great kid, the negative things we talk about are mostly to do with his fans and how he's still in small creator headspace, than with him, so ofc they're gonna sound like a stretch because other than those things he's doing a great job, and most of our criticism is constructive too, we don't think he's a bad person or someone who is mean to his friends on purpose, everybody has been rude to their friends even by accident including Ranboo and tubbo, either way it's just details we notice and point out because of tubbo's reaction to them, but like everything else, as a fan you don't know everything, just what they show us
as for the hetboo stuff, from what i've seen, it's a joke? i'm almost positive that nobody here that makes those comments actually believes it anymore, it's more of a running joke now that has kinda gotten old and died down except for some anon/lurkers that are still new to us snd take it seriously, but overall we're still learning to balance our unintentional bias especially now that we've grown more :]
it's nice to get some feedback though to look at what we do or say and how it can come off because we are here to support both of the guys after all, in whatever they have going on as well as them as individuals, and it is sad to notice how sometimes it might look like we don't give ranboo as much love as we give tubbo ;-;
btw i used a lot of 'we' here but that's because i see how the other blogs treat these issues too and it's a general agreement i think, but all these words are mine and i won't speak for anybody else ofc it's just easier to write rambles like that than to write 'me' and 'i' all the way lol
Just too add because I forgot I said this until an anon brought it up, but the hetboo stuff isn’t he is attracted to women/he isn’t. We’re all confident he likes women. It’s more he is attracted to men/he isn’t. So when he is he’s bi/panboo, when he isn’t he’s hetboo. Yes the joke is old but I don’t think it’s anything to be too concerned about :)
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lmanberg · 3 years
in response to the 2nd paragraph of the criticism: I haven't seen people say him talking about women is a sign of hetrosexuality?? /gen (unless im mistaken?) I swear we all (or what ive seen) think he's bi/pan instead of gay - so we know that that includes an attraction to women. I think you said it well Jason the other day - sometimes our hetboo arc's aren't based on "omg he likes women" but "hmm idk if he likes men"
I do find the hetboo/bo stuff kinda old so idc if people stopped doing it but yeah this ^
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lmanberg · 3 years
I'm the critical anon, I want to clarify what I meant about the polls. I've been in this community since the very beginning just to say. I didn't mean that liking Tubbo's content more was bad, I'm saying that the implication that liking tubbo more is an indicator of better taste or something is bad. I'm sorry if it wasn't intended that way but yeah.
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lmanberg · 3 years
Officially starting truthblr with this post!
Truthblr is a ebblr-adjacent sublr dedicated to general truthing, shipping, and crit that would not be welcome on the main fandom.
Truthblr blogs reblog/like this post to help find each other :)
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lmanberg · 3 years
If I unfollowed you it’s nothing personal, I just unfollowed down to 70 people. You were probably IA or just heavily ebs focused with no crit. I mostly only follow artists from ebblr now and people in truthblr
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lmanberg · 3 years
the way i see it , ebblr is like beetwt and truthblr is mcyttwt .
i almost think critblr should be its own Thing ( still an overlappable label ) instead of just a different name for truthblr . because i'd bet there's a good chunk of people who want to Generally Truth but not neg , and maybe even some who want to crit but aren't interested in truthing . and i think having 3 labels instead of just 2 would help it all be more about the content of posts and less about the people / politics . cos i'd hate for this to turn into an us vs them situation .
I feel like making microlabels could be harmful, it’d be easier for us all to all be truthblr and then specify in our pins if we’re only a certain part yk?
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lmanberg · 3 years
The fact that you're in contact with ccs, mods and things like that while also having a truthung, crit and shipping blog for them as well as bring one of the most known people in ebblr is funny to me
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lilyfreshwater · 2 years
I think people were realizing ebs weren't together but couldn't actually admit that to themselves
From what I've seen while lurking this does seem to be the case, they stopped shipping billboo after it pissed people off (like anon said) but did only bring it back after Bill was on Ranboo's stream back in April because those two were apparently acting "sus". I think the shippers had a feeling there was probably something going on last year but were blinded by ebs and the hard-core ebs truthers insisting it was ridiculous to even consider billboo was a thing because "ebs is clearly a thing."
the fact that people would vague and hate other blogs because the shipped something the didn't agree with 💀 i know this sounds hypocritical coming from me, but i'm talking about back when no one was posting neg or crit and we were all one big happy ebblr family. it always rubbed me the wrong way that some of the shipping/truthing was simply based off convenience or who was making content, not what actaully made sense. the whole qpr vs /r thing was also insane
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lmanberg · 3 years
missing the old days of ebblr lol. we had all the fun when we’d shoot for u to go to jail so we can get our fix of ebs. i know where it went wrong but honestly who could have stopped it lol. we were small but we had a sense of community that was very. hm. warm. it’s just sad. keep sending sunny hetboo some love, everyone. god knows fluff deserves it.
I’m making a new sublr. Basically ebblr without the ebs. Crit and shipping that isn’t centered around Tubbo or Ranboo. I’ll post more details later
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lmanberg · 3 years
i’m new here what’s the jason mcytruth lore. what are your truthing origins, how did you begin ebblr, how new is your blog?? i thought you’d have been around for a year at least but what i’ve heard seems to differ??
Made ebblr in early February, lurked on dlying beforehand. Literally just wanted to truth ebs and Dream but it became a big thing. Hyperfixation died around April and I distanced myself from ebs and became more crit centered and now I’m here
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lmanberg · 3 years
I think one thing that isn’t really taken into account when discussing if ranboo’s annoyed or upset at something/someone is that we can’t see his facial expressions. Like obviously body language and tone can express emotions but if the dude is just sitting there, he’s not always upset or annoyed. He could have the biggest grin on his face but we just can’t see it.
This is why sometimes it can be jarring coming to your blog after watching a stream because obviously a lot of your anons enjoy ranboo crit and truthblr is all about reading into stuff but sometimes it feels like people are just assuming the worst in a way.
It reminds me of that time bootwt kept tweeting out that ranboo was forced to do that one stream with techno (and the rest of the syndicate) and that’s why he was quiet but then he tweet out the next day that he was taking an exam during the stream. Or the time sbi were playing geoguessr and techno antis kept saying he was being quiet because someone’s pfp had the lesbian flag in it. Even though he was pretty quiet the whole stream
Sometimes it just feels like people are trying to create the most negative scenarios possible, sometimes convincing themselves of something because thats what they want to believe. And I’m not saying that a fair amount of it isn’t true, it’s just that it gets exaggerated a lot for what feels like the purpose of ranboo crit.
(I mean, the same can be said about ebblr but in the opposite direction but personally I’d rather follow blogs that get excited about stuff and talk positively about streams I’m watching since reading a bunch of neg about it can make me feel down and it ends on a sour note. Again, that’s just my own personal preference tho)
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lmanberg · 3 years
Okay I’m done with this conversation I think we all understand the situation now. As I said, I’m going to be making a new sublr that will basically be ebblr adjacent where people who want to ship/truth/crit can go that is not Tubbo/Ranboo centric
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lmanberg · 3 years
isn't truthblr basically a dniblr anyways?
No it was legit just for truthing/shipping/crit of ccs like there was no plan for it to be shunned by ebblr or some shit lmao
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lilyfreshwater · 2 years
i don't know if you pinned that ask you did about why critblr as a whole is so critical of ranboo but i think more people should read it. the thing is with ranboo /crit is that a lot of it comes from that mix of dislike for his content AND a more personal dislike of him because of his and his fanbase's actions towards tubbo, so if people are confused why ranboo /crit can seem kind of vitriolic at times they should just keep that in mind.
^^^mandatory reading for my anons if you haven't seen this already
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