#// don’t try to render a hand at 4 AM guys worst mistake of my life
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irvingtwo · 8 months ago
So... what happened?
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satanschild01 · 5 years ago
No All Might? That’s Alright
Izuku Midoriya Fanfiction
A/N: I started to re-watch the bnha anime, and it came to me what if All Might said no and left, and what might happen after that. I added a few twists to this one to make it a bit more pow! Hope you like this new series, because I have more ideas for later on! ~ Em
Tags for more feedback😘: @trashys-things @pink-imagines @marvelmymarvel @shikigami-the-paper-spirit @spaced-out-imagines​ @marvelmymarvelmain @writingfreakk
Trigger Warnings: suicide baiting and suicide
Word Count: 2110
Part 1 Part 2
At the young age of 4, Izuku Midoriya learnt that not all men were made equal. He was pronounced quirkless. He thought that that would be the worst of it...but no. It was just the calm before the storm
“If you wanna be a hero that badly, there’s a quick way to do it…”
Why did it have to be this way? Please...just leave me alone Kacchan...
“Just hope that you’ll be born with a quirk in your next and life”
What have I ever done to deserve this? Why does it have to be this way?
“and take a swan-dive off the roof!”
What if I did? What if someone found out you were the reason for jumping! You could never become a hero if that got out!
Inflamed with despondency that Kacchan would even think of saying something so cruel, Izuku turned around on his heels. His shoulders were tense, he was going to say something back. But it seemed like Kacchan wasn’t worried about Izuku’s upcoming comeback as he raised his hand. Smoke and heat radiated from his palm as he gave Izuku a sharp-edged smirk. “Something wrong?”
Izuku just wilted where he stood. His fight earlier with the boy left him deflated and he was left alone standing in the junior high classroom. Consumed with all his thoughts. Izuku dragged his heavy feet out of the classroom walking down to the fountain to retrieve his burned and drenched notebook.
My dreams will be eaten away just like the koi eat at my book…
Izuku turned around and started walking. Kacchan’s words flooding through his mind.
Izuku didn’t remember carrying his body up to the roof of the school. All he knew was that his feet were cold and that he was staring over the edge, looking down at the hard concrete below. He remembered taking off his red shoes and neatly placing them next to the ledge.
Should I leave a note?
He decided not to write a note, besides, the burned and soaked notebook gave all the proof it needed to. He stared at the spot where he would most likely hit the ground and took in a calming breath…
Would it hurt?
Who would be the person to find him?
Would anyone care?
What would Kacchan think?
Izuku felt a freezing chill go down his spine. What was he doing? He would jump because Kacchan told him to? This is wrong. The boy stepped off the ledge, disgusted in himself that he would fall to Kacchan’s will. He shoved his feet back into his shoes, walking back down to the ground safely through the stairs. He would show everyone that he could become a hero and get into U.A without a lousy quirk. He probably won’t be the next #1 hero. But he’ll do his best to reach the top. No matter what it takes.
Forcing a smile onto his face, Izuku started to slowly make his way back home. It probably looked more like the grimace face emoji than a smile, but he didn’t care, he was going to keep smiling. That’s what All Might did.
He stopped smiling, turning into gasps for air as a sludge monster grabbed him and tried to force itself into his body. Slowly cutting his airways off. Trying to fight off the villain, moving around his limbs to try and save himself from what it felt like, molasses. Trying to move the sludge away from his mouth but to no prevail. The monster called him a hero...But he wasn’t a hero! Not yet. He wanted to be... he couldn’t be a hero if he let this villain take control of his body and use him as a puppet! But...But his sight was already getting spotty...The fight in his limbs was getting weaker…
I...I think I’m dying…
I-I don’t wanna die like this! I want to die on my own terms! Not forced to!
It hurts...so...so much and slow...
Someone, please help me!
A deep metallic ping rang noticeable all around, however, Midoriya scarcely saw it as he did whatever it took not to cry.
“It’s alright now young man.” A voice...where have I heard it before?- “Because I am here!”All Might! The villain tried to fight back, but All Might easily dodged and went in for a single punch. The force was so powerful it forced the sludge villain to disperse. The villain said something, but Izuku couldn’t tell. When the sludge was defeated, Izuku fell back onto the pavement and it was either the oxygen deprivation or the impact that rendered him unconscious.
“Hey! Hey!” Izuku heard as his body woke up, feeling rapid but gentle taps on his left cheek. He didn’t want to wake up. He just wanted to sleep. To go home and wallow in his own pity. There’s no way his bad day could get any worse. Either way, he must have given some sign that he was awake as the voice continued.
“Oh good, your awake!” Wait…Izuku’s eyes jolted open, sitting up quickly as he was trying to process what he was seeing
“Sorry ‘bout getting you caught in my villain fighting!” That voice...that’s All Might! “I don’t usually make mistakes like this”
He needed an autograph. Looking frantically around for his journal he was shocked to realize it’s being held towards him. The boy’s eyes widened as he took his journal back from his hero and opened it up to be already signed! All Might’s signature took up the whole spread of his notebook!
“It was the least I could do for getting you all mixed up in this mess!” All Might told him before patting his pocket. It was only then that Izuku noticed the soda bottle containing the villain that had just previously been choking the life out of him. “Now then, I have to get this guy to the police. See you on the other side of the screen!”
All Might turns around stretching out his legs and going into a crouched position about to jump away. Izuku found this as the best opportunity to ask his idol if he could pursue his dream, which was slowly going away after all the years of tormenting. “Wait...t-there is something I need to ask!” he shouted, rushing towards the hero.
Which led to the worst decision Izuku has ever made in his life. He grabbed onto the hero’s leg as he took off, way up high into the sky. This was also one of the scariest moments of his life, as he held on for dear life. But he needed an answer. “Let go of me! Your fanaticism is too much!”
“If I...let go…I’ll die!”
“That’s true,” All Might said and landed on a nearby rooftop. “Well then,” And Izuku was ashamed to hear the annoyance in his voice, “I guess I have time to answer your question.”
Izuku nodded, as he tried to push out the 10 words he needed “Can I...become a hero...even though I’m quirkless?”
All Might half turned towards Izuku. The silence is painful as he waits anxiously for an answer from the hero.
“Without a quirk?” 
All Might started to slightly shake and steam started to roll off hin large muscular body, but Izuku didn’t seem to notice as he was looking down at his shoes. When the steam vanished a man who looks very malnourished appeared. His hair, merely a poor mimic of All Might, was stringy and limp...He looked sickly and…
“Y-y-your deflating..!” Izuku shouted, shooting his head around looking for the 7ft tall hero he was just talking to a minute ago “A fake?! You’re so skinny!” 
“I am All Might. It’s like how those people constantly flexing their muscles at the pool,” he said nonchalantly as he wiped dripping blood from his mouth. “And I’m counting on you to keep your mouth shut about this. That includes your friends.”
“I s-sorta don’t have-”
His thought comes to a halt as he saw the deformed red and purple patchy scar marking All Might’s skin. It was layers upon layers of scars from stitches and Izuku felt his own side start to burn at the thought of the immense pain he must have felt. It worsened as All Might explained the fight that wrecked his body and put a timer on his hero time. “Symbol of peace. Always smiling...I smile to show the pressure of heroes...and to trick the fear inside me. Pros are always risking their lives.” The man spoke with conviction and anger, a pantomime of All Might.
“So the answer to your question is no.” Izuku froze. He had almost forgotten about his question in the showing of his identity, and past. But now that he remembered he just stood there with slumped shoulders trying to make himself smaller. “Heroing is a dangerous job and most villains can’t be beaten without the use of quirks. So no, I don’t think you could become a hero without a quirk. If you want to help others, then you can become a police officer. They’re ofter teased because they get villains delivered to thor doorstep but that is also a fine occupation”
“B-but my dream-” Izuku started as tears welled up in his eyes.
“It’s okay to have dreams. Just make sure those dreams are realistic.” All Might told him as he opened the door on the building and headed inside. The door slammed signifying the end...the end of the conversation and the end of Izuku’s dreams of being a hero. How could he continue on when his idol, the one he looked up to since he could walk, told him to stop trying. All because he didn’t have a quirk
After his idol, his all-time favourite hero broke his already breaking heart Izuku found no other way to continue on. His dreams he held so tightly were more than shattered. It was like someone completely shattered his dreams and breaking them more than all that was left was dust. Not even Kacchan could fully shatter his dreams, but by the hero, he looked up to his whole life. He was useless without a quirk. He was a stupid Deku like what Kacchan had always been telling him all those times before.
Izuku should have listened to him when they were little. He should have given up on his foolish dream of going to UA or becoming one of the greatest heroes. He could see now that the regulation change to allow quirkless people like him to apply to U.A was for publicity’s sake. After all, no quirkless person could actually pass the entrance exams.
“Just hope that you’ll be born with a quirk in your next and life...and take a swan-dive off the roof!”
The laughter of Bakugou's friends rang in Izuku's ear telling him how stupid he was for thinking he ever had a chance in such an unfair world.
Before he could decipher what he was doing, Izuku had kicked his faded red shoes off, once again placing them neatly on the ground and he was standing on the edge of the roof that All Might had so casually left him on after breaking his dreams.  His breath short and rasping. But besides his breaths, Izuku was calmer than he’s been in years. He was starting to feel free.
"You have so much to live for-"
No, I don't.
Izuku quickly shut down his line of thought as fast as it had come. He had nothing to live for. He knew that now. Not without a quirk. Even the police academy would expect him to have a quirk.
The world has no place for me anymore.
As true the thought may be it was still scary. But it was true...
There's no point in delaying the inevitable.
Izuku took one last deep breath, stretching his arms out beside him.
It'll be over fast.
Thought in mind, Izuku fell. The wind rushed passed him faster than ever. Faster than bullet trains. It almost felt like he was flying. A small smile spread across his lips. Flying. That would be a fun quirk to have. It wouldn’t be useless. He wouldn’t be useless.
Izuku didn't process the moment when he had hit the ground. It was only when he looked over and down that he saw himself lying limp on the pavement. His deed was done. But wasn't there supposed to be a bright light? Angels? No light? Flames of hell? Why was he still here?
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