#// cirilla the lion cub of cintra // open threads
xxstxriesfromashxx · 3 months
Open Starters ; Mutuals Only
Muse: Ciri (The Witcher)
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"Don't come any closer!" she draws her sword and holds it tight in a defensive position.
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xxstxriesfromashxx · 4 months
Open Starters
Muse: Ciri (The Witcher)
Even with all of her training in the last few years, teleportation still evaded her skills. The last memory before she jumping into the hastily created portal was her running; running away from a Hound of The Wild Hunt. They found her once again, meaning she nor anyone around her was safe. She had to run.
Collapsing from the magic portal with a loud and winded grunt, Ciri took a moment to collect herself. Her legs were tired and her body ached; she'd hit her head against the grassy earth beneath her pretty hard - hard enough to cause her vision to blur and spin. The Witcher in training sat up, legs crossed under her, holding her head with one hand while the other clutched the sword near her. When she could see straight again, her eyes canvassed the area around her - all of it was unfamiliar.
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"Gods, Ciri..." she breathed to herself, moving ashen blonde strands from her scarred cheek, "Where have you put yourself this time?"
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