#// but also i'm going iconless because i don't have a lot of icons of ep10 simon and they're not entirely accurate to what he looks like now
esmorothfallen · 2 years
@waitlifted | from here!:
Cassandra did decidedly jump at the voice behind her, swinging around with her sword pointed, prepared to face yet another of the train's magic monstrosities that wanted her dead. What she found, however, was an even more unusual sight— another human. Huh. 
"If you want to be a ghost, sneaking up on someone who has a sword is a good option," she deadpanned, stowing her sword and making an annoyed expression to cover how he had startled her. "And how would you know what's in here, anyways?" 
She had definitely paid him back for the accidental jumpscare. He hadn’t noticed from a distance that she had a sword at all, so having it abruptly pointed at him was enough to make him noticeably jolt.
“I'll remember that for next time.” He answered, when she was no longer pointing the sword at him. “I know what’s here because I live here. I have for... a long time.” His tone, briefly, slipped into a subtle note of melancholy.
But he didn’t linger on it too long.
“I wanted to catch you before you started snooping around too much. Some parts of the mall are off limits.” He meant his own room, of course- but also Grace’s. Even he hadn’t been in there since she had left.
“If you’re looking for the other door, it’s downstairs.”
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