#v7 | undeserved grace
esmorothfallen · 2 years
plotted starter for @countlessrealitiess-2​‘s mabel! verse is v7 | undeserved grace
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It had been many months since any footsteps had been heard in the mall, apart from his own. The silence overtook the once bustling car like a plague, louder to Simon than any sounds that the Apex had once made. He tried to get used to it. But he couldn’t, not really. He could only learn to live with it, though even doing that was, at times, hard.
He wandered idly through the rooms on the lower floor, attempting to quench a restlessness that overtook him more and more each day. He avoided Grace’s room on the upper floor like the plague, and even his own had taken on a haunted feeling that he couldn’t describe.
But then, so had the entire mall. Without the Apex, it was a shell of what it once was.
The mall itself hadn’t changed. And that in and of itself felt wrong, filling him with an uncanny and eerie feeling that only increased with each room he entered. It wasn’t unlike the way he had felt in the room where Samantha kept her “collection.” What started as a subtle dread, that kept amplifying until it had escalated into full-blown panic.
He hadn’t quite gotten to that point yet, when a sound from outside abruptly snapped him out of it. He jolted, heart racing as his gaze snapped in the direction of the sound- though, he couldn’t see into the outer room from where he was.
It sounded like a door opening.
His immediate instinct was to assume he had imagined it. He was, unfortunately, at the point where imagining things wasn’t out of the question. And yet, he knew very well that passengers found the mall car from time to time. They had gained a few members of the Apex that way.
If it had happened before, and there was nothing to stop it from happening again. It wasn’t as if the mall car had been cut off from the rest of the train. It was still a train car like any other, albeit drastically changed from what it was originally intended to be.
There was only one way to find out for sure.
He returned to the doorway of the ransacked store. Squinting, he scanned the outer room from there. Until, sure enough, his gaze landed on what was unmistakably another passenger. A much younger passenger, as far as he could tell from a distance.
He didn’t know how to react.
Did he ignore her? Let her move on, without any knowledge that another passenger was there?
It would be the easier option. But he wasn’t sure it was the right one.
Because as much as he hated the idea of it, as much as he resisted it- something needed to change. And finally seeing another passenger, after being isolated for so long… well, that was certainly a change.
So, he stepped through the doorway, into the outer area of the mall.
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“If you’re looking for the exit, it’s on the second floor.”
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foxy-pawsy · 5 years
I think part of the problem is that there is a very vocal group of people saying that Ironwood did nothing wrong and that RWBY are in the wrong for not backing him
I agree. There's definitely a lot of infighting going on regarding Ironwood's actions, that's certain. And I can assure you, it's all based out of morality and opinion.
But what seems to be forgotten is that Ironwood's actions are completely logical based on what he knows and RWBY and co. withholding information.
But he's not the villain a lot of people seem to think he is; Salem and Team WTCH are. He's a good man- everything we've been shown points to that. It's his actions in v7 that lead up to his fall from grace, and thus, makes him a potential antagonist to Teams RWBY, JNR, and the others. And it's my opinion that he's making the worst decisions for the best goal: defending against Salem; with the information he has at the time and while under attack.
We as a fandom have to remember the circumstances. Salem's goal is to break Humankind and Faunuskind by dividing them.
Ironwood prioritized Atlas' safety because it houses the Staff of Creation, the Winter Maiden, and the Amity Communications tower.
She knew that he'd prioritize Atlas, and thus, leave Mantle vulnerable to Watts' and Tyrian's influence and actions. She knew that after the Fall, Ironwood would go to extremes to prevent Salem's plots. Salem planned the destruction of Solitas' border defenses when all attention would be directed to evacuating Mantle and defending against Grimm. Salem even planned Watts' and Tyrian's causing chaos, because they go to Atlas/Mantle to prepare for Salem.
Although it's Cinder that places the glass, queen chess piece on Ironwood's desk- it all suits Salem's goal because the queen chess piece was her way of letting him know that she was steps ahead of him, and there the entire time.
His having a PTSD break is due entirely to him realizing that all his countermeasures played to Salem's plans. That she accounted for everything he could have possibly done. Because she is steps ahead of them.
It's all according to Salem's plans.
Ironwood's shooting Oscar, while horrible because he's a child and undeserving, makes total sense.
He's distanced himself from his emotions, because that's not going to help him defend against Salem when she's already winning. And it's because vital information was withheld from him. Information that he needed to know in order to better defend against Salem. And while Oscar goes to meet with Ironwood in the vault in order to talk things down, it's all the worse because Ironwood had trusted them, and had it backfire in the worst way.
And he puts warrants out for everyone's arrest because he's trying to win the war. Because that's what this is: a war. Yes, RWBY and co. are right by wanting to prevent casualties, but he's stuck thinking in war perspective.
A lot of those in the fandom are jumping to conclusions and letting their emotions cloud their judgments.
Do I think that RWBY and co. are in the wrong for not backing him up?
No, because they have the right idea in mind. Ironwood's only serves to further Salem's advantage. It'll divide them, just like she wants. And RWBY and co. were right in not knowing whether or not to trust him; Leo sold out Mistral to Salem. And Ozpin hid so much more than they knew (I have my feelings about that too, though).
Am I defending his actions?
No. They're horrible decisions, but they're deeply based in logic and circumstance.
But do I think that he's a highly complex character? And do I like his character despite his actions?
Yes. I love his character. He's one of my favorites.
And I will throw down.
I'm tired of the majority of the fandom claiming that we, who like his character and aren't harming anyone with our opinions, are "bootlickers" and "fascists".
I'm tired of people using his PTSD as a weapon against him as a character, and not take into account the entirety of what's at stake and is happening. And I say this because I've come across this in the fandom.
And I'm f-ing pissed that the fandom's even considering that as a point of contention, that mental illness automatically makes a character a show's equivalent of the devil.
Because that's so hateful to those of us with mental illnesses.
That's hateful to people like me.
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atoutlines · 3 years
The Guide to Greatness | Ephesians 3:7-13
Main Idea: Greatness is found in pursuing our own greatness less and God's greatness more!
1. Greatness Comes by Way of Humility (v7-10): 
“Of this gospel I was made a minister according to the gift of God’s grace, which was given to me by the working of his power.” (v7)
To God, there is no greatness without humility. And it is most clearly seen in the “gospel”. 
The gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus to save sinners. 
The gospel is the epitome of humility (Philippians 2:7-9).
Our attention is then brought to how this humble gospel has made Paul a humble worker (“a minister”). 
The choice of the Greek word here “diakonos” (or deacon) is odd because a deacon is an official “office” within the church. 
Much like Colossians 1:23, Paul’s aim is to focus on the function of this word. 
It is very much a term of humility, implying the thought of one who executes the commands of another. 
We are then reminded that his humble gospel labor happens by way of “the gift of God’s grace”.
There is a double emphasis that what we’ve been given from the gospel (including our service to it) is an undeserved gift. 
Even more humbling is that all of it was “given” (triple emphasis) “by the working of his power”. 
Even our work for God is done according to his strength, not our own.
“To me, though I am the very least of all the saints, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ, and to bring to light for everyone what is the plan of the mystery hidden for ages in God who created all things,” (v8-9). 
Paul calls himself the least important (“very least”) of all “the saints”, and acts almost surprised that “this grace was given” to him; specifically to be the one who would lead the way of bringing the gospel to the “Gentiles”. 
He is shocked how a lowly person like him could be called to such an honorable purpose:
“to bring to light” the “unsearchable riches of Christ” (untraceable) and “the mystery hidden for ages” (that which was an eternal secret) - that which only God (the Creator) knew. 
“so that through the church the manifold wisdom of God might be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.” (v10)
Not only has Paul been given this great purpose, but more profoundly “the church”. 
We have been tasked with presenting “the manifold wisdom of God” (the diverse extent). 
The best part about this is that this humble gospel is taken by a lowly church (God’s family) and “made known” to what many would deem to be the greatest beings: angels (1 Pe. 1:12).
2. Greatness Comes by Way of Boldness (v11-13): 
“This was according to the eternal purpose that he has realized in Christ Jesus our Lord, in whom we have boldness and access with confidence through our faith in him.” (v11-12). 
Greatness, humility, and boldness make for a great marriage. But it’s the object of boldness which is key. 
Even though Paul held a great responsibility and calling, he knew that his part in it all was still lowly because it was a small part of God’s grand and great “eternal purpose”, carried out (“realized in Christ Jesus”). 
We can have “boldness” (primarily in communication) and “confidence” (trust - peithos root) because there is “access” (approachability) “through faith” to Christ. 
Because of faith, there can be a bold drawing near to God that is ever-present. 
Greatness comes as the result of a constant intimacy with God that gives us the boldness to live out our purposes as God’s family and as God’s people. 
“So I ask you not to lose heart over what I am suffering for you, which is your glory.” (v13).
Paul could feel great even in the throes of suffering. Because his greatness was linked directly to God’s greatness.  
It is fitting how Paul ends by talking about their “glory”. 
Their glory was to one day be in the presence of the living God. 
To boldly walk by faith knowing we have complete access to God in this life and to know that there is an eternity that awaits us no matter what is all the greatness we would ever need to possess! 
Something to Consider: Try to identify the ways in which you are pursuing your own greatness (in relationships, in school, at work etc.). Bring that to God and seek his forgiveness. And then pray a simple prayer: “God, help me to see and pursue your greatness more in my life. Amen.”
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limsane · 7 years
gospel work is prayerful, purposeful and personal. Colossians 4
Pray as if nothing has yet been done.
If you’re a Christian, you have the vast reserves of wealth and wisdom in His word in our heart so we know how to answer everyone. That is how we overcome the hollow word of the world.
Timely actions.
Being purposeful:
V5. Act wisely toward outsiders, making the most of the time.
Time is a limited resource to do the work that God has in store- that is why Paul is saying use time wisely.
Being personal:
The life of the gospel is always personal. Paul always wanted to personally be encouraged, connected,
V7: Tychicus, our dearly loved brother,
V10: Aristarchus, my fellow prisoner
V12: Epaphras, who is one of you
V14: Luke, the dearly loved physician
The christian community is always personal.
It is always ‘inter’.
For everything we have is by His grace. We don’t have the pressure of obligation. But we have identity because of His favour and undeserved kindness. Jesus was the one devoted to prayer. He was the one who was purposeful. God’s work was fulfilled in him in 33 years. Jesus lived a full life of mission and purpose. He was personal. He took in the pain of the personal- with crowds and disciples. His followers, crowds left him as he made his way to Calvary. Jesus knew what it was like to suffer heartbreak and brokenness. He did this all for us, that we would have the hope in Him to be personally invested in others.
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esmorothfallen · 2 years
@waitlifted | from here!:
Cassandra did decidedly jump at the voice behind her, swinging around with her sword pointed, prepared to face yet another of the train's magic monstrosities that wanted her dead. What she found, however, was an even more unusual sight— another human. Huh. 
"If you want to be a ghost, sneaking up on someone who has a sword is a good option," she deadpanned, stowing her sword and making an annoyed expression to cover how he had startled her. "And how would you know what's in here, anyways?" 
She had definitely paid him back for the accidental jumpscare. He hadn’t noticed from a distance that she had a sword at all, so having it abruptly pointed at him was enough to make him noticeably jolt.
“I'll remember that for next time.” He answered, when she was no longer pointing the sword at him. “I know what’s here because I live here. I have for... a long time.” His tone, briefly, slipped into a subtle note of melancholy.
But he didn’t linger on it too long.
“I wanted to catch you before you started snooping around too much. Some parts of the mall are off limits.” He meant his own room, of course- but also Grace’s. Even he hadn’t been in there since she had left.
“If you’re looking for the other door, it’s downstairs.”
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esmorothfallen · 2 years
@toontrocities​ wanted a (semi-plotted) starter for varian! verse used is v7 | undeserved grace.
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Simon was sitting, alone, at a table in the mall car’s food court. Absentmindedly, he flipped through the pages of the book he’d been writing. He hadn’t touched it since before Grace left. He’d pulled it out in hopes of picking it up again, to use as some sort of distraction. But he couldn’t bring himself to do it.
He hovered on the first of many blank pages, eyebrows knitted together in thought. It was then, as he was lost in thought, that he heard the sound of one of the doors opening. He immediately straightened up, eyebrows raising in surprise.
He should have seen it coming. It wasn’t as if the mall car was isolated from the rest of the train. But for some reason, he hadn’t expected to see another passenger again.
Standing, he went to find out who it was that had entered the mall car. Quietly, at first- in hopes to spot them before they spotted him. He stopped at the entrance to the food court, and it wasn’t long before he saw the intruder.
Immediately he recognized the uniform as the same one that Amelia wore. And this was not Amelia- but surely another one of One-One’s employees.
Clenching his fists, he stepped out into the open, and abandoned any semblance of subtlety.
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“Let me guess. One-One sent you here to make sure we were all gone, didn’t he? Well, almost. But it looks like he missed one.”
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esmorothfallen · 2 years
VERSE SEVEN | undeserved grace
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verse summary: An alternate ending to book 3 episode 10, where Grace manages to save Simon before the ghom kills him. He's left severely injured, but ultimately recovers. In the aftermath of all of this, he eventually concedes to his defeat. He never fully sorts things out with Grace, but takes a step back and allows the disbandment of the Apex, as much as he hates it.
- can be used for both canons and crossovers. - starts a week or two after the end of book 3, with no set ending point. - simon is 18-19 in this verse, with the potential for him to be older depending on how long after book 3 the thread takes place.
more detailed verse info will be added later when i have the energy to write it out, lol!
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