#// brother i am bundled up wearing gloves inside the house why is it SO COLD
samsammysamson · 6 days
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Why is it so cold. Why is it so cold. Why is it so cold. Why is it so COLD-
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acdeaky · 5 years
london in winter
warning: fluff, dialogue heavy at parts 
note: happy secret santa @anotherhystericalqueen​ and merry christmas! i am so so happy with this and i hope you enjoy it! mwah 💋
word count: 2.3K
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at the beginning of every person’s life, their skin is untainted. the clean flesh that covers their body is yet to be graffitied by the hopes of love and forever with a soulmate. children grow up learning the stories of their parents and grandparents, their meetings and the day they met. even before they knew the name of their soulmates, children were dreaming of the day they would meet the person they were meant to be with for the rest of their lives. many were excited, others nervous about who it could be. but they all went about their lives without worrying too much, waiting until the day when their countdown begins. 
the tattoos appear around age 13; unlucky for some, others not so much. it’s like a game of figuring out who’s soulmate is who’s. at 13, there’s a limited amount of people who it could be, so finding your soulmate at the same school was rare. but people still found enjoyment in the subject. teasing their friends about the name of their soulmate even though they knew that it wasn’t anyone they actually knew at that moment in time. 
a name and a countdown is what covers everyone’s right wrist. seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and even years. it’s the one thing that’s always on everyone’s mind: who’s mine?
it was september 21st 1996 when joe mazzello’s wrist was littered with the name Y/N and a countdown which wouldn't expired for another 23 years. he remembers his older sister and younger brother begging him to show them his wrist. mary had already experienced the excitement of the tattoo and has showed his friends as soon as possible, john was yet to experience that. but joe couldn't bring himself to show his family the thing he should have been excited about. 
he tried to keep it quiet throughout the years, but people caught sight of it - friends, family and fans - but when asked about it, joe kept quiet and just shrugged it off. there was no reason that his friends and family could think of as to why joe was secretive about it. unknown to anyone but him, joe was embarrassed; embarrassed about meeting his soulmate at the age of 36, even when he knew there were people who had to wait longer than him. 
that day where he saw he only had a few hours until he met his soulmate was a day he had waited long for. images and thoughts of what she looked like filled his mind as he tried to go about his day as normal. 
but things don't happen like that. 
it was 25th february 1998 when Y/N L/N’s wrist was littered with the name joe and a countdown which wouldn't expire for another 21, almost 22, years. she remembers her friends the countdown regardless of how long away it seemed. all of her friends has already gotten theirs; some where short and some were a bit longer, but her’s was the longest. that didn't matter to her. the excitement of knowing that someone out there was made for her was enough. 
she didn't keep it quiet throughout the years; everyone she met was asked about their name and countdown and her’s was shown to them. the joy on her face when she spoke of the ‘joe’ who she was yet to meet brought a smile onto anyone else’s face. unknown to anyone but her, Y/N was nervous; nervous about meeting her soulmate who she had dreamt of since her 13th birthday, even when she knew there was nothing to be worried about. 
the day where she saw she only had a few hours until she met her soulmate was a day she had waited long for. the nerves she had once felt had turned into excitement and she struggled to go about her day as normal. 
but things don't happen like that. 
london in winter is something that deserves to be seen by the world. the way the blanket of snow lightly covers place from big ben to the london eye, the houses of parliament to buckingham palace; nowhere is safe from the wrath of winter in england. the majority of the cold weather is fought by pedestrians cowering in warm buildings, cups of coffee or tea in their hands, warming themselves on the inside and outside. 
hats, gloves and scarfs are removed as soon as the blast of warm air from inside the shops hits shivering bodies, Y/N’s being one of them. as she walked into her local coffee shop to get her usual breakfast, things seemed like usual; the regular barista was behind the counter, the man three floors down from her was doing his morning work in his usual corner, the line was two people long like it usually is on a saturday morning. as much as her excitement crept up on her, and as much as she thought her day wouldn't be like this, things seemed normal.
too normal. 
honestly, Y/N was just glad to be able to get her breakfast quickly and sit in her usual seat. still bundled up in her coat and scarf, she looked out of the large front window to gaze at the snow which fell gently onto the streets of london and the surface of the thames. almost as quickly as she started, her breakfast was finished. she waved goodbye to the barista and stepped out into the cool air. 
it was refreshing for her cheeks, too warm from the heating of the coffee shop and ready for the harsh winter weather again. like usual on her saturday, Y/N walked through the backstreets she knew so easily and ended up at parliament square garden. a short walk over westminster bridge would lead her back around to her apartment building. 
anticipating the british winter was something that all failed to do. somedays it would be cold in the morning, but grow warmer as the day went on. somedays it would be warm in the morning, but grow colder as the day went by. other days it was just down right cold. today was one of those days, but joe had failed to listen to the advice of his two best friends and had opted out of wearing gloves and a scarf saying “i’ll be fine, it can't be that cold”. but how wrong he was. 
joe ended up taking refuge in a bustling starbucks where about a dozen other people had the same idea as him; getting a coffee to warm them up on the inside and the outside. he felt like he had been there, waiting in line, for hours (it was only 15 minutes), but had finally gotten his coffee, added what he liked and had found a lone seat towards the front of the shop. it gave the perfect few of the small part of london he was in. as he watched the snow fall onto the streets, he thought of california, of new york, of home, wherever that may be. this weather was different to anything else, it was unusual. 
when he woke up this morning, joe didn't think he would be sat freezing in a starbucks alone. if anything, he had hoped to be there with his soulmate later on in the day. he definitely didn't plan to be as cold as he was and definitely didn't think he would have to take refuge in a coffee shop. 
he made a mental note to listen to ben and gwil more often. 
once his coffee was drunk and he had warmed up significantly, joe made his way back into the cold and continued down the streets of london which weren't exactly familiar to him. he recognised a few landmarks here and there, but nothing told him where he was. after walking on further, he reached the jubilee gardens (which he only recognised due to ben talking about the london eye being near them). having a sense of surroundings, joe walked along the bank of the thames, watching the london eye go around slowly as he passed. 
westminster bridge brought about the perfect viewing spot for the london eye, the houses of parliament and the hungerford bridge just further down the thames. amount the snow, ice and other pedestrians, Y/N stood leaning on the edge of the bridge, watching the snow fall and the world go by around her. the calmness of her day and the weather made her forget all about her soulmate. the closeness of the time to their meet, the seconds ticking by, but no care was given in that moment; her view couldn't be more picturesque if it tried. 
new boots and ice were never a good match, but, like the rest of joe’s short day, things hadn't gone exactly to plan. as much as he tried not to slip, he felt like a deer walking for the first time as he gripped onto the side of the stairs, trying to survive before making into the top. once he did, he decided between venturing further into london or crossing the bridge to the right of him (only god knows what it was called in joe’s mind). the bridge seemed like the better option, rather than getting himself lost in the depths of london again.
joe stepped onto the bridge, his feet trodding in the snow as he managed to find patches where no ice could be seen. as he walked, he glanced at his surroundings, in absolute awe of london in winter. the snow settled on the thames and the paths gave a winter wonderland feel to streets. even though the day had been unusual, joe was glad that he refused the guidance of ben and gwil, happy that he found this himself-
“oh, my god, are you okay?” and suddenly, all joe was seeing was the sky. “let me help you.” was all he could hear as he tried to place what had happened.
“thanks.” he mumbled, brushing himself off and dusting his hair of snow. just as he brought his hand down, his coat sleeve had rolled up slightly.
“this will sound crazy, maybe or maybe not, but...are you Y/N?” she only nodded, slightly scared at how this strange man knew her name.
“i-i don’t know if i should answer that.”
“what about your wrist? what does it say?” joe. she knew, had it sketched into her mind as well as her wrist. joe. she had even worked out the day they would meet (and as it got closer, the time as well). joe. with her watch still at home and her phone in her pocket, she had forgotten that today was the day.
joe. her soulmate.
“it says joe.” she replied, pulling her coat sleeve up to show joe’s name and her finished countdown.
“and mine Y/N.” joe did the same, revealing his countdown and her name. 
it was strange. she didn't think it would happen like this; her soulmate literally fell for her. well, not for her, behind her, but he still feel before he had even met her, and that was something she would remember to bring up later on. 
“hi, joe,” she giggled, placing her hand in front of her for joe to shake. “how are you?”
“i'm good, thank you,” he took her hand and shook it gently, smiling at her. “and how are you?”
“i'm good,” they dropped each other’s hands and placed them into their coat pockets, the chilly breeze too harsh for their bare hands. “i can’t believe we've had to wait this long; 22 years has dragged on.”
“23 for me. well, 23 years and 3 months, but that's not important.”
“so you're a...september baby?”
“yeh, and you're...”
“a february baby, yeh. 25rd.”
“no way,” he smiled, an exasperated smile on his face, “i'm 21st.”
“that's basically the same date.” Y/N giggled again before smiling at joe. 
honestly, she didn’t think he would be like this. charming? yes. funny? definitely. but joe? this joe? he’s better than what she expected. all she knew was that she couldn't wait to get to know him more. 
“sorry, i was staring. and now i sound like a creep because i said i was staring. i'm sorry, i'm just happy this has finally happened.”
“it’s okay,” Y/N smiled and watched as the stress from joe’s face left him and a smile appeared instead. “did you wanna go somewhere? get out of the cold?”
“please,” he nodded, removing his hand from his pocket and allowing her to lead the way. “you first.” after mumbling a quick thanks, Y/N led joe back the way she came, starting up another conversation as they went. 
and as the days went on, the weeks turned into months. winter turned into spring and a friendship turned into a relationship between Y/N and joe. it wasn’t too long after when joe asked her to be his, and it wasn't too long after that when they met each other’s family. the mazzellos fell in love with her - just like joe did - and they accepted her into the family quickly. they teased and taunted joe about being so embarrassed growing up, his worrying truly for nothing. 
after that evening with his family, there was only one thing he was truly sure of: he loved Y/N.
TAGLIST: @never-kept-the-same-address @j0hn-deaky @sohoneyspreadyourwings @brian-maybe-not @deakysbabybooty @1001-yellow-daffodils @retromusicsalad @hardcoredisneynerd @painkiller80 @leatherjacketmazzello @scarecrowmax @mebeatlized @seesiderendezvous @alright-mrfahrenheit @someone-get-a-medic @miamideacon @chlobo6 @teenagepeterpan @spacedustmazzello @deakysgurl @forever-rogue @xcdelilahxc @keepsdrawing @igotsuckedintothevoid @soulexposed @supersonicfreddie @laedymoon @inthedayswhenlandswerefew @warriorteam1924 @painandpleasure86 @boomerangbassist​ @mamaskillerqueen​ 
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The Call
From a young age, Oliver vowed to protect his little sister.   One day, Amelia’s distressed call bring Oliver back home to visit Harry and Y/N while helping his sister through a hard confession.  Hope you all enjoy.  Feedback and Requests are welcomed.  Lots of Love!
           Oliver never forgot the moment when Harry and Y/N announced the new baby.  Oliver’s chubby hands dunked the misshaped dinosaur nugget into the ketchup pool.  His tiny sneakers kicked against the white chair while he hummed along with the song stuck in his head.  Y/N giggled, wiping the coconut scented cloth across the messy marble counters.  Harry shuffled into the kitchen, scratching at his stomach.   “Hi Oli, how was school?” Harry asked, wrapping a sturdy arm around his son’s small body. Oliver grinned, showing his missing teeth, “Good.  Ms. Watson taught us another song about llamas wearing pajamas down by the bay.” Harry and Y/N chuckled, “Daddy and I need to tell you something.” Oliver glanced up from his plate, swallowing his mouthful of nuggets, “Okay.  Am I in trouble?” Harry smiled, shaking his head, “Do you remember when Mommy got sick the other morning?” Oliver nodded, watching Harry rub Y/N’s small bump, “Well, I visited the doctor, and in eight months you will have a baby brother or sister.” Oliver nodded, his eyebrows furrowed with thought, “Will they play with me?” Y/N chuckled, hugging Oliver, “Yes.  They will play with you and love you.  Daddy and I wanted you to know that nothing will change.  We will love you and the new baby the same way.” Oliver nodded, “Okay, can I have more juice?” Harry laughed, ruffling his son’s curly brown locks.  Oliver hid the excitement bubbling deep inside.  He couldn’t wait to teach his new sibling new songs he learned at school. *  *  *  *  *              Amelia’s shrill screams echoed throughout the small house.  Oliver whined, pressing his hands against his tiny ears.  Nobody told him the baby would cry all day and night.  Harry shushed the screaming pink bundle while Oliver returned his attention toward his drawing.  The blue crayon lit up the paper sky.  Y/N rushed into the room, grabbing Amelia from Harry’s sore arms.  Amelia’s screams started again, causing Oliver’s crayon to snap in half onto the crinkled paper.  Harry darted past Oliver’s frustrated figure, searching for Amelia’s favorite pacifier. Oliver sighed, dropping the ruined picture into the nearby bin.  Oliver wished Amelia never came home from the hospital.   *  *  *  *  *             Oliver couldn’t remember the exact moment when he decided he should love his sister.  One late night, Amelia’s desperate cries startled Oliver’s exhausted six-year-old body from his warm dinosaur sheets.  Oliver huffed, knuckling at his eyes while his socked feet shuffled across the cold hardwood floor toward his sister’s bedroom.  Harry and Y/N’s tired from staying up all day snores filtered through their bedroom door.  Oliver’s chubby hand twisted the golden knob, allowing the blue nightlight to illuminate the pitch black hallway.  Oliver gripped the white crib bars as he watched his sister’s red face scrunch up with anger.  Oliver panicked, searching around the room packed with Amelia’s necessities.  He couldn’t warm a bottle for his sister. He couldn’t hold his sister without his parent’s supervision.  Luckily, Oliver’s wide eyes landed on the green pacifier a few inches from Amelia’s squirming figure.  He slipped the pacifier between Amelia’s rosy lips. “It’s okay.  I can’t help you eat, but I can sing to you,” Oliver smiled. Oliver inhaled, recalling the song he heard Y/N sing when she rocked Amelia to sleep, “Hush, baby, don’t say a word.  Mama’s gonna buy you a Mockingbird.” The baby quieted, staring up into her brother’s drooping eyes.  Amelia sighed around the pacifier, wrapping her tiny fist around Oliver’s pinky. Oliver grabbed a nearby pink quilt and pillow and made a bed near the crib.   *  *  *  *  *              The next morning, Harry stretched his tense limbs as he opened his son’s bedroom door.  Harry expected to find Oliver asleep in the small bed, but the sunlight shined on Oliver’s stuffed giraffe rather than the little boy.  Harry’s eyes widened while he gripped his sinking heart.  Where did Oliver go?  Harry frantically searched the house for his missing son.  Should he wake up Y/N?  Did someone break in and steal his son?  Did Oliver run away from the lack of attention?  Harry’s stomach twisted from the possible scenarios. Harry entered Amelia’s room, sighing with relief once he found Oliver snuggled up beside Amelia’s crib.  A heart-warming sensation replaced the worry coursing through Harry’s veins.  He slipped the phone from his pocket, snapping a picture of Oliver and Amelia. He couldn’t wait to show Y/N the image of their son protecting his little sister.  Harry exited the room, deciding to surprise his family with a new batch of chocolate chip pancakes.   *  *  *  *  *              The sizzling bacon nipped at Kassie’s hands.  Kassie hissed, yanking the melted spatula from the red pan. Oliver chuckled, wrapping his arms around his girlfriend’s waist. “Do you need help?” Oliver asked, kissing Kassie’s warm neck.   Kassie giggled, “Do you mind cooking the bacon? I can cook the eggs.” Kassie spun around, cupping Oliver’s sturdy chest, “Your eyes are beautiful.” “Thanks, I got them from my mom,” Oliver smiled, pressing his rosy lips to Kassie’s plump lips. Kassie giggled, “I don’t want to think about your parents when I’m trying to make a move on you.” “Oh, are you trying to woo me?  We can start over,” Oliver chuckled, swaying Kassie back and forth in his arms. “Yeah, did I ever tell you how much I love your big—” Oliver’s thin phone interrupted Kassie’s compliment. The squawking duck ringtone forced a frown upon Oliver’s face.  Amelia never called her brother, so Oliver’s mind conjured up the worst thoughts.  Was she hurt?  Were their parents okay?  Did Grandma Anne pass away?  Oliver’s hands slipped from Kassie’s waist as he hurried toward the ringing phone. Kassie nibbled on her bottom lip, sensing Oliver’s change from flirtatious to panicked. “Hello?” Amelia’s muffled sniffles sent chills down Oliver’s spine.  He gripped his chest, finding it harder to breathe, “Amelia?  Are you okay?” “No, I need you to come home,” Amelia mumbled. Oliver nodded, glancing up at Kassie’s questioning eyes, “I’ll leave after breakfast.  Are mom and dad okay?” Amelia nodded, “Yeah, we’re okay.  I need your help.” Oliver nodded, stumbling over his words, “Okay. I’ll be there.” “You can’t tell mom and dad about this call,” Amelia rushed out. Why couldn’t he tell his parents about Amelia’s sorrowful call?  Was Amelia in trouble with the law?  Oliver agreed, ignoring the nagging voice inside his mind that told him to confess everything to his parents.  Amelia ended the call, leaving Oliver in a state of confusion. “What happened?” Kassie asked, plating the burnt bacon slices. Oliver shrugged, “She wouldn’t tell me what happened.  She doesn’t want me to call mom or dad, but I think I should call them.” Kassie shook her head, “No, you can’t break her trust.  We can leave in a few hours.” Oliver nodded, smiling at his beautiful girlfriend, “How did I get lucky with you?” Kassie giggled, handing Oliver a plate filled with greasy breakfast, “I wonder the same thing.  I’m excited to see your mom.  We can talk about those recipes I sent her last week.” Oliver regained his breathing after breakfast, but his heart still wasted away with worry.  What did Amelia get herself into? *  *  *  *  *              The sunshine warmed Harry’s tan skin as he knelt onto the luscious green grass.  Y/N tugged the pink gloves higher up her wrist.  The wilted red roses piled up beside Harry’s figure.   “Should we plant begonias?” Harry wondered, dusting the black dirt from his knees. Y/N shook her head, “I hate begonias.  I love roses.” Harry rolled his eyes, “We plant roses every year.  Can we plant some daisies?” “Fine, but I want some roses in the front yard,” Y/N mumbled, pouting up at her handsome husband. Harry huffed, dropping his hands from his hips, “You know that pout always works on me.  Fine, we can plant roses in the front yard.  Do you want to come with me to the store?” Harry asked, wiping the sweat glowing on his forehead. Y/N nodded, standing up from the rich dirt bed, “Sure.” Harry smiled, tugging his wife’s body closer to his, “I love you.” “I love you,” Y/N giggled, pecking Harry’s thin, rosy lips. A familiar car honk halted Harry’s hand from pinching Y/N’s butt.  Y/N pulled away from Harry’s hold, rushing toward the garden gate.  Harry checked his messages in case his son warned him about their unexpected arrival.   “Oli, what are you doing here?” Y/N gasped, dropping the filthy garden gloves onto the grass. Oliver spun around from his car, beaming once his eyes landed on his mother, “Hi mom, Kassie and I decided to visit you. I hope we aren’t intruding.” Y/N shook her head, kissing her son’s blushing cheeks, “Of course not, your father and I were about to visit the store. Kassie, you look beautiful.” “Thank you,” Kassie smiled, hugging her boyfriend’s mother. Harry squeezed Oliver’s thin figure, “Why didn’t you call?” Oliver shrugged, hoping his parents didn’t notice the anxiety bubbling inside, “We wanted to surprise you.  Where’s Amelia?” “Her friends picked her up about an hour ago,” Harry mumbled, checking the time on his phone. Oliver nodded, “Well, let’s get inside before we burn up out here.” Oliver and Harry carried in the suitcases while Y/N and Kassie discussed the new cookie recipe Y/N found online.  Oliver hoped Amelia returned home soon.  He didn’t know how long he could keep her call a secret.   *  *  *  *  *              Amelia flung the small black backpack onto her back. She waved goodbye to the rusted car. She caught a glimpse of her Maisie’s raven black curls through the open window before the car sped off down the narrow streets.  Amelia ignored her fluttering heart as she stumbled toward the front door.  Savory garlic greeted Amelia’s grumbling stomach before Oliver and Kassie popped out from the kitchen.  “Hey Em, how are you?” Kassie asked, hugging her brother’s sister.  Amelia smiled, “I’m well, how’s work?”  Kassie shrugged, eyeing Oliver’s scowl, “It’s okay.”  Oliver hugged his sister, rubbing her back, “Are you okay?”  “I’m fine,” Amelia mumbled, hiding her glossy green eyes.  “How’s Maisie?” Y/N asked, turning her head from the sautéing garlic.   Amelia nodded, plopping down beside Harry, “Maisie is well.  Do you need help, dad?”  Harry shook his head, chopping up the spinach leaves, “Did you know your brother and Kassie were visiting?”  Amelia shook her head, “Is everything okay?”  “Yeah, do you want to go sit outside with us? Kassie and I want to look at mom and dad’s garden,” Oliver faked a smiled.  Amelia nodded, “Sure.”  Oliver, Kassie, and Amelia exited the kitchen, leaving Y/N and Harry alone in the kitchen.  Y/N waited until the door clicked shut before she spun around to look at her husband’s furrowed brows.  “They are hiding something,” Y/N mumbled.  Harry nodded, “Should we investigate?”  Y/N shook her head, returning her attention toward the garlic and onions, “No, they’ll tell us sooner or later.  How’s the spinach?”  “Leafy,” Harry grumbled.  Y/N giggled, blowing a kiss toward her husband’s dimpled grin.  The couple continued cooking dinner while their kids discussed serious topics outside.  *  *  *  *  *
           “Did you know that mom and dad plan on planting begonias?” Amelia asked, gathering a handful of soft soil in her hands. Oliver rolled his eyes, “Em, why did you call me?” Amelia sighed, keeping her green eyes locked on the rotted green sprouts, “I’m in love.” “What?  Why did that require a call?” Oliver asked, recalling the two boyfriends Amelia dated during high school. Amelia glanced up, swallowing the lump in her throat, “I’m in love with Maisie.  Mom and dad don’t know how I feel about her.  I don’t know to tell them.  I didn’t even admit it to myself.” Oliver nodded, failing to cover the shocked expression from his face, “Do you feel bad for being bisexual?” Amelia sniffled, dragging a hand under her red nose, “I don’t feel normal.  What if mom and dad don’t accept me?  What if you don’t accept it?” Oliver frowned, kneeling beside his sister’s fragile figure.  He wrapped his arm across her shoulders while his lips pressed against her forehead, “I love you.  I would never disown you because of whom you love.  I vowed as a kid to protect my annoying little sister, and I plan on keeping that vow until I die.  I also know that mom and dad would never disown.  I like Maisie.” Amelia smiled, wiping the tears from her eyes, “What do you mean annoying?  You were the one that never shut up about learning new things in school.” “You never shut up.  You cried nonstop as a baby.  I wore earmuffs every day when I returned from school,” Oliver chuckled. Amelia shoved her brother into the dirt, “You’re an asshole.” Oliver guffawed, “I know.  Does Maisie know that you love her?” Amelia shook her head, “I can’t tell her. I’d rather die than tell her.” “If you love her, then you should tell her before something happens,” Oliver confessed, watching Kassie wait patiently for Oliver to finish his conversation with Amelia. “I don’t know.  I’ll think about it.  Will you help me tell mom and dad?” Oliver nodded, “Should we build a presentation? Hey mom and dad, I’m bisexual.” Amelia snorted, “Yeah, I don’t know why I called you.  You’re such a nerd.” “Dinner’s ready,” Harry called out from the door. Amelia and Oliver raced into the kitchen, piling noodles and chicken onto their plates.  Amelia felt better after confessing her secret to her brother. *  *  *  *  *            Harry rubbed his bulging stomach while Y/N cuddled against Harry’s warm body.  Kassie flipped through television channels, keeping her eyes on Oliver and Amelia’s secret signals.   “Mom and dad, I need to tell you something,” Amelia rushed out. Kassie muted the television show, shooting Amelia an encouraging smile.  Oliver rubbed Kassie’s arms as if the action calmed his racing heart.  He knew his parents wouldn’t disown his sister, but he panicked that something might go wrong. “Okay, what is it?” Y/N asked, sitting up straighter. Amelia took a deep breathe, keeping her eyes locked on her torn sneakers, “I am bisexual.  I am in love with Maisie.” Harry and Y/N nodded, “Does she not love you?” Amelia furrowed her brows in confusion, “You aren’t shocked?  Aren’t you supposed to act mad?” Harry chuckled, sitting beside Amelia to hug her trembling figure, “Do you want us to act mad?” Y/N plopped down on the opposite side of Amelia, “Love, we’d never stop loving you because you love someone of the same sex. We loved you from the minute we found out about you, and something so small would not stop that love.  Have you told Maisie?” Amelia frowned, “No, I’m scared.” Harry cupped Amelia’s cheeks, pressing a kiss to her nose, “We love you.  If you aren’t ready to tell her, then you should wait.  If you aren’t telling her because you fear her judging you, then fear shouldn’t stop you.  We are going to protect you from anyone who reacts with cruel comments.” Amelia smiled, “Thank you, dad and mom. Thank you, Oliver and Kassie.” Kassie smiled, “No problem.  We can stay until you tell her.” Amelia giggled, “You are free to leave. I know you two have lives.” Oliver shook his head, “You, mom, and dad are the most important part of our lives.” Amelia rolled her eyes, “Can you not be all mushy?  Who turned this into a Nicholas Sparks movie?” Harry laughed, squeezing his daughter once more before returning to his spot on the couch.  The family ended their night with a romantic comedy chosen by Harry.   *  *  *  *  *  *             The cotton candy clouds cast a pink glow among the grassy field. Children darted around the colorful playground while parents discussed tips and complaints.  Maisie tugged the red and white blanket further away from her ankle.  Amelia scribbled down new song lyrics inside her leather journal.  Maisie snapped photos of nearby waddling ducks and happy couples.   “Can I tell you something?” Amelia asked, dropping the glitter pen against the notebook paper. Maisie nodded, looking through the camera lens, “What is it?” Amelia frowned, placing a hand on top of the camera so she could stare into Maisie’s beautiful brown eyes, “I think I have feelings for you.” Maisie’s smile dropped, “Romantic feelings?” Amelia nodded, gulping down the fear rising in her throat, “I don’t know when it started.” Maisie nodded, setting the camera down beside her, “I don’t know how I feel.” “I understand.” Maisie frowned, eyeing the untied leather shoelaces on her black boots, “I need to head home.  Can you find a way home?” Amelia nodded, choking back sobs, “Maisie, I never wanted to ruin our friendship.” “Well, you should have thought of that before you confessed you had feelings for me.  Amelia, I think it’s best if you start finding a new ride to school,” Maisie mumbled, folding the blanket. Amelia nodded, “Okay.” Amelia watched Maisie walk out of her life. Tears blurred her vision as she dialed Oliver’s number.   “Hey, how did it go?” Oliver asked. Amelia chuckled bitterly, “She doesn’t want to be my friend.” “I’m sorry, but this does not mean that there is something wrong with you,” Oliver reminded Amelia. “I know.” “One day, a man or woman will love you enough to stick around.  Some people may not accept you, but you are better off without them.  Do you need a ride home?” “Yeah, thanks,” Amelia mumbled, wiping the tears from her eyes. Oliver pressed his palm firmly against the horn.  Amelia’s head shot up, noticing her brother’s car near the park entrance.  Oliver never left Amelia alone in case of things with Maisie not working out.  Amelia smiled, running toward her brother’s car with tears streaming down her face. Oliver knew that this would be the first of many heartbreaks for his sister, but he also knew that he would help her get through every single one until she found the love of her life.
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