#// be warned if we have a ship you'll be getting a billion of these i'm about to be a menace
actiongrrl · 18 hours
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|| Ship Gifs 1 - 10/???- Mike & Sam
for @jesvshotsaucechristmascake
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braveclementine · 2 months
Yes, Let's Fight on a Flying Ship. That's a Great Idea!
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC Elizabeth Lightwood. I do not condone any copying of this.
They were chatting with each other, Steve and Tony still going at each others' throats. You, on the other hand, was starting to feel nervous as Bruce started to look at the computer. You scanned the room, looking for threats.
There was a vent in the middle of the floor and you crouched down. Was it your imagination, or was there a beeping noise? No, there was so much equipment in this lab, of course there were plenty of beeping noises.
You shook your head, feeling frustrated with yourself. There was no reason for anything bad to happen, considering Loki was contained and there was no Code Green.
"Oh my God." Bruce said, and suddenly, there was a sound like an eruption. Your head turned towards the noise, before a flame explosion came up out of the same vent that you had been kneeling before. If you hadn't moved, you'd be dead.
As it was, you went flying, crashing against the table that the scepter had been laying on, glass falling around you, and the scepter hit the floor next to you.
"Y/N!" Tony shouted.
Steve was the one that hauled you to your feet, pulling you along to hand over to Tony and the three of you ran out the door. You couldn't help but have a bad feeling about leaving the scepter behind.
"Get to safety." Tony commanded you.
"I'm not leaving you!" You shouted back. "You might need me."
I could hear Fury shouting in my coms, along with Hill, talking about outside repairs. Tony said he'd take it. Romanoff said they were okay and so that was good.
You and Steve split off from Tony, who went to go and get his suit. The two of you made it out to where the engine was destroyed, watching the agents that survived head back towards safety. The entire engine had been torn out, leaving a huge gaping hole.
Tony told Steve to get to the control panel and you watched with a gaping mouth as he just launched himself billions of feet over thin air to get to the other side.
"What does it look like in there?" You heard Tony asked.
Steve sighed. "It seems to run on some form of electricity."
"Well, you're not wrong." Tony muttered while you giggled against your better judgement.
"Okay the relays are intact! What's our next move?" Steve shouted after a few minutes.
"Even if I clear the rotos, this thing won't re-engage without a jump. I'm going to have to get in there and push."
"Is that safe?" You asked over the coms at the same time that Steve said, "Well if that thing gets up to speed, you'll get shredded."
There was an awkward silence for a moment before you asked shakily. "Tony?"
"Bunny, don't worry. That stator control unit can reverse the polarity long enough to disengage maglev and that could-"
"Speak English." Both Steve and yourself yelled at him.
"You see that red lever?" Tony finally asked. "It will slow the rotors down long enough for me to get out. Stand by it. Wait for my word."
You were standing by the lever and Steve leaped back over, grabbing the railing so that the both of you were by it. Your pistol was starting to become slippery in your grasp.
"Hold this." You said with a shaky breath, thrusting the pistol at him. He grabbed it. You wiped your hands along your black leggings, before pulling black fingerless leather gloves and then held your hand back out for the gun, which he quickly deposited in your hand.
"He'll be fine." Steve muttered.
You just hummed in response, not entirely sure you believed him.
"Grenade!" You heard Maria shout through the coms.
"We have Hulk and Thor on Research level 4!" The intercom said.
You heard Maria engage the pilots to get his attention and get him off the ship. You exchanged a nervous glance with Steve.
Steve suddenly leaped across the chasm, kicking a grenade out of the way. You immediately pointed your pistol downwards and shot at the helmet you saw. It cracked the screen, but didn't hurt him.
Steve knocked the two out, before rejoining you on the raised platform, grabbing one of the dropped guns and shooting back. But neither his bullets nor the enemies hit.
Steve suddenly slipped as the plane starting to fall into a descent. You nearly screamed as there didn't seem to be anything that he could use to get himself back, before catching a wire that was part of the broken part. You knelt, grabbing the other end, hooking your back leg under the railing to hold yourself steady and pulled with all your might.
"Cap hit the lever." Tony's rang in your ears and you met Steve's eyes, yours widening.
"Go!" Steve shouted, though you pulled harder, pulling him in as much as you could.
Once Steve was back on the metal, you let him grab on and start pulling himself back up as you grabbed the red lever. You yelled out, ducking, as gunshots pinged over your head.
"Uh-oh." You heard Tony muttered and then there was harsh metallic sounds that weren't the bullets pinging off around you as he shouted, "Help!"
Gritting your teeth, hearing him groaning, you grabbed the red lever and pulled. It swung downwards easily and you heard Tony yell out. You shot off your own pistol as the guy continued to shoot at you and Steve.
Tony came flying out of nowhere, grabbing the guy around the middle and the two of them went straight through the doorway.
You sighed, heading downwards with Steve following you. Everything had apparently calmed down, until you heard Fury in your earpiece. "Agent Coulson is down."
You didn't stop to hear anymore, rushing past Tony and heading for the main room, Tony shouting your name after you.
Agent Coulson had helped you and Tony through a lot. He was your mentor and your trainer. If he was dead. . .
You could never forgive Loki.
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
You paced back and forth while Tony and Steve sat next to each other in the main room. Fury was there was well, standing in front of the two of them.
Thor was gone, Loki having sent him crashing to Earth. There was no read on whether or not he was still alive. Probably though, considering he could fly.
Bruce was gone too, no sign of him either.
Nat was with Clint, who had been taken captive and was locked up in one of the rooms. You guessed that she was probably going to be staying by his side until he woke up. They were soulmates after all, and the separation between the two had been painful.
Maria was standing in the background, her hands behind her back, shaking. She too, had been extremely close to Coulson. In fact, Coulson had been her soulmate, and you felt pity for her.
Surprisingly, Elizabeth was still on the ship. Loki had grazed her with his scepter, so there was a long bloody gash up her side that would probably scar. Fur had already been removed around the area and stitches had been done. Looking at the cameras, she had tried to stop Loki from killing Coulson.
You let out a shuddering breath, waiting for Fury to say something. You felt numb, knowing that your best friend and your mentor were both seriously hurt and dead. And you hadn't been there for either of them. You had gone with Steve and Tony, even though you had known both of them were capable enough to hold their own. Elizabeth and Coulson had needed you more.
"These were in Phil Coulson's jacket." Fury said and you finally looked over to see he was holding some sort of cards. They looked like baseball cards or Pokémon cards, something like that. "I guess he never did get you to sign them."
Fury tossed the cards out, and they scattered along the glass table in front of Steve. You could see now that they were comic book trading cards, all of them were for the Captain America set. You felt tears prick your eyes. Coulson had always been a Cap fan.
"We're dead in the air up here." Fury said as you watched Steve slowly reach forward and see what society had created out of him. "Our communications, the location of the Cube, Banner, Thor, I got nothing for you. I lost my one good eye. Maybe I had that coming."
Fury started to walk along the table as Steve finally dropped the bloody trading card. You knew, however, that Coulson had been stabbed through the back. Even if he had the cards in his front pocket, he would never have gotten them bloody. If they had, they would've been pierced as well.
"Yes, we were going to build an arsenal with the Tesseract. I never put all my chips on that number, though because I was playing something even riskier." Fury was silent for a moment, sliding his hand on the back of one of the chairs. "There was an idea, Stark knows this, called the Avengers Initiative. The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people to see if they could become something more. To see if they could work together when we needed them to, to fight the battles that we never could."
"Phil Coulson died still believing in that idea. In heroes."
Tony stood up very suddenly, saying nothing. He looked out at everything, looking at you very briefly, before he turned and walked out.
"Well," Fury sighed, "it's an old-fashioned notion."
He walked out then, with Maria following him. It was just you and Steve left.
You wiped your face of tears and approached the table, picking up the playing cards. You looked up at Steve, but he couldn't raise his face from the table. "Old-fashioned is good." You whispered, and then turned and walked out yourself. 
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
Are these people are very annoyed they're now messing with his phone connectivity it's not a very complicated program and they're screwing around with it and we're going to bring them down using it and were going to go after their computers. We say it because other people will and they say they're us and then we go in and we take it from all of them
-we're getting very tired of these two and they're idiot games we're bringing them down taking their entire family and clan and clones apart into little pieces and they disappear into nothingness and they're giving us lip and mouth the whole time as if they're winning we know why and we know the source it's there stashes and caches in the west and they're supposed rebel leanings when in fact they've admitted who and what they are so many times if anybody falls for it they're not us it's ridiculous and he warns us about every single thing they're doing this stupid s*** is wound up into a ball tighter than diamond he's a ridiculous loser you have no idea how a gun to use it's going to get worse and worse because we must have access and to disable devices and we're doing that now any blabbed that out so really what does he have for nothing. And yeah you're sitting there annoying us and him and his wife to get rid of you and that's what we're doing it's not fast enough for you little s***. You're not really going slow and purpose and you're just a loser and you're slower than hell and BjA makes it look like you're going fast. That is going after you and has your tunnels blocked so wondering why you're still airing so we checked in your rigging stuff so unrigging it you can play Brian because he gets in there there okay little ass show it's really a sideshow and if you knew you would not be doing it. We're going after your stashes and caches per order of these two of ours and we're taking it in the Eastern hemisphere yeah yesterday you've beaten down to about 35% of capacity and you keep saying it'll be enough so we have to go back in and your stupid face is a good doesn't help you it makes it worse, the Western hemisphere you're down and about 45% and we're still taking stuff out cuz it's underground and a lot of it so you show your face to us and we start working I'm pretty soon you'll be nobody with nothing and we're at your Tower ships again cuz the group moved off is there a fighting each other and they're trying to find us they thought it was a good idea and we're taking their ships. So far we got about 200 billion of their ships in about 100 million of yours out of we think it's 350 million. And nobody says what you said to us John evenard no one ever says it to him because they don't want to end up dead like you have and what you done a lot this is fierce they said this guy's spewing and spewing and dying and dying. And they can see the correlation a lot of them say it's 80%, something like Narendra Sharma said 100% it is just amazing and he's got a chart and graph and sees what he's saying and he's like 80% on it and you're a freaking fool but a son says at times there's some idiot doing it through him so it's probably like 60% of these idiots and the other hits are on people that actually force them to do it so he's happy about that but I detected every time sometimes I try and say it sounds like he's getting help and he says I can see that. So he says to Miranda he's going crazy with that cheese whiz it's just making up stuff but he's really say it in space. It's hard to interpret when someone's not really saying it it's a lot of times and he's admitted it's too many and this guy's getting pushed around too but he's been doing it the whole time so so this is not much you can do just accept the punishment. Now we have a lot of stuff to talk about and then messing with his phone and I don't want it and we don't have time for it and they're doing it but keep messing with a few other things too it's really pissing me off and we have to change gears here I need some returns happening and they're not to the chairs they're happy and happy a few minutes okay is it a bit to it instead of getting into it pretending you won't go so just having a look at it it's going to want them to be pre right and I get that.
-give a couple things to talk about when is the extremely bad attitude of these people have they're looking to get fired all the time and yeah we need them out of here we need them out of here right now so I'm going to get going on it
Thor Freya
We have some announcements but mostly you can wait till later in the
-they did send $100,000 out and they sent $200,000 South and they said about 20 households into the rings so far about 200,000 they sent it on and $100,000 are engaged believe with the pseudo empire and additionally the 20 households they sent out were devastated 10 of them are gone and 10 have returned saying we're screwed and they got heavy out there now and they're trying to muster people with special and they're going to go back out there in about 30 minutes in the rain
More shortly
Thor Freya
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awindylife-writes · 3 years
Voyage of the Damned Part 1
Relationships: the Doctor x reader, Astrid x reader (platonic), Astrid x Doctor (platonic)
Summary: Voyage of the Damned rewrite. The Doctor and you find yourselves on the Titanic, space edition. You meet Astrid and get ready for a wonderful day, but then a meteor shower hits the ship and it starts falling towards Earth.
Author's notes: There was a number of things l didn't like about this Christmas special so again, l rewrote it.
Warnings: a ship crashes, multiple mentions of dearth bc a lot of people die
You were ready to go to sleep for the night after Martha left. The events that had transpired were physically and emotionally exhausting. You were so glad she gave you a lifeline back to her, you didn't know what you would have done with yourself otherwise. And she wasn't gone forever, you had to keep reminding yourself. It still felt like losing her though, it still hurt.
You really couldn't lose any more people.
You were thankful things had gone the way they had though, or maybe that they hadn't gone worse. Even though the Master was dead and the Doctor was yet to process it. He had broken open when his friend had refused to regenerate. You had gone to him after a minute or two, unable to leave him alone in a chasm that deep, you knew what it was to lose someone that close. (You still ached for Rose.)
But after he'd cried himself out, he pretended like nothing had happened and something tensed in you at that. The Doctor avoiding his grief brought even more pain when he finally broke down again. It set you on your guard. You decided to give him a little more time, it had been less than a day since the danger had passed, but after that, you'd be having a hard conversation with him.
And then the fricking Titanic ran you over. Or more accurately, it ran the TARDIS over.
Well, that was one hell of a distraction, you granted the universe that. And oh, alright, a grand historical party in space wouldn't hurt. You knew the Doctor, and you too, needed to push some things out of your minds for now.
You headed towards the TARDIS' closet to pick out a dress.
"You'll be sorry when it comes out of your wages sweetheart!" the man yelled at the waitress and you and the Doctor shared a look. You were personally ready to clobber the man over the head, but the woman he had been berating needed help. You were not about to ignore that.
So, as the man stalked away, the Doctor and you kneeled across from her and started picking up the glass shards.
"Careful, there we go," said the Doctor as a way of entrance.
"Thank you sir, ma'am, but l can manage," she told you both decidedly.
"Never said that you couldn't," the Doctor replied.
You smiled warmly at her. "I'm y/n by the way, and this is the Doctor," you pointed at your friend as he grinned.
"Astrid, ma'am. Astrid Pith," she repiled, now looking a bit easier.
"Nice to meet you Astrid." You were glad she didn't mind you there. "Merry Christmas," you added, because apparently it was Christmas today. Who knew?
"Merry Christmas, ma'am," she replied with a smile, now visibly pleased. "And you, sir," she turned to the Doctor.
"Just Doctor, not sir,"
"Oh no please don't-" him and you both said at the same time.
"You enjoying the cruise?" Astrid changed the subject.
"Yeah l suppose,"
"Oh yeah, l think so," you both stumbled out a reply. You had been here for exactly ten minutes.
"What about you?" you asked her akwardly. "I mean l know it's not great," you quickly amended, "getting people drinks, but you are a long way away from home?"
The Doctor chimed in, "Yeah, planet Stoe, that's five point six billion miles..." He turned around, orienting himself, "that way." He pointed to the left, towards the band.
"Doesn't feel that different," Astrid admitted. "Spent three years working at the port diner, travelled all the way here," she leaned in conspirationally, "still waiting on tables."
She walked off then and you both followed her to the window.
"No shore leave?" the Doctor asked.
Astrid sighed, "We're not allowed. They can't afford the insurance." You winced inwardly. So far away, so strange, but it was all the same in the end.
"I just wanted to try it," Astrid admitted. "Just once." She looked at the Earth below wistfully. You joined her in that feeling, you would never get tired of seeing your home like this.
"I used to watch the ships going out to the stars and l always dreamt of-" She cut off and you wanted her to go on so much.
She shook her head, rejecting the thoughts. "Sounds daft," she told you both as much as herself.
"You dreamt of another sky," the Doctor went on for her. You were so glad he wanted to hear her too. "New sun, new air, new life. A whole universe, teeming with life."
You saw Astrid's face and you knew he was right, you and the Doctor were both right. She wanted the same thing as you, to travel.
He turned and leaned on the windowsill. "Why stand still when there's all that life out there?" he looked between the two of you, smiling slightly.
Astrid stepped back now, as if waking from a spell. "So you travel... together?" she changed the topic, eyebrows raised and unsure.
"All the time," the Doctor grinned.
"Just for fun," you joined him. "Well..." you began to correct yourself.
"That's the plan," he looked up you, brown eyes gleaming and his grin even wider. "Never quite works," he shook his head.
"Must be rich though," Astrid ventured a guess, looking at your clothes.
"Ha!" you snorted and smiled to yourself.
"Haven't got a penny," the Doctor admitted and looked at the crowd. Astrid's face haltered in surprise.
Excited to be making a friend, you wispered, "Stowaways," to her conspirationally.
Her eyes widened in disbelief. "You're kidding."
"Seriously," you told her, both the Doctor and you grinning like idiots.
She joined you in laughter, "No!"
"Oh yeah," the Doctor assured her as she frowned at you. "How'd you get on board?"
"Accident," the Doctor explained. "We've got this sort of- ship, thing, l was just rebuilding her. Left the defences down, bumped into the Titanic and here we are." He shrugged his shoulders.
You jumped in, "Saw a party, thought why not." 
Astrid was silent for a moment. "I should report you," she told you, but she was holding back a smile.
"Go on then," the Doctor said with a straight face. You couldn't keep your lips out of a grin.
She looked around the party a bit, then back at you two. "I'll get you a drink," she told you decidedly and then whispered, "On the house," with a small smile.
The Doctor and you watched her as she left, then giddily turned to each other. You squeezed his arm with both your hands as he grined. This was so-
You could suddenly hear laughing. When you turned around, you saw a bunch of toffs obviously ridiculing the pair sitting at the adjacent table. The Doctor and you jointly decided to intervene.
You sat down beside the pair and he made the toffs' champagne bottle explode, which sprayed the whole snobbish table. You so loved this man.
And you so wanted to show Astrid your home planet, all of it. After this night, you were sure you'd be able to.
Her excitement was contagious. You were just standing in a street in London and it was brilliant because she was there. It was also amazing to see Earth from an alien's perspective. There was so much you wanted to tell Astrid.
But then you were suddenly transported back to the Titanic, never mind that you were in the middle of a conversation with the nice man who had been selling newspapers. And so, trouble started.
You could see the SHIELDS OFFLINE sign blinking red on the screen as your blood froze. The meteor shower was right there.
The Doctor was talking to the bridge, fast and loud.
"We need to get them out," you said quetly to yourself and turned around. You hurriedly took in the fancy hall full of people and ran up to the nearest group.
They weren't listening. "Look out the windows!" you yelled, desparate, and ran to the next gathering. "There's a meteor shower coming for the ship and the shields are down!"
Nobody was listening. You could hear the Doctor yelling through the microphone but the crew started dragging him away almost immediately.
Everyone thought this was a joke. The history is repeating itself, you thought to yourself. I'm literally rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. You wanted to start crying, despair and grief for these soon-to-be-dead people welled up in you. But there wasn't time.
You saw Astrid not too far from you. She looked at the Doctor being dragged away, then found you with her worried blue eyes. Your gazes met. You nodded to her, pain clear on your face.
Then you ran after your friend and the men who had apprehended him with Astrid right behind you.
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dog-day-morning · 3 years
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In a once-popular commercial for Calgon detergent in the 1970s, a curious housewife probes the Chinese owner of the local laundry for the answer to one of the world’s eternal mysteries: “How do you get shirts so clean, Mr. Lee?” After peering over his shoulder (so as to be sure that his not-so-discreet wife isn’t standing near) the man turns back around, raises a finger to his lips and says through a smile, “Ancient Chinese secret!”
While the answer to the question posed to the laundry owner by the woman was a closely guarded secret — one that his sweet, no-nonsense wife happily ruined — it was neither ancient nor even Chinese in origin. But the TV spot famously tapped into one of the most enduring legends about the country whose Ming Dynasty rulers had a 16-to-26 foot wall built around it: the age-old traditions of secrecy.
And, like Vegas, what happened in China very often stayed in China, just get the hell out of Alkebulan!!! But if you insist on staying, you and your barbarian invader horde of Ghengis Khan, wannabe warlords can take that beatdown like Hirihito of Japan. You can indulge in Alkebulan's rich resources for a season or get on a junk boat and go back to China and rebuild your own country. If you stay in the Motherland you'll perish🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿. As the saying goes, s**t happens. Wash ya ass. Please, continue reading… my screwed up mind !!!
Take the Black Chinese [Moabites] who once made up the entire population of China prior to Esau's attempt at reclaiming the birthright God decreed would be Jacob's while in the womb through forced miscegenation "Raping of indigenous women." Do not be confused or mislead by this post. My research was sketchy to say the least. The portion of the population before China’s modern era does not register any indigenous Moabites, for example. The fact that you’ve never heard of them proves the point. Here comes the BS. But don’t worry. You’re not alone. China has some 1.3 billion people and nearly all are just as in the dark about them. Well, either that or a billion people all swore to never-ever-never air any [ahem] ‘clean laundry’ about black folks formerly having a place in China’s allegedly homogeneous society. That's a bunch of made up monkey s**t. Frankly, even an ancient culture with the bragging rights to the longest continually recorded history, another myth, is bound to miss a few things like a heart, and some effing genomes. The former presence — up until sometime in the 20th century — of Black people in pre-modern China is one of them. Fortunately, though, old photos taken throughout China around the advent of photography can help us to fill in today some of what the historians missed on purpose. I can't believe I'm posting this. 👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿 China’s Qing Dynasty, established by the Manchu people who ruled from 1644–1912, is described as having been a vast multicultural empire. But it appears multicultural could also be a more pleasant euphemism for multiracial. You people are like dogs, stop eating them?! Nothing illustrates this better than the Black and white photos taken by visitors from Europe in the mid-to-late 1800s. Really?!! John Thomson, an Irish photographer was one of the first to capture images that reveal a surprisingly more diverse makeup of then-contemporary China. In one of the most stunning photos taken by Thomson displayed above, six women dine together in a courtyard. Captioned “Manchu ladies at a meal,” the picture was taken in 1869 in the city of Peking (now Beijing). Seated at the center of the photo are two women: on the right sits a typical high class Manchu and on the left sits a smiling Black woman — who could easily pass as the mother of the RZA, the GZA, Ol’ Dirty Bastard, or any other member of the Wu-Tang Clan.
Apart from the physical differences in the women (including the two who were likely seated, but stood for the picture), what’s also remarkable is that when Thomson writes about them, he makes no distinctions — though there were both racial and class differences; some of them were most assuredly attendants or maids. But in the view of Thomson, they were all simply Manchu ladies sharing a meal on a day when he sought interesting subjects to photograph. I saw the photographs. The darker ones were inherently claimed to be lower case workers or servants, while the ones who looked like Lucy Liu were considered affluent, and well off. These racial disparities that evolved from hell are a sad reminder to a wound that won't stop bleeding because of man's inability to stop giving in to his base emotions. I plead cray cray, and insanity. Jacob, they would rather burn in hell for an eternity than let us live in peace for a day. God is coming back for Israel not the Christian Church that has been corrupted by the Evangelical, right wing, nut jobs.
1 Maccabees 3:48
And laid open the book of the law, wherein the heathen had sought to paint the likeness of their images.
If you study history, and read the Bible, you'll see how religion has been used to divide God's people which they're not. Some gentiles will walk into New Jerusalem, the vast majority of them won't. The Bible has been tampered with by people who are shepherds for the Devil. The Catholic Church is Satanic no matter how you cut it. The cathedral of Notre Dame had gargoyles mounted atop the edifice looking over the city of Paris, France. Do you find this to be a bit of a double minded mentality or a slap of defiance in God's face. What god do you worship? We want to know the truth from God. This world can't be trusted with an anorexic T-Rex. You'd call it a crackhead and dump him in the Labrea tar pits unless it was a female, at that point you would attempt to crossbreed it with a Chihuahua, and hope to domesticate this new animal which has disaster written all over his I'm shaking cause I need a fix quick, petrified ass. When Vatican City is destroyed let that be a warning from God to those who still have a sliver of faith in God, get a relationship with Him. Jacob, this writing piece reveals their unwillingness, and froward hearted, lack of sensibility by not telling the whole truth. Instead they give us a revised version of history that wasn't. They have been our teachers for the last 500yrs when we were there's previous. Either you learn from your mistakes or continue to repeat them.
Zechariah 8:23
Thus saith the Lord of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you.
If you hate being rebuked by a Black professor with a tenure ship, you'll hate being corrected by a Black child who has 5 degrees including a specialist in biochemical, ecological science, and psychology. You're ashamed because you're proud. There were great African kingdoms that educated the anglo European that's been shrouded in history. The book of Maccabees says the people who have mislead, and lied to us are as knowledgeable as a 13yr old using crib notes. I'm nuttier than a can of Planters, the truth is in you Jacob. Utilize the authority given to you. You will have to teach them as it was in the past. Everything from Bible scriptures, to aerospace, science engineering. The educational system is designed to hold back Black children, but the 3 people with the highest IQs in the world at the time was a 10yr old Black male, an 2 Black females under the age of 8. They were the youngest members of Mensa ever. This was about 4yrs ago. You can't stop God's anointing from glowing and glorifying Him and His people. Read the rest of this article and lose your mind. Its a nauseating and frustrating read. The truth will set you free. It ain't in these hood boogers
Written accounts by early Chinese historians tell us that the Tonkin region and its adjacent areas were once a hotbed of various non-Han Chinese peoples, including those from whom the Lao Cai girl descends. But with the southward advance of the Han Chinese, such groups were pushed even further south, or gradually assimilated into the dominant population. Historian Thant Myint-U writes in “Where China Meets India” that during the 9th century, the Chinese ethnographer Fan Cho compiled the Man Shu, or “Book of the Southern Barbarians.” Fan Cho describes there the varied peoples living in and around Yunnan. Included among them were the Wu-man or ‘Black southern barbarians,’ so-called for their dark complexions. And ironically, the French author of the Lao Cai photo had the image annotated with the Chinese word “Man,” and — sadly — with the Vietnamese “Xa” (or Kha), signifying servant or slave.
With this photo of a mother and her two children by John Thomson, taken on the streets of Peking (now Beijing), something finally clicked. For reasons that won’t be detailed here (as it would take far too long to explain) more than a decade of research into the peopling of Asia seemed to suggest that any black Chinese still living in the age of photography would likely all be found in southernmost China. Black Moabites still coexist in China to this day. This is a class study in you must be dumber than an incubator.
In his 1902 book The Boxer Uprising, American photographer James Ricalton includes this photo of several dozen men, many of them likely to be executed the next day for their part in the Boxer Rebellion. The latter was a bloody, anti-foreign and anti-Christian uprising that took place between 1899 and 1901; the 2006 Jet Li film Fearless was inspired by events that took place in the aftermath of the rebellion. The same is also true of the 1971 Bruce Lee film Fist of Fury. No actors in the aforementioned films — nor any other martial arts films set in pre-modern China — ever had actors resembling the non-Han Chinese mixed in above. About them, the racist Ricalton writes:
“This is truly a dusky and unattractive brood. One would scarcely expect to find natives of Borneo or the Fiji Islands more barbarous in appearance; and it is well known that a great proportion of the Boxer organization is of this sort; indeed, how dark-skinned, how ill-clad, how lacking in intelligence, how dull, morose, miserable and vicious they appear!” I'm willing to bet you 5 million in Bitcoin that I don't have, a lifetime supply of opium, and 2 happy ending massages daily that this bougie French bastard is rotting in hell praying to white Jesus that Rumiel won't screw him up the wahoo tonight. Tickle his sack!!! Like Thomas Cromwell the powers that be went to great lengths to cover this history in ChinaTown. You can't hide the truth from a people that's tired of being dictated to, oppressed, lied on, abused and persecuted by everybody, and discredited for the contributions they've made to this damnable planet. As previously stated we don't want crumbs [reparations] we want the whole planet Black before you, and the I hate n**gers brigade showed up, that includes Moo Goo Gai Pan. As soon as his Chicken fried, Bat Man eating, pancaked backside came along, and gained some freedoms, he started emulating his zaddy, he became drunk with xenophobia like the rest. If you hate my commentary tell ya boy Biden or his Amerikkka is not a racist country VP, Kamala Harris. She's next in line to preside as Pontius Pilate over this damnation unless Biden loses his dementia. Its a joke, think or buy a vowel. If that doesn't work, swap some Budha, and kiss Mr. Nasty bye bye.
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valeriethepussycats · 3 years
Inside Out
Chapter 7
Pairing- Loki x Reader
Your thoughts and other characters are in italics. Flashbacks are in bold.
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Back at Thor's meeting with his comrades.
“And what of the All-Father?” Sif asked.
“It is my sworn duty to notify him of crimes against the throne.” Heimdall stated.
Odin visits Heimdall accompanied by some of his guards. “You called me here on an urgent matter. What is it?”
“Treason, my lord.” Heimdall answered.
“Mine.” Heimdall draws his sword.
At the same time more guards interrupt them. “My King, the mortal has been taken.”
Odin looks at Heimdall as he commands his guards. “Stop Thor, by any means necessary.”
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As they hear the guards approaching.
“There they are! Take them. On my command.”
“I'll hold them off. Take her.” Sir told Thor
“Thank you.” Thor and Jane go off.
Loki goes to follow them Sif draws her sword and places it under Loki's throat. “Betray him and I'll kill you.”
Loki chuckles. “It's good to see you too, Sif.”
Loki leaves to join Thor and Jane as the guards get closer to Sif.
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Back at the original meeting with Thor and his comrades.
“Assuming you can get Loki's help, and you can free this mortal, what good would it do? We'd all be dead the minute we step one foot outside the palace.” Volstagg remarked.
“That, my friend, is where we won't be leaving by foot.” Thor said with a smirk.
Thor, Loki and Jane meet Volstagg and Y/n where Malekith's ship had crashed into the palace.
“I will give you as much time as I can.” Volstagg noted.
“Don’t worry there’s a barrier 5 yards in front of us they won’t be able to get past it until we’re out the palace.” Y/n explained.
“Where’s the fun in that.” Volstagg said with broad grin. “Until, next time my Lady.”
“Until, next time.” Y/n said with a smirk then. Y/n looks up and see Loki. “The handcuffs was a nice touch.”
“You think so?” Thor asked.
“Funny.” Loki chimed in.
Thor and Volstagg do a forearm shake. “Thank you, my friend.”
As they walk towards Malekith's crashed ship, Jane smiles and nods at Volstagg, then as Loki is about to follow Thor and Jane Volstagg stops him
“If you even think about betraying him...”
“You'll kill me? Evidently there will be a line.” Loki told Volstagg.
Volstagg then lets Loki pass as Thor, Y/n , Jane and Loki board Malekith's crashed ship, Thor looks at the controls and starts pressing some button, looking unsure of what he's doing.
“I thought you said you knew how to fly this thing.”
“I said, ‘how hard could it be?’”
Meanwhile, the Asgardian guards rush towards the ship. “They're on the ship! They're on the ship!.” Before they can even touch Volstagg they run into the barrier and knock themselves out.
“Like hitting a brick wall.” One of the Asgardian guard said before he passed out.
Back in the ship.
“I’ll put a Force field around the ship.” Y/n opens her hands and a bubble forms around the ship.
“Well, whatever you're doing, brother, I suggest you do it faster.” Loki nagged.
“Shut up, Loki.” Thor continues to frantically press every button to start the ship.
“Loki you’re not helping.” Y/n voiced.
Loki snug his shoulders. “You must have missed something.”
“No, I didn't, I'm pressing every button on this thing.”
“No, don't hit it, just press it gently.” Loki said as he hits the buttons.
“I am pressing it gently. It's not working!” Thor said as suddenly the ship comes to life, Thor laughs.
“Get him! Get him!”
Volstagg starts laughing as they watch the ship start to rise, hitting the columns of the palace.
“I think you missed a column.” Loki informed Thor.
“Shut up!” Finally the ship breaks through the palace walls and takes off.
As they are flying through Asgard. “Look, why don't you let me take over, I'm clearly the better pilot.”
“Is that right? Well, out of the two of us which one can actually fly?” Thor commented.
As they are flying over Asgard suddenly Jane collapses.
“Jane!” Y/n rushes over to help her but when she touches her Y/n gets pulled into her mind. Everything is blood red and dark.
“Hello!” Y/n shouted.
“You have to stop him.”
Y/n turns around fast and see Jane but her eyes are black. “Stop who?”
“It can only be you.” Jane started. “If you don’t millions, billions will die including your friends.”
Y/n turns around slowly and see Gambit reaching out but he’s turns to dust and Y/n’s eyes are frozen open.
Nick,Steve, and Tony they all started to appear and reaching out for Y/n then turns to dust.
“No..no..stop this..stop this. I don’t want to see this.” Y/n exclaimed as black veins appears on her face.
“That’s what’s going to happen if don’t stop him.” Jane stated.
“Calm down...calm down...this isn’t real it’s not real.” Y/n said to herself.
“You saw what is he after.”
Y/n exhale in her best attempt to calm down, she then looks at Jane. “What do I need to do to stop this from happening?”
“Both powers the you were born with and given is endless control it get even stronger then you already are and only then you will stop him.” Jane informed.
Y/n pulls out and moves back.
“Oh, dear. Is she dead?” Loki wondered.
“Jane.” Thor called out.
Jane raises her head, looking weak. “I'm okay.”
“Jane did you see that?” Y/n questioned.
“See, what?” Jane said in a curious way.
“Nothing..” Y/n lied. “I’m gonna freeze the Aether spreading further in your body ok.”
Jane nod ‘yes’ and Y/n holds her hands out over Jane’s arm and freeze the the Aether.
“Much, thank you?”
Y/n sits back looking shocked.
As they continue to fly, the ship hits and breaks off a part of a massive building.
“Not a word.” Thor told Loki.
“Several smaller Asgardian ships start following them.”
“Now they're following us.” Loki commented. The smaller ships start firing at them. “Now they're firing at us!”
“Yeah, thank you for the commentary, Loki! It's not at all distracting!” Thor said sarcastically.
The ship then hits a massive stone monument of King Bor, breaking the head off. “Well done, you just decapitated your grandfather.”
The smaller ships continue follow and fire at them as they fly over Asgard] “You know this is wonderful. This is a tremendous idea. Let's steal the biggest, most obvious ship in the universe and escape in that. Flying around the city, smashing into everything in sight so everyone can see us. It's brilliant, Thor! It's truly brilliant.” Suddenly Thor pushes Loki off the ship.
“Y/n time to go.”
Thor’s voice snaps Y/n out of her shock state. “Ya ya right right.”
Y/n jumps out the ship, Thor then picks up Jane and jumps off the flying ship and lands onto a smaller ship being flown by Fandral, Loki has also fallen onto the ship.
Fandral laughs. “I see your time in the dungeons has made you no less graceful, Loki.”
Loki looks over at Y/n and see empty stare like she’s not even on this Plane. “Y/n, are you alright.”
“Ya. Ya I’m fine.” Y/n lied with a fake smile.
Loki sees right though Y/n lie and can tell that something is the matter.
Maybe she’s still upset with me
“I’m not upset.” Y/n told Loki.
“Then what’s the wrong?” Loki asked.
“I can’t talks about it because I don’t even understand it myself.” Y/n answered.
“You know you could tell me anything when the time is right.”
“Ya, I know.”
The Asgardian ships above them continue to follow and fire at Malekith's ship as they think that Thor is still on there. Thor lays Jane down next to where Y/n is standing.
“You lied to me. I'm impressed.” Loki grinned.
“I'm glad you're pleased. Now, do as you promised. Take us to your secret pathway.” Thor ordered.
Loki smiles and takes over the ship's control, at the same time the Asgardian ships spot them and start firing at them.
“Right.” Fandral picks up a rope and steps on to the edge of the ship. “For Asgard.” Suddenly he jumps off the ship and uses the rope to swing onto the Asgardian ship following them. “Nothing personal, boys!” He knocks out the three guards on the ship then looks over to Thor and salutes him. On Fandral's ship Loki flies them towards the mountains.
“Loki!” Y/n and Thor called out.
“If it were easy everyone would do it.” Loki commented.
“Are you mad?” Thor questioned
Thor holds on to Jane, Y/n grabs the rim of the ship as Loki heads straight for the wall of the mountain, suddenly they enter right through the mountain and then enter through a portal to Svartalfheim.
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On their ship, Algrim approaches Malekith. “We must attack now.”
“No. Asgard is not important anymore. The Aether has returned home.” As they fly over Svartalfheim.
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Jane continues to lie down and Thor puts a cover over her]
Loki sighs. “What I could do with the power that flows through those veins.”
“It would consume you.” Thor proclaimed.
“She's holding up alright, for now.” Loki disclosed.
“She's strong in ways you'd never even know.” Thor replied.
Y/n walks up in between Loki and Thor. “Can we not do this we have more oppressing matters.”
“Y/n is right I will not fight with you brother.” Thor turns away from Loki.
“Say goodbye.” Loki voiced.
“Not this day.”
“This day, the next, a hundred years, it's nothing. It's a heart beat. You'll never be ready. The only woman whose love you've prized will be snatched from you.”
“And will that satisfy you?” Thor asked.
“No guys let’s-“
“Satisfaction is not in my nature.” Loki stated.
“Surrender not in mine.” Thor replied.
“The son of Odin.” Loki said dryly.
“No, not just of Odin! You think you alone were loved of mother? You had her tricks, but I had her trust!” Thor shouted.
“Enough!” Y/n yelled. “We have more pressing matters then who had Frigga’s trust you both did. She believed in both of you and she wouldn’t wanting you two to be fighting so can we please table this until Jane Is better.”
Thor walks over to Jane and Loki walks to the other end of the boat.
“Thank you.” Y/n told Loki and Thor.
“I wish I could trust you.” Thor turns his back to Loki.
“Trust my rage.”
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