#// and like ????? pretty wild kassadin has no lines
sheavoid · 1 year
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anonymous asked: what if random hcs about kai'sa and kassadad (even the what if scenario they'd meet again)
Here I am, right now and on my knees, begging for Riot to give us that Kai’sa and Kassadin content they got hidden in their vault, even if that content is just a single crumb like an official artwork where they’re standing next to each other in the background, pixilated and all. Like, the two of them are aware of each other’s existence—doubtful a reunion between them would be a happy one, which I don’t mind because I am a sucker for angst; it’s been a decade after all and they both changed immensely.
I can imagine Kai’sa trying to reach out to him first, but he would probably lash out at her as his first response. The anger is palpable, difficult to get through her father where she is unable to convince him that she is his daughter. Maybe he knows, maybe he doesn’t, denial can be a relief to those who don’t want to accept the truth, and deep within Kassadin’s mind, he doesn’t want to accept his daughter has changed where he blames himself because he wasn’t there to protect her when the Void decimated their home.
So...yeah, there's no happy reunion between them. They would go on their separate ways, or in Kai'sa's case, she runs because she doesn't want to fight her father but there's an instinct telling her to attack. I can still see her coming back from time to time, maybe not upfront but hiding in the shadows where she can keep an eye for him to make sure he is safe.
BUT...in a happier scenario, like the KDA verse…their relationship is better, yet, still far from the best one. We do see that Kassadin is busy with work and is often neglectful. I don’t imagine Kai’sa being resentful for her father’s busy life, but there’s still a part of her that is bitter about how absent he is and being surrounded by peers whose parents are there for their children despite their equally busy lives. Though, I imagine their relationship would start to improve once Kai’sa joins KDA where she becomes more confident in herself to express her emotions where that would lead to a much needed conversation with Kassadin. After that, Kassadin would make sure to attend every KDA concert whenever the band is in town; he’s definitely the biggest Kai’sa fan.
It’s the same with the Star Guardian verse too, Kassadin being busy with work and not knowing his daughter is a magical superhero fighting crime. I guess risking your own life to protect others is better than coming back to an empty home.
Thanks for the ask! It was nice to answer this.
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