#// and for the Xiao one I might have had my Xiaolumi love influence me a little
viatrixtravels-a · 1 year
🛏️ [for xiao :3c or Ei bc do they even sleep xD]
Send 🛏️ for a headcanon about how our muses would sleep if they shared the same bed!
// I agree that Xiao probably doesn't (or rarely sleeps) but I'll write some HCs anyway because it's Xiao and I love him. >3
As an adeptus, Xiao rarely ever sleeps. So I imagine he is simply staying by her side after she subconsciously called his name while being haunted by a terrible nightmare.
Lumine would try to convince that she is fine and that it was just a bad dream but he is not having any of it.
Especially since she was literally in tears when he arrived. (And Xiao knows better than anyone that mental or emotional pain can be just as bad if not worse than physical pain)
She might ask Xiao to tell a story from his past, since he has been alive for so long, he sure has many interesting tales to tell. uwu (This depends on which dub you play the game in but Xiao's Chinese VA has such a soothing voice. ;w; There's this video of him reading Xiao's birthday letter and UGH. I can't. Imagine this voice talking to you as you fall asleep???)
Once she has fallen back asleep, he might gently pat her head. Of course, he would never admit it, haha.
When she wakes up in the morning, Xiao would be gone, but she will find a couple of Qingxin flowers on her pillow. uwu
Lumine introduces her to the concept of 'a slumber party' -- and with party it's really just the two of them haha.
Ei has never worn a modern-day pajamas in her whole life so she's very much confused by the concept at first. (Lumine gets them matching ones >3)
They try out different hairstyles together, eat a bunch of sweets and they might even gossip a little. <u<
Ei tells stories about the past while Lumine fills her in on how much has changed in Inazuma (and the other regions) while she kept herself isolated.
The night ends with a pillow fight but Ei takes it a bit too seriously and no pillow makes it out in one piece. (the whole room covered in feathers xD)
Neither of them got much sleep that night but they had fun. uwu
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