#// and although he and the others were forced into a corner to release all Naytibas he holds himself responsible for the decision
nyt1ba · 2 months
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The war with Mother Sphere   &.   Naytiba creation.
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   Mother Sphere is an artificial intelligence created by the scientist and former CEO of Eidos company Raphael Marks   in order to lead humanity towards the path of evolution.   Indeed,   Mother Sphere helped solve various issues humans were facing,   introduced new solutions and guided them towards a path of human advancement never thought possible before.   However,   her view on humans would change with time with the creation of the Andro-Eidos,   viewing them as lesser species and deciding to replace all human life with the androids.   She would go rogue and turn against humanity by launching a wide scale attack via taking control of the Andro-Eidos,   weapons and machinery with ease due to her having access to data banks all around the world.   This would eventually lead to the first war.   Humans lost and were forced to take refuge underground in order to survive.   During that time Raphael and the survivors who took refuge in the underground facility Altess Levoire formed an opposing force against the Andro-Eidos in order to put an end to the war and save the remaining humans.
According to the discovered Document EVE discovers,   log data reveals that the central computer,   identified as the AI,   RAFFY,   worked alongside a group of humans identified as the Humanity Liberation Front,   including one member known as Raphael,   an admin.   Their goal had been to defeat the machines,   Andro-Eidos,   and begun working to create the Naytibas through gene-genetic manipulation.
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   The first experiment that lead to Naytibas creation was meant to better condition humans for survival,   giving them the ability to endure harsher environments,   better endurance   &.   enhance their strength so that they may be on equal footing with the Andro-Eidos.   The first experiment was a success,   preformed by Raphael himself on himself with the other members monitoring the changes,   prepared to act accordingly and contain any threat if it were to arise,   having been aware of the dangers of genetic manipulation the slightest mistake could have catastrophic results.   Thankfully,   the experiment proved to be a success and they began the process of enhancing humanity on a bigger scale by building capsules that could hold larger numbers for speed and efficiency as Mother Sphere's threat was growing at a rapid speed.   The first war would continue then with humans tipping the scale in their favour,   without the need to rely on weapons or machinery that Mother Sphere could breach and control quite easily,   they were able to fight back and cost her some heavy losses.
   At some point however,   Mother Sphere discovered the location of the organization,   where RAFFY was commanded to release the subjects despite their instability at the time to counter-attack the sent squad. Unfortunately,   this caused a breach in quarantine and the release of the Naytibas who were incapable of identifying friend and foe.
   While the Naytiba experiments were a valuable solution to end the war and preserve humanity a little longer,   they didn't always guarantee stable results,   manipulation of genetic structures had the dangers of creating defects,  instability   &.   What became a virus-like disease that would spread if not contained properly,   those were meant to be quarantined until the problem is reversed and solved.   Unfortunately,   there was no time,   Mother Sphere would eventually find the facility and send out a squad,   and in a final act of desperation the AI was commanded to release all subjects as counter attack.   Which would prove to be a force that would draw the Andro-Eidos out,   but at the cost of more human lives with the released Naytibas growing hostile against all that came in their way.   And thus began the second and final war.   Humans began to grow desperate,   sought to use any means necessary in order to survive,   they gave up their humanity willingly,   either by succumbing to the virus or their hatred towards the Andro-Eidos that turned them more hostile due to the unstable nature of them being released before their time.
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   With a scream that came from the abyss of Levoire,   a new existence was born.   This marked an irreversible change on Earth,   and the truth that Raphael Marks had once existed as a man and not the Elder Naytiba was forgotten.   No one knows whether he willingly became a test subject,   turned into a monster due to contamination,   or was revived as a Naytiba by others.   Either way,   the reality is that both him and the world have been damaged beyond repair.
   The final stage of the second war was led by Raphael himself,   who by that time,   had lost his humanity as well and became what is now the monster known as the Elder Naytiba.   He could                 to some extent back then                 command the other Naytibas to fight back,   leading a vicious front that forced Mother Sphere and the Andro-Eidos to retreat back to the space station where they took refuge in what became the colony.   Naytibas would not cease their attack then,   climbing the orbit elevator and nearly reaching the colony itself if it weren't for Mother Sphere destroying the orbit ring,   an act that would not only bring about her enemies demise but the destruction of earth itself,   it created a catastrophic wave that hit earth,   with the remains crashing directly onto the planet.   Victory came at a bitter cost,   as earth was left in disarray and the humans that survived were being picked apart by those who had sacrificed everything and became nothing but monsters with an animalistic urge to kill.   Raphael was the only one to survive,   kept in touch with his humanity and remained somehow sane unlike his comrades.
   His mutation however was worsened by contamination,   when in the beginning he was merely an enhanced human he became a monster like the rest of his kind.   He'd have bouts of instability   &.   loss of control,   his anger worsened by grief.   It isn't until he came across Oracle,   a Naytiba that managed to reclaim his consciousness by accident when attacking an Andro-Eidos and fusing with them,   and learned from him how to better control himself and keep his more monstrous tendencies at bay.   Moreover,   with the other Naytibas going berserk,   his connection with them was somewhat severed,   he can experience their   pain,   suffering,   anger,   but as far as control he doesn't have a hand in the matter anymore.   Nevertheless,   Naytibas would continue to reproduce as long he's living,   growing more hostile and monster-like the more they evolve.   While those that couldn't escape Levoire appear to have retained some human features unlike the rest.
   Mother Sphere would rewrite history after the war,   claiming that the Andro-Eidos are the real humans,   forced out of earth by the Naytibas,   whom she claimed to be aliens who took over earth.   She would resume the battle still,   sending air-born squads to locate the Elder Naytiba,   Raphael,   and put an end to him,   thus killing all other Naytibas in the process.   A covert plan to erase humanity from earth and return back with the Andro-Eidos as the better species.   Raphael on the other hand,   is weary of war,   he sought to save mankind through more peaceful solutions,   having seen the benefit of Oracle's fusion he devised a plan to fuse himself with the most advanced Andro-Eidos,   thus saving both species as he had grown sympathetic to the androids that occupied Xion,   this way he could grant them a better future and restore humans back to what they used to be.   Until then,   it's a matter of waiting.
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