#// also it's a collette!ofc
melrosing · 3 months
Def agree with your opinions on the first hotd episode. I didn't mind Alicent's scenes so much, or the Cole thing but mostly it just felt random? Like they needed more time to introduce new things. Shouldve left B&C for ep 2 or then sharpen the focus of this episode. I am also disappointed that we didnt see any green side reactions to Luke's death. It felt like it was brushed over a bit. Highlight of this episode for me was the scene with Rhaenyra and Jace, Harry rly acted the hell out of his lines there, I cried.
yeah this is where I'm at too! I didn't really mind anything much, just it all felt a bit stifled by the pace? the Alicent/Criston stuff otoh just lacked context, I think if you're a casual viewer who maybe can't remember a huge amount from S1, you wouldn't really know what the writers wanted you to make of that r/ship?? it's only cos im ofc more interested that im like 'ooh maybe it's criston and alicent reflected their yearning for rhaenyra onto each other' etc but otherwise you'd probably be like 'who is this guy she's fucking oh yeah christian soot'
loved the Rhaenyra and Jace scene it was so beautifully acted by D'Arcy and Collett but yeah this was another one where it just felt like it was missing a couple beats.... I think the Robb & Cat scene in S1 of GOT for example works well bc it draws it out that bit longer where you're waiting for the release of feeling and then wallow in it a bit longer, this one was so good and then OH it's over
and for me the helaena stuff was the same. i've seen there are some people who are really happy w the direction there i.e. Helaena seeming to almost disassociate on the spot and fair enough bc I agree if saban had given streep's sophie's choice performance it wouldn't have fit for a character who just isn't very verbose and generally seems a bit dislocated from the present moment. but I think to really feel the impact of this scene you have to give her longer to work with. like watching helaena know what is happening, briefly bargain, briefly beg, panic when none of that is working, then refuse reality, go into survival mood, run. as it stands maybe she does go through these stages but it just happens too quickly for me.
also, just on the greens and Luke's death, I actually thought when vhagar was returning that the implication was that Aemond had been hiding out since the incident and was going to come back with his rehearsed 'did it on purpose' thing, but yeah no it was all offscreen. i do GET that they've got a lot to cover here but throwing big character moments offscreen was one of GOT's most egregious faults towards the end.... the audience is mentally building for these and then there's no follow through and it feels cheap.
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charlicpace · 5 years
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he wanted me. obviously. kept messaging me, like, everyday. couldn’t be better, then he sent me a letter, and who am i kidding, i was a pret a manger. sent a reply, just saying hi, you’re a nice guy, i’ll think about it maybe, xo baby.  
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snarkwrites · 4 years
FFT: wedding bell blues; tim riggins
this came into my main’s asks from @vonschweetz​ right in the heat of my millionth rewatch of the Friday Night Lights tv series. And a mighty need to write fanfiction for Tim Riggins. Which admittedly, is something I definitely wanna do in the future on here, so who knows.
Amber Collette is back in Dillon and her life’s kind of falling apart. A reconnection with Tim Riggins might just be in the cards? Maybe now the timing is right?
Tim Riggins x Collette!OFC, Amber
uhh.. alcohol tw. and fluff. bc it’s fluffy.
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“I’m gonna die alone in a house full of cats with no job or no food and bills that I couldn’t pay… First Mindy and Billy got married, then Julie and Matt and now you and Landry are getting married… And I totally bombed that interview earlier. I couldn’t have sounded like a less capable candidate for the job if I tried.. Everything is totally fucking up.” Amber looked up at her sister Tyra and reached for the bottle of red wine in Tyra’s hand. Tyra backed away then seeing Amber’s pout, she poured some into the empty wine glass sitting in front of her sister.
“You’re not gonna die alone in a house full of cats. And you will find a job, okay? This stuff just takes time is all.”
“I am! Hello, I’ve been on four interviews this week alone.. And all the others I’ve been to since I moved back..”
“First of all, Amber, pretty sure you have to actually like cats. Secondly, you’ll find somebody. There’s somebody out there for everybody. Third.. I’m telling you, at least think about coming down to East Dillon High on Monday and filling out to be a substitute teacher or the secretary or something. Everything is gonna be okay, little sister. Just relax.”
“And literally every single time I think I have found somebody or my life is finally gonna settle down and go my way, something winds up going wrong.. Hello, I woke up to a break up text? Came home from work to find out that the locks were changed and all my shit was sitting outside? Then the very next day, I get laid off.” Amber shook her head and took a sip of wine. “I’m just saying.. I wanna be happy. Like you and Mindy. And lately, it feels like every single thing I touch turns to shit. Hence the reason I dragged my ass back to Dillon and am currently riding mom’s sofa.”
“You’ll figure everything out. I’ll help you.”
“You don’t… I need to do this on my own, Tyra.”
Mindy spoke up from the doorway, “Do what on your own?”
“Figure my life out.. It’s like… I look at you and Tyra and I don’t know… I realize just how much is missing, how much I messed up and how many chances I let slip through my fingers.”
“She’s still being a downer, huh?” Mindy glanced at Tyra who nodded. “Job interview didn’t go so well.. Then she got all mopey on me.”
“The club is hiring.. I mean someone’s gotta take my place. And you always loved to dance.”
“Dance. Not be groped by jackasses all night.” Amber corrected gently and Mindy shrugged. “The tips are good, though. And you’d save up to get your own place real quick.”
“ That is a good..” Amber started to say it but before she even got a word out, Tim Riggins spoke up from the door. “It ain’t a good idea. Doesn’t matter how good the tips are.” as he stepped into the room and grabbed a beer for himself from Landry and Tyra’s fridge, uncapping it and taking a sip, never once dropping his gaze from the youngest of the Collette sisters.
Amber bit her lip and took a sip of her wine as she retorted, “Spoken from the man with a job and his own place.”
“That I built with my own bare hands.” Tim added, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. He hadn’t seen Amber in years. The difference in age between them back then may have been what kept him from ever really paying her any attention.
But since she’d shown up at Mindy’s place earlier in the month, he had to at least admit that he found himself just a little curious.
“Right..” Amber finally found the will to tear her eyes away from his and say something. She took another sip and Tim flopped down at the table behind her, taking a long sip from his own can. “Just because shit’s gone to hell.. Don’t mean you have to resort to that.”
Tyra eyed Tim and Mindy caught her sister’s eyes and mouthed “C’mon.” as she nodded to the living room and spoke up, clearing her throat. “Amber? Me and Tyra are gonna go in the livin room and look at some more bridal magazines. Weddings don’t plan themselves.” as Tyra caught on to what Mindy might be up to and smirked at her younger sister. “Right behind you, Mindy.”
As soon as the kitchen door closed behind the other two women, Amber stood. The problem was, so did Tim. And in the small room, it put them chest to chest. Tim chuckled and stared down at her. “What’s your hurry?”
“Nothin, I mean..”
“Sit down.” Tim nodded to the seat across from him and Amber sank down into it, reaching for her wine glass. Tim grabbed it and held it out.
After a few seconds of him staring intently at the Pabst logo on his can, he spoke up.
“I’m gonna feel like a third wheel on Saturday.”
“That makes two of us.” Amber lamented, taking another long sip from her wine glass, trying her best NOT to think about her stupid childish crush on Tim Riggins from back when she was a kid. Or, she thought to herself, trying not to re-imagine accidentally walking in on him when he was getting out of the shower at her sister Mindy’s house earlier in the week when she’d crashed there after a night out. It wasn’t working, she could see it in her mind as clear as she’d seen it with her own eyes.
“You’re blushin.”
“Am not.”
“You are.” Tim was eyeing her, smirking a little. He turned his attention back to his beer can and muttered mostly to himself, “Everybody’s getting married.”
“So I’ve noticed. I mean first it was Mindy and Billy, then it was Matt and Julie and now it’s Tyra and Landry.. But I’m happy for my sisters and Julie.. I mean.. They found great guys. I just seem to have a shit radar.” Amber dragged her finger around the top of the glass and bit her lip as she laughed and shook her head. “Then again, to be fair, Mindy’s always tellin me to stop pushin so hard.. Shit will happen on it’s own time, she says… Tyra, she’s just doin her usual bit, tryin to fix all my messes for me…”
“It’s an older sibling thing. Billy did it a lot. Still does it.” Tim remarked, looking up from his bottle to catch her sort of gazing at him. He leaned in a little and tucked a few strands of hair that had fallen into her face back behind her ears as he laughed and shook his head.
“What’s so funny?” Amber pouted.
“Nothin. Just thinkin.”
Tim started to stand and make his way out of the kitchen, but he stopped and sat back down. Glancing into the living room, he shrugged. “I always thought I’d wind up workin here.. In a garage.. Married to either Tyra or Lyla.. Look, my point is, life is funny. And it’s not as bad as you think it is right now. I mean.. from what I heard you tellin Tyra and Mindy about the guy in Chicago, you dodged one hell of a bullet.. And it hasn’t been that bad, coming back here, right?”
“Not really.. I mean, I have gotten closer to Mindy and Tyra than we were.. and getting to see my nephew and the twins is great.. And finally making things right with mom… The two of us helping each other through everything..” Amber smiled and then she caught herself doing it again, sort of watching Tim when he wasn’t paying attention.
Before she could stop herself, she’d asked the question.
“Hey.. What if we went to my sister and Landry’s wedding together? I mean.. not like a date or anything, but..”
Tim looked up at her and smiled, finishing his beer and aiming it at the tall trash can designated for beer cans in the corner of the kitchen.
“So you’re askin me on a date, huh?”
“ No.. I mean not unless you wanna take it that way?”
“Maybe I do, Amber.”
“Okay then… it’s a date.”
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stefsdean · 4 years
The way wincesties/bibros ignore
Dean's widower arc
his purgatory confession,
him praying to thee God to bring Cas back
raising a child together
Dean literally wanting to die after losing Cas
giving up on everything in the alternate universe as well as their universe because he lost Cas
Dean being Cas' human weakness and Cas being his weakness
Cas being his Collette
Literally so many parallels with other couples in the show
Just because of 2 most badly written episodes in the history of television? Just because they ignored Cas in the last 2 episodes and gave an ending that makes 0 fucking sense? Like if they actually watched the show instead of focusing on their incest ship, they could've seen what a mess Dean is without Castiel. And not even from a shipper pov, just as someone who watched the show, the ending is absolutely shit.
They now fight over Jensen loving the finale. He never said he loved it. Yes he agreed with the others in the m&g because he can't disagree when those people have paid 300 dollars to talk to him. Jensen is not unprofessional. Also Yes he didn't mention Cas in the panel which was sad but so didn't Misha. We know how important the confession scene was for Misha and he didn't mention it. Which clearly means that it wasn't allowed. There were no Cas related questions and we know why.
What Jensen said was that if one of them had to die, it would make more sense for Dean to die (which I definitely don't agree with) but because Sam can find a purpose and love in his life, Dean can't. Of course he can't, he literally lost the love of his life which Jensen cannot say even if he wants to. Dean cannot function without Cas and we have seen that already. Bibros say it will be because he cannot live without Sam. Yes, that's true, he cannot...and I won't deny it but have you seen him without Cas? He applied for a job and wanted a normal life because he owed it to Cas (who died to save him). What didn't make sense was the man who prayed to god to bring Cas back didn't even try to call Jack, his son, to bring him back? How am i supposed to believe that shit? And ofc he wouldn't have found love. Because that is Cas. I am so done with people taking Cas out of the equation. Cas was family and his husband. Watch the show properly if you think otherwise.
So yeah if you think Dean doesn't care about Cas and was okay with his death and if you find the last two episodes remotely good, you can go fuck yourself.
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mooifyourecows · 3 years
Hello, I’m the anon who asked you about the movie rango, do you have any bad horror/scary movie recommendations? Like so bad it’s comedy kind of vibe but normal horror movies work too
Thanks :)
i watch a TON of horror/thriller movies/tv shows but i tend to avoid the "so bad it's basically comedy" genre. Ya know things like the one with the tire that goes around making people's heads explode or the one with the recliner chair that eats people and stuff like that. I know of them but never watched them because they just sound a little too bizarre for me
THAT BEING SAID... i really loved 'Malignant', and that's a movie that people kinda tout as a "so bad it's hilarious" movie. but I actually genuinely loved it, unironically. I thought it was gorgeously directed and original. the plot twist is WACKY but i actually really appreciated that it was so bizarre and i think it added a necessary element to the story and that, without it, the movie would have been less entertaining.
If you want to watch a "scary" movie for the sake of mocking it, then M. Night Shyamalan's 'Old' is definitely worthy of your taunts. It's not scary or even suspenseful. Or written well or acted well or directed well... it's very stupid and i spent most of the time making fun of it, so if that's something you like to do... give it a try? lmao
There was this one movie that i watched that sorta falls into the "so bad it's hilarious" category and it was called 'Ghosts of War'. I swear to god... the surprise ending had me REELING. (not in a good way, but still) like for reals i watched the whole movie out of stubbornness even though it was kinda... mediocre. And then at the end? the big reveal? I was like "WHAT???? BUT WHY????" so if you want to have that sort of reaction to a somewhat tedious movie, then by all means, check it out lmao (TW war stuff ofc)
'Hereditary' is one of the most recent horror movies that actually freaked me out. I think it was sooooo good. It was haunting and uncomfortable and the acting performances from Toni Collette and Alex Wolff (who was also in 'Old' but was WASTED) were beyond amazing. It does have some horrific imagery though so if you don't like to see gore, then there's a whole scene that you would probably want to avoid watching. Personally, I looked away from the screen because i did NOT want to see it lol
'The Wretched' was a surprisingly good horror movie. I thought the twist was interesting and I didn't see it coming, though when thinking back on it, i do recall noticing the hints and signs and wondering "what's that about?". Also the performance by the woman that plays the neighbor lady (i've forgotten everybody's names lmao) was creepy and well done 👌
Some of my favorite movies to watch are those unnerving ones that make you simmer and sweat in your discomfort and one that I watched fairly recently that I LOVE was 'Rent-a-Pal'. It really gives you those conflicting thoughts of sympathizing with the main character as you watch him descend into madness caused by his loneliness and WOW i remember getting to the end of that movie and looking over at my partner and saying "I LOVED that"
If you like to think "hey this is a really good commentary on Capitalism and so-called 'trickle down economics'" while also being disturbed, then I highly recommend 'The Platform'. I wasn't sure i was going to like that one, since it's more horrific in a "oh yikes this is too close to home..." kinda way but it really demonstrates the "dog eat dog" mindset of capitalism and greed (TW for the death of an animal and cannibalism)
If you're looking for more of a 'light' horror, AKA a thriller, then I def recommend 'Ready or Not'. I wasn't expecting to like that one as much as I did. Samara Weaving is a badass and the ending took me by surprise in a hilarious but satisfying way.
'Hush' is another good one if you like thrillers where the main character is a bit of a badass. it follows a deaf woman as a masked murderer tries to get into her home and kill her
'Triangle' surprised me by having a pretty interesting plot. it was fun watching the mystery unravel as you follow along
'The Autopsy of Jane Doe' is one of those horror movies that really makes you sweat as you watch because you're just constantly uncomfortable, waiting for something awful to happen. (TW for a cat death that still makes me mad with how unnecessary it was)
'Us' and 'Get Out' are great, but i feel like i don't need to tell you that lmao
'The Ritual' has some of the best monster horror I've seen. Genuinely creepy and so so so interestingly directed. Like oof some of the scenes are SO good that i still think about them years later
For more psychological horrors, i recommend 'Gerald's Game'. I wasn't sure i would like it but it was way more intriguing than i anticipated. (TW for some mild sexual abuse)
'I'm Thinking of Ending Things' is one of those movies that I feel like doesn't exactly fit into the "horror" genre because it's kind of a slow burn think piece, real artsy and introspective rather than scary. But if you like movies with a slightly creepy and confusing feel to them that seem to inch along with strange, almost dreamlike visuals, then i def recommend it.
Welp, I think that's all I got for you. I watch a shit ton of horror/thriller movies and shows but i really only remember the ones i actually enjoyed and then completely forget about the ones that didn't make an impact on me lol
anyway, hope you find some that you enjoy! let me know your thoughts if you watch any of them 🥰
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Thinking about Dean in Heaven post-finale and he hasn't talked to Cas yet. But he meets Collette. And they became friends ofc. She's Cas-coded and he's Cain-coded and they share a drink every Tuesday and she probably runs a bee farm or whatever.
Anyways, while they're talking Collette tells Dean that she likes this new Heaven a lot, but despite it being about living now since they stopped playing their Greatest Hits, it's not quite living since she can't see Cain anymore - confessing that he's not in Heaven with her.
Idk through some nosy neighbor who recognizes Cain via his picture in Collette's house she finds out Cain IS in Heaven. He's just not with her. So she calls down Heaven's IT (idk Samandriel since I love him) and she's like?? Do Soulmates not exist in this new Heaven?? Why isn't he with me and I with him??
(Because of course she loves him. She still loves him. She died by his blade and she loves him.)
And Alfie explains that since this new Heaven is all about Free Will, no there are not Soulmates. Collette takes this to mean that since they were no longer "fated" by Chuck, this means Cain would never willingly CHOOSE her.
So of course she takes like two bottles of whisky to Dean's cabin because they're buddies and buddies do this. One bottle is a gift and the other is for the now. Dean's like, "what's up?" And she probably says something like, "I have two bottles of whisky. Can you wait until we open one to ask me how my day is?"
So they shoot the shit for a bit while they get started in on the bottle until Collette "call me Collie" confesses that she found out Cain IS in Heaven, he just didn't want to see her.
And since Dean is Cain-coded (and vice versa) he's like, "Collette, he KILLED you. Maybe he thinks you don't WANT to see him."
This - of course - is a parallel to Dean not having seen Cas yet. He got Cas killed, AGAIN. And Cas obviously wasn't there on his first arrival, therefore, Castiel must not want to see him.
And Collette gets this fierceness in her eyes and she says, "you know what my dying words to Cain were? It wasn't begging him to stop. That was before the First Blade pierced my chest. As I lay bleeding out in his arms, soaking him with my blood, I told him I forgave him. That I love him." And she gets a little huffy. "I believe that puts the proverbial ball into HIS court."
And anyways Cain/Collette and Dean/Cas parallel where Cain/Dean thinks that Collette/Cas doesn't want to see them but they don't use their words but also Collette/Cas assuming that they would never be chosen in a world of Free Will and only when Fate would throw them together. That's all I'm thinking about.
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gaysidneycrosby · 4 years
I keep seeing woman coded Cas, can you explain?
basically, cas is frequently treated by the narrative of SPN in the same way that women are treated. he is dean’s sort of anchor in the way that women, especially female romantic interests are; ex. him being the “collette” to dean’s cain. he dies to propel a man (pretty much always dean)’s emotional journey several times, including his final ending. 
he’s also beholden to a number of tropes that are almost always applied to women, particularly the “born sexy yesterday” trope (esp in earlier seasons) and the “manic pixie dream girl” trope -- i have a lot of thoughts on these as applied to cas but i don’t know if i can properly articulate them rn, so i will maybe add on to this once i’m finished with finals. 
also, this is a bit of a fast and dirty answer, so anyone who wants to add on is welcome!
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brightmalcolm · 5 years
What do you want to happen in the episode/think will will happen? Just because it seems like there almost to much happening in it?
sorry this took me so long to reply I wanted to actually list out some coherent predictions for once instead of ranting in run on sentences that no one can read fkjdkjdfkjfd
what I want to happen is mostly what I also think is going to happen I just would want MORE of it lol...still don’t know how they’re going to fit this all one (1) episode without it being rushed af but we’ll see
I don’t want to say I WANT torture but...john pls fuck malcolm up physically and mentally sorry 
malcolm breaking his own hand just the expression in the promo picture alone pls give tom an emmy 
gil and martin trying to outsmart each other, based on the way michael delivers that “where’s MY boy line” my bets are on martin coming out on top lmao
I don’t wanna say I don’t care abt ainsley and jessica’s plot bc I do and I WANT to see it I just wish we had like one full episode of kidnapping and then one about the team finding him but Anyway. I’m guessing the news that malcolm is taken is going to upset them both a lot (shocker), possibly be a wake up call for ainsely abt how she’s been treating her family, and make jessica even more determined to Fuck Martin Up.
overall timeline I have for the episode is this
opens with malcolm in john’s basement (possibly the shot of him lying on the floor), super creepy, we get malcolm joking abt screaming it’s great guys
gil and the squad find john’s house (track malcolm’s phone??? unclear), gil takes matilda in for questioning and is NOT nice about it, it goes no where and he’s angry. goes to tell jessica what happened, gets angrier. 
more kidnapped malcolm like we deserve, commercial break
dani, JT, and collette all working the case, dani and collette kind of squabble over malcolm and his possible involvement with john
ainsley and jessica hug and make up for their argument bc they can #bond over malcolm being kidnapped, decide to help by going through old photos to find where the cabin could be
little bit more kidnapped malcolm...as a treat. john won’t tell malcolm anything really, malcolm isn’t happy.
gil decides to go see martin, probably against FBI’s orders, martin sees gil come in, cut to commercial. 
back to gil and martin, insert some psychological fighting I’m too dumb to write myself, gil eventually gets the location of the cabin from martin but you can tell martin is going to pull some shit later
some dani, JT, collette investigating more, gil tells them he got the location, collette is pissed he went to martin behind her back and makes him stay in NYC while they go
john tells malcolm his “fatal flaw” is his family and that he’s to kill them so malcolm can let go of his earthly possessions or wtv, malcolm freaks the fuck out ofc but john goes anyway.
MAYBE john leaves a sedated victim for malcolm to kill while he’s gone which is why malcolm even has the hammer in the first place. this will be malcolm’s first “test.”
malcolm does the smashy smashy thing with his hand just as the FBI/NYPD arrive, dani is like DUDE YOU COULDN’T HAVE WAITED TEN MINUTES??? malcolm is screaming at them that john went after ainsley and jessica, they phone gil and tell him to get over there.
john goes full the shining mode, but jessica and ainsley hold him off till gil gets there
I have absolutely no idea how the idea how the ending is going to go so uhhh ??? it won’t be fun, malcolm will be Sad, it’s great!!!
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sassysaluki · 7 years
10 Q&As
Got tagged by @maythestarsguidemyway for this wee questionnaire. x~3
1. relationship status: single
2. favorite color: chartreuse
3. lipstick or chapstick: depends whether I want color or moisture ;)
4. last song: Fear Not--Michael Prins & Carice van Houten (SHE SINGS LIKE THE PERFECT HEAVENLY ANGEL SHE IS, OH MAI GAHD)
5. last movie: first time--Disaster Artist. XD rewatch--Love & Mercy. 8D
6. top three TV shows: Ever? I Love Lucy, Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction, Are You Afraid of the Dark? (Followed closely by Laverne & Shirley, The Golden Girls, The Honeymooners, Star Trek, Cheers, The Wonder Years, a lotta cartoons...etc.) Current? Game of Thrones and My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
7. top three ships: Hayffie (Haymitch/Effie--THG), and...I'm not sure, not many compare. Not that I don't support any other pairings/couples... http://hayffiesdaughter.tumblr.com/post/145441211988/5-otps-youd-go-down-with (And I'm weird, like, I ship toys and OCs and people from Beyond Belief stories and images on clothing/pajamas/objects/whatever that I've turned into characters...;P)
8. top three bands: Spice Girls, Beatles, ABBA (nearly said some 30 others; #impossible)
9. three favorite foods: Gonna totally cheat and say top 3 food groups...which happen to be the largest of ye olde pyramid, so yay? Grain (incl. pasta, pancakes, waffles, cereal, bread, etc.) Fruit (incl. dragonfruit, grapefruit, lemon, lime, orange/clementine/tangerine/kumquat, coconut, pineapple, apricot, cherry, pomegranate, blueberry, strawberry, kiwi, peach, nectarine, plum, pear, grape, honeydew, cantaloupe, watermelon, apple, banana, plantain, papaya, mango, date, guava, star fruit, passion fruit, other berries, etc.) Und vegetable (incl. mushroom, carrot, spinach, beet, eggplant, asparagus, broccoli, cucumber, bell pepper, celery, cauliflower, radish, rhubarb, water chestnut, zucchini, okra winfrey, etc.) ;P
10. currently reading: Smithsonian Handbook of Horses
Also want a spot to save this list I just had fun concocting:
FEMININE NAMES: Some favorites, positive associations, interesting, potentially useful ones, etc...(plus the color/gem/plant lists ofc.)
Ariel, Anya, Adeline, Adelaide, Amaryllis, Ariadne, Arania, Anais, Astrid, Amber, Alana, Arista (Adella/Aquata/Andrina/Attina ;), Allegra, Allison, Ambrosia, Annushka, Annika, Annette, Arabella, Annabelle, Anastasia, Arlene, Aurora, Ayla, Audrey/Audrina, Alani, Alma, Amelia, Amalia, Alexa/is, April, Antoinette, Adrienne/ana, Arachne, Aria, Agatha (Bertha, Edwina, etc. xD) [Autumn? Winter? Summer? Snow?]
Beatrix, Bianca, Bernadette, Bernadine, Bernice, Beryl, Benedicta, Bonnie, Brenda, Bess, Bebe, Britta, Blythe, Bridget, Brandlyn, Bella, Brooke
Cassidy, Cleo, Claudia, Claudine, Claudette, Clementine, Cordelia, Calypso, Calliope, Cecily, Cecile, Cecilia, Caroline, Charlotte, Caprice, Clarice, Clarita, C(h)arissa(e), Carice, Carrie, Carly, Carlita, Clarabelle, Carmen, Cynthia, Candice, Catriona, Christabelle, Cheryl, Cheri, Cherry, Cerise, Cressida, Crescenza, Crystal, Camille, Circe, Cora, Cosette, Collette, Colleen, Celeste, Calista, Claire, Carla/y, Courtney, Charmaine, Coral, Clover, Cheyenne, Connie, Chiffon, Coco (”oh-oh” names), etc.
Delilah, Donna, Delphina, Dolores, Doris, Desiree, Dierdre, Danica, Dinah, Dominique, Demeter, Demetria, Dagmar, Darlene, Dulcie/Dulcinea, Daphne, Denise, Drusilla, Didi, Dixie
Elle, Electra, Enid, Estella, Estelle, Evangeline, Eudora, Eunice, Esmeralda, Esperanza, Eurydice, Effie, Euphemia, Essie, Esther, Ethel, Enola, Eulalia, Elisa, Elise, Eris, Elaine, Evelyn, Elke, Eranthe, Eglantine, Eloise, Elodie, Etienne, Emanuele/a
Felice, Felicia, Felicity, Fern, Francesca, Francine, Freja, Florence, Florinda, Fleur, Farrah, Faye
Genevieve, Georgia, Georgann, Georgina, Georgette, Germaine, Ginger, Greta, Gerta, Gloria, Gwendolyn, Giselle, Guinevere, Griselda, Gertrude, Gabrielle, Gabriella, Gladys, Ginevra, Geneva, Golda, Gianna
Holly, Hazel, Heidi, Harriet, Henrietta, Hester, Hunter, Hesper
Inga, Ilsa, Ivy, Inez, Imogene, Iris, Isis, Ingrid, Irma, Isolde, Ignatia, Ida, Ino, Io, Isadora, Isla, Ivory
Jemima, Jezebel, Jolene, Juliet, Johanna, Janice, Janine, Janet/Jeanette, Joyce, Joy, Jocelyn, Jade, Judith, Justine/a, Josie, Jewel, Joelle, Janelle, Jordana
Katrina, (e)Katerina, Karina, Kathleen, Kelly, Kimberly, Kiki, Katia
Lola/Lolita, Lucretia, Laverne, Lavinia, Layla, Lucinda, Lulu, Lurline, Lorelei, Lucia/na, Louise/a, Lenore, Liljana/Lilja, Lilith, Liesel, Ludmilla, Lydia, Libby, Lorraine, Lucille, Lavender, Lana, Lacy, Lyanna, Lunette/Lynette, Lyra, Leona, Laurel, Lisa (etc.)
Mercedes, Myra, Marcella/Marcie, Mariah, Marina, Macy, Margarita, Margo, Melba, Marsha, Melinda, Melina, Minerva, Maxine, Megara, Mavis, Millicent, Mildred, Marigold, Mimi, Moira, Mabel, Marilyn, Marlene/Marlena, Myrna, Musette/Minuette, Maggie/Margaret/Mags, Melanie/Melody, Maeve, Muriel, Morgan(a), Maris, Meryl...Mirabelle/a, Mariel/le/a, Maribel, Mari(a)nel(a/la?)... Melisandre ;)
Noel, Nadine, Nadia, Naomi, Nicola, Nina, Nellie, Nevada, Nanette, Nixie, Nora, Nymeria ;)
Ophelia, Opal, Odette, Olivia, Oceana, Oksana, Oriana, Odelia
Petra, Petronella, Priscilla, Peg, Penelope, Persephone, Paige, Prudence, Phyllis, Philomena, Phoebe, Phaedra, Perdita, Poppy, Pearl/Perla, Pamela, Patrice/Patricia, Posy, Portia
Quintana, Queenie
Rita, Roxanne, Roxanna, Regina, Ruby, Rosanna, Rosetta, Rosalyn, Rosemarie, Rowena, Roberta, Rebecca, Rory, Ruta, Ruth, Raine
Sasha, Suzette, Sybil, Scarlet, Saffron, Shelia, Shirley, Sharlene, Sonia, Sondra/Sandra, Solange, Selene/Selena, Serena, Sharon, Sophie, Sylvie/Sylvia, Seraphina, Shannon, Shoshanna, Saskia, Savannah, Sally, Sunny, Sheena, Sage, Stella, Sabine, Samara, Sloan, Sadie, Starr/la, Skye, Sorrel, Shania, Sydney (uni)
Tallulah, Tess, Therese/Theresa, Trixie, Tara, Tabitha, Tatiana, Tanya, Talia, Tasha, Theodora, Tracy, Tilly, Tammy, Thalassa, Tuesday, Trinity, Tamara
Ulla, Uma, Una
Veda, Valentina, Violet/Violette/Violetta/Viola, Vivian/Viviana/Vivienne/Viveca, Velvet, Victoria, Vera, Vanessa, Veronica, Valerie, Vesta, Valencia
Whitney, Wednesday, Winona, Wanda, Wren, Willow, Wilhelmina/Winnie, Wilma
Xanthe, Xena, Xenia
Yvonne, Yvette, Yolanda
Zinnia, Zoe, Zelda/Zerelda
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snarkwrites · 4 years
FFT: someday my prince will come; landry clarke
Did I mention that I... have a thing for a good half of the Friday Night Lights tv series cast? Because oops, rip me, I dooooo. TBH.. I lowkey want to write something for Landry and Arabella at some point, but I also love him with Tyra? Idk. I’m conflicted. We’ll see.
If Arabella keeps waiting, she might just miss out. If Landry were any more oblivious, he’d be blind. But then, thanks to friends cluing the two in, something truly amazing happens.
Landry Clarke x OFC, Arabella
uhhh... sexy first kiss in the rain and that’s it.
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The football field loomed ahead, the sky overhead a blend of oranges and pinks and reds. Practice was running late because the Panthers were heading to state. Arabella gazed down at her wrist watch and re - crossed her legs when Tyra Collette wandered over and sat down beside her.
“You’re watchin.”
“I’m kinda… I don’t know. Nothing better to do I guess?” Arabella tried to cover exactly why she found herself at the football field but Tyra eyed her and shook her head, giving her a soft laugh. “Or, Arabella, you like somebody a little bit.”
Arabella’s mouth opened and closed and finally, she sighed. “Doesn’t matter anyway, he’s still hung up on you.”
The statement had Tyra conflicted but deep down, she felt this… Urge. To give the brunette sitting beside her that nudge and confidence boost necessary to maybe make her feelings known.
Maybe that’s why she opened her mouth.
“Am I with him though?”
“No, but if he only wants to date you, there’s really nothin’ I can do but respect it. No sense in trying to force things, my momma did, Mindy can probably tell her everything about how that worked out. Pretty sure she’s heard the whole story while they were getting ready to go out and dance.”
“ I think you’re wrong. See, I asked Landry to meet up. He blew me off. Said he was tutoring you. And honestly? He’s been blowing me off a lot lately.”
Arabella tensed. Was Tyra pissed at her? Or blaming her? She started to apologize but Tyra shook her head, silencing her. “All I want from you is a promise.. That you’ll see what a good guy he is and value that. Because it’s what he deserves and what I’m too damn scared to give him.”
When she said it, she stood and walked away, leaving Arabella to sit and collect herself. She blew out a ragged breath and turned her gaze towards the field. Landry was running out onto it, getting into position to kick the ball.
Arabella jumped up as the ball soared through the goal posts. She didn’t even realize she’d jumped up until Julie Taylor glanced at her and sort of gave a smile and wave before eventually making her way over and sitting down.
“I heard what Tyra said a few minutes ago. And I think you should go for it. I mean… From what I know of Landry, he’s a really good guy. And Tyra she.. I mean she’s my friend but I know she only really sees him as a safety net. There’s a dance coming up. You could ask him to go. Matt may have mentioned that maybe if you were to hint around and act interested, maybe he’d even ask you.. Just a thought.”
Arabella stared at the younger girl and mulled it over, casting a backwards glance towards the field, more particularly, towards Landry. She dragged her hand through her hair, giving it a tussle, flipping it to the side to attempt getting it out of her eyes.
“Ten minutes!” Coach Taylor called out, signalling that practice was almost over. Matt wandered over to Landry and flopped down, nodding up towards the bleachers. “Somebody showed up. She never watches. Still gonna stick by your whole she’s not into me theory now, Landry?”
Landry’s brow furrowed, and he followed his gaze towards the bleachers, just in time to see her standing, fidgeting a little. When her eyes met his, she gave him a wave and cupped her hands around her mouth to shout “Hi!” at him before sitting back down next to Julie and Mrs. Taylor, getting back to the conversation she apparently had going with Julie.
Tyra’s throat clearing from the fence had him looking her way and he walked over, casting a wary glance at her. “What’s up?”
“ She really, really likes you. Just thought you oughta know. Do somethin, Landry. Remember that whole speech you gave me about the Giving Tree? Someone finally sees exactly what you want seen. Open your eyes, or somebody else will. There’s a guy in my second period class whose really into her.”
Before Landry could actually get anything out, Tyra was walking away, her hands shoved in her pockets.
Landry wandered back over, sitting down on the bench next to Matt. “Just because she came to watch doesn’t mean…”
“She’s said a thousand times that she’s not into the whole ego thing that most of the guys on the team have goin on. Wake up, man, damn! If you don’t, Riggins is gonna make a move. Do you really want that? Because I don’t think you do. Then there’s that guy whose into rodeoing, remember, you were about to lose it because he was hitting on her?”
Landry rubbed the back of his head, glancing up towards the bleachers again, staring at her intently. “Okay, what the hell.”
Matt chuckled as he said it, but honestly, if Landry made a move, it’d be sparing endless hours of internalization on the poor guy’s part. Analyzing and over analyzing every single thing she said or did, and then talking himself out of what was actually a pretty well known fact amongst the rest of the team, hence the reason none of the other guys who did like her a little really went out of their way to make a move… Because they all felt like sooner or later, she’d officially be as spoken for as she was unofficially.
The two of them were almost always found together. They had inside jokes. She’d even dragged him out to a rodeo a few towns over to watch her oldest brother Tommy ride bulls.
Practice ended and Landry took a deep breath, walking up to the fence, hopping over it and climbing the bleachers. Arabella looked up, bit her lip.
“I thought we could get food before you go attempt to teach me to math….” she gave this cute little hopeful smile, he realized then that she tended to do it often whenever she just randomly showed up and asked if he wanted to hang out.
“We can, I mean if you want..”
“Awesome! Let’s get to my car then, I’m starving.” the dramatic tone in her voice had him snickering.
She went to gather the knapsack she’d had with her, but Landry reached for it. “I got ‘em.”
“You’ve got your arms full with the pads and shit though?”
“I got it.” Landry insisted.
Julie looked from one to the other, leaning in to whisper into Arabella’s ear, “Just do something. Otherwise, he’s not gonna pick up.” before walking away to catch up to Matt.
Arabella stared up at Landry a second or two before finally letting him get her books, grabbing for his helmet and holding out the powerade she’d stopped at a vending machine and gotten him.
“I… thought you’d be thirsty or something. I kinda drank a little though.” she gave that soft laugh and Landry took it, uncapping the bottle and drinking half, shrugging and smiling. “Thanks.”
It surprised him when she did it, but when she laced her fingers through his and gave a small squeeze, he did the same, holding onto her hand.
“I give warning.. My mom’s been on a bit of an 8 seconds soundtrack kick so guess whose got the stupid cd stuck in the cd player now?” Arabella shook her head and Landry laughed. “It’s fine. I guess I can deal with country music tonight.”
“Try bein me, pal. Move to Texas and think you’re gonna pick up a decent alt rock station..”
“To be fair, you said yourself they didn’t have any in Louisiana either.” Landry pointed out as he took her key and unlocked the trunk of her mom’s Mustang to throw his gear into it. Arabella was standing right behind him when he turned around and for a split second, the two were kind of pressed together. He stared down at her and she stared up at him.
Tim’s truck revved nearby and Tim stopped, leaning out the window.
“Hey, Arabella? If you wanna hang sometime.”
“ No, Tim. The same as last time. I know I couldn’t keep up with ya, I’m not even gonna make an attempt to try, sir.”
“Aw, c’mon, hon.”
Landry grumbled, looking from Tim to Arabella. Arabella turned her gaze away from Tim, catching him mid stare and staring back herself. She reached up, toying with the collar of his tee shirt a few seconds.
Okay, she wasn’t usually that touchy…
“Somethin wrong, Landry?”
“No, not at all.”
She hadn’t made a move to lower her hand. Landry swallowed hard and cleared his throat, chuckling quietly. “What happened to I’m starving?”
“Oh, I’m still hungry.” Arabella blushed a little, but found herself migrating closer, the advice given to her by both Julie and Tyra playing back in her head, urging her to do… Anything.
“Uh huh.” Landry was moving closer too. He swallowed hard, gazing down at her intently. “Where’d you wanna go and eat?”
“Well, I mean… we could go to the diner..”
“We could… But my mom, she’s got somethin cooked already. And we were already gonna go there… Plus, all the guys are gonna be at the diner.. It’ll take forever to order.”
Arabella bit her lip as she felt his hand brush against her hip. She giggled, because she could tell he’d tried to sneak the touch in and seem smooth about doing it, which was typical of him.
As a sort of answer to the gentle and slight touch, she pressed against him and raised an arm to drag her fingers through his hair. “And your mom does cook way way better than the person they got cookin down at the diner. Just like.. Don’t tell Matty that he’s not cut out for being a burger flipper, okay?”
“It’s our secret.” Landry barely restrained the urge to groan as her pressing even closer had the two of them sort of molded together. “What made you come to watch tonight?”
“Curiousity?” Arabella answered, her eyes lingering on his mouth as she licked her lips. “ Sides, my brothers were being major pains in the ass and my mom had that idiot from the club over, I wanted to get outta there.. Next thing I know, here I am. Go figure?” she shrugged it off.
“Did you like what you saw?” Landry was starting to pick up on the fact that maybe she was flirting with him. And maybe she had been, very subtly, for a while now. And something in him snapped, and he decided to maybe try flirting back with her.
“It was interesting.. Definitely worth further exploration.” Arabella’s hand rested against the front of his tee shirt, lightly gripping at the fabric. Her stomach growled noisily and Landry snickered. She lightly tapped at his arm and he pretended it hurt, pouting.
“Awww, whaddya want me to do now, hmm? Kiss it all better?”
Before he could stop himself, he’d blurted out the question. “Would you?”
He sucked in a breath, exhaling sharply when her response was to raise to tiptoe ever so slightly, using the grip she had on his tee shirt to tug him down to her level partially. Her knapsack fell out of his hand, settling on damp pavement with a quiet plop and his hands slid down her sides, squeezing at her hips as he clumsily leaned in even further, their lips brushing.
Her hand left his hair and rested across his neck, greedily pulling him in even closer. When their teeth bumped, they both drew back a little and laughed, but as the laughter died away, they were doing it again, the staring intently at each other’s mouths and moving in closer. This time, Landry scooped her up and sat her on the closed trunk of her mother’s Mustang, moving to stand between her legs. His hand dragged through her hair, tugging as he leaned down, going in for another kiss.
Her lips parted and her tongue slipped between his lips as her legs circled his waist. “Mmm.”
Her eyes fluttered open and shut and as the kiss broke, both were left wiping their mouths, staring all wide eyed at each other.
The growling of their stomachs broke through the blissful post kiss silence and Arabella spoke up. “We should probably get going?”
“Yeah.. The parking lot’s almost empty and it looks like it’s gonna start raining.”
Arabella handed him the keys to her mom’s car and slid off the trunk, straightening herself up a little. Landry opened the passenger door and she got in, him going around to get into the driver side.
As the car started, he felt her hand slipping beneath his on the shifter and he glanced over at her, giving a smile.
“So, there’s this dance on Friday..”
“Oh thank God, for a minute there I was worried I was gonna have to just bite the bullet and ask you first.” Arabella answered, giggling as Landry stopped beneath the one red light in town, waiting on it to go green, staring at her.
“You were gonna ask me?”
“Umm, I thought that me always popping up wherever you are would’ve clued you in.. I really like you. A lot. Have for a while now.”
“So, does this mean I can look forward to you maybe watchin me play more often?”
“If you want me to.”
“I definitely want you to.”
“So I will then. Only if you’re gonna kiss me like that more often, because damn..” Arabella fanned herself, giggling when he opened and closed his mouth and turned bright red.
“I think that can be arranged.”
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