shoezuki · 3 days
Doctor, the problem's in my chest
Chapter 11
Gepard should be used to waking up to a quiet home. It shouldn't be so jarring, the silence, but it is. His routine is much the same as he falls back into old habits; Gepard wakes up exactly five minutes before his alarm, early morning sunlight dripping in through his window and across his room. His room is the same as before, the same as it should be. 
He finds himself tensing anyways. Curled up on his side, his stitches ache in faint protest. His bed was a mess, blankets and pillows shoved off in his sleep, the sheets pulling up from the corners of the mattress. He groans and wrinkles his nose as he shifts, going to sit up only to pause when he notices the blanket. It wraps around him, a soft swath of blue over his shoulders and his head, bunched up in his fists where he'd clutched it tightly to his chest in his sleep. Gepard stares at his clenched hands a moment, blinking through sleep as he lets his head fall and presses his cheek into the sheets. He loosens his fists before gripping the blanket tightly and pulling it up to his chin, around his head, trying to will away the unease in his chest as he breathes in through the fabric. 
Read the full thing on ao3!!
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jayrockin · 3 minutes
How is Ngthan pronounced? /ŋθan/, /ŋgθan/, /ŋðan/ or /ŋgðan/ are what I would expect given the spelling. And this isn't even getting into vowels
Don't worry about it :)
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Murder Drones - Tessa x J Drabble - Admission of Love
The sun glistened in through the stained glass window of the hexagonal room at the back of the Elliott manor, the sounds of Tessa humming a melody and the soft whirr of J's internal fan came from the room. Louisa and James were away on a trip to a manufacturing plant in New Zealand, so that meant Tessa and her drones had complete domain over the manor. Cyn, V and N however, had busied themselves with watching some movies about dogs and sports down in the library, so Tessa and J were spending the afternoon together.
J sat on the window sill bench, enjoying the breeze from the open smaller windows while watching the birds in the trees. She felt the gentle tug of Tessa's hands running through her soft silver hair. Tessa stood behind J, playing with her first and favourite girl drone's wig. She stopped humming the melody to a song about being set free and eternal rest and dreams before she asked to J, "It's lovely up here, isn't it?"
J calmly responded as she relaxed her shoulders, "It reminds me of when you were little, Tessa." She smiled as she watched some blue jays hopping along the branches and trilling their songs while her favourite human styled her hair back up into her signature ponytails. "Whether I was reading you fairytales, or we were having tea parties or pretend sword fights or you letting me try on some of your dresses, it was always magical."
Tessa assessed silently before she reached to the table beside her and picked up the rechargeable curling iron she stole from her mom now that it had warmed up. She rolled the ponytails around the heated cylinder of the styling too carefully to not burn herself. "And you can't forget times like these."
J laughed a little, remembering out-loud, "Though the last time you tried to use the curling iron, you scared me to death. I'm so so glad it was just a minor burn."
"It was alright, you were there to make it all better, J," she reassured lovingly, letting the freshly formed curl slide from the clasp, it bounced slightly as it came to its resting place at the left side of J's head. Tessa wound the next section of hair on the curling iron as she asked in a sweet little voice, "Jay bird? Do... do you like spending time with me?" her tone became somber, "Or, is it just because Father and I built you to be my assistant." As soon as she let the second wide curled ponytail free of the curling iron, Tessa was slightly startled by J turning her head a little more than 90 degrees to look at her.
J insisted firmly, her tone severe but loving, "Tessa, I love every second I'm next to you." She turned her whole-self to face Tessa, took the curling iron out of Tessa's hands and continued to explain, "And all the wonderful memories make working for the company worth it. So don't you ever dare think for a second that I don't love you..." She stared in shock at what she said before trying to backtrack sheepishly as she turned off the curling iron and set it back down, "I mean... Don't think for a second that I don't like spending time with you."
Tessa's tears were replaced now with a dorky grin. "You said you love me, Jaybird."
The LED blush indicators showed on the worker drone maid's face.
Tessa kissed J on the forehead gently and reassured as she cupped the noble robot's right auditory sensor, "I love you too, so much..." She pulled the robot girl into a tight hug, she whispered to J, "I know Father and I built you as a way to keep me busy, and life hasn't always been easy, but when we have time together, J. It's so wonderful, I wouldn't trade it for anything."
J chimed in as she hugged back, trying not to be mad upon mentioning her least favourite coworker, "Not even, N? Your other favourite?"
Tessa responded warmly, "He may make me happy too, but you make me feel safe and at home."
Those words made the silver-haired drone feel so happy.
The two hugged for a little while before they broke their hug.
Tessa giggled as she looked at J's curls, "Oop! Forgot to fluff up your ponytails, Jaybird," she picked up the hairbrush and invited cheerily, "Let's finish making you look exactly how you like to look."
J smiled and turned back around, closing her LED eyes happily as she felt the warm sun on her face and also Tessa's gentle efforts at gliding the hairbrush through her curls to fluff them up. She liked now the words she had said by accident earlier, now saying them again but intentionally, her often harsh voice soft as a nightingale's song, "I love you, Tessa, my beautiful princess."
Tessa responded, her precious Aussie voice also soft and full of love, "I love you too, my wonderful Jay bird."
To Be Continued
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bishonenvoicedbyadyke · 3 months
«Time wasn’t right. It was moving too fast. I was 19, and then I was 20. I felt like one of those dolls asleep in the supermarket. Stuffed. And then I was 21. Like chapters skipped over in a dvd. I told myself this isn’t normal. This isn’t normal. This isn’t how life is supposed to feel.»
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headspace-hotel · 6 months
thinking of all the undiscovered species that must have ended up swept under the rug because they were discovered on a site intended for development or resource extraction and the discovery of a rare species would have stopped the plans
thinking of all the undiscovered species that exist in unprotected and heavily disturbed places that get overlooked because everyone thinks only "untouched wilderness" has undiscovered species
thinking of all the undiscovered species that don't get studied because if everyone knew that "already destroyed," "no longer wild" places contained priceless biodiversity, developers couldn't destroy them for profit
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erabu-san · 1 year
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Fontaine soon
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aussie-bookworm · 1 year
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jeansvoid · 2 years
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canisalbus · 6 months
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Yeah sorry I drew this.
Hope you feel better soon ♡
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WIP! yeahh ..
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one-of-many-mothmen · 2 months
Guys. How do u think the assistants reacted to Jon reading the first statement?? Like you got this stick-up-his-ass boss who is the most trying to be professional person you know and one day you find out he can VOICE ACT?? LIKE. REALLY WELL?? What did they even do?? Like do they talk abt Jons inner theatre kid possessing him for like 30 mins or do they not give a fuck?
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iszapizza · 4 months
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drawing roddy for the first time
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thesovietonion77 · 2 months
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b0tster · 4 months
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We just passed 300,000 downloads!!! This launch has gone better than I ever could have imagined, thank you so much everyone 💙
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chialattea · 3 months
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It’s them….. the girls…
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cornycopeia · 6 months
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not in this life or any other
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