#// Space-time systems as they relate to mythology isn’t my biggest strong point to wrap my mind around
deitiesofduat · 2 years
what is the relationship and travel between the realms of the living and dead like and how is set able to go there fight a giant snake and go back every night
Admittedly, I haven’t thought so deeply about organizing the physical landscape of the underword Duat versus the living “overworld” of Egypt — at least not in awhile, as it tends to get more confusing the more I try to make sense of it from the mythos. The most I’ve established is the general setting of where and when the story takes place, as in the beginning notes here: https://deitiesproject.com/plot/
As I understand it though, the two realms are supposed to run parallel to each other — in both the mythos and also in DEITIES. Speaking solely for the latter: Mortals are normally unable to perceive, interact with, or otherwise sense the realm of Duat nor the creatures that are linked to it (hence why they cannot see aspects of the soul or most demons, even if they feel their effects). It’s only after they pass on that deceased mortals can perceive Duat, and when certain aspects of their soul make their journey toward the Hall of Ma’at.
Meanwhile, deities and other divine beings (included exalted souls, Akhu) can freely cross realms -- either by using Transportive magic like teleportation or portals, or other points of interest that can produce the same result. [...]
I also recently learned how in many temples and tombs, there are false doors constructed that are believed to connect between the living and divine realm, for gods and deceased souls to enter and exit. It might be cool if in DEITIES, these “false doors” could serve this purpose for divine beings and souls entering/exiting through the realms (provided they are permitted in the given temple at all).
That said, I’m haven’t finalized this all yet, and I’m likely over-simplifying the system from the mythology. I’m also still debating how much of the references I want to bring into DEITIES without them contradicting each other. For example, I want to reference the two mountains of the horizon — Manu and Bakhu — that mark where the Solar Barque sails one way east to west across the heavens during the day, and then sails back west to east during the night.
(This is how Set can fight “that giant snake” every night and go back, to answer your second question. However, I like to think that Set and other guards can sometimes use a designated portal or gate to meet up with the Barque when it first re-enters Duat, and then they dismount when it returns to the heavens -- if it’s not necessary for them to spend all day on it to perform their main guarding duties).
However, this all implies that the waters of nun extend from west to east — perpendicular to the actual Nile River in Egypt, not “parallel” at least in a literal sense. Even then, is it really a river, or a bottomless body of water where chaos and demons originate from? Furthermore, where is the solid land of “Duat” situated in all this talk of water? Or the Twelve Gates of the underworld to mark each hour? Or the Hall of Ma’at, and the “Fields of Gold” paradise of Aaru? Or the Lakes of Fire guarded by Babi and other demons? Or the—
Ahem, you see where I’m getting though, right? 😂 Suffice it to say, I don’t have a concrete answer for how everything is organized quite yet between the realms of Duat and Egypt, because there is so much to work with, and I probably won’t for some time. For now, I’m fine leaving it as an unknown or up to audience interpretation, until I’m ready to sit down and deep dive into this part of the mythos again. 
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