#// Luffy will turn you into an ally and people should fear this ability he has
frccdomfought · 2 years
// thoughts about Luffy being capable of turning anyone into an ally going brrrrrrr
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shanksxbuggy · 1 year
PLSOLSPLSSS share more of ur shuggy headcanons the last one was so good that it has been my lil entertainment in the head cuz i cant write for shitttt
Ask and you shall receive c: I didn’t know if my headcanons would be very interesting, so I’m glad to hear you enjoy it.
I started this out thinking hmm do I even have any more headcanons, but now I’ve written all this…
Sometimes I imagine them as cis, but sometimes I like to headcanon them as trans. Shanks as a transman, Buggy as nonbinary or trans or genderfluid or like a drag queen. However they are, they’re hanging with Ivankov and the rest of queer community because they just fit there.
Buggy used to be insecure about his hair and hid it under a beanie. He used to want a more ‘normal’ hair color like the other crewmembers.
Shanks is the better liar when he wants to be. He doesn’t lie as often, but he’s better at controlling and hiding his emotions.
Buggy first became interested in the circus by seeing street performers as a kid, and somehow felt the circus lights calling out to him. His heart longs for the stage, to be at the center of attention before a huge crowd. But he also hates being made fun of and isn’t very good at dealing with criticism. He became inspired to include circus techniques and magician’s tricks in his fighting style, light and airy and impossible to predict.
Buggy didn’t come up with being called the clown, the Marines did. He just begrudgingly went with it.
Shanks is a lot more touchy-feely. He likes casually having an arm around Buggy, having their thighs touching, resting his head on his shoulder. Buggy is generally fine with it in front of people he knows, but he’s not one for overly public displays of affection. He has a reputation to uphold.
After Buggy got his powers, whenever he used to get annoyed or mad at Shanks, he’d detach his body and float away where Shanks couldn’t reach him.
Buggy knows sign language, because it’s useful for subtle communication and even better when you’re someone who can detach their hands.
Shanks used to show his affection by teasing Buggy a lot, who’d take it the wrong way and thought Shanks was just being an ass for no reason to Buggy. It’s classic pigtail-pulling behavior.
Buggy was real upset about not being able to swim anymore, so Shanks promised to take Buggy out into the water whenever he felt like it, so he could experience the seas without fear of drowning.
One of Shanks’ favorite foods is lobster, which is hard for him to eat unless someone cracks open the shell for him. Buggy is always the one who unshells it for him.
Shanks is a morning person, Buggy is more of a night owl who consumes multiple cups of coffee to function.
Shanks doesn’t like sleeping by himself so he shares sleeping quarters with the crew. After Elegia, he started getting nightmares more frequently. Sleeping with a room full of people he can trust helps put him at ease.
When Shanks can’t sleep, he’ll drink a lot of alcohol until he just knocks himself out.
Same as Luffy, Buggy also has the special ability to turn people into allies, just in a slightly different way.
All the Red-Haired Pirates already know about Buggy because of Shanks’ tendency to ramble while he’s drunk. At first they expected Buggy to be this exotic beauty, they were shocked when they found out the love of Shanks’ life was a literal clown. But then again, Shanks always had…questionable tastes, so they should have expected it.
Shanks really loves Buggy’s red lipstick. He especially loves it when Buggy leaves red lipstick marks on his clothes and skin. Buggy does it as a way of staking his claim.
Despite his good looks, Shanks is bad at posing for photos. He’s not the type to try and utilize his looks, so he’s more awkward in photos than in real life. Buggy is the one who knows how to work the camera and loves showing off in front of it.
Shanks definitely isn’t the type to whine or complain about pointless things…except he will with Buggy, just as a way to get his attention or be pampered. Shanks turns into a big, immature baby around Buggy, but it’s because he feels comfortable enough to do so.
Shanks likes summer islands, Buggy prefers winter islands (his nose gets sunburned easily lol)
They used to swap clothes a lot when they were kids. As adults they don’t do it that much anymore, but when they do, usually it’s Buggy stealing Shanks’ things.
Shanks wears the same damn outfit all the time unless someone forces him into something else (usually it’s Buggy who does). Shanks also sleeps naked or just in his underwear most of the time.
Buggy trains Uta in the circus trade and teaches her tricks so she can include them in her performances. The Buggy Pirates and Uta do collaborations on the stage. It’s like an idol concert meets Cirque du Soleil and the result is mind-blowing. Shanks is not talented enough in that area to be an entertainer, but he is their biggest fan.
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writingoneshots · 3 years
Maybe an odd prompt, but how about: Law having a crush on a Skypeian reader and thinks their wings are cute (in a Bepo kinda way?). The wings get injured in a fight so he's doing first aid while trying not to fawn over the fluffy feathers. Maybe the wings are sensitive so reader is blushy?
Hey there :) ! Now this is something I have never read before. Interesting request.. I couldn't resist to write it.
- Law x Skypiean reader - 1,526 words - cutie pie, little Bepo moment, SFW
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After finally defeating Doflamingo, Law was exhausted. He has waited for this moment for years and now the time has arrived. Law was free. All these years, he had to readjust his plans, find new allies and focus on not killing Luffy for getting him into way too many troubles. Now that he was finally free, there was one thing he longed for. Someone's presence. Yours. It has been almost 6 months since the last time he had seen you and it was under hard circumstances. Both of you have been captured on a deserted island and Law had helped you to escape and bring you back to your island in the sky. During that time, Law fell. In love. Harder than he could have ever imagined. Every time he needed someone, every time he felt empty or depressed, he needed you. To see you, feel you and hear you. But there has never been an option to visit you since beating Doflamingo was his number one priority. Now that he finally had some time to relax with his crew, he decided to turn back around and check on you. There was nothing and no one, who could stop him right now. Not even Bepo, who tried very hard to find out where Law wanted to go and why he wanted to leave on his own.
Bepo was always the curious and very nosy type of being, but whenever Law wouldn't give him a single detail, Bepo knew that something huge was bothering Law. "Please tell me!" "No." "Please, captain!" "I said no." "Please?", Bepo looked at him with his shiny big eyes and Law took a deep breath before he turned away. "No." Bepo broke down into tears, being as overly dramatic as always. "Please, captain! I won't tell anyone! I promise!" "Yeah, like you promised to not tell anyone about the incident last week in the kitchen.", Law sighed annoyed and went to his desk. "Come on, captain.. That was funny. I literally left you alone in the kitchen, while you were making your cereal and I come back 3 minutes later and you set the oven on fire." Bepo tried his best not to laugh again. "Bepo?" "Yes, captain?" "Shut up.", Law looked at him angrily now and wrote something down into his secret black book. Bepo sighed a bit sad and sat down on the couch. His ears leaned down softly and Law had to look up at them. He always felt bad seeing Bepo like this and after a long and deep sigh, Law gave in. "I am going to visit (Y/N).", Law explained grumpily and stood up. "Awwwwww! You trust me, captain!", Bepo's eyes sparkled again and he began clapping his paws in excitement. "Law and (Y/N) - (Y/N) and Law! Law and (Y/N) - (Y/N) and La-" Law didn't want to hear the end of the song, which is why he left as fast as he could. Two days later, Law finally arrived in Skypiea. The rest of the crew spend their free time on an island nearby, while Law was in the sky looking for you. When he arrived at the city, where you would usually work, he felt his heart ache at the sight of the ruins, which were left after a big war. No house was fully standing and barely anyone was on the streets. What was once a lively city, seemed to look like a ghost town now. A few people were looking around, trying to find someone or something. His thoughts were all over the place, scared and shocked about the current situation. "Law? Trafalgar Law?", someone behind him asked. Law turned around and looked at a familiar face. "Hello. You are (Y/N)'s friend, right?" A woman with dark green locks nodded and smiled a bit sad. In this town, every human being had wings on their backs and specific strength, which were non-comparable to those human beings from Law's surface. "You're probably looking for her. She is in the medical building.", the woman explained and pointed into a direction. "It's in the city to the left. We are all recovering there." "What happened here?", Law didn't move away as he tried to understand what could have happened here without the news reporting anything. "Enel, one of the Gods, came back and he was angrier now than before. He expected us to support him for some reason and nobody wanted to join him to look for someone wearing a straw hat.. So he paid us back." It was hard for her to speak but she forced herself to do so and Law appreciated her effort. "Thank you.", was all Law could have said and after respectfully excusing himself with a soft nod, Law went to the city nearby. The medical building was filled with your kind and the doctors had a lot of patients to take care of. It seemed as if it had happened recently, which made Law feel a little guilty. If I would have been here, she wouldn't be laying in this building. "Hey! She needs help as well! Look at her leg and her wing, doc!!", someone screamed from a room right in front of Law. With every step into the direction of your room, Law was able to see more of you. Your body looked very exhausted from a hard fight and you still had dust and blood all over your body. Seeing you like this made Laws heart feel suddenly really heavy in his chest and he was not prepared for this. He could have never imagined seeing you like that. "Law?", you whispered his name and frowned a bit after spotting his initial hat lurking in the entrance. You felt relieved to see him but you couldn't understand why he was here. "(Y/N)! I heard what happened just now.", Law pushed a doctor aside, who tried to
walk past your bed and was furious about how they have left you laying there like this. The blood was already dry on your clothes and stuck to your skin, which could only mean that you've been here since more than a day. "Are you a doctor?", the guy, who was asking for help earlier, looked at Law with concerned eyes. Law just gave him a short look and nodded. He immediately grabbed some supplies and began cleaning and taking care of your wounds. "How long have you been here?" "Two days.", you sighed a bit and couldn't stop looking at him, still not believing that he was there. "Two days.. and your wounds were still untreated.", Law took a deep breath and promised himself to lecture a few doctors afterward. But you were more important now. "Thank you, Law.", you gave him a soft smile, when he looked up to you. A slight blush appeared on his cheeks but he just looked away again, not saying a word. When he made a gesture to tend to your wings, you put your hand onto his and shook your head. "That's not necessary. I am alright." "I have to clean the wound, (Y/N). You can trust me. I won't hurt you.", he reassured you and you had no idea how to respond to that. Now that he helped you to sit up, so he could have a better look at it, Law began to wash away the blood carefully. Your heart began to beat really fast and you pressed your lips together to avoid making him hear how intense this felt. Every touch, as soft as he tried to make it feel, tickled your nerves in a way you've never felt before. Law felt that something was off and he feared that the side of the wing might have been damaged. "(Y/N) does it hurt that bad?", he walked around the bed to have a better look at you and frowned when he saw your red cheeks. "N-no.. it doesn't.. hurt.", you looked down at your hands, feeling way too flustered. The man, who was watching you two, slapped Laws arm slightly. "You pervert!! Touching her like that in public! I don't believe that you're a real doctor!" Law looked at him confused and shook his head, not understanding what was going on. When he turned back to you again, seeing how even your ears turned red and how your breath has fastened a little, he finally understood. "Oh.. (Y/N), I am sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. I just wanted to help.", he swallowed hard, his chest burning from the struggle of trying to help you but not knowing your species well enough. "Don't worry, Law. I trust you. Just.. maybe.. you should leave the wings out.", you whispered a little embarrassed. Law thought about it and stepped closer to you, pulling your chin up carefully with his thumb and index finger. "Or I could clean them in a private room..", he smiled a bit cheeky and motioned his room ability with his other hand. You looked into his eyes, seeing some sort of interest and excitement awaken in them. "Shambles!"
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lululawlawlu-writes · 5 years
Softly Stained with Spring
Part 3: Wounds
note:  This fic was written for @lawlu-week!!
rating: T 
tags: canon universe, fluff and angst, hanahaki
The entire fic so far is also on AO3.
“What’s wrong with this one?” Luffy asks, taking up the cut of meat Law passed him. He pops it into his mouth before Law can even answer.
“A little too well done,” Law excuses with a harmless lie. It wouldn’t kill Law to admit that he gets special pleasure in spoiling his ally, but that would ruin his game. It’s just a shame that he’s the only one who knows they’re playing. Law enjoys his private game of seeing how much affection he can show without revealing his feelings nonetheless.
He picks a few more pieces of meat from the personal grill in the center of their table to pile onto Luffy’s plate.
Luffy dumps them all into his mouth, mumbling “We need more meat.” He hops up from the table, mouth still full. He sprints over to the buffet of raw meat just waiting to be selected for his own personal grilling pleasure.
In a way it’s entertaining how excitable Luffy is, to be presented with such a wide variety of treats. Law watches as he piles two plates high. In a bid to go for a third plate, Luffy attempts to balance one on his arm, with abysmal success. It clatters to the ground, slabs of meat peppering the stone floor of the restaurant.
Law should go and help him, but it’s amusing to remain a bystander and watch Luffy go territorial over tenderloins. He snatches them away from the restaurant staff who desperately want to prevent him from getting a possible food-borne illness.
Luffy—everything about him is so ridiculous. All of his normalities are outlandishly abnormal to the rest of the world yet, for some reason, equally endearing. Law considers the reason may be as simple as him being used to Luffy’s nature.
Luffy’s a half-second from sending the staff into a haki-induced stupor, staring them down as he makes his getaway with the two plates. He strides to the table to dump the floor-meat onto their table’s little grill.
Law doesn’t really mind that it’s been on the floor or that he has to pry individual pieces of it away from the mass of flesh. He’s been full for a while now. They’re only still here to indulge Luffy.
Luffy looks to be enjoying himself tonight, as he sits waiting for meat—tipping a bottle of steak sauce back and forth, watching the air bubble at the surface travel. He isn’t an unwilling participant in Law’s game of unrequited affection, just unaware, and that’s how Law prefers it. It lets Law spend less effort considering his own feelings. He doesn’t risk ruining an alliance that’s fairly unproblematic either.
Law knows Luffy well enough to know he won’t be betrayed or sold-out, at least on purpose. He’s just got to be ready for literally anything at anytime. He’s even ready with the other plate of raw meat once Luffy decides the current batch is cooked enough to snatch it up from the grill, and shovel it into his mouth.
“Slow down a bit,” Law feels compelled to caution him. “We've got all night.” He’s more focused on if they’ll be asked to leave than Luffy actually choking. He’s not even sure that choking would be possible for a man made of rubber.
When Luffy makes a high-pitched, wheezing noise, it doesn’t even occur to Law that anything is wrong. It’s not until Luffy starts coughing that Law realizes he’s not as prepared for anything as he should be.
Law jumps up from his seat to smack him on the back. He expects Luffy to cough up the meat, and for a second he does think that’s what it is. On second glance it appears to be flower petals—blood red like the ones Luffy had eaten earlier.
Luffy’s complexion has gone a disconcerting shade of pale. It is almost pitiful when he looks to Law, opens his mouth to say something but his body shudders, letting out a hoarse cough before more petals fall from his mouth.
“Those were not a good thing to eat,” Luffy says plainly about the flowers. He wipes his mouth on the back of his hand leaving a smear of what could easily be mistaken for blood for lack of context. He turns back to the grill, ready to get down the business of dining.
Uneasy eyes fall on them. Quiet has blanketed the atmosphere of the restaurant, Law notices, voices of the other patrons falling into whispers. The words that do catch his ears don’t ease his worries much.
“He’s got the curse.”
What curse? Law wasn’t aware of any such thing on this tourism-rich island.
“Poor thing.”
Are those flowers really that dangerous to eat? Luffy’s pretty immune to most poisons.
Something about the change in atmosphere really doesn’t sit well with Law. It’s more than uncomfortable. It’s dark—ominous. Even if the people don’t seem to carry ill-intent, having them regard Luffy with pity is worse. It’s ruining his mood.
Luffy doesn’t seem to care. He’s right back to munching down meat like coughing up flowers isn’t anything but an inconvenience. He’s about ready to go get more when Law catches him by the arm.
“We’re leaving,” Law says firmly, hopes Luffy won’t ignore him. Luffy tends to do what Luffy wants.
Luffy hums discontent for a second. “Gonna get desserts?” he asks hopefully.
“Yes. Exactly that,” Law agrees, leading him to the door. He tosses a wad of beli at the staff on their way out without regard.
“Seems like not much is open this late,” Luffy notes looking around.
He’s right. Aside from the meat restaurant and a few pubs, the only lights on are those mounted to the center of flower-sculpted street lamps. For the second time that night Law finds himself unprepared for anything. He hadn’t considered the time before he’d drug Luffy away from his plate.
“You want to go back to the Sunny?” he asks, considering the possibility of running into their crew members in a pub.
But Luffy has other ideas to lead him off the main road again, into another impromptu adventure.
“Come on,” he tells Law, hand slipping to hold onto him by the fingertips, pulling him into a tidy orchard.
They slip between the trees, free hands outstretched under the darkness of the canopy, feeling for the rough bark to guide them. Fireflies flickering in the air offer only the tiniest glimpse of their surroundings.
Law instinctively jumps to initiate room at the sound of snapping branches. He’s met with a laugh from Luffy.
“You’re under attack from apples, Torao,” he teases, throwing one to him. He watches Luffy in the cyan glow of the room as he rips down three more apples to munch himself.
The juices are sugary-sweet and for once that night Law is left without the impulse to share his food He’s tempted to even steal a few more, thinks of enjoying them baked and glazed with cinnamon.
Foreign shouts reach them from the distance and Law lets the room fall, snatching up Luffy’s hand to run like children afraid of a scolding. He doesn’t really feel like getting into an altercation with locals. It’s exhilarating to flee for once, giddy on sugar and freshly committed crime, unconcerned about consequence.
He doesn’t stop even when the orchard opens up into a field of flowers, moonlight pouring over them.
Luffy starts gaining on him, racing him. He doesn’t let go of Law’s hand, but Law can feel the stretch of his rubber limb.
If they’re using their abilities now, Law doesn’t mind. He pitches his half-eaten apple into the air, over and ahead of them. He catches Luffy glancing over his shoulder when Law initiates his room again. There’s no time for him to calculate, think or plan. He whispers a quick ‘shambles’ and with that finds himself in the air, half a second from falling into Luffy.
They collide full-force, Luffy’s body bending in inhuman ways. The two of them roll over each other through the high grass and flowers, tumbling until they’re laid out on the ground.
Luffy laughs full and free, rolls over onto his back next to Law.
“That was fun,” he speaks, breathless.
“Yeah,” Law agrees.
“Does it ever feel weird?” Luffy asks then.
Law’s mind drifts to his feelings. He thinks how weird it is that being with Luffy makes him feel so unburdened by the weight of reality—makes him want to act on emotion over reason.
“Looks like it would feel weird,” Luffy says. His fingertips reach into the fresh rip in Law’s sleeve to trace the thin, smooth scar that runs through the center of the heart on Law’s right bicep.
“My arm?” Law clarifies, watching the grass bend and sway over Luffy’s face.
“Yeah, is it the same as before it got cut off in Dressrosa?” he asks without looking up.
“Well, it’s pretty much back to normal,” Law supposes. “Why do you ask?”
“It was really scary. I really thought you were gonna die,” Luffy speaks, a little liveliness falling from his voice.
“I once thought you were going to succumb to your wounds as well,” Law confesses, eyes wandering over the other captain’s chest. He doesn’t feel guilt at having had no fear for Luffy’s life at the time. It just contrasts how much their relationship has grown since then. It compels Law to feel lucky to be in his presence—fortunate that he’s got the chance to know him so closely.
The thought of him sustaining worse in the future sends a chill through Law’s veins. It scares him to think of it—to consider that as reckless as Luffy is, such a thing might be inevitable. Law can’t fight the feeling that this alliance is seeing it’s best days right now. He is terrified deep down in depths of his being with a soul-consuming dread that the end of these days will not come easy. He’s got to enjoy the time they’ve got together now—it’s precious and sacred in its own right. Law doesn’t dare to pressure Luffy for anything more. He’ll play his game of unrequited love to the end.
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