#// ngl tho after witnessing oleander get all soft with esyn this is somehow rly hilarious to me
hellguarded-moved · 1 year
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❝  i’m okay now.  i’m safe.  you don’t have to be angry anymore.  ❞ / ( ig&lykos ! regarding the oleander situation mayhaps-- )
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" that's a new one, " he didn't touch, not directly, only ghosting his fingers over the large gash in the other's arm that he didn't remember being there. it looked recent, too. eyes then tipped up to lykos' own, a subtle yet not entirely hidden anger flashing through them.
he knew it was personal, a matter of pride, and more often than not, it was the stallion fighting to protect his partner's honor. he could relate. it didn't make it any easier to simply sit back when seeing someone close to him, too, with such wounds.
" that's what you say. but it'll just keep happening, won't it? " he sighed, his voice sounding a bit more agitated than it needed to be— the silent fury. eyes fell closed and he took a deep breath to hopefully level it out. " maybe you just should've left me in the dark, " he chuckled eventually after a moment, " maybe if i was left under the impression that it was nothing but sparring, i wouldn't have thought twice about it. "
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silence followed. it shouldn't have bothered him as much as it did. sometimes, he wished it'd be easy for him to turn a blind eye to the pain of others. " do you... think there's anything that'd... make this stop? "
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