#/ then went to have hotpot and kbbq and died from a food coma
its-creed · 3 months
how do i do this , is this thing even on ? it's been a whileeeeee since i've been writing online so please bear with me! stumbling back into the scene i am sun (she/her/yours) / 25+, some of you guys may be familiar with my previous iterations of this baekhyun muse haha so if he seems familiar - he probably is!
i'm excited to introduce my evil old man credence han - commonly known as reed or professor han to those acquainted with him.
full disclosure: i am terrible at plotting in a quick manner (and i mean this with the entirety of my one brain cell) so if you would like a random starter please see below for details (cap at three for now 🥹)! and if you don't mind slow pacing and would still like to plot based on something below or in one of the ideas i have at the end, please give this a like and i will slide into your dms asap!
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how does an evil villain get around without being discovered for over ten plus years? with the power of negation persuasion of course!
reed wasn’t aware of his primary ability when it first manifested because well - how the hell do you tell that you can turn off other people’s powers? goes for first part of his teen years thinking that his ability has to do with persuasion because he finds at a young age that people sometimes do whatever he tells them to do? he rides on that high for a long time until one day when someone somehow figures out what happened and tries to get revenge. too bad for him, it’s another metahuman he managed to piss off and he’s about to get his ass fried when ? everything is still in tact and suddenly ? the other guy seems more confused and fearful of what’s going on.
the shock wears off pretty quickly and lucky for reed his ass doesn’t get fried - but it still gets beat after the metahuman goes on a rampage and rages against reed asking what he did to his powers. it’s after that moment that reed connects the dots and realizes his persuasion abilities had been minor this entire time since he had never seemed to be able to actually develop it.
discovering that he can negate others powers is a game changer for reed. he starts using it for morally lesser means realizing he’s able to get away with more. it starts from setting people up for things that get them caught red handed, to being given information, and then selling that information once he finds out just how valuable the things he’s discovers can be.
eventually his endeavors lead him to a point of no return. he infiltrates the aeternal base back home acting as his twin brother and pulls the biggest heist he’s ever done yet. he finds government secrets that he sells to someone abroad in south korea before escaping after making sure that they believe his brother is the true culprit.
after this feat his brother had taken something of extreme valuable to him which started a chase. reed uses his connection of his past buyer to secure a private space at the silverline apartments while he tries to track his brother down.
reed has been using the cover of a new professor for metahuman biomedical studies at nsnu during his time abroad. it offers him both network connections to the han pharmaceuticals and and a straight gateway into the university to continue his ulterior motives.
i think that covers the what and why just to give it to you guys fast and short! so per my inability to plot quickly, i will offer three random starters if you're interested in having an interaction with reed, drop an emoji and aaaa [positive, neutral, negative, unknown] to choose a dynamic you'd be interested in and i will work that out however i can! fair warning, reed is not exactly a people lover but he keeps up a strong front so positive might be a fake positive for face purposes,,,
plots and connections
reed has a habit of walking around with his negation on - well, keeping it on in general. you're trynna get something done and?? why aren't? your powers working???
you catch reed in the subtle act of persuading one of the receptionist's at the front desk to erase the latest residential complaint against him. do you a) mind your own business, b) confront him, c) play dumb, or d) all the above plus receive an underlying threat from reed?
bad influencer - if you want your muse to do something bad or something they would never have the guts to try, reed is your go-to. or maybe there's something you really need to do like studying and procrastination has been your worst nightmare. reed is less inclined to help you because that's lame. and if you're one of his students? tough luck.
reed was always the champion when it came to playing hide and seek as kids. life detection comes in handy for that. reed finds your muse somewhere they shouldn't be or maybe your muse is trapped and reed happens to be the only person who's come by within the last 3 hours.
students from nsnu?
someone who seems to have the same laundry schedule
someone complaining about reed's negation affecting them
enemies or victims? when i say he's evil - i like legitimately mean it. he's morally corrupt and just does well to hide crap like an actual sociopath
( he's not who he seems )
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