#/ shimatta like “oops my bad”
dernarrleid · 1 year
15 you know for who 🙈
50 types of kisses | always accepting!
Kenzou scoffs, tempted to sweep the air with his hands at just about anyone who stands between him and his apartment. The door is in his sights, carded away on the third floor in the corner of a large complex. Along with the gifted eyesight, he makes out a small black slit to the right of his window, scolding himself for believing he'd have a moment respite before she came. He ascends the stairs, briefcase tucked close to his side wondering why in God's grace had he been saddled with another unorthodox relationship. His long standing life of being huddled close to his profession, visiting his friends on rare occasion fit perfectly between his tendency for swinging moods. Not everyone was built to withstand his new, decidedly worn schedule and processes of the mundane. A notion was clear to him; most of the time he'd gone out with colleagues who sought to use their strings to connect Kenzou with another politicians daughter, or secretary or god forbid some poor, active duty soldier's wife. Nothing was appealing, if not down right unpleasant.
Which is why it's all he can do, watching, as the light from the huge, recently mounted neon sign across the street fizzles into the apartment behind a silhouette in the center of his living room. This feminine shape bends her knee to jump down from her perched position, slithering over to goad him once again into adopting the attitude of monster. Crimson eyes sparkling with the look of an absolute maniac, mouthing curling to match the jumble of words, usually met with a practiced ignorance, as Kenzou hadn't the slightest argumentative bone for her anymore. She does what she wants, he thinks, staring down at her gesticulations.
Unlike his tenure in Germany and familiarity with Japan, he was mostly in the dark of his ability to properly apprehend Ana on her own turf. Could be the reason why a fondness began to replace the general disdain he held over the months they'd be acquainted. His recollection of their last encounter left the corner of his lips upturned for the duration of his day after catching a moment of frustration when mentioning how ridiculous her whims might be if the source of misery exceeded her expectations. Yet, even if he'd had a slight upper hand, he didn't think it was worth another threat with his own scalpel nudging his forehead.
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"You talk quite a bit... is this your way of venting?" Kenzou sighs. He knows being straight with her serves to annoy her further, but it's proven the only way to shut her mouth long enough to determine her true intentions. A touch of persona never hurt, especially if it's purpose was greater than the explicit penchant of her rather violent deeds. There wasn't any trail on the way in, no irony stench to note, she seemed well on her feet and rearing for a fight as always. So, if he had to guess, "It doesn't hurt to have a double life. All of the famous vigilantes do, even though they aren't real." Aware of their difference in height, he steps further up to her until they're wedged together—Ana bracketed by his arms with the smooth wood of the table no doubt barring into her back. He doesn't give her much room, lest she swings a knife to his neck, but he does loosen his grip for that possibility. "If you wanted my company, you could have just asked. As much as I'd love to her you wax enthusiastically, I've returned from an eighteen hour day."
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To Kenzou's satisfaction, he isn't sprawled on the floor yet. He leans down slotting their lips together, lunging forward until his midriff pressed against hers, teeth clacking with the edge of a man who's last task of the day requires the most effort. Not that emergency surgeries are short of difficult, however navigating boundaries and balancing callousness with comfort is taxing. He's not composed for too long, the strength in his arms waning when faced with how thoroughly unforgiving her mouth could be emitting a loud snarl that could only be described as animalistic in the way it's chased after both of his hands brazenly groping and jiggling her bum. As though emboldened by the fill of his palms, he lifts Ana to the tips of her toes, driving his tongue deeper. When he feels the press of nails to his nape, erring on the side of a sharp pain than an erotic gesture, he pulls back tugging her lips until they right themselves sloppily. He swipes his tongue over the redden surface, peering up to her eyes again wondering what kind of face she'd make if he were to continue. Maybe kissing her somewhere more intimate...
There's a faint echo of cars rolling over potholes outside the window, and ringing of his neighbor's wind chimes. With a Herculean effort, he rasps, "Shimatta... I got a little carried away."
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leatherbookmarking · 3 years
the yu huan show episodes 41-42, aka I’m So Proud Of My Possessed Murderous Boy!
the Water Mirror is Open (this is bad) and bai ying urges mr dianxia to make a decision to... close it? do something? Lest they’ll be defenseless when the cangliu armies come. mr dianxia Struggles.
meanwhile the hooded dude gives yu huan another task which. big sigh. you’d praise him, or something! he works so hard for you! hmpf!
also, the hooded dude sends a. okay, cql was my first drama but it Does look like a tendril of resentful energy through the water mirror lol. it enters some... book? leatery piece of writing? (can’t read the title, unforchly) and mr dianxia in a rush of gap moe spills his beverage of choice onto it. the hooded dude watches as he scrambles to wipe and blow it dry. c-cute. the book then starts displaying Content never seen before! some kind of... star stuff. considering the Events are caused? heralded? by star placements, i’d say it’s some Star Stuff To Stop Events From Happening. alas! the hooded dude and yu huan are doing their best
OHHHHH nan zhao says they managed to mind control yan xi! THAT is why he was so weird, god, i forgot he was also captured along with xiao.... sigh sigh
anyway. yu huan walks into the Blue Void and it looks like
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this. snort
and we have flashback of the hooded dude telling yu huan that if he destroys the uh. colorless city? whatever the location he’s going into is called, he’ll be the Supreme Leader Commander-In-Chief of Five Divisions. Whatever. he’ll be the boss. which. OKAY
mr dianxia and bai ying, meanwhile, approach the array -- probably to stop whatever yu huan is trying to do? ohhh or maybe to cut it off, like bai ying told dianxia to. anyway they, and some other people, sorry, stand in positions to Do Something.
yu zhuo gives the hooded dude some colorful rocks. oh! the same rocks are on the array. hm
they... do their things. the Number Of People look like the w.i.t.c.h. girls with their color-coded rays of power, and the hooded dude keeps it classy with the resentful energy black. eventually he succeeds, because the People realize they’re surrounded by tendrils of black smoke. whoops? bai ying tells everyone to get the fuck out, but... they can’t...
the hooded dude projects himself into the smoke, looking very video game, and raises bai ying into the air, very video game. he then behaves villainously. moving on.
yu huan walks the blue void tunnel!!! fuck it up love!!!
bai ying calls for... su mo! in a very funny moment, everyone’s like ....what??? su mo??? and the hooded dude is like HE WON’T COME! whereupon: mr dianxia reveals himself to Be Su Mo, Actually. huh!
then they do hero-villain stuff.
yu huan gets a resentful energy upgrade to his sword, and is told to fuck the mirror up with it. he does, and it knocks everyone in the array off their feet and onto their asses. a lady in red shouts... probably a chinese equivalent of shimatta! but the subtitles render it as Oops! which. my favourite.
someone in the array is like ‘wait if su mo is here. is dianxia back there?’ and he is! correct! he asks yu huan if he really thinks his plan is going to work? su mo’s figured it out! which.
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the w.i.t.c.h.-colored People team up to fuck the hooded dude up, meanwhile mr dianxia informs yu huan that the hooded dude’s plan is going to kill him because the... tunnel? passage? thing yu huan is in will close down? disappear? right away. to which yu huan is like “the fuck are you talking about, no it’s not” or, in other words,
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and Attacks! but mr dianxia doesn’t even need to do much and yu huan lands on his ass again. or would, if he didn’t Disappear in a blur of red energy. i don’t like that i think
ooo there’s a dragon made of fire that kicks the hooded dude’s ass! and he says “my body... is so rotten...” while bleeding from his mouth which. i guess!
something something bai ying is taken to Lie Down And Be Sick again. what a show. at one point everyone way Horizontal And Hurt
something something the Important People hold a meeting during which shi peng goes “please cooperate okay” AND THEN
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yeah honestly i’m surprised it took them this long. meanwhile:
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my lvoe my angle my little brid
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honey how to put it
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okay episode 42 in which Events Will Happen More. LET’S GO CAN’T WAIT
FUCK it opens with yu zhuo leaving the hooded dude’s chambers and SECONDS LATER yu huan sneaks in!! why doesn’t he see her!! but also he notices no one’s there to stop him from just... waltzing in so uh oh uh oh UH OH
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yu huan’s like, did you KNOW it all along that this whole song and dance would vanish me??? BITCH and the hooded dude is, predictably, like “oh it was all a test! if you can’t handle this, how can you lead everyone! ........but also you Failed”
yu huan says something that i’m not sure i understand but in general (hehe) he wants... recognition for what he’s managed to do? and the hooded dude is like mm it’s nice to have ambition but do you have the SKILLS
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ooo nan zhao captures na sheng and yan xi and brings them to shi peng, which is amazing as a sentence. nz captures ns and yx and brings them to sp. great. love watching cdramas
they tell her to give them the ring, but it doesn’t Work until it does, hitting everyone Including yan xi. okay. events, i guess. anyway nz and sp get the situation in control and threaten na sheng with skinning yan xi. wrow!
the protagonists kiss i think
oooo the five divisions get a message from the hooded dude calling them all to his tower and shi peng says “so he noticed”. noticed what? well,
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this looks. Very, especially together with the next two lines of the subtitles that say “looking forward to today’s gift! give fei lian a way to live” like i KNOW that’s not what they mean AT ALL but 😬
oh also they’re planning to kill the hooded dude. politics in this show are great i think
ohhhh shi peng was the one who took yu zhuo and yu huan in? huh
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yu zhuo is beautifully moist as she tells shi peng they see him as their father figure, and he’s like “oh yeah sometimes i think you’re like my own children too” inch resting
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then he does this. and i think you know what happens next. EVEN SO, I GASPED :’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘(
kill them all a-huan. burn those fuckers to death
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meanwhile... na sheng and yan xi are in prison (who wasn’t, in this show) and yan xi’s feeling Not Good so na sheng calls for help, and when it doesn’t come she tells him how much he means to her. might as well!
she then hears sounds of Destruction and Murder.
♪ men at work - who can it be now?.mp3
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unfortunately yu huan can’t keep his dignity because while he grabs na sheng by the hand to drag her out she’s like no nononono please please let me take care of him can you take him with you too? PLEASE let me give him a sip of water he’s thirsty;;;
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yu huan must be thirsty too. for something high-percentage
or not! he simply drags her out, keeping her hands tied with a fancy fire magic rope. sexy
then he takes her to the hooded dude which. oh my god yu huan this is HIGH did you have poor na sheng walk all those fucking stairs? well, the hooded dude says the five divisions (oh! i know what the word reminded me of. hypmic.) have rebelled. what about my SISTER says yu huan and basically abandons na sheng to run back. your thighs are going to be so toned when you murder all those people baby
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na sheng ends like this. not ideal i think
oh okay dianxia saves her right away. good for them
OH THE SCENE FROM THE VID YESSSS god yu huan shouting for his jie reminds me of jc in the nightless city :’(
unfortunately the mysterious voice only needs a few sentences for yu huan to uh. “give himself to him” which. darling if you have a kink you can explore that safely you do NOT have to give full control of your body and powers to some unknown fucking entities!!!
you could have been playing house with your sister right now. ahhhh damn
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he scrunch :(
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okay so it’s just a flash of red rather than full on red contacts like in yearstars but YES YES MURDER KILL MAIM BITE
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“what happened, uncle?” HAHA OH BOY
naturally fei lian goes to pay yu huan a visit
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“i’m here to make you turn back” BROOOOOOOOO
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what a good fucking face MY KING.....
“the fuck would i turn back for” ngl yeah
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goddddd he’s so GOOD with those FACES AUGH i’ll upload the clip when i finish the episode but dear god what a fucking feast
“i know you hate shi peng for killing your sisters and the five divisions for tormenting and taking advantage of you” uh huh?
“--but the people are innocent!” fuck people he wants BLOOD and REVENGE
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“well MY only living family was killed by you! what else do you want?!”
“what about MY family!?”
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“they” i think but like. ough
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i really fucking love this man you guys. did you know that? like were you aware. i feel i don’t say this enough. i fucking love this man and what he does with his face
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nghghnnnnnnfhhhhhnnnnggggggggggg [REDACTED]
oh yeah and also “did you know that jiaoren’s hearts are in the middle of their chests? and mine’s gone” sexy, dramatic, informative, please tilt me like a pig mr jiangjun
“yu huan has become the new master of cangliu and is arresting anyone who opposes him” well have you considered that he’s right to do so?
they are protagonists, and they are kinda stupid, so they have not, and they’re arranging to overthrow yu huan. whatever
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wallpaper material!
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the next scene is a bit ...... because it’s bai ying and mr dianxia powerwalking through the woods like “okay so we have to stop him before he loses his mind completely” whereupon yu huan materializes out of thin air and runs at them. come on give him some more flair
they’re like “hey! you’re letting him control your mind? that’s fucked up and will end badly!” so he kick their asses. i’ll hold your flower baby you take care of world domination
aaand that’s it! like. i know they’ll kill him in some probably embarrassing and cgi-rich way (POOR FUCKING MINGGE XINGJUN, GOD, STABBING WOULD BE ENOUGH, ZANZAN DIDN’T ACHIEVE PEAK ETHEREAL BEAUTY FOR THIS) but like. idk guys i don’t really see why i should root for the protagonists
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