prodigiousvisions · 11 months
💋 (Dazai & Yosano)
FIRST FIVE ASKS TO SEND 💋 GET A KISS. (1/5) - accepting, but only one more is available. | @ofsavior
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━━ ˟ ⊰ ♡  a kiss that lingers.
THE ARMED DETECTIVE AGENCY IS AN ORGANIZATION NOT WITHOUT ITS OWN ECCENTRICITIES AND COLORFUL PERSONALITIES. Since Dazai's induction to the organization, slotted notably in a faraway memory of hers, the doctor has had her fair share of outright rejections toward the advances that her coworker would direct her way, regardless of the true sincerity lying behind each one. Perhaps the quota of the day would be satisfied by shooting him a scowl once unsavory flattery met her ears. Maybe it was the curl of a hand around a newspaper that soon met the top of his head in a brisk motion. Needless to say, it wasn't something she held much stock in as a genuine attempt for her affection to be swayed. (Dazai knows better than that surely - a master perceiver of emotions would not enlist such shallow tactics in their modus operandi.) If anything, with the blatant persistence he kept at throughout the years, Yosano views it as something akin to the likes of an ongoing joke.
Yet today is a special occasion. The office is having a party with several causes of celebration abound, and for once, Dazai is present at the heart of it all, unlike many occasions prior when he was caught sneaking off to do who knew what. It is with the merriment encapsulating the air; the comfort of her company that the doctor finds no meaning in exercising refined mannerisms, currently having consumed what would normally be four glasses of wine in quick succession had she not been slugging around the wine bottle itself in her grasp. Hawk-like eyes midst unfocused hues lay sight on the marked length of a certain trench coat, and instantly, she is on the hunt to lock him into a conversation to ensure that he doesn't slip out of the building without reproach.
She initiates, he banters. The specifics further than that muddle in her brain other than the formative fact that she is no longer truly bothered by his flirtations. No, in fact.... wasn't it best to challenge him on it? There certainly was a lot of talk with no actual proactivity. A game at years long standstill was a boring one with no meaning to it. Besides, why not capitalize on a little bit of fun just this once? Her movement is swift in motion, cherry heels click against the flooring as she takes a step forward. Her unoccupied hand reaches forth and yanks him by the bolo tie down to her height. It's merciless; her own innate ability to pull others into her orbit as a saccharine grin meets the confusion on his face with contrasting devilish intent. Be it the law of attraction or something beneath the surface that spills forth like the open wine bottle dripping onto the floor, but their whimsical encounter is branded true by a kiss of crimson onto his lips. By all accounts on her own, the kiss lasts longer than necessary, and the grip bound against his tie remains at the same strength as it was when initially pulled. Once she's satisfied, her hand frees the accessory from her grip and she pulls away with an innocuous tilt of her head.
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"How was it? Sweet?" Yosano asks with a tone that practically demands a proper response. She swipes below her lower lip, lackadaisically cleaning up the smudged rouge without a second thought. "Burn that into your memory, Dazai. It's the last time you'll be getting it from me."
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