lachalaine · 5 years
J A C K I E - for the valentines alphabet
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Valentines Day Alphabet 
not accepting!
J   :   JEALOUSY.   does your muse get jealous in a relationship?
Oooh, you know it! Although thankfully her jealousy isn’t the kind to run off into toxic territory, but Jackie is most definitely the type to get more then a little huffy as soon as she sees someone hitting up on her significant others. She goes through a whole medley of emotions whenever it does happen too, being somewhat torn between a smidgen of pride ( because hell yeah, they’re gorgeous and she’s so glad that people recognize that, she’s fucking proud! ) and a large measure of absolute frustration ( because god, does she also hate, hate, hate the way they look at them, hates seeing the lust in their eyes and the intentions on their lips, because no, no, no, her lover is hers, and hers alone, stop looking at them! ), and maybe just a pinch of desperation ( or maybe far more then a pinch, because she feels the floor beneath her disappear and she finds she has to be close, close, close - close because she doesn’t want anyone else’s touch on them, close doesn’t want anyone else’s scent - just wants it to be hers and hers alone - they need to remember that they’re hers and she loves them the most! ).
And she hates feeling jealous, she hates the ugly feeling that curdles in her stomach when she gets that way, the feeling that she’s losing her mind and anxious and antsy, and she needs to steal them away - steal her lover back into her arms and bring them into a passionate and heated kiss; reminding them of her, reminding them that they’re hers - and making it known to everyone and anyone that they’re already very much spoken for, and she’d sooner break then let anyone steal her lover from her again. 
A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
Through touch, and through action. For the most part is it more or less little sweet favors here and there; like taking note of their favorite things, and then providing these little surprises throughout the week without warning - subtle reminders that let her lover know that she was thinking about them, and thinking about them often. 
Another thing she does is she really makes sure to take care of their health, making sure they’re okay and comfortable and feeling safe and happy, going out of her way to make them laugh and smile and feel all warm and cozy. There’s a near constant need for contact, she likes to get close and hold hands, sometimes they might not hold hands too much but she’s always one step in reach. She doesn’t even realize it but she just gravitates to her lover without even meaning to, and it’s super cute! 
She also gives hugs, she gives kisses; and she especially likes to kiss everywhere, cheeks and chest and the back of their neck, fingertips and abdomen and every inch of skin beyond that. Jackie honestly tends to kiss with a sort of reverence about her, like she’s worshiping every inch of skin that meets her lips, and it’s got a sensuousness to it that’s really intense. Then at night when they’re just together, nothing is heated or passionate - they’re just together - she likes to just touch. Things like running her hands through their hair, brushing a hand against their cheek, down their temple, against their lips - just touching and feeling and adoring, and just love, love, loving them completely. ❤
God she’s so soft right now, I love her so much!!!
C   :   CHOCOLATE.   does your muse like chocolate? which one is their favourite?
Yes, she does! Although I don’t think she necessarily gorges on it too much on on account of the fact that she prefers sour desserts in general, but she does like to have it every so often. She likes dark chocolate and then milk chocolate for the most part, and her go to chocolate brand is usually Hershey’s, just whenever she wants something sweet. But if we’re talking absolute favorites here — I’d say Truffettes de France Natural Truffles Plain is the one type of chocolate she’ll absolutely squeal over! It’s just this gorgeous hunk of mildly bitter chocolate dusted in a light cocoa powder, and it’s so rich but so creamy and it melts on your tongue and sahbsdhabhab ooh lala, she’s in love! ❤ Her grandmother used to give them to her whenever she visited her in France as a child and to this day will she eat a whole entire box by herself and savor every single little bite! 
They’re harder to find in Japan, and it’s the confectionery version of sushi for her, but know that if she shares even just one piece with you - just one and maybe one more, you’ll know you’re pretty damn special to her like no one else!! ✨
K   :   KISS.   is your muse a good kisser? why / why not? 
Yes, she is a very good kisser, and most of the reasons I’ll account it to is because she’s sensual with them. Sensual and passionate and intense, her kisses are the kind that not only have such fierce notes of emotion in them, but they’re also the kind that just somehow take you in completely. She’s languid in her movements, with little licks and nips and bites - gently coaxing her lover into kissing her back as fervently as they wish; teasing and smiling and taking control, setting the mood - without actually plundering the other into submission. Her kisses tend to feel like you can’t get enough after just one, and even just pulling away to breathe again is an absolute inconvenience. 
She tends to leave an imprint of herself whenever she kisses someone, that’s for sure. 
I   :   I LOVE YOU.   does your muse find ‘i love you’ easy or hard to say? 
She doesn’t say it until she means it. She won’t, and she never will, but by the time she does mean it - and by the time she does say it - it tends to flows out of her so smoothly, so steadily; like it’s a mere fact of life and not an outright confession born of the deepest depths of her heart. It’s easy. It’s so easy, and so simple, and so full of truth - that it isn’t hard to say in the least. Because she does love them, and she has no doubts about it in the least. 
E   :   EMBRACE.   does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like? 
Yes, she loves hugs and she loves giving them to friends and family and especially to her significant others the most! She’s comfortable with contact as soon as she’s reached a certain level of friendship with someone, and her hugs can vary between nice and snug embraces where she just curls someone up in her arms and squeezes them tight - all comfy and warm and soft — or it can just be someone getting accidentally smothered because she’s a little too excitable and tends to tackle / jump certain people into severely tight hugs that knock / squeeze the ever living life out of them. 
Depends entirely on how playful or rough she’s feeling, really. 
// @secrecykept
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